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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1442471554309.jpg (479.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SHOW-ME-WHAT-YOU-GOT.jpg)


What kind of artwork, music, writing, or other creative expressions have you created or worked on recently (things directly inspired by the divine, occult, /fringe/, or otherwise)? How have your occult experiences affected your creativity and expression?

Expressing yourself creatively is one aspect of a well balanced system, and I want to see what you got.


File: 1442474295387.jpg (294.04 KB, 748x1076, 187:269, lam_the_way.jpg)


File: 1442485290744-0.jpg (1.67 MB, 2000x1500, 4:3, 2014-07-14 20.50.35.jpg)

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File: 1442485290745-2.jpg (724.57 KB, 2592x1552, 162:97, 2014-07-14 22.31.16-2.jpg)

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I drew a bunch of stuff while I was high on weed, thinking about the nature of time and space, black holes and other shit. I don't know if it counts as fringe but it probably counts as "creative expression."


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3 and lost inspiration


File: 1442504589528-0.jpg (82.39 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, rodin coil wrapping.jpg)

File: 1442504589529-1.jpg (104.3 KB, 800x554, 400:277, rodin coil toroid.jpg)

File: 1442504589530-2.jpg (144.92 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, rodin coil flatish.jpg)

Nothing myself to add, well nothing immediately digitizable.


The first two grabbed my attention and reminded me of a rodin coil minus the rotation.


File: 1442515181988.jpg (2.36 MB, 3480x2579, 3480:2579, Piece 2.JPG)

Some piece I did a while ago…


File: 1442541048524.jpg (118.08 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, 1441249847815-4.jpg)


File: 1442698178058.png (590.91 KB, 400x511, 400:511, muheye.png)

bumping with more art!



What did you use to create this?



Watercolor the background then did the designs with this brush marker, with Indian ink :)


File: 1442705475040-0.jpg (123.74 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, WIN_20150919_20_29_01_Pro.jpg)

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File: 1442705475089-3.jpg (111.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, WIN_20150919_20_26_57_Pro.jpg)

And some music, but that is a bit harder to upload.



also writings but those are too big and I don't feel like typing it




Consider Soundcloud and pastebin, if you change your mind.


File: 1442743916983-0.png (1.15 KB, 70x72, 35:36, 2_5_1.png)

File: 1442743916984-1.png (7.72 KB, 311x212, 311:212, 2_5_2.png)

Combined numbers. 2 and 5


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One open, one "closed"


File: 1442744062201-0.png (1.05 MB, 2061x3165, 687:1055, 2_5_5.png)

File: 1442744062203-1.png (2.75 MB, 3540x3263, 3540:3263, 2_5_6.png)


More to it than might seems


File: 1442892421533-0.jpg (3.12 MB, 3008x2000, 188:125, Large Foam Carving.jpg)

File: 1442892421586-1.jpg (3.06 MB, 1642x2142, 821:1071, Foam carving detail pic.jpg)





YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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102 scans of writings and drawings found in the trash outside a recently deceased man's home.

>inb4 go home reddit bcuz imgur

>its the only link i know of with all these files



File: 1443381893332.webm (5.15 MB, 16x16, 1:1, 0b1100001001.webm)



lel that video reminds me of Shia Labeouf.



The problem with that album is the commentary between each photo. And the title itself is rather disrespectful.



Yeah I agree completely. Its clear the guy was an engineer of some kind because the drafting skills are top notch and it really seems like he was on a mission to prove something before he presumably passed away. I wonder if any of the things in the illustrations could actually be built/work


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Been working with crystals… So I ended up making pendants



nice work anon! I recently got some moonstones and a chunk of citrine and was thinking about making a ring out of one of the pieces of moonstone, but a pendant from the citrine. Is the wire you use to make necklaces easy to work with?



thanks man. About the wire, I haven't used other wires though I still get the impression it is kinda stubborn but with a little practice you get there. The day I thought about making this someone cut the cables near my dad's house to steal the copper and left a lot of it on the ground there so I decided to make something with it since it was going to waste anyway.



I'll hit my local crafts store and see what they have to work with. Keep up the good work dude.




>During those good times when the artist feels the 'flow' of the creative impulse, and the painting seems to paint itself - what is happening? Two things: first, the painting has been envisioned complete in its 'unpacked' form, a completed image, so to speak; secondly, the painting has been executed in accordance with this vision, without 'unpacking' it, which is to say, without analysing it. More precisely, the vision has been given a physical form. The first part is a process of vision, the second part is a process of execution, and although they may be approached as separate problems, it is through understanding how the two interrelate, that the finished work retains the freshness and vitality of the original vision. This becomes obvious if one observes art students in class: the first blocking in of the image on the canvas, the outline and tonal blocking are vigorous; as the work progresses layer by layer, it slowly dies, until, by the end of the class, all that remains is a dull, forced picture.

>If the artist's intention is intellectual or decorative, then he will produce an intellectual or a decorative painting, no matter what the subject.



What kind of crystals do you use? Have you tried high vibration ones like Moldavite, Phenacite, Nirvana Quartz, Cacoxenite, ect?


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/agP0H_eEQdw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


File: 1445807987610.png (1.93 MB, 1598x1872, 799:936, bloop.png)

I rarely makes these anymore, but I'd always use windows 7 paint.


File: 1445808050785.png (2.2 MB, 2030x1786, 1015:893, anothertime.png)


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File: 1445809452989.png (1.15 MB, 1481x874, 1481:874, one for the road.png)



mostly amethyst, it really resonates with me for some reason.

I haven't tried those, in fact I haven't even seen those for buying, there is a mining town nearby but they usually get "popular" crystals.



It's a good stone for protection and quieting the mind.

They aren't very common crystals but do have some interesting properties:




I'll do some research, thanks anon.



Goddamn it, this is really a good work, saddly mundanes will treat is as"durr hurr schizofrenia" or some shit alike, but latelly the Flat-Earth is been more and more welcomed in the net, hope this opends the gate to some.



Yes but I doubt the legitimacy of those blueprints, that's not how an anti grav engine works, not a very stable one at least.


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I do sketches in photoshop



Huh. I do lots of photoshops for /pol/ but I never considered using the same skills to make something. Thanks for the inspiration.


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You're Welcome. I used to want to be a concept artist but now I want nothing to do with entertainment media. Right now I draw to practice visualization.


I'm a mundane that is also new to this board, but I make songs in my free time; this is kind of inspired by what I've read here.


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