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The RHP vs. LHP

The distinction between the RHP and the LHP is one of the most misunderstood dichotomies I have personally encountered. The pagan community misunderstands it, most contemporary Satanists misunderstand it, certainly mainstream religion hasn't got a clue. So, let me fill you in. The true distinction between the LHP and the RHP is one of intention: The LHP seeks a separation from God or nature for the purpose of self deification and the inherent personal responsibilities *that* implies. The RHP seeks to merge with God, to join the natural forces, to be with god and to allow the doctines of that god determine the degree and form of self responsibility and ethical behaviour.

The RHP vs. LHP is NOT good against evil in the classic socialized, religious, cultural sense. It is about the most important choice a conscious being can make during his/her life. The loss of personal individuality and egocentric consciousness to the gentleness, solicitude and peace of God OR fighting to maintain the individual Will, the sense of Self knowledge and Being that the LHP recognizes as a special "Gift" one that enables a true choice to be made, and of which carries a tremendous degree of personal responsibility in order to successfully manifest.

The LHP seeks to retain individuality of self, the RHP seeks "oneness" with God. The LHP understands oneness as a technology that promotes the dissolution of the individual self into a greater whole. The LHP is a Path of individuation and Willed activity. In other words, it does not come to you, you must go to it. This intrinsically makes the LHP a difficult one to follow. The RHP will come to you, it will embrace you with open arms, you have to open yourself and give yourself to it. On the other hand (literally), the LHP requires a willed alteration of the way you perceive the objective and subjective realities. An alteration that forms a personalized understanding of life and its meaning on all levels of human activity.

The Left Hand Path is a syncretism in the post modern era, one which takes liberally from several areas of philosophical and spiritual inquiry. Existentialism, relativism, antinomianism, hermeticism, all share ideas that are synthesized into the LHP conception. Tracing the roots of these ideas we find hints and glimpses contained in the extant thoughts of certain Gnostic sects, the Graeco/Roman Egyptian philosophies, and aspects of the ancient Egyptian religious cults. Particularly, we see this in the reflections of the ancient Setian Priesthoods of Egypt whose ideas have been integrated into other lines of philosophical thought. As previously stated, the differentiation between the LHP and the RHP is one of intent. For instance, in the Church of Rome (Catholic) ritual is utilized. All the elements - altar, bell, candles, incense etc., form the components of ritual. However, if you were to read Anton Szandor LaVey’s Satanic Bible, ritual is also utilized using those very same elements. The difference lies within the intention of the participants. Therefore, the technology itself does not distinguish one methodology from the other, rather the perceptions and cognitive structures of how these technologies may be utilized become the essential determining factors.

Whether a candle is white or black doesn't mean squat in and of itself. However, the manner in which the symbolism of the colored candle is perceived within consciousness, and then manifest as a psychological component within oneself and their environment, means everything.

Therefore, initiation itself is largely a psychological process.


Forgot to mention… the above paragraphs are from the book 'Technicians Guide to the Left Hand Path' attached in OP.

Another thing worth mentioning although I am still reading and learning more about it is that, from my understanding of it so far, LHP also embraces infinite chaos. Instead of being limited to the ordered and limited structures of the demiurgic energies, one may be able to move into the infinite darkness, which is the original source of ALL, where anything is possible for that center of consciousness that is you.

I'm still a total neophyte and still reading btw so please think for yourself while I do the same.


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Polarizations: To polarize is to relate opposing forces into a unified field of directed activity. Polarizations is the Ritual process of exploring inner polarities, one at a time, towards emotional flexibility. A polarity is not actually split but two expressions of a greater whole. In order to experience our totality, we pull ourselves apart and then, put ourselves back together again. Examples of inner polarities are: Beauty/Ugly, Good/Evil, Positive Negative, Masculine/Feminine, Dry/Moist, Smart/Stupid, Safety/Danger, Order/Chaos, Growth/Decay, Hunter/Hunted, Heaven/Hell, General/Specific and so on. Effective polarities are "charged" and provide the most direct access points to Ritual material. A polarity that feels real exciting is positively charged, as a polarity exciting resistance is negatively charged. Both positively and negatively charged polarities are essential to Ritual work. Without them, it would be very difficult to generate the kind of energy responsible for true transformation.

Within each gear, there alternates a current sustaining its revolution. This

current expresses its charge negatively orpositivelydepending upon the karma being experienced. Positive/negative is not synonymous with good/bad but the essential polarity of manifestation.. .as in electricity, both are needed to generate power. There is a way to read these alternating patterns of positive and negatively charged karma in…

Try going on a plane with one wing(LHP or RHP), well it fly?

Try going on a plane with two wing(LHP and RHP), well it fly?



Eventually you're going to have to make a choice. Separation vs Unity.



Eventually you're going to have to make a choice. Serious vs Humor.



also, no.Transcendence duality both of them have pro and cons, both of them are valid paths.Read Antero Alli's All rites reversed for self-initiation.



The Ra Material states that we are here in this reality (3rd density) to make that very choice. LHP being akin to STS and RHP being akin to STO then? If this is true I see no point in choosing LHP.



I never said either of them were invalid paths.


Pretty sure you can still be STO and LHP at the same time, though I may be incorrect.

You are equating the LHP with something else completely. You are not trespassing on the freewill and/or individuality of others.

In fact, when you think about it, you can be a more effective STO Being if you're LHP. You're not much of an asset to others if you annihilate Self.

If we weren't meant to explore the infinite possibilities of our own consciousness and Self, why are we even here? It would seem Creation is interested in exploring all possibilities. Self-Annihilation would merely destroy one of these extensions or centers of possibilities. Keeping your Individual Self and Individual Will intact and exploring the oceans of the infinite chaos is preferable to me at this point.

Chaos came before Order. Darkness came before the Light.


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How about a nice tit-fuck joke courtesy of Doug Stanhope?

Hey, so I told my girlfriend I wanted to fuck her between the tits, she said, "How're you gonna make that feel good for me?", I said, "Right before I cum I'll stop punching you in the face."

Jesus loves big titties


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funny how you slipped on your main lie



Where is the "lie?"

The post is simply an explanation of the difference between the two paths. There is absolutely no glorification of the LHP in the post itself.



Finally someone understands.


LHP is the way to go


I hate duality. Currency is the flow of energy from one point to another. We are all unlimited sources of energy, so this perceived stealing and siphoning of energy and power is an illusion that can only be believed when people are dreaming via sleep. During my research into left hand path tantra I agreed with the idea of going against the false structures, yet every ritual practice I was disgusted by because it tried to fuck with other peoples free will and I don't want to do that.

Frankly I'm done with trying to impose my will and manifest/create shit here. It's already been created. The trick is to be self. The stars in the sky are the map, fate and destiny the journey.

There's only unity between twin flames, anima and animus. If you have to do spells then just simply ask Spirit, light some candles, tantra and breathe. It doesn't have to be complicated. Be with Sophia.


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There is really only one path which is your path. Each side is extreme in there views but only because of their perceptions. I walk my path which is balance between dark and light. Remember All is Mind and Mind is All!!! One can never separate from ALL for ALL is!!! The Grey Jedi say it best:


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>via 9gag.com

You gotta crop shit like that.



dont know why i hate this post so much



Because it´s bullshit, there is no such thing as a "Middle Path" It´s either LHP or RHP



>muh dualistic simple view of the universe

Being in the middle is harder than falling to extremes, but if someone manages to pull it off I imagine it is very rewarding.



The path of balance is the road less traveled. Jooiiin the grey siiide


None of this is right, you do not lose individuality in oneness. The point of coming down in the first place is to acquire an identity. You do not have to destroy your ego, your ego becomes an avatar for the spirit. When you join a soul group you are still individual yet together. I imagine you will experience the universe in it's entirety. Eternal bliss. This was said in the cass scripts I believe.



>None of this is right

>This was said in the cass scripts

Well, I am certain some sources say otherwise, yet you say that all of us are wrong and only you are right.



trips confirm


This is incorrect. The end is the same either way. Only the methods vary.


OP I am pretty damned sure that LHP and RHP are arbitrary distinctions that have and can be drawn in multiple ways, necessitating a definition be put forward for any serious metaphysical debate beforehand, but there is no universal or definitive idea of the LHP and RHP therefore nobody is wrong about it.

All you've done is created your own definition of the LHP and RHP.

It doesn't make the other definitions wrong, it just adds to the list of definitions.



It's been said that STO does not mean you're a doormat for others. Merely that you value the well-being of others along with self, as opposed to exclusively valuing self. That being said, it should be entirely possible to be LHP and STO under the presented definition of LHP.

All THAT having been said…. we should all learn a lot more before trying to make a choice thats sigificance we're entirely ignorant of save the opinions of others.


left and right paradigm is a christian concept.

I personally use both.


>look all this amazing, complex occult stuff in our reality comes down a simple LEFT VS RIGHT dichotomy

>you need to pick a side! make a choice! now! hurry! now or never!!! you'll never get anywhere if you don't

gee something smells fishy here



>created your own

they took it from a book





Doug is a weird guy

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