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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hermetics is a system based on the purported teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, the supposed founding father of Western Esotericism. Hermetics itself is based on the great mystery traditions of ancient Egypt, Greece, and Babylon, as well later borrowing elements from Qabbalah, Tarot, Neoplatonism, and spiritual alchemy.

Hermetic cosmology is derived from Plato's philosophy of Forms, which posits the existence of an eternal, ineffable One who is pure Spirit is the Source of all things. The two poles of reality are the One at the summit, and the material world of dense, crystallized Spirit, or "matter", at the bottom. A whole host of beings comprised of varying compositions of these two states exist in between, from animals to humans to angels.

Practitioners seek to purify their consciousness to better reflect the Divine One. This is presented as a holistic system of study, meditation, contemplation, and invocation, all designed to raise the vibration of the practitioner's soul and allow him to experience the transcendent sublimity of God and express the Divine in their own day-to-day lives.

Theurgy itself refers to the more ritualistic side of Hermetics, specifically the invocation of spirits. Advanced members, after many years of arduous study and inner work, can even ascend up to the One through the use of highly elaborate rituals and ceremony.

Why I fuck with Hermetics:


>Minimum of woo-woo, emphasis on experiential verification of concepts

>Not culty

>Fairly down-to-earth

>Foundation of Western Esoterics, cultural familiarity

>Huge emphasis on beauty and aesthetics (big one for me)

>Does not disparage matter or the material world, just uses it as a tool to hone our eternal Self

>Dedicated mind-work: working with thoughtforms, purging undesirable states, raising one's consciousness, etc.

>Based, practical, cool as shit, and a living, breathing tradition


http://www.aurumsolis.info/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=98:the-three-pillars&catid=322&Itemid=449&lang=en-us (don't want to bog down the OP with too much greentext, direct link to practical contemplations)


(been waiting for their probationer class to open up for awhile now tbh)

disclaimer: I know this stuff isn't new to most of the serious people here, just wanted a thread dedicated to this stuff. Also if I have made any glaring errors please don't hesitate to correct me. I'm still new to this shit.


Did you just repeat what you said in the last greentext because you didn't have any other thing to add?



What? Just contribute something.




>Based, practical, cool as shit, and a living, breathing tradition

^this, you just repeated yourself.



Literally autismal


Wow, what a load of rubbish.


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Shitposting instead of discussing the topic of the thread which is Hermeticism. Surrounded by /cringe/ lizards my god…

The hell is with all these lower consciousness people jumping straight to shitting on people? 2nd circuits, beeeep, Assiiimilaaate, dooominaaate, bow to your leader!

If i can get access to a computer instead of my phone's shit keyboard Ill contribute to the thread. Otherwise typing is a hassle with this glitchy piece of traaash





Thank you for your contributions.



Third post was me, the OP, you retard. I try to post something that isn't ponies and the metaphysics of pinecones and this faggot's getting butthurt about greentext,

When i get home ill post some passages from evola's introduction to magic I found interesting




Shut the fuck up.

How about you demonstrate and verify that the source material is uncorrupted, unlike your degenerate speech pattern.

Kill yourself, stupid fucking kike.



Fucking board is a joke.

When you're ready to eat at the big boy table let us know.


What's happening to fringe? So many horrible people here now. we are all here for similar reasons, so why can't we help each other instead of acting like 14 year old /b/tards? I don't get it. I'm ready to jump ship, where else can I go?

Drop the ego.


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I'll repost something written about theurgy in /fringe/ more than a year ago:

The Adepts of the Mystery Schools of Greece and Egypt, where modern magic originated, defined magic into three categories:

1 - Theurgy ("God-Work"): The practice of magic for the purpose of spiritual evolution.

2 - Thaumaturgy ("Wonder-Work"): The practice of magic by an accomplished theurgist from a place of wisdom and enlightenment for the purpose of aiding mankind.

3 - Goetia ("Sorcery"): The practice of magic for selfish, harmful or materialistic means by one who had undergone no spiritual training or development.

Unlike the Theurgist, who can work literal wonders through his having developed his energetic and mental bodies in the process of his spiritual evolution (ie. healing through the projection of his excess vital energy, control of the elements to command weather, call fire, levitate, etc. through his attunement to the elemental energies which underlay reality, among many others), the sorcerer has to work with a weak, imbalanced energetic body and untrained mind, and as such resorts to making pacts with spirits, utilizing pre-prepared sigils or spells, talismans and alchemical spagyrics, etc.

This is what western magic has mostly devolved down to these days, since the rise of Christianity lead to persecution and the eventual destruction of any competing spiritual path.


Complementing IIH with Yoga is also a good choice.


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Recommended books on theurgy and hermetics:

Initiation Into Hermetics of course, and I'd recommend going ahead and reading the theory sections of Practice of Magical Evocation and Key to the True Qabalah, they're much more extensive than the theory sections in IIH, and while parts might not make sense, they will still teach you a lot about the nature of the spiritual universe and spiritual entities, and the practice of constructing magical formulas, which is what real Qabalah is (the Tree of Life is just the background cosmology, unfortunately the Rosicrucians didn't have access to proper Qabalistic training, just a few introductory texts, so they mistook the Tree of Life for the whole of Qabalah, when it's really just the Jewish mystical cosmology).

The real Qabalah actually originated in Egypt, in the ancient world Egyptian magicians were famous for being able to use magical formulas to create fantastic effects, which is why Egypt gained a reputation as the land of magic, and why their magic was known as 'heka,' literally translating as 'naming' or 'speech.' The Jewish people picked it up (through Moses, apocryphally), and passed it down in a secret lineage among a small portion of their priesthood. Anyway, I'm rambling.

Also the IIH Companion by Rawn Clark, and the Commentary by Frater Veos. Both will make IIH significantly easier to understand and to work your way through. Clark's is more theoretical and Veos' is more practical, both are worth reading in full.

I don't feel comfortable recommending any other practical texts alongside IIH, since it contains everything you need and a lot of other texts will just confuse you, or you'll end up performing practices from too many different systems, or that aren't energetically compatible (I made this mistake, and it caused more harm than good).

For theory I'd recommend:

The works of Algis Uzdavinys, a recently deceased scholar who studied theurgy and philosophy. Especially:

The Golden Chain: An Anthology of Platonic and Pythagorean Philosophy

Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth: From Ancient Egypt to Neoplatonism

The Heart of Plotinus: The Essential Enneads

Philosophy and Theurgy in Late Antiquity

Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism (The Matheson Trust, 2011)

These will be be real eye openers if you've ever taken a Philosophy 101 course in school or university, as modern "philosophers" tend to ignore the fact that the ancient Greeks who founded what they call "Western Philosophy" were strong mystics, and many of them practicing magicians. They find this very uncomfortable, since modern academia doesn't accept anything other than materialist reductionism, so they leave it out of their accounts of the Greeks and their philosophy entirely, outrageously misrepresenting them.

Theurgy, or the Hermetic Practice, a Treatise on Spiritual Alchemy - E.J. Langford Garstin. An interesting book, but be careful taking him too seriously compared to other sources, for reasons you'll find out if you read about the life of the author. However it still contains a lot of solid information and is worth at least giving a chance.

Three Books of Occult Philosophy - Agrippa. A bit dense in the reading, but good source for the background knowledge and cosmology you'll need.

The Corpus Hermeticum

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes - NOT "The Emerald Tablet of Thoth (sometimes "Thoth The Atlantean)." The Emerald Tablet of Hermes is a short set of hermetic and alchemical principles dating back to, as far as we can trace it, the 8th Century, but almost certainly based on or taken from older texts. The "Tablet of Thoth," by contrast, is a new age fakery supposedly received by channeling, and is full of nonsense.

The Hymns of Orpheus

The Enneads

Nicomachean Ethics

Plato's Republic

The Illiad and the Odyssey (both of which contain strong theurgic parables hidden inside them)

I won't make any specific recommendations here, since there's so much out there, but reading as much as you can on Greek and Egyptian mythology until you have a good grasp on both is a good idea, as it will give you the mythos within which they hid a lot of parables and teachings.


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Nice cartoon meme faggot


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If it was up to me you would have a little dial nexto the picture and if enough ppl vote it to suck it gets removed.


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Still more relevant than everything you post



Haha I guess that makes me the little girl then! Epic

Ignorant faggot.

Passage from an essay in Evola's Introduction to Magic I liked a lot:

>in the world of technology, one

does not and cannot speak of a true act, namely an action that begins

directly from the Self and affirms itself in the order of real causes. Being

absolutely mechanical and inorganic, hence lacking relations with the essence

of the Self, the world of technology represents the antithesis of anything

that may have the character of real power, created out of superiority,

or stamped with superiority, incommunicable, inalienable, spiritual.


must acknowledge that man today, for all his knowledge of phenomena

and though surrounded by his countless diabolical machines, is as miserable

and lost as ever; spiritually, he is a worse barbarian than those whom

he presumed to call by this name; he is increasingly conditioned rather

than conditioning, and thus he is exposed to reactions in an interplay of

irrational forces that ephemeralize the mirage of his exclusively material

power and things. He is farther away from the path of self-realization than

man was in any other civilization, because a surrogate of knowledge andpower that one may well call diabolical replaces authentic knowledge and

power in him.



You serve a good devil, but your methods are feeble and churlish, your only purpose as this moment is to be an object. How sad :)




Thank you for posting guys. I really appreciate it.


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