>>6389http://chestofbooks.com/new-age/spirituality/tantra/Mahanirvana-Tantra/The-Three-Temperaments.htmlI prefer the classification that doesn't involve tantra, though. Specifically the one explained on the Lesson 1 of The Arcane Formulas. You might want to read it:
http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1909arcaneformulas.pdfWhen pashus and viras discover magick, most of the time they end up trying to use it to feed their animalistic or passional-ridden nature. Acquiring money, power over other people, women… Basically what LHP is all about. Most of them feel little appeal to RHP stuff and spiritual disciplines such as yoga, instead attempting to use divine power for materialistic and egotistical purposes. Zero transcendence, that's what an immature being will do with a power beyond it's comprehension. Pearls before swine.
They don't make it far on magick and fall as easy preys for the spiritual entities they try to evoke and control (even though they are already enslaved and controlled by their desires). If one of them somehow manages to amass enough power, they'll destroy themselves with it most likely.
I'll quote an old post that expands upon this:
>The Adepts of the Mystery Schools of Greece and Egypt, where modern magic originated, defined magic into three categories:1 - Theurgy ("God-Work"): The practice of magic for the purpose of spiritual evolution.
2 - Thaumaturgy ("Wonder-Work"): The practice of magic by an accomplished theurgist from a place of wisdom and enlightenment for the purpose of aiding mankind.
3 - Goetia ("Sorcery"): The practice of magic for selfish, harmful or materialistic means by one who had undergone no spiritual training or development.
Unlike the Theurgist, who can work literal wonders through his having developed his energetic and mental bodies in the process of his spiritual evolution (ie. healing through the projection of his excess vital energy, control of the elements to command weather, call fire, levitate, etc. through his attunement to the elemental energies which underlay reality, among many others), the sorcerer has to work with a weak, imbalanced energetic body and untrained mind, and as such resorts to making pacts with spirits, utilizing pre-prepared sigils or spells, talismans and alchemical spagyrics, etc.
This is what western magic has mostly devolved down to these days, since the rise of Christianity lead to persecution and the eventual destruction of any competing spiritual path. [End of quote]
I'm not sure if I can answer properly to your second question (I'm not yet an initiate). You are supposed to perfect yourself on every aspect while on this plane of counsciousness, getting closer and eventually ascending to higher planes (spiritual evolution) until COUNSCIOUSLY merging with The All.
While perfecting yourself on this incarnation and getting closer to the next plane of counsciousness (theurgy), you gradually unlock the so called supernatural powers (thaumaturgy). They are consequences of spiritual development, not the main goal (like siddhis). On Franz Bardon's system they are also trained to aid both your development and humanity on its ascent. I will give you three examples:
-Clairvoyancy: Being able to see what's happening on the immaterial layer that surrounds us, energies, entities… helps a lot.
-Directly contacting and learning from great masters, psychically, via akashic trances, etc… William Mistele (bardonistic initiate and spheric magician) contacted Swami Rama and got a taste of the shaktipat his master had given him.
>Swami Rama, when he was a young student of a master, threatened to kill himself if his master did not bestow on him shaktipat. Shaktipat is basically a free gift, something for nothing that a master bestows so that another individual can taste or experience the master’s essence. >I took the liberty one time of psychically connecting to Swami Rama and asking him to pass to me a taste of this exact shatkipat his master had given him. Swami Rama sat for nine hours when he first experienced his shaktipat. I got the same thing but for nine minutes. This was an exquisite, incomparable experience of having perfectly embodied within oneself one’s opposite. For a male, this is the experience of perfectly being one with a divine woman within oneself. It is sheer ecstasy.And last… -Becoming a spheric magician. I'm just fond of the idea.
Perfecting yourself means literally that -at first- but then it can be more accurately described as attaning a closer union with Spirit. (Egohood, then expanding gradually into Cosmic counsciousness.) A man who has "graduated" this plane of counsciousness but hasn't yet ended his incarnation is called a Jivanmukti. He habitates both the lower plane on which his body resides and the higher plane where he belongs.