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First of all, I need to define the shivers/goosegumps/asmr phenomena, it has happened to most of us, but I've read of some cases of some people that have never experienced it… so here it goes:

It's the sensation of "chills/tingeling" either raising from the base of your collum and/or the base of your skull and it propagates through the back, skull and even limbs.

"No big deal" some are probably thinking, but let's just review when they happen… there's two poles to the experience:

on the positive (+) → when experiencing true moments of awe/inspiration or you hear/see/read/think something true to yourself, like an important/awesome message/event, something epic.

the negative (-) → when experiencing great fear, knowing something will or can fuck you up.

and the neutral (0) → this one is much more rare and happens to only a few, it is controlled just by pure will and interestingly enough, helped through full breaths.

Here's where I flaw… I don't know where asmr fits in (triggered by whispering and/or light ambient noises)… neutral I suppose? I dunno, I've never had asmr's.

So consider this, this tingeling, which almost feels like a electric flow going through us, happens under "great" moments of experience and under true neutrality (almost like a zen/mindfull moment). Under a scientific perspective it hasn't been studied much, but we know this: Music induced chills release dopamine ( http://msx.sagepub.com/content/9/2/273.short ). Under decent levels of asmr/goosegumps/frisson, people have reported that it helps with anxiety, insomia and panic attacks… However, when prolonged long enough and given enough training in meditation and maybe other things(?), I've read several reports (it has happend to me too) of great "connectedness" to the point it can lead to inmense spiritual moments and other freaky experiences… some describe it as the kundalini awakening.

So… what's your take on it guys?



I have witnessed all three of these. The positive ones are fairly common, the negative ones usually happen when I read about spooky conspiracy theories or skin walker stories.

The neutral one happens when I do meditative breath and 'will' it to happen. I can kind of feel it and just encourage it to happen.

I have no idea on what causes it or what the 'effect' is. I am also interested on whatever you guys think about this topic.



Such would be thought of as physical manifestations of the effects of Chi or Prana being accumulated in atypical ways.

Yogis have a concept called Bandhas which are controlling channels for such power (they are often left out in discussion of Chakras which is unfortunate).

The Bandhas help direct and control the intensity of Prana throughout the subtle body as well as regulating physical function.

If you are inclinded to such shivers/goosebumps, just imagine what you could do if you get a handle on your Bandhas


>and the neutral (0) → this one is much more rare and happens to only a few, it is controlled just by pure will and interestingly enough, helped through full breaths.

Is this actually rare? I can evoke strong chills across my entire body at will. I tend to get them involuntarily at moments of awe, too, and when really creeped out. Didn't know their was any higher significance to them.


I asked about this topic in the question thread and did not get an answer.

I have found that if I were to be cycling and then induced the shivers feeling that I have increased control over what is going on. This indirectly results in more power that I can put into the pedals. Think of it like aligning your body with whatever your purpose/intent is.

The feeling can run out and pulling on it does not induce the shivers after some time.


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Yup, chills at will is rare (my guess is well under 10%), I remember on some asmr forums people claimed that they have this skill and others wouldn't believe them. The skill is referred as type A asmr.


Thanks!!! Going to look into it right now… I thought I had good awareness (& control) of my chakras, now I'm super excited to hear about the Bandhas, might be a game changer.


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Just looked into it and I already learnt about it in Kundalini Yoga ahaha, just never knew it's name and totally forgot about the techniques. Thanks again buddy ;)



Do you know anything else about type A asmr?

I've been able to 'flex' my chills for 5 years but only in the last few months did I start practising it every day. The drive to practice was sparked by an intuition that the chills might be important.



So, if you imagine, say, scratching your nails down a chalkboard, or over a piece of paper, that doesn't give you chills?

Reading about this, I get the impression that feeling chills, or frisson, is something different from ASMR. I can create a frisson feeling easily, but it doesn't feel particularly pleasant, whereas ASMR is supposed to be a blissful feeling. I've listened to audio meant to evoke ASMR, but it doesn't do anything for me. Reading people's descriptions of ASMR, I don't think I've ever experienced anything like they describe.

tl;dr: Chills and ASMR are probably separate, different feelings. Feeling chills at will is probably common and useless; feeling ASMR at will would probably be much more pleasant and fortuitous.


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Since it releases dopamine it could lead to a form of therapy to say the least. In theory if done in excess, there could be a dopamine addiction, but I haven't read any adverse effects so far (even for people who do it regurlarly for decades).

I've noticed if I practice enough, my general mood would be a lot better and the extension of the experience is longer, easier and can extend more freely through the limbs, specific areas of the body, etc. The surge feels "cleaner". It is also worth mentioning that after a while of doing it in a session, the crown chakra is easily in "full bloom" (I can feel an "electric crown"). I also do the surges to play around with my body temperature on chilly days, but I haven't tested it enough to be that certain if it really is making a difference. I've read reports of people doing this with the surge, but I'm not sure if it has that much to do with the technique of that dtuch guy (Wim Hof) that regulates his temperature.

Some people can aliviate their physical pain with inducing and locating the surge towards the painful area, but I haven't remembered to test it. I vaguely remeber someone talking about it helping with creating energy balls too.

Sometimes ringing in the ears might be related…. this is another important phenomena I would like to explore, since it has been related to sleep paralysis, OBE's, great "conectedness" and altered states of counciousness.

And lastly, I'm gonna copy/paste a thing I wrote on how I became aware of the skill, as compared to most(?) people that might just have the skill spontaneously form during childhood.


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How I became aware of the self-induced goosegumps:

Happened about maybe 6-7 years ago. A very clear a defined moment, sort of becoming aware of something, learning it, a little practice here and there… and done, skill aquired!

So, I was starting with Kundalini Yoga classes and it was the first type of yoga I tried out. I took up the classes with the objective to learn and practice meditation and see if there was anything about "energies", approaching everything with a skeptical, but open minded attitude. I must of been into meditation for like a year back then, but just reading basic understanding of what it was, practicing along with some guided meditations and sometimes with binaurals to aid it out (worked in my experience, but still open to the idea it might be some sort of placebo).

After some months of going 2-3 times a week, going hard on the aerobic exercises and achieving a decent elongation, at the very end of each session there would be 5-10 minutes of lying on the floor and just meditating, listening to singing/mantras or instrumental music in the background. Out of those sessions I got good practice on meditation, which kinda of becomes more of a sensory ride thanks to the physical exercises, it just helps driving your focus towards other things that are more physical rather than thoughts… and then eventually I might find it easier to get my attention on nothing much at all. Anyways, there was this one class in which only I showed up. I had a private class and partly to that I could feel more freely to ask questions. After a few exercises, me and my teacher just sat there with our legs crossed and taking more less deep breaths (which was more intense than a regular breath because of the work out) and meditating, mostly focusing on the breath. I occasionally had goosegumps during yoga, but mostly induced with nice music and/or being in a very relaxed position/state, but not really paying much attention to the goosegumps, almost being aware of it, but like a background thing… like being in a park, but never really noticing much the birds chirping around you. So I was just sitting there and the goosegumps came in… Starting from my neck and going along my back, head and crown. A pretty strong dose and I noticed that it came in waves, very interlinked with my breathing. So, I asked my teacher: "I'm getting all this goosegumps, you know, the feeling you might get that is almost electrical along the back, when you might hear a great piece of music or see a wonderful painting or scenery… what is it?" - It's Kundalini energy - he replied. I thought "oh, ok… good to know" and that was that. I didn't make much of it, but the main thing was that I became totally aware of my goosegumps and linked it to the breathing.

I then started inducing it with some triggers, playing with my new discovery. I watched some really cool movies and series, got to epic moments and payed a lot of attention to the feeling. Later, I realized that I could just bring them in by just breathing more less deeply (enough to feel the air run through the nostrils), focusing on the usual areas where it begins (neck or lower back) and giving the intention of producing goosegumps. With more practice, I later noticed I could direct these waves into any limb I wanted (which is the easiest way to visually confirm the "chicken skin" produced by goosegumps), but always flowing it from the origin (neck and/or lower back). I usually got it started in about 3-5 seconds, lasting up to 3 minutes if I mean to. Any longer than that is a little hard, I either get bored/distracted, but not physically tired like some others have reported.

To sum it all up… I believe that meditation is key to it. It is certainly the best way learn to drive your focus into the feeling. I've read people bringing it up only with a thought, which is beyond me (for the moment?), so the thought in my case is like on a different plane/variable. For example, my focus can be on my thoughts, but I just can't multitask to well the focus on thoughts and then the felling at the same time. I have to quiet my mind, bring my focus/attention to my body and then just go with intent. Just now I was playing to get them going by just thinking "goosegumps!" which kind of worked, but ultimately there has to be an intent on the body (remembering/emulating the feeling) to produce them. Some other things that might help: I have a few phrases that inspire me or have a few thoughts that are kind of deep, which in turn helps bringing the goosegumps about and even buffing them up a little. Unfortunately, I've haven't had the opportunity to teach someone, but I think I could probably do it.


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As for me the induced frisson/goosegumps/chills/asmr or whatever we can call it is definitively nice and pleasant, but I wouldn't go as far as calling it blisfull as say, doing shrooms or whatnot. I can visualize a difference between the chalkboard thing and the chills you get when you see/hear something epic (frisson), since my self-induced chills are definitely similar to the latter and I believe it's stronger, but the chalkboard scratching doesn't affect me anymore, so I'm not that sure either… getting goosegumps or "chicken skin" with cold weather is a fairly neutral feeling (and a lot weaker to what I experience with "frisson", I can relate to that, but it is worth noting that when I do the surges onto my limps I can see "chicken skin" form. As for ASMR type B, it's never worked for me either, so I'm not entriely certain if there's a difference.

The whole terminology thing is messy, specially considering that this has been talked about through out the internet fairly recently and it's clear that it affects people differently… similar to how drugs affect people in various ways within the spectrum of posibilities. Anyways, it's subjective and therefore, a hard subject to pin down.


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nice picture thank you faggot


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I've noticed this tingling is basically like triggering yourself with some words.

It works with me with Kali but not Shiva, Phaeton but not Apollo and some others.

That doesn't mean anything, though, I've learnt to trigger that tingling with certain invented words, like a spell. I've been wondering if you can actually create words that trigger mental states and emotions. Will post progress, probably.

For now it starts as a lesser tingling on the back and it moves up to the crown when at its fullest. Weird, but maybe useful.



When I watch ASMR, especially if the sound is something that triggers mine, I can choose how strong I want the shiver to be by either pushing it off or shivering all at once. It's comparable to an orgasm I guess. But the more I watch it, the weaker the ASMR is. It doesn't get stronger with time for me. I get desensitized to it.


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I'm interested in fringe science and had a few revelations that might interest you and your work. I was thinking about electromagnetic fields after encountering someone talking about the real importance of "Goosebumps", the human negative & positive poles.

"The human biological electromagnetic field is dense. Dense/compressed despite being "not there", if it inhabits/permeates more space than the crude and roomy human composition, who is to say what is more real?

For spirits (beings of Spirit) our dimension is like a swimming pool consisting of water with ranging density which they with with varying effort can wade through.

Higher and lower dimensional creatures or objects such as Spirits, AI or conscious minds made out of cogs of Spirit, or humans, possessing a core of spirit tied to the organic conduit keeping the animating Energy/Spirit in place (or a rock which can foster little to no spirit, depending on shape & pattern), both inhabits the same place at the same time. Spirit is omnipresent and lace our physical world like a canvas a painting.

Spirit, The Monad, "The Holy Ghost", Anti Matter.

Matter is just a minuscule speck of non animate matter being formed and imposed by the structural patterns of the "Everything" that it coexists with.

Currently detectable matter came to be when this all encompassing field of Spirit (for lack of word for highest frequency energy) made a polar switch or movement and the field in a certain spot became so thin it could no longer sustain the pressure and therefore deteriorated/BURNED UP in a what we call the big bang, which in the scale of things really isn't that large in this bowl of yogurt & banana flies, banana flies being separate individual universes.

What kind of problems would you encounter if you wanted to go from one Universe to the other? imagine the EM field of a magnet, would it be problematic to encounter differently dense/strong strands of color, would it slow down the vessel until tension is reached enough to dart you away?

But! you wouldn't be able to fly there, Spirit is so "thin" that action/equal reaction might as well not exist.

That's why you'll need a craft with something generating a field of spirit that will bounce/push you amidst its scalars like a speck of iron in a large volatile, fluctuating magnetic vortex field.

Energy requirements is something like Led with energy to bump it up to gold, only on a scale infinitely wider than the periodic table, I doubt we, humans, have energy output devices to power up matter to such degree that it becomes invisible ie magnetism, radiation & beyond.

Continuing in this direction, won't spirit eventually run out? All that will be left is a lower, less evolved frequency energy after big bang scenarios around/throughout this "being" of radiation so high in frequency we can't detect it, currently.

No! Because once matter gets packed enough a black hole is formed, which spews out high frequency radiation to refuel the Holy Ghost?

A Universe is apparently like a clock, in unison with the pattern of the Spirit on which it rests - I came to this because i wanted to see the pattern of God.

Do you know where I can find pictures like that?



When you go under cold water you get goosebumps.

Being under a waterfall boosts your chi.

Cold water has negatively charged ions.

Cold water regarches crystals.

Thus negatively charged ions are

inherently linked with chi.

Electronic devices emanate positively charged ions. Thus you get tired.



thank you, you know the real deal






To the guys that can do this at will. How do you do it?

I can do it too, and I sort of "milk" some muscle or area around the base of the skull, which sends the shivers down the spine and into the limbs. I can focus it on my fingertips to some extent, but I've never been able to do anything with it (I can do this since my early childhood).

Anyone has been able to do anything with it?

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