Energy work, Qi-gong, Chakras and Taoism 09/20/15 (Sun) 11:55:32 No. 54577
Your favourite colour pencil wizard is back with another tutorial. I'll write up the rest of it tomorrow. There's still probably another good 3-4x more to come.
Energy work, Qi-gong, Chakras and Taoism
""What is this thread about and what will I find here?""
This is a basic level(for the fringe neophyte and initiate alike) summarisation tutorial of your own energetic anatomy and how to start practical work to use, develop, learn and connect with it all. We'll be going through the entire chakra system, the three tan tiens, your bodies organs, aura field, yin and yang chi or energy, energy healing, energy and health, diet and food, water, air and nature and how it relates to chi and all the way into kundalini rising for those daring and dedicated enough. I will provide a list of practical exercises for each of these categories on how you can actually start using, interacting, controlling and manipulating them. The student of any school be it Western ceremonial, yoga, or some other major category will all be able to benefit from and integrate any of this into their work.
All the work found in here is based on my own practical experience of what I have collected and found to work the best. You are free to take or leave these exercises if you feel your own work better or you already are comfortable with one.
09/20/15 (Sun) 11:56:38 No. 54578
""Why Taoism?""
As the poor young neophyte trudges through a swamp of complex and archaic books which almost serve no purpose to him at this stage other than confusion and ego buffing he starts to wonder "Hasn't someone already simplified and converted this intangible Hebrew junk into english yet?" . Having studied the seven Hermetic principles and being filled with glee and wonder for a new world you may have delved externally into all forms of ritual magic which brought upon amusing and exciting results. Evocations which melted reality into your palm and devious parapsychology that brought a smirk to ones face. But it all comes back to the same question "where next and how is this really helping me progress?". But it just so happens that a man who's initial Google search brings upon books of tantric sex has already been converting the old world into the new. The man in question being Mantak Chia. A man who gives us the raw secrets and ancient wisdom of Chinese Taoism and converts it into a practical system for health and spiritual development.
""Pre-requisites for Energy work""
You need to have Read Robert Bruce's New Energy Ways to at least chapter 10. It's only a 61 page book (You don't even need to read it all) which will take you two brief afternoons of work to get through.
A solid meditation schedule of at least 5 minutes a day. Try to work this one up to 15.
Sexual abstinence (Tantric sex is allowed) of at least 3 days before attempting these practices.
09/20/15 (Sun) 11:56:51 No. 54579
A meat free diet (This part is required while raising kundalini no question). This allows you to become less dense so you can focus and feel energy much easier. Raw is heavy suggested if you can manage it.
A stretching, exercise, yoga or other earth mastering schedule. Even a couple basic stretches in the morning if nothing else.
10-30 minutes a day. Can be before going to sleep if you want to do it then.
A partner to practice with you if you're interested in practicing Qi-gong for others.
09/20/15 (Sun) 11:58:02 No. 54580
Energetic anatomy
You have a physical body with organs, glands, veins, arteries, plexus, lymph, bones, muscle and a couple other basic components. The energetic body is similar in that it is a series of tubes which is the meridian system or the nadis. There are thousands of these and it is too complex for me to go into much detail. You can study these in further depth if you wish to undertake medical Qi-gong and acupuncture specifically.
Being a micro version of our universe your body runs on 7(8) basic chakras. These will be best shown through the diagrams given and will be explained in further depth later. The chakras are energy cluster like vortexes which propagate at specific locations namely the plexus of your body. They all have a specific colour, mantra, plexus, gland, element, god and many other relations. Modifying and charging these will activate hormonal secretions from your main glands which give a whole host of effects. Your chakras develop throughout your life. Most people never get to develop their higher chakras because of trauma or attachments with leads to the spiritual retardation you see in society today. You can think of the chakras like step down converters taking in energy from the universal source and converting it into usable energy for your body.
The other key component to chakras are tan tiens (said as Dan like Taoism is said as Daoism). There are three of these in your body.
One located in the lower naval, heart centre and head. They act as energy batteries and almost like alchemy caldrons which transmute Chi or energy, prana, vril, loosh (each culture has a word for it) into a higher forces. These tan tiens fuel your bodies organs and glands thus cultivation of chi will lead to health and spiritual development.
The last basic part of your energetic anatomy if your aura. We won't go too deep into this but all you really need to know is that this is a field that surrounds you and that your energetic body projects. It can be seen by a trained practitioner and is what we manipulate in energy work. Strengthening the chakras, tan tiens and organs will lead to a stronger aura field.
09/20/15 (Sun) 11:59:16 No. 54581
This chakra is located at the Perineum between your anus and genitals. It is related to survival instincts like hunger, thirst, and self preservation. It develops while you are a baby and common wounds that occur in this chakra happen then. If you are not fed properly or held as a baby you will develop problems here. Activating this chakra grounds you in physical reality. Colour: Red. Mantra: LAM.
There are two points to this chakra. One is located at the base of your spine on the tailbone. This is where your kundalini energy is stored. The other is at the pubic bone area above the genitals. This chakra is about sexuality, creativity and desires. It develops during early childhood when you first start experimenting with the world as a todler. Problems that can arise from improper formation is excessive eating or sexual activity. Activating this chakra can produce strong sexual desires. Colour: Orange. Mantra: VAM.
In some systems this is technically not a chakra but in the Taoist system it is used. The location of the two points is at the naval and directly behind it on the back. Activating this chakra will stimulate your digestion.
Solar plexus
This chakra is located at the lower sternum area just before the fleshy area of the connecting two ribs and the second point is directly behind it on the back. It develops during adolescence and puberty when you first start experiencing life. It is related to the ego, self esteem and willpower. Wounding on this chakra can cause personality problems. Activating it also helps digestion in the stomach and acts to strengthen willpower in physical reality. Colour: Yellow. Mantra: RAM.
The location of this chakra is in the middle of the nipple line and directly behind on the back. This is thought of as where the higher self resides. Most people don't develop this chakra because it requires developing compassion and humility. Learning to love and forgive yourself and forgiving and freeing yourself from all wounds and people namely your parents. It can be thought of as a gateway to the higher centres and to spirituality in general. Activating this chakra will bring up unconditional love. Colour : Green. Mantra: YAM.
This chakra is located around the fleshy hole of the throat around the base of it under the adams apple and the back location is around the base of the neck at the largest vertebra. Activating this area allows for creativity and ease of communication. It allows you to speak as if you've had a couple drinks. It represents expression. This centre is shut of when you lie or fail to properly express yourself freely and truly. Colour: Light blue. Mantra: HAM.
Third eye
Everyone's favourite new age buzzword located right in between the eye brows and at the base of the skull on the back around your cerebellum. Activating this chakra will help immensely with higher occult work like visualization, energy work and abilities like clairvoyance. It is characterised by insight and wisdom. We see with our first eye before the others. Opening both of these locations allows you to draw in a lot of energy as well. Colour: I personally a royal or dark blue but some use a purple. Mantra: AUM.
This is right at the top of your head and there is some debate as to whether it relates to the pineal or pituitary. You commonly see people coming out of psychedelic trips centred around this area not know how to communicate anything they've experienced. Opening it gives a sense of interconnectedness, true bliss and contention. This is the spot where you can draw in vast amounts of yang energy from the heavens(Cosmic phenomena). Colour: Violet.
09/20/15 (Sun) 12:01:22 No. 54582
""Tan Tiens""
Lower tan tien - Naval
This is located around the lower naval area and controls most of your primal and base organs. The intestines has a brain and is loaded full of neurons. Too bad it's full of crap. Focusing on this point is very grounding. It is also the easiest energy storage area to pack full of chi so I suggest directing all the excess energy you've accumulated through your work here at the end of a session. This area is your bodies main energy storage. A martial artist will use this centre to draw chi from to deliver devastating attacks. This is a common area to focus on during mindfulness meditation and it is good to breathe deeply into the naval to energise it.
Middle tan tien - Heart centre
This centre is located around the same area of the heart chakra but more inwards and it controls a larger volume. Focusing on this area will allow you to feel strong emotions. It is suggested to channel and call emotions from this centre while doing magical work. You can also get in touch with your intuition via feeling in this location. Loving energy from the heart centre can be used to transmute negative emotions/energy from organs or parts of the body into positive energy. It can also be used to channel positive energy into healing.
Upper tan tien - Head
Your third and final tan tien is located around the third eye area but like the heart centre, more inward and with a large volume encompassing all of the glands and organs inside of your head. Charging and focusing on this centre is where the magic really happens. All of your higher spiritual centres get fed through this battery and development of it will truly awaken them. Though don't go neglecting your lower centres by skipping to this one first. A poor foundation will collapse in on its self after all. This is where a majority of the energy is directed and shot up during tantric sex or kundalini.
09/20/15 (Sun) 12:02:55 No. 54583
I accidentally forgot to proof read half of this so hopefully it's still tangible. Anyway I'll be back tomorrow to write up descriptions on chi and the actual practices and exercise among other things.
Also here are the pictures
09/20/15 (Sun) 13:12:11 No. 54584
Thank you. One of the few good threads among all the crap lately.
09/20/15 (Sun) 13:55:56 No. 54589
Chi is the substance you might all know as energy. It permeates everything. We are swimming in a sea of this energy which is never ending as far as we know. It allows for all life to happen and for the universe to exist. It can exist in a raw form and be transmuted into anything one desires. Using the powers of man to craft items is transmuting this energy to the physical. Our bodies are always being supplied with chi through the air we breathe, the sun and other cosmic phenomena, our sleep, food, earth's magnetic field and other people.
There are two main forms of chi which is yin and yang. One is a subtle and passive form of energy which allows and yields. It is cold, slow and magnetic. This is called yin and it comes mainly to us from the earth's field. You may draw this in through your root chakra and the chakras in the palm of your hand and middle of your feet.
Yang is a much more volatile and fiery counterpart to yin. It is warm, quick and electric. You may use yang to direct and lead yin. To control and guide it. Yang is heavily found in what is called the heavens or the skies. This is from the sun, other planets and cosmic phenomena. This energy can be drawn in through the third eye, breath and crown chakra. It is also produced by the body along with yin by certain processes.
Food has a yin and yang quality to it as well as liquid. All of your organs and chakras are either yin or yang. You can classify and categorize the entire body and then even entire world by these two forces. This won't be necessary for now though. Always remember that these energies may be dual but they are only different polarities of the same force. As everything dual is actually one when looked at with a higher perspective. This is shown through the Taoist symbol.
Your amount of chi will dictate your bodies overall health. Health leads to spiritual development through the higher glands and organs in the brain like the pineal, pituitary, hyper thalamus, thalamus, corpus callosum, cerebrum and cerebellum. This is why it's important to develop and focus on your health in this kind of field.
The accumulation and working of chi is the basis of Qi-gong. Tapping into the flow of chi is what we are going to learn. Not only your own flow but the flow of the world around you. Everything projects an aura or energy signature that you may interact with. Trees for example transmute negative energy into positive energy and are helpful advisories in this field of work. Water also acts as a path or conduit for chi. This is why it is beneficial to find a positive natural area for chi cultivation. Your backyard or a local park may work just fine for this.
09/20/15 (Sun) 14:29:21 No. 54592
I thought the three dan tiens were just the centers of the 2nd, 4th and 6th chakra.
Explain how Jing, Chi and Shen relate to Prana/Vril and how the Kundalini relates to the Taoist System.
09/20/15 (Sun) 16:55:35 No. 54606
i have been looking for exactly this thread recently!
you have my gratitude, OP
09/21/15 (Mon) 01:39:14 No. 54643
Jing is a like a super charged biological version of chi. Chi is just Prana/Vril and Shen is a much finer spiritual version of Chi. Kundalini relates to the Kan and Li and other higher up practices in the Taoist system. I wont be explaining those or too much kundalini theory because it is not needed for the practical work of raising it.
As for the three tan tiens they are in a category of their own. It's like how the meridian channels are their own category.
09/21/15 (Mon) 02:10:27 No. 54645
Exercises and development
I suggest you set a routine to do 15 minutes of mindfulness meditation every day. This can be done at night but preferably in the morning or evening when the sun is out. If you can do this outside then it is also preferable. Try to pick a single posture or asana for your meditations like padmasana. Sit in this posture with your tongue touching the roof of your mouth. Just before the teeth is the easiest and most comfortable place I've found. This is called the wind position as shown in the above pictures. You may put your hand in a mudra like the index touching the thumb for concentration. Focus on your lower naval area tan tien and breath slowly and deeply pulling energy into this area. The more focus you can hold on your breath and tan tien the easier and clearer your mind will be through this meditation. Do not interact with thoughts but do not push them away either. Allow yourself to be like water and the thoughts to be as light shining straight through you. The intention of this exercise is to practice zen or no thought.
09/21/15 (Mon) 02:19:24 No. 54646
""Six Healing Sounds"
Since this exercise is an auditory exercise I thought it better to link a video of it.
To convert and simplify what he says. Smiling equates to projecting positive energy. Looking equates to projecting your awareness and also visualizing the organ, colour, etc within your imagination and tactile feeling it.
This exercise may look comical at first like many of Mantak Chia's, but once you experience results you will start to understand the power of simple visualization exercises. I recommend this exercise be done whenever you need to get rid of negative emotions and rebalanced yourself. You may of had a sour or tough day, or a bad experience with someone and feel unbalanced. This is a perfect exercise for those situations.
09/21/15 (Mon) 02:53:20 No. 54649
""Feeling Aura Electromagnetism""
Begin by rubbing your hands together or bringing awareness to your hands. If you have already completed Robert Bruce's book then your hands should begin to heighten in sensitivity and you will start feeling the energetic components of the hands. If you still need a little boost then I suggest you start spiralling energy around the palms through either tactile or visualization of a white energy spiral. We're trying to activate the palm chakra and strengthen the aura field in this location. Once you feel as if your hands are sufficiently warmed up then it's time to feel auras. Put your hands together in a prayer position and slowly pull them away. Focus on the magnetic like sensation that arises from your energy and how it changes when you pull both hands away from each other. You will start to feel there are certain locations at which your hands wish to settle. This may be around a metre or a half away from each other. That is the size of your aura and can be increased through energy work or even basic thought and emotions. Now think of something that brings pain or disgust to you and feel how the aura field shrinks. Do the opposite by spiritually empowering yourself. Focusing on divine bliss and love and your aura will expand. You will notice the aura field settles at different locations during both of these thoughts.
Once you have the hang of this you can start testing it out on other living beings. Ask a partner if you can feel their aura field or if you don't have anyone willing you can use a tree. Put your hands near the greenery of a plant and try to tap into the aura of it. You can make some tree friends this way.
""The Inner Smile"
This is a great exercise to get you into distinguishing negative and positive energy in your own body. Negative energy festers like an infected wound and will only serve to make your life miserable and unbalanced. That's why we have grounding and "spiritual cleaning" exercises that can be done. The inner smile is a very thorough version of this that focuses on the organs. It's a good exercise to learn because of how it leads into higher up versions like the wisdom chi-kung. A tip with all exercises is that there is no right or wrong way to do something. Instead it is a question of effective versus not effective. Your intention and imagination is key.
I will include a video for this practice as well since I figure it will be more beneficial.
To explain the practice. The intention is to feel every organ with your tactile sensation and to project loving positive energy into it. You will pull energy in through the third eye point and drag it towards the organs. The order I do this is thymus, lungs, heart, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, bladder, prostate and sexual organs. Then I will collect saliva and pour chi into it to swallow which leads into the stomach, large intestines, intestines and bowel. Lastly is the Head which goes left and right brain, cerebellum, corpus callosum, thalamus, pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus. Finish by pulling energy down the spinal cord and throughout the entire body washing it of any negative energy. You can wash the energy down to the earth to recycle it.
I heavily suggest looking at the anatomical diagrams given previously to see the location of these organs. You may not be able to feel each of them individually at this point but with practice it will come. Don't worry if all you can do is send positive energy to the general area. As this still is extremely effective.
I will also post a picture to go with the previous 6 healing sounds that summarises the organs and their element/ colour. Though don't put too much thought or worry into elements right now as it is only required for advanced work and medical practices.
This is not so much an exercise but a basic explanation of yi. Yi is what you will be using for all of these exercises and is the way you direct and control chi. Yi is a combination of your intention, mind, focus, will, the fire element, tactile and visual imagination.
I'll be back later to get some more in.
09/21/15 (Mon) 07:33:33 No. 54670
I know nothing of energy work but recently I've seen that many books and sources say that there is a up and down pulse going through the human body all the times, that pulse should be synchronized with the breath; when we inhale it goes up; when we exhale it goes down.
However EVERY time I inhale deeply I feel my legs powering up, is the energy currents thing more complicated than I think?
09/21/15 (Mon) 07:44:41 No. 54671
Sounds like your legs are pulling in the earths yin energy when you're breathing. I'll have a little section on the bodies energetic orbit and pulling energy like yin and yang sometime soon.
09/21/15 (Mon) 08:38:46 No. 54679
Thank you for this great thread OP.
09/21/15 (Mon) 09:30:00 No. 54680
"Chakra Meditation"
Hopefully by now you're well enough adapt at feeling and moving energy around to begin working on your bodies major energy centres. These are call the chakras as previously discussed and are located around the front and back of your body. I've linked many pictures to show the locations of them so it's up to you to use your sensitivity to be able to feel and locate them.
Let's move on to stimulating the chakras. There are an infinite amount of ways I've found to stimulate chakras but I'll give you my few best. First you want to pre warm and stimulate the body by bouncing your awareness up and down from feet to head. Another good method is to imagine pulling energy in from all around you, charging up your body. Once you feel you're warmed up enough you will want to start from the bottom most chakra, the root, to the crown chakra one by one. The next step depends if you are a visual or kinaesthetic person as most of these techniques do. You will grow accustomed and favour one specific way of utilizing your yi. Start to feel the location of the root chakra, bringing awareness to it. Next use one or multiple of these techniques. Spiral the energy whichever way feels correct at this centre. Gather the energy from all around you into this centre. Feel the centre burning with energy. Feel imaginary hands ripping apart the centre and tearing it open. Feel the centre expanding and pulsating.
Visualize each chakra as a coloured sphere for the visual people. Visualize any of these above with your visual or tactile sensations. You may also add colour coding for each chakra and the energy you're pulling. If you start to feel energetic sensations, pulsations, electricity, a glob of energy or a light sharpness you've tapped into the centre.
Remember the golden rule that everything you do works. It's just a matter of how well it works. Work on each centre individually. But you can work on both back and front centres of the dual chakras with experience. After a while you will be able to activate any of your centres by simply willing it with your yi. You can take this into your practical life as well. Need to work up some courage to say something? Start activating the solar plexus and throat centres. Communicating with spirits or using visualizations? Get your third eye working.
09/21/15 (Mon) 09:31:04 No. 54681
"" Absorbing Yin and Yang Energies"
As we mentioned previously there are two main forms of chi. Yin which comes from the earth and yang which comes from the heavens. We're going to learn how to ground ourselves and absorb these energies. When I first started I had a mental barrier which said "You mean I can just pull in energy from anywhere at any time? Free energy?". You may have a similar one that will be broken down by these practices. You can indeed pull in energy at any location of your body for a quick boost to heal a pain or quickly energise after an exercise set or even to just detoxify negative emotions. Except using the mentioned centres are most effective at it.
Grounding is the act of connecting your bodies energy circuit to the earth. Take your shoes and socks of and go stand on the earth. Start stimulating the chakra in the middle of your feet and hands. Also stimulate the root chakra. These three areas are the main areas which can absorb yin chi. Yin is cooling and grounding. It helps to counteract and balance the fiery yang chi from organ activity or exercise. Back when I was learning to handle the excess of yang my body produced from kundalini I would have to take of my shoes during exercise and ground continuously to avoid overheating and energizing. This later went away as my energy body strengthened to handle the excess energy. Try to feel (if you are visual or tactile) or imagine a line from your palms, feet and root chakra to the earth's field. The earths field expands far into the air so even if your hands and root are not attached physically they are still able to gather the energy. A good position to take is tree position. Though I've found even padmasana will work just fine for grounding(though it is preferable for the beginner to touch his feet to the ground). Calm your mind(this should be done for all practices) and work on feeling the cold magnetic sensation of the earth. This will feel almost like your aura fields magnetism. If you cannot feel it do not worry. Energy sensitivity comes with practice. Feel yourself drawing and sucking up the energy into your body as if you're made of straws.
Drawing yang is very much similar except the centres used are different. For yang we will use the crown, breath and both third eye points. Start by stimulating these points as previously shown in the yin tutorial. Then work to draw in and drain the energy from the heaven. This is best done also on the earth when the sun is out. You can face the sun with your eyes closed (or open for the sungazers) and draw in the cosmic energy. Yang will feel a lot faster and warmer than yin. More energetic.
Once you have drawn in either of these energies you may put them to use in whatever you wishb e it chakra work, energizing organs, energy healing, general aura enhancing, fuelling body parts, satisfying hunger, purification of body, psionics, ritual and more. I suggest once finishing your meditations that you end by spiralling the energy in your lower tan tien. Feel as if the tan tien is absorbing this energy. To feel your tan tien try to place awareness around the lower naval area. You might feel a fleshy almost void like substance and area which is the tan tien.
I'll be back again tomorrow to post more. I'll be getting down to the microcosmic orbit, energizing organs, sexual alchemy, kundalini and the emotional body and how it relates to the chakras.
09/21/15 (Mon) 11:01:03 No. 54687
Great thread, eagerly awaiting for more.
09/21/15 (Mon) 12:24:25 No. 54690
Thank you, anon. You had all the answers I needed where I least expected them.
09/22/15 (Tue) 11:05:41 No. 54736
""Desire meditation""
Being a practitioner of esoteric arts means you might find yourself having trouble managing desire and controlling yourself in the case of masturbation, food, drugs or other comfort items/habits. There are methods through energy work that one may transmutate these pesky thoughtforms into beneficial energy. All desire stimulates and builds up in the sacral chakra. It is here that acts as a womb to bring manifest towards what we desire be it positive or negative. Some of us with self control issues will understand the difficulty of brute force willpower to controlling this area. So I give a much more effective method of controlling your lower centres.
Next time you start to have cravings, be it food, sex, drugs or other desires close your eyes and go into a light meditative state like all other exercises. In this state your perception to energy internally and externally is greatly enhanced. You will notice that there is a glowing of energy inside of the sacral chakra in between the tailbone and pubic region. Each progressive attack of the desire thoughtform strengthens and brings you closer to this region. To banish the energy here you simply need to draw it upwards. Either draw and sweep this energy to one of your tan tiens (I recommend the lower as always), chakras, organs or through the micro/macrocosmic orbits (to be discussed later). You may even pour this energy down into the earth if you do not wish to store and transmute it. Continue this until the desire starts to dissipate. With practice you can focus on your sacral area and another area to simply will the energy to move. No dragging, drawing or sweeping will be required. Think of it like plugging two parts of a circuit together. The energy flows naturally. This is a tip as many of the tips are for all exercises as you will develop these abilities with practice and tinkering of your own energy body.
""Food and Water""
Ever wonder why you're taught in the occult to bless your food and water? It is because all energy has intelligence. If you eat food pre-packaged and processed by machines or workers then chances are you are not going to absorb good energy. Negative emotions bleach and stain anything they come into contact with. Leaving black residue that either needs to be transmuted, banished, or washed away. In the case of our own food it acts as almost like a magnet for energy. To bless food we program the intelligent energy inside of it with a desire of our own. The stronger the intention the stronger the effect.
Begin by relaxing and entering your light meditative state. You should be able to do this within a second or two. Closing your eyes can help significantly. Bring awareness to your hands and start activating the aura field around them. This is done simply by awareness or the stimulation of the energy within your hands. Place them over your food , water or even any object you wish to program/bless. Think of what it is you wish to program into the item if it's health, dedication, courage or wisdom. It can be anything as your imagination is the limit. Start summoning strong emotions at the heart tan tien. As if the desire already exists in your life. Start to pour this energy down your arms into your hands and feel as if the aura of your hands and the food/drink is connecting and absorbing your energy.
09/22/15 (Tue) 11:58:00 No. 54738
Thanks for the posts,
Any books on Qi-gong, Taoism written by Chinese that you would recommend reading? (Translated of course). Oh and is there a martial art that incorporates all of this to achieve results above just mindlessly practicing physical tasks?
09/22/15 (Tue) 23:50:46 No. 54794
not op but tai chi is essentially the martial application of energy work. iron shirt and some other forms of kung fu might also be of interest to you.
Also thanks for the info op, this is pretty neat.
09/23/15 (Wed) 09:47:40 No. 54814
Been lazy on the write ups due to some fasting and personal cycle exploration. Though I'll be back tomorrow morning or evening to get the more advanced and some of the more niche practices in.
I hope everyone has started their practice and found tangible results. I knew when I first started energy work it was a real slap in the face when it comes to evidence for occult. Kinda like the first time you try evocation and get all giddy.
09/23/15 (Wed) 16:20:07 No. 54849
v good thread.
can anyone give me some advice, i always feel like my muscles and nerves are out of place or something, its hard to describe but when im doing yoga my joints always click and sometimes theres like an electric feeling?
i know that the root causes of this are definitely chakra imbalances + inactivity but it really bothers me, like a constant background comfortableness
09/24/15 (Thu) 08:21:10 No. 54913
""Organ Tonifying""
If you've diligently been practicing the inner smile then you will currently have a little practice and a good feeling for your internal organs. Good thing is that we can take that to the next level with using chi to tonify the organs. What this means is that we're lacquering the electro conductive fascia surrounding the organ with chi. Essentially this fascia is the battery which the organ feeds off. I like to use this to improve my digestion mainly. I'll warn you that using it on the pineal will create for an intense night of dreams.
To tonify organs you simply need to work up some chi. Moving chi around in the body through energy bounces or other activities will create yang chi. You may combine this with yin that you draw upwards from the earth in the naval as a cook pot to create something we call "original chi/force". It is a balanced chi that can be used for many qi-gong activities such as the microcosmic orbit. Once you have your chi ready and circulating in the naval it's time to pick our organ. Let's pick the pineal gland. To feel the pineal you will need to tighten your eye lids, mouth and anus. You should be able to now feel tension in a gland at the upper back part of your head. To feel the pituitary you can simply look upwards and you should feel a gland around the third eye area. Either draw your chi upwards to either gland or feel the naval connecting and making a circuit with the gland and move it via the circuit made. Start to "wrap" and spiral the chi around the organ. Feel as if the chi is spiralling inside of the organ like a miniature chi galaxy.
Always remember to purify the organ of bad chi before tonification. Simply change the polarity and project your positive energy or love into it to do this.
09/24/15 (Thu) 08:31:10 No. 54914
I honestly can't relate it to any memory or condition I've ever heard of from your explanation. I'll give some ideas and advice though.
Is the electric shock painful at all? Does it raise your body heat to uncomfortable levels?
It's possible that you have energy blockages or a weak energy body and the yoga is opening them up. What kind of yoga do you perform as well? is it kundalini yoga?
Either way I suggest stretching and full body circuits that are in Robert Bruces book to do basic energy body strengthening. Also do some joint rolling if you find it might be energy stored in the joints.
Here's a section where he rolls his knees and hips. Do that with your neck, shoulders, wrists, elbows, pelvis, spine, knees and feet clockwise and anti clockwise if you feel it could be stagnant energy in the joints. You can even try to flush the energy down into the earth and ground.
09/24/15 (Thu) 08:33:24 No. 54915
>>54738 for books and lectures and for just books
If you want a guide on what books to read you can look up Mantak Chia's progression system. As for your second question. Yes and no. Tai-chi and yoga both technically do this but are far enhanced when you apply the mindfulness of qi-gong to it.
09/24/15 (Thu) 09:17:25 No. 54917
"Energy Healing"
By now I hope you're starting to get a feel for the basic things that energy can do. If you don't see the common theme it's energy + intention funnelled through a chakras = results. This does not mean you can just go setting things on fire wily nilly since everything takes practice and time.
Where you get the chi you want to use is up to you. You can draw it from the heaven, from the earth, air, other living creatures or even yourself. I heavily suggest getting yourself in a comfortable grounding position and hooking up into one of these energy sources (preferably the earth). Start drawing up the chi and setting your intention to heal. You will also want to convert the energy into positive and loving chi. If you wish to use visuals then stick to using white. Other colours are used for very specific problems in medical qi-gong (You may study medical qi-gong if you wish to complexity this). Put both your hands together, activate the palm chakras and warm up your hands aura field. Place the hands directly above whatever wound or pain you wish to heal and start projecting a strong field of healing and positive energy. You can imagine the wound burning up or you may even draw the negative chi and drain it into the earth. Continue this for a minute or two and your pain should significantly reduce or be eliminated. Do this several times each day until your injury or pain is gone.
09/24/15 (Thu) 11:15:23 No. 54926
Coming in here to drop of some imagine for future write ups/ to stimulate ideas for people. I managed to find a really nice pdf which is jam packed full of exercises and information if anyone is interested in some extra study.
09/24/15 (Thu) 16:39:42 No. 54956
i wouldnt say it hurts but its kind of shocking like when you accidently knock your funny bone.
i mainly just do basic asanas and sometimes some kriya yoga stuff but ive largely desensitised myself to the feeling of kundalini through overmasturbation.
my problems are:
*when i roll my shoulders theres a sort of grinding sensation and my clavicle pops in and out
*in my right shoulder theres a clicking sound but not like the 'satisfying' kind of click if that makes any sense, but it eases a neck pain i have when i move my head backwards
*my left hip always clicks and in the inguinal area and it feels like all the muscles are knotted
*in the my knees and the back of my thighs is where the electric feeling is, normally when im coming up from a posture where im bent down.
tipp 09/25/15 (Fri) 02:32:14 No. 55004
What you need to do is to continue snapping joints until you're flexible enough to sit in a perfect lotus, then take the deepest breath you can and flex everything, expand your lungs to push your spine.
If you're familiar with this snapping you'll know when you've locked a part in perfect place.
If you actually manage, don't fap or you'll lose that permanent posture you just gained.
tipp 09/25/15 (Fri) 02:33:02 No. 55005
Have you reached these clicks at the back of your head?
09/25/15 (Fri) 11:09:36 No. 55017
""Microcosmic Orbit"
This being one of the main practices in the Taoist repertoire and rightfully so. It flushes out and energizes the main two channels of your body along with all the chakra points in those channels. Both front and back channels are equally balanced in this practice. Take a look at the last pictures posted to get a visual idea of the circuit you need to make. It is also suggested to perform an energy cleaning or banishing ritual before this. Some examples are basic grounding meditations, baths, LBRP, six healing sounds, inner smile or other favoured exercises.
We start this practice in our usual asana(posture). Making sure to touch the roof of your mouth at the location just before the teeth. This closes your front circuit. You will also need to tense and tighten the anus and perineum lightly so no energy escapes at the root. Many people are susceptible to energy loss from this point because their muscles are weak and forgotten. For an extended and detailed version of this practice where you use body movement for warm-ups and also work on the original force refer to Mantak's book "Awaken healing light". Start drawing in energy from whichever source feels most comfortable. You may use the breath effectively in this exercise to form a rhythm for your cycles. Breathing the energy down the front of your body, drawing it through each chakra point down to the sacral. Exhale while drawing your breaths energy and extra energy from the sexual organs down the root chakra and back up the coccyx, through the spine and finaly to the crown. Draw this accumulated energy through each chakra in the back channel on this journey. You might find that the chakra points on your back are much more difficult to feel and might require some individual work to find and open them up. Continue breathing and leading the energy from your crown back down to the sacral chakra. Passing all other front chakras in this process. Exhale at the sacral region to complete another cycle. This will eventually become one continuous fluid motion from exhale to inhale. You may perform this while in motions like walking once it has been practiced and learnt. Complete as many cycles as you feel are needed be it 10, 20 or 100. With practice you will be able to use your entire body to draw energy to a focused location wherever your yi is located in the orbit. Doing this will allow a much greater accumulation of energy for your body.
09/25/15 (Fri) 11:49:02 No. 55023
I definitely would work on the joint rolling exercises. While I can't say I'm any joint or bone specialist I can also recommend proper hydration. A good 90-95% of people are chronically or regularly dehydrated and it can cause the joints to make popping sounds.
09/26/15 (Sat) 15:05:52 No. 55124
Got this idea, might as well post here because it's relevant. Trying to categorize practices of sort and clarify why I'm actually doing them.
With breathing exercises (with or without added visualization) you accumulate energy/prana (by any name) or balance your hemispheres (left, right. Whatever you want to call it, think alternate nostril breathing).
With energy work you accumulate energy as well, but the accent is on directing, controlling and storing it, increasing your sensitivity for future uses, freeing blockages for chakra work, improving your own astral body with it. Focus is on tactile imagining.
Meditation means achieving a goal by focusing your intent and emotions (will) for the achievement of a goal disregarding anything else for the duration of the meditation. Includes visualizations, void meditations, tummo etc. Being absorbed into an activity in a sense.
So called emotional alchemy/transformation - meditating on the desired emotion or harvesting previous life experiences where a lot of loosh was created (positive or negative) and using the stored up energy for your own purposes or to revel in the emotion. If necessary transmuting the negative emotions into positive. (So far I don't know if the negative emotions used during such practices are gone and you have one less blockage - more energy available with less work required - or if it has no bearing on how easy it is for you to generate loosh)
Thoughtforming (making so called servitors) is creating astral entities for the fulfillment of a purpose. Arguably meditation with the goal of making something independent of you. For proper thougtforms they need to have as many sense components (visual, touch, smell, hearing, taste) as necessary, be infused with energy you direct with what you learn from energy work and emotions. Includes reality creation of any sort.
09/27/15 (Sun) 10:56:14 No. 55177
Is new energy ways v2 more effective?
09/27/15 (Sun) 11:03:31 No. 55180
If it's the one in the fringe library then go ahead. All you need the book for is learning how to feel and move energy.
09/27/15 (Sun) 11:17:47 No. 55182
yeah that's the one
09/28/15 (Mon) 18:32:10 No. 55276
Could this be done in an apartment? And for drawing in yang, you're supposed to do it at night right?
09/29/15 (Tue) 01:39:36 No. 55300
You can tap into the energies anywhere. Except on earth is best for yin. Yang can be gathered any time of day.
09/29/15 (Tue) 14:01:12 No. 55387
Is it possible to use chi while lucid dreaming or astral projection?
09/30/15 (Wed) 02:15:19 No. 55449
You certainly can. Except you're using it with another "body" the spirit. I learned some of my techniques in the astral world and then took them back and developed them in this world.
09/30/15 (Wed) 06:46:25 No. 55472
""Chakra Healing and Development of the Higher Circuits"
Alright. Now this part is work. I won't sugar coat it or make it out to be any more glorious than it is. You'll cry like a bitch and need a shower or two. This is true development of your own emotional and energetic self. I've already made a basic thread for emotional healing and shadow work here . Study it well enough that you understand the theory and practice. Now we're going to take it up a notch and work it into the chakra system. The purpose of this exercise and information is to remove all the emotional traumas in your chakras. Then we develop and strengthen the wounds until they turn into a scar, a remnant. This work is ESSENTIAL before attempting kundalini. If you don't remove your imbalances and develop your chakras then they will be enhanced 10 fold from kundalini. This means your anger, desire, ego, fear, pain and any other negative quality starts to control your life until you remove and control it. It's not easy to remove a weed which you've fed. It may be possible to do but it's much easier to cut them while they're young. This work is not for those who can't humble themselves and change. Purification of the mind is the age old lead to gold. So you need to treat this work with absolute respect.
Let's get right down to it. Each of your chakras is related to a certain period of development in your life. Chances are you've only developed the first three to really any practical extent(root, sacral and solar plexus). This goes for about 80% of humans. Each chakra will have a wound from that period of development. Think of these wounds like your trials and given tests in life. If you were not fed properly as a baby then your root chakra will remember that and in adult life you will fear for your survival. Or maybe you were poor and never were able to satisfy your ego with material possessions in highschool which has lead to a solar plexus mark. This leads you to buy expensive clothes and cars to impress others around you. To understand our own wounds we must first know the chakras. Your wounds to do with the root chakra will always be related to how you were treated as a little baby. They will be to do with survival and fear. The sacral chakra develops after this in early childhood. Problems here are related to your desire, be it for food, sex, drugs or other dependencies. Your solar plexus develops around adolescence. Wounds in this area will be to do with your ego. The ego is like your personal avatar, the way you present and think of yourself. You're going to need to go into deep meditation and ask yourself/ recall all of the traumatic events in your life. Go through each chakra trying to remember/decipher what might of happened in your life and how you were mistreated. Refer to my previously linked guide for a thorough explanation on how to fix this. But basically you need to change the memory into one where you were given what you needed or where everything went well. For example if you were not fed correctly you need to change the memory into one that you were fed properly. If you are bitter about not finding love in your younger years you need to change your memories so that you did. This releases all emotional bindings and ties to your past wounds. You may feel awkward about this. But just do it. Confront the pain so much that you can only feel love and bliss for the memories that you might of been raped, starved, abused or harmed. Not in a way that you enjoy it but in a way that you see it as a wounded child. Be compassionate and loving to this child.
Go through each memory in your life, reliving it and alchemizing the negative emotions into positive ones. This is a long process which can take several days of work to get thoroughly fixed. You also need to start externalizing these changes which should happen naturally. If you have a dependence on a drug and then clean the wound related to this one you need to actually stick with the change and give up your addiction. These changes will usually come naturally after some time.
*Continued next post*
09/30/15 (Wed) 06:58:21 No. 55474
Next circuit is the heart chakra, our 4th. Developing this is a little more difficult and thus most of humanity still struggles to understand it even exists. That's why most people can't understand your mystical or occult experiences. When they can't even tap into compassion they will never be able to even comprehend that something higher exists. They say the heart chakra is like a door or bridge to the higher centres of your being. The lower three chakras are your lower self (Which most of humanity is trapped in) and the highest three are your higher self (Creativity, spirituality and perception. That's why you can probably still talk to your artist or stoner friend). This is how you know we're getting into serious stuff. To put it simply I'm decoding a lot of occult intangible gibberish into practical techniques and information. To develop the heart chakra you need to gain humility and compassion as well as true self love. This means forgiving everyone who's ever done you wrong, apologising to everyone you've ever done wrong to and starting to love yourself so much that your body and mind are a home(This is all done in your imagination through visualization. I would never make you leave the house young wizards). People without self love cannot feel comfortable with who they are. They also do not treat their bodies and minds correctly.
The meditations for this chakra are similar to before. Enter a meditative trance state and bring up one by one everyone you know. Your mother and father are especially important as we need to integrate the "divine masculine and feminine". *fun jokes* How do you know someone's still internally a (man)child? They hate and can't deal with their parents or everyone of a certain gender. This is shown in mythologies as the hero slaying or defeating his parents(Jupiter killing Saturn. Or as Mantak says "Slay the Satan".). Imagine someone in front of you and forgive them, say sorry to them and allow them to do the same. You need to "feel" as if this is actually happening. Your subconscious can't tell the difference between reality and fiction. Many people have blocks at this point where they can't forgive their parents or someone who greatly hurt them. Think of it this way. If you were raped as a child and cannot forgive the person who wounded you, you're still being hurt and restricted in life by this person. But if you give up the attachment to them then you've essentially freed yourself from it.
Next is the part about self love. You need to change your internal dialogue to one of love and respect for yourself. Instead of saying "You're useless for failing this" or "why did you fuck up and masturbate/smoke dope/drink/binge eat again" tr y to use an opposite positive polarity. "We'll get it next time" "I can change and become better" "I understand your pain and will help you change". You might find yourself changing your diet, exercising, quitting addictions and negative habits, finding new friends and love, exploring new avenues of yourself, taking up new hobbies and many more things when you start to work with yourself instead of against it. This is where your meditation comes in handy. Through mindfulness meditation we're able to "catch" ourselves in negative thought loops or pre-programmed self hatred. You might also notice in certain locations and activities you will have more of these negative thought loops. You can try a banishing ritual like projecting positive and loving chi in the rooms or on the items of these activities. We can leak and stain items with so much bad chi that we create a negative talisman(The opposite can be done "lucky charms").
*Continued next post*
*yay for funky music keeping me going*
09/30/15 (Wed) 07:05:18 No. 55476
As a freebie I'll throw in some information on developing the throat chakra and third eye. This is not going to be a guide as the previous one for the heart is. Well it kind of. is Figure it like planting seeds. Your throat chakra is the centre of self expression and creativity. Seeing as we express ourselves through our creativity and voice. To develop this centre you'll want to take up a hobby that you can express creativity through be it arts, craft or other. Remember that creativity can be expressed in almost anything even if it's cooking or a binary activity like coding. You can even creatively make your fingers dance on a table if you so desire to get the ball rolling. This will allow you to learn more about yourself since whatever you pour creativity into will resemble your true nature. Think of it like pulling your true self outside of your mind into reality. I heavily recommend everyone to take up a hobby which uses their body like singing or dancing (tai chi) that you can perform anywhere be it in the bath/shower or outside at a park. By this I mean you can pull it out whenever you want. You can even pretend you're the next mf doom if you don't want to sing.
Your third eye is what you see with. Everything is energy, a singular vibration. Your third eye is able to see the entirety of this vibration. Except most people's perception is shrouded by lies and negative imprints, past failures, etc. Meditate over this for a while. Developing this centre will require you to learn how to perceive what is beyond your two eyes. Using the imagination we're able to perform amazing feats. I've scryed into people's rooms and told them correct details of their clothing and room features. Entered others bodies only to see that their location appeared exactly as imagination. Picked up on thought channels in rooms which are later vocalized. Read minds, Learned and received practical information and meditations in the astral. Intuitively been guided to spiritual plants and many more things. I would be here all day listing the perception shattering experiences I've had but these are some examples of the abilities we can perform with our third eye centre. I believe there are many books in psionics and parapsychology which you may develop these abilities in. One of our helpful members has been talking about cyclomancy for this field of development.
Anyway If anyone is game enough to actually do any of this work feel free to ask questions to clear up any misunderstandings or for some general guiding in it. If you want to go for kundalini (I'll write a guide for soon) then you will really want to clean up your emotional body wounds as much as you can. At the end of the day there's only so much you can do to prepare for it though. Either way your entire life will flip upside down and you'll be forced to drown in the filth of your own suffering and childhood wounds until you climb out of it bloody and bruised. But I can't deny it's worth it. Godlike development awaits for those who feel the call.
09/30/15 (Wed) 07:21:48 No. 55478
I like your work by the way. Keep it up and feel free to continue posting it here if you wish. Everyone should check out these summarizations to add to their own internal dictionaries and understanding. In fact everyone should be creating their own summarizations and personal understanding of whatever they read/ experience.
Your thoughtform example reminds me. I should probably get to making a thread on God and egregore creation. The other boards are only understanding half the equation with sigil making. Once everyone starts learning how to make personal Gods then we can really start juicing up our lives.
09/30/15 (Wed) 07:32:02 No. 55480
Why not be a god yourself? LHP.
09/30/15 (Wed) 08:16:20 No. 55483
Well we already are Gods by default. Though this takes a huge amount of work to reach the understanding. But technically we are like a network of gods. Since each chakra point is related to a major god archetype we're kinda tapping into a network if you get that. But here's the thing about a thoughtform. It's a thought that thinks. This means you create one of these little things and forget about it. You don't need to be the one thinking anymore. It's kinda like buying a servant irl and making his run errands for you.
Aznonymous 09/30/15 (Wed) 19:19:39 No. 55574
Thank you very much for sharing this knowledge. I had come to many of the same conclusions already on my path. Yet you provided a fluid explanation of the subjects in question as well as shedding light on a few things I had yet to touch on. Be Blessed Brother
09/30/15 (Wed) 21:06:50 No. 55580
If you open a chakra, does it stay open permanently?
09/30/15 (Wed) 21:51:22 No. 55584
While astral projecting or lucid dreaming?
could you do a little write-up on how best to develop yourself to travel the astral planes?
or just read the Robert Bruce book?
10/02/15 (Fri) 04:24:19 No. 55656
They're the same thing. Alright I'll give a little briefing when I go to write my kundalini piece. I do recommend you read astral dynamics by Robert Bruce but most people don't know what the astral really is so I should probably go over that.
10/02/15 (Fri) 08:36:01 No. 55671
"Astral Projection - Scrying Method and Gateways - Basic Introduction""
Aight let's go over some basic stuff just so you're clear on what you're doing.
The astral plane is related to Yesod in the Qabalah, the womb of Gaia as they say. That means in "human measured thought distance" we're right next to it. A little different from the mental and causal planes which are thought of as further away. In this case we're only using distance to grasp an idea since you may exist in all planes from any location. I'm probably only complicating things more than they need so don't think too hard on this.
So really the astral plane could be thought of as a dreamy plasticine wonderland of psychedelic-esc fun where you get to play with spirits, gods, ancestors, other people, bodhisattva/teachers and other astral critters/beings as well as world creation to pre-manifest, draft out some physical skills and objects among many other things. The astral is your imagination. Same place you go in astral projections, dreams and lucid dreams. Except you're just in a personal bubble for dreams and lucid dreams mostly and where astral traveling is more like a multiplayer experience where you start interacting with over people/energies in whatever vibration/plane you're in.
So how do you get to it? quite simply you just use your imagination be it auditory, visual or other. Sounds too good to be true right? You'll want to enter a really deep trance state for the best results and also do a little bit of chakra work on the third eye and qi-gong on your pineal for the best results and connection. Start firing up your imagination. Think of it like you're navigating in a land where your thoughts are your vessel. Want to go to another country? think it. Want to see an astral replica of a friend? imagine them in front of you. Now this may sound kinda lame "you mean I just use my imagination?" "Isn't this kind of rubbish or fake?". Those questions will be answered once you start pulling "light" out of darkness and surprise yourself with true life progress. If you want you can let your subconscious take you on a trip like a rowboat in a streaming current. You may also astral project via conscious sleep but that is a little more advanced than what most of our neophytes can handle at this stage. This is what most books will give you techniques for. It comes naturally when you heal your body, charge up your lower tan tien and do other qi gong activities like juicing up the pineal and pituitary glands. But that's going to take time and hard work so get comfortable(or agitated).
Another fun technique which I used to mainly use back in my Hermetic and Qabalah days is to use "Astral gateways". You've probably already seen planetary sigils and tattvas before(if not then look them up and probably check out that Qabalah thread I wrote a while back to get an idea on the spheres). Well It's time to put them to use. Start by meditating and lightly glancing at one of these. You sigil/tattva will depend on what plane you wish to travel to be it the Earth, Martian, Venusian or some kind of gate in another grimoire like the Necronomicon. Then when you have the sigil burnt inside of your mind you simply need to "adjust/align" your vibration or intention towards it. Some people find putting it on a door or making a portal and affirming the sigil into it works well(I used to use the portal method since I clip into world geometry with astral doors). You can feel it swallowing you and the energy of the sigil becoming one with you and opening something up inside your mind. This is good fun since you can meet tons of useful spirits to scry of and work with.
I recommend keeping a pen and journal in your hands during this if you're using the scrying method. Astral memories are held in short term so they will burst like a soap bubble.
I recommend during a shielding ritual before each sessions as well as learning or creating a custom astral fighting style. Sounds ridiculous except you'll thank me when you have to take on some nasty astral critters after opening a gateway to who knows where. You might also want to banish or ground yourself after to clean of any residue.
10/02/15 (Fri) 08:39:34 No. 55673
Just an extra tip. Melee weapons can be difficult to use in the astral. I suggest either creating yourself an aura inferno shield to melt everything around you in a 360 spherical area of effect or going with spread and blanket heavy ranged weapons. With this you can fight of any battle you might come into contact with.
10/02/15 (Fri) 08:55:54 No. 55675
Without getting too far on an astral development tangent I do recommend everyone to set up what the western magicians call an "astral alter". Pretty much your own astral home that you can mess around in when you're not traveling. I have a huge disc shaped stone tablet with intangible writing on each piece in the middle of a forest.
While you don't need to use a human vessel it is good to create one so that you can practice human world skills in the astral. I've once taken this to such a level that I was both practicing skills in astral form while doing tasks in the physical plane. It's kind of like the ghost hands techniques in Robert Bruce's books. Give it a shot.
10/02/15 (Fri) 12:37:53 No. 55686
>do a little bit of chakra work on the third eye and qi-gong on your pineal
isn't the pineal gland and the third eye the same thing?
also are you sure this could work for people not experienced with meditation? I can relax and go into deep trance by tensing and then relaxing muscle groups, but I've never done any chakra opening stuff, I'm asking since the 90-day astral projection guide is well… loads of work
10/02/15 (Fri) 13:21:42 No. 55688
thanks for the info, no offense but, all the websites I checked out of this were hippie bullshit, Do you have any stuff you'd recommend to read? Like no bullshit, hard shit?
10/02/15 (Fri) 18:21:42 No. 55707
Look at this idiot trying to be all edgy.
10/02/15 (Fri) 18:22:54 No. 55708
how is it even remotely edgy?
10/02/15 (Fri) 18:47:53 No. 55712
Going into a trance is not proper meditation. You are reaching into a lower consciousness level akin to sleep instead of reaching 'above'–which is a state of lucidity. There is a new-age obsession with ecstatic and sub-individual states that are spiritual honey pots.
10/02/15 (Fri) 18:55:52 No. 55714
and what would be the proper way? I am doing this deep trance stuff because I've heard it can manifest results better if you focus on a single chakra
10/02/15 (Fri) 21:25:00 No. 55728
Don't listen to this "muh new age" idiot. He never meditated.
10/02/15 (Fri) 21:37:11 No. 55735
What would you recommend then?
Sage 10/02/15 (Fri) 22:23:57 No. 55737
These >>55712 are the words of William Walker Atkinson, in his book Mind Power. He suggests avoiding trance-like states as it leaves the mind vulnerable. Read his books for more insight on what to do.
10/03/15 (Sat) 02:01:33 No. 55746
Yes and no. The third eye works with the pineal gland but you can use qi-gong to bypass this and go straight to the gland. It's kinda like how you can energize the hyper thalamus if you desire but there is no chakra for it.
As for meditation. I did list meditation as a pre-requisite if you go back and read the start. A lot of these techniques are intermediate which require a basic foundation of concentration, will and energy work. This is why I've also listed NEW as a requirement.
10/03/15 (Sat) 02:10:45 No. 55747
I can recommend you stuff but it really depends on what kind of field you're after.
As for meditation it depends on what you're trying to achieve. Trance is a state where you can "interface" better with spiritual reality. Technically speaking you need to enter a trance for every single exercise I've linked. You'll want to be able to achieve theta state within a second to optimally and efficiently practice these. This takes practice of mindfulness and other spiritual works since you need a good trance state for all other ritual work like evocation and basic lesser magic.
The word meditation can be thought of as a blanket term for mind exercises or mind use. When people mention meditation they're usually referring to mindfulness. This is concentrating on something specific while forcing yourself to keep a high consciousness/awareness state via being in the moment fully. This is the meditation I recommend once per day to keep up proper concentration for our exercises. Other than that it's really anything you can do with your mind be it the exercises already linked or general contemplation and mental exploration of a knowledge to digest and understand it.
10/03/15 (Sat) 06:06:48 No. 55761
I just wanted to clarify since it should be said to explain why some people like WWA or Montalk say not to go into trance.
When you're trying to do mindfulness meditation you intentionally don't want to be in what is thought of as a trance which is the really low states of consciousness (theta, delta). This means you pretty much can fall asleep or go unconscious if you're not experienced with these states. For general mindfulness meditation you're intentionally trying to stay aware, awake and very focused which means you wont dip anywhere beyond alpha and beta state.
Where as in a lot of these exercises we want a controlled theta or alpha state. A trance like state where you are able to become more sensitive to the very fine and subtle feelings of chi. With practice you can draw it up at will and feel it in your regular day to day life. This is where you pass the beginner state and things get a lot more fun.
10/03/15 (Sat) 10:53:04 No. 55773
>I can recommend you stuff but it really depends on what kind of field you're after.
I'm after becoming more powerful phisically,mentally and shapeshifting in general
10/03/15 (Sat) 11:16:26 No. 55776
I honestly can't help you in those three fields when it comes to resource. Your best bet would be checking out some fitness routines on youtube for the physical side. Depending on what type you need. Mindfulness meditation is the best you can do for mental strength. And for shapeshifting, the only thing I've ever heard about it is that the long gone druids had that kinda magic. Robert Bruce once said in an interview that he had been attempting to do it via taking his physical body to the astral. I do have some hypothesis on "hacking" or modifying the energetic bodies dna or underlying schematic print in order to force unnatural - superhuman like abilities. Since the chakras are just a bundle of data or energetic dna in a way. So theoretically these can be reprogrammed or new ones injected in. Except I've yet to develop these in a practical manner. Though it is my current goal once I've cleared up my time plate. Along with a lot of other physical abilities with chi.
Physical training develops mental strength as well so you should be set on them. As for the next thing you're going to need to walk the path of a master and develop it yourself.
10/03/15 (Sat) 17:17:01 No. 55800
Is energy work just qi-gong?
10/03/15 (Sat) 23:18:02 No. 55813
10/04/15 (Sun) 07:58:17 No. 55850
"Kundalini Rising/Raising the Dragon"
Alright. Here's my final main piece for this thread. After that I won't be writing up threads or exercises until the community grows and they're needed. There's not enough good information on Qi-gong, energy work and the occult in general on the internet when it comes to practical and useful work that you can understand without decoding. I say this as a means to try inspire you to take my work, make it your own and forge upon it. Whatever you feel you're here for in life to do. Whatever you feel ties you and binds you to this world. You're going to need to work on it and walk the path yourself. Others can give you little bits of information and guiding that might make you think a little differently. But ultimately you're on your own. Become the master.
With sharing this well guarded(probably rightfully so) and dangerously powerful exercise I would hope that you're able to make your own calls for if it's time or right for you to do. It's not for the faint of heart or the undedicated. This will put your esoteric progress and life in general on overdrive. A man can waste 50 years before deciding it's time for a change. But after this you're going to suffer psychological and ego death on a weekly basis if you don't change with the unleashed forces. Your life can become a living misery akin to depression and apathy, to emotional instability and the "magicians craziness". Your entire body can suffer damage to the nervous system, inability to exercise or to move it beyond the bare minimum because of intense overheating and "short circuiting". Just like the cleaning hands of a psychedelic, you will be shown every last piece of filth and trash stored up in your mind and ego. You might quit your job, school and give up friends, family or people you thought you held dear. Your entire life will slowly change for better and worse since both paths eventually lead to freedom from suffering. I'm not trying to say this is all bad as more power and energy than you could ever imagine will be at your fingertips. The ability to perform and learn faster than ever before, like a child. To grow physically and spiritually at enhanced rates. Wells of creativity, intuition and mastery open up to you for consumption. You will become super human. Mundane life becomes easy mode but controlling and managing your own self becomes the opposite. This is why I've posted a detailed thread and second last post about emotional body healing. You'll want to scrub every last fault and problem that you have before trying to accomplish kundalini. Else wise they're enhanced 10 fold. Every emotional problem, habit, fault and delusion in your life. With this they will be shed quicker than ever, but you need to be a strong person to handle it. Also I heavily suggest you have been practicing energy work for at least 2 months every day. You need to build up a strong nervous system and energy body so you don't suffer any possible damage. Though you can heal the damage done. A minor detail I rememberis that you need to be practicing a meat free diet for (I believe it is a week in advance thought I'm not sure on this. You'll need to source this somewhere else) this to properly work. Other things are eating a light meal or fasting for that day(energy work is hard with digestion). You may want to also ground and bathe or clean your aura up before this.
Now that we've taken that out of the way let's get onto the actual practice. Firstly I'm going to admit that I had no idea on the theory of kundalini when I risen it(this is not a onetime deal but damn is it effective the first). In fact I had done it about a month and a half after reading and practicing Robert Bruce's New Energy Ways book. One night I had been intuitively guided to perform a strange series of energetic exercises and techniques which progressively lead to a full kundalini experience. Later on I figured this out after studying the theory and practice of kundalini in more detail. I've come to the conclusion that you don't really need the theory for it. In fact it can just overcomplicate and confuse you more. Study it if you want but I will only be giving what you need to practically do it.
*Continued next post*
10/04/15 (Sun) 08:02:39 No. 55851
Start by pre stimulating your energetic body. I perform this while laying down on my back(I did it in a bed the first few times and now on the floor except things can get a bit intense there) and have found padmasana to be uncomfortable and restricting for the energy flow. Once you feel your energy body is ready you can start by opening the chakras, drawing energy to them and using your own personal technique for activating/opening. Do this until you've reached all the way up to the crown chakra. This work is just to get your energy body open and warmed up. Next start to draw energy from whatever source works best for you be it the hands, feet, third eye, crown, perineum or other into your root chakra at the perineum. The idea here is that we build up a huge amount of energy at the root which we then warm up and build into an explosive push that unlocks the dormant kundalini energy inside of your tailbone or sacral chakra. Continue building up energy at the root chakra for around 2-5 minutes. You'll want to have your intuition guiding you this entire process so follow that. Eventually once you feel it is time, start opening and activating the root chakra. Just as if we were doing normal chakra exercises except this time it will feel stronger and like we're building something up. This part of the process is the build up phase where we need to keep activating it until an explosion of energy happens. It can take up to around 5 or more minutes until the root chakra explodes. You'll start to feel your entire energy body pulsate, grow, electrify, lighen and do other strange things. Your coccyx might start to feel electric and your heart chakra might start beating rapidly like the first few OBE attempts. As you continue to build up and pressurize this energy in the perineum it will feel like your entire body is building up steam and is ready to explode. You might feel jolts of energy which make you spasm so try to keep still if you can. Eventually this will all come to a climax where the energy shoots right up your spinal cord to the head. At this part you might feel entirely like jelly or like you've separated from your body or are in two bodies. There is many strange phenomena that can be experienced at this point and usually intense amounts of energy and astral projections can follow that night. At this point you've successfully raised kundalini. Congratulations.
I suggest you to perform this at least once a month for as long as you can to continue the development and modification of your entire energy body. Kundalini is a slow process that eventually engulfs all of your chakras and completely changes them. Not to say you won't gain effects and benefits the next morning because you completely will.
10/04/15 (Sun) 09:25:08 No. 55863
>Also I heavily suggest you have been practicing energy work for at least 2 months every day
what kind of energy work?
10/04/15 (Sun) 09:45:12 No. 55866
The kind of stuff in this thread. Chakra work, grounding, absorbing and storing, circulating and stimulating the energy body. You should understand how to do them all and have a daily routine of some of these.
10/06/15 (Tue) 10:33:27 No. 56013
""Sexual alchemy/Tantric masturbation""
I had a bad feeling that I had forgotten an exercise. I figure this is one that might help some of the masturbation addicts here. You'll need to have a good feel for moving energy and the microcosmic orbit before attempting this practice.
Let's get straight down to it. First exercise we'll be learning to control an erection (Can't help you on this one girls. Either experiment yourself or go read Mantak Chia's many books). It's fairly simple since all you need to do is create a circuit from your testicles and penis to the back of your head or right at the pineal gland. We've gone over creating circuits in previous exercises and if you can't do that just sweep and drag the energy from your genitals up the back of your spine through the microcosmic orbit. For finding the pineal all you need to do is tighten your anus, iris and mouth. This will create a tension in your head where the pineal is located. This pulls the fiery yang chi out of your genitals and into your head where you may accumulate it to charge the brain or bring it down into the lower tan tien through the microcosmic orbit. Eventually you will be able to control an erection within seconds. A convenient trick for modern society.
Once you've mastered erection control you're basically done. All you need to do in your own sexual practice is repeat and continue this energy drawing tactic. Also learn to control your breathing and tension of your body especially the hips. This will help to alleviate energy blocks. Continue slowly building up energy at the head or running it through your microcosmic orbit while masturbating/ in intercourse until you feel it is enough. This energy is very potent and can be used to heal or enhance your body. It also works well to energise yourself through the microcosmic orbit. The final piece of this is stopping the ejaculation. Technically you have taken out the "light" from your sperm but it is good protocol to hold onto the nutrients. Try this while urinating to get a feel for it(though note that it will require more tension and strength to hold in sperm than urine because of the force behind it). Take your three main hand fingers and press them up against the perineum behind your leg. Try to hit the middle of the perineum with a strong amount of force that it closes up the pipe where the urine and sperm come out of. I will supply an imagine to give a better idea of this.
Anyway give it a shot. Don't get mad if you accidentally ejaculate all of your built up light. You've still captured and harnessed a lot of the energy inside of it so don't feel too sad. Though I would not advice using this practice as an excuse for your own lust.
10/06/15 (Tue) 10:40:00 No. 56014
So anyone been finding good results and experiences with these practices? I hope at least some neophytes are dipping their feet in.
10/06/15 (Tue) 12:15:27 No. 56017
Is energy work mandatory for raising the kundalini or is meditation work enough?
10/06/15 (Tue) 12:23:38 No. 56018
There are some people who are "destined" so to speak as their dna is hard wired to have a kundalini rising in that specific life. These are the people you hear about with spontaneous kundalini rising and they are of very high level spiritually (saints and bodhisattvas, etc). Some other people spontaneously manage it through work like yoga or tai chi.
You can kinda think of kundalini like an exotic and rare flower. Will you ever come across it while walking on your usual ventures and tasks? Maybe. But if you want you can go and take it up to find it yourself. Only one problem is that as I've mentioned, kundalini is not a one time deal. In fact if you want the best results you should be raising it every 4-7 days. At least once a month. It all depends if you feel this work is really for you and you're willing to dedicate your time to it.
10/06/15 (Tue) 12:27:38 No. 56019
What are the pros of a risen kundalini?
10/06/15 (Tue) 14:03:02 No. 56027
Humans are defined by their 7 chakras. I've explained the abilities of these in details already in this thread. Most people only get to use their bottom three chakras at most. This is mainly because all they do is ejaculate away their energy or over consume and create a digestive blockage of energy from rising up to the higher centers(thus most of society cannot use humility, compassion, are not creative, spiritual or even have any perception and awareness). With kundalini you massively enhance this energy that is pushed and channeled upwards from the base of your spine. Meaning your higher 4 centres are going to be much more energized and active. Along with the glands in your head like the pituitary and pineal.
In laymans terms it means you get super creativity, learning ability, perception, understanding, wisdom, compassion and more. It's very personal to YOU as you're essentially flooding your system with massive amounts of unleashed creative energy. Whatever you do will be amplified x10. Be it an art, your job, a hobby, your own spiritual work, an interest, ability to learn. We put energy into "doing". You're unlocking the artificial limiter to this energy source. So it's really whatever you spend your time on. If you like to spend your time doing nothing well then you're going to become an absolute master of doing nothing. Might to will supermarket specials under your command and creating a chair so comfortable that your butt melts like chocolate on a summers day.
But no seriously, aside from that your body will get tons more chi so this means you can produce more dmt and get tons more astral projections/lucid dreams and the rest of your glands will start working much more efficiently. Also means your energy work ramps up tons. You can also activate kundalini whenever you want and get a massive flux of energy(Think of it like the middle pillar ritual super sayan version) There's really a ton of effects. For me personally I was really interested in cooking around the time I activated kundalini and it was as if I had become some kind of cooking creative genius the day after. Ideas of new dishes started flooding my mind and started assaulting me. This was just one of the many effects the next morning.
Admittedly the boost to learning makes you a little lazy unless you schedule time well.
10/06/15 (Tue) 15:06:41 No. 56032
can you do anything super natural with it?
10/06/15 (Tue) 15:37:29 No. 56037
>Whatever you do will be amplified x10. Be it an art, your job, a hobby, your own spiritual work, an interest, ability to learn.
If your spiritual work is going to be amplified that much, there's no telling what you can't do
10/07/15 (Wed) 01:32:24 No. 56086
Your best bet is to look into psionics or people like the magus of java. I've thus far found a few interesting examples of it and am currently developing my own systems and work that I will later share. Though I wish to keep it under wraps until I have a full spectrum understanding both practically and theoretically before that.
These guys are both pretty dedicated in these arts.
10/07/15 (Wed) 02:34:13 No. 56089
I probably should of specified. Since your third eye is over clocked with this it means you unlock and can much more easily access the hidden occult abilities of perception. Stuff like clairvoyance and such. But yeah as said previously. You can get all these abilities now but kundalini just ramps it up since it's all about an increase in energy.
10/07/15 (Wed) 11:59:53 No. 56121
Get ready for a more Hermetic themed thread tomorrow. We'll go over altars, ritual creation and my favourite which is evo(invo)cation.
10/07/15 (Wed) 12:38:47 No. 56123
nice, thanks for all the info
10/09/15 (Fri) 20:58:01 No. 56362
Is the stuff here written in the book of knowledge basically qi-gong but simplified to just a few exercises?
Chapter 6: Controlling Energy
Controlling energy is of upmost importance for those who wish to attain great power. Once you understand how to feel energy, you can learn to tap into the Multiverse. This opens a portal of awareness, which then leads to various abilities like Telekinesis, Reality Distortion, Time Warping, etc…
To begin to control energy start by using the Quiet-Mind Meditation. Next close your eyes and see yourself (mental body) standing in front of your physical body. Visualize a bright and warm light encompassing your mental body. Now imagine your mental body entering your physical form.
Next, extend your hand and push all the energy you feel out of your fingertips. Afterward, draw energy back into your fingertips. Do this with each hand, and each foot.
Once you’ve master this, you are ready to learn how to connect with the Earth.
To do this, stand barefooted preferably in grass or dirt, and feel the vibrations of energy come from the earth through your feet and into your body. It’s that simple. It helps to imagine the energy from the earth as red balls of warm, pulsating plasma.
Learn to connect with the Earth and then you will have an easier time connecting with water energies. I’ve personally experienced moments where the connection grew so strong that I was able to move the water by mere thought alone. Though these stories are not highly published, certain adepts have mastered the ability of freezing water at will, and then melting it. They can also lift large amounts of water and shape it as they will. True Water-Benders indeed! I’ve seen some of this personally.
To connect with Water, or any other Liquid energy for that matter, you will need a large body of water. A bathroom would work.
Place your hands in the water. Hold them in there. Next, shut your eyes and imagine that bright light surrounds your body. Draw this light into your body and focus it in the center.
When you are ready, imagine the light moving into your right hand. Hold it there for a moment. Make sure that your hands are spaced about a foot apart. Once you are certain that you have roughly the correct distance (don’t let small details distract you). When you are ready, drive the energy from your fingers, into the water, and into your left hand. Hold it there for a moment.
Push it back out of your left hand, through the water and back into your right hand. Hold… When you are ready, repeat the cycle of tossing the energy back and forth until you master control over what you feel.
Eventually, you will be able to send your consciousness “into” the water, at which point you will be able to control it rather easily. These techniques will come later. For now, I want to teach you how to feel life force energy. This is especially useful if you are Tele-visualizing a different
planet and want to scan for intelligent life. I assure you, the universe is exploding with it.
In order to do this you must first employ the Quiet-Mind Meditation. Now visualize a forest, full of wonderful, exotic life. Remember; make the image as detailed as possible. Once you feel like you are physically there, this meditation will become infinitely more powerful. You should be able to smell, taste, touch and hear things.
Focus now on touching the forest, and the animals, if any are present, with your energy. Draw some of the energy from the trees, plants, animals (whatever you wish) into your hand. Stretch out your feelings until you feel a tingling in the hand you are using. Feel that energy enter you and empower you.
When you master the ability to feel Life-force, you’ll develop many abilities. For instance, you can sit in a park and close your eyes. As people approach, you will feel them doing so. With practice, you can read their energy and learn many things about them.
One of my favorite experiences with energy reading was when I walking through the grocery store. It was just after a deep and relaxing meditation, and I was feeling particularly in-tune with my senses. I was seeing peoples‟ auras easily and picking up on their emotions and such. Whenever I looked at someone, I simply knew what they were thinking, what they had experienced in the past, how they felt, and what their future would be. It was wonderful. I even verified this by talking to a certain gentleman, and saying something that I knew he needed to hear. He immediately smiled largely, and became much happier. (See next page…)
10/10/15 (Sat) 01:29:20 No. 56413
Yep that's energy manipulation alright. You'll notice this kind of field goes by different names to different cultures and people. But ultimately it is a fundamental skill of the magician so it's found in many places.
10/11/15 (Sun) 12:50:51 No. 56508
I'll be dropping some knowledge here about WHY you want to be doing this stuff. What is kundalini energy? It's your creative force and energy. What we use to create, to do, to live. The energy that decides the level of your health is this same energy. It runs up your spine from the coccyx and goes to the two glands pineal and pitutiary which regulate hormones for your body. Most people either ejaculate it away or clog it with too much blockage in their bowels and digestive track and emotional organs. Either you create or consume energy in this world. Both can be done and kept in balance. Consuming energy will always brainwash you(Think tv, movies, music) while some forms are lesser or could be thought of as good brainwashing. Creating allows you to push forth your own Godly self or true self upon the world. With creation you learn more about yourself and about who you truly are. You impress the world with your own being like a carpenter creating a wooden statue of himself. Cultivate your energy and you will begin to cultivate your own consciousness. YOU ARE THE GOD. CREATE YOUR OWN WORLD.
Go educate yourselves and soak up everything you can.
This thread is only the basic exposure of this system. It will prepare you for stepping into the larger world.
10/12/15 (Mon) 06:24:00 No. 56571
""Using the chakras""
I felt like I should make a little write up so here we are. I'll teach you a practical application and ability of each chakra(There are many!! But you need to find them out yourself with experimentation). I want everyone to start playing around and experimenting with this. You can do most of these(if not all) right now. This will help give everyone a more practical "understanding" of their body. Learn to use the vessel artfully as your tool.
First we all know the root chakra is about survival. Next time you start feeling a biological emotion to do with survival focus on this centre. It may be hunger or fear. Start honing in and feel the root. Calm it down via your will and energy. Next is our sacral. Do you need to conjure up more energy and desire for a certain project? Feel this centre and rev up that desire. Keep feeling as if you REALLY want to do something. Then we have our solar plexus which is will. Are you a floppy dead spineless jelly fish? Kindle this area until it alights into a fiery solar orb of strength(Feel the dragon or warrior inside of you). Feel your passion, will and rageful power(in a good way) channel from this area. At the heart we can feel absolute bliss. You don't need alcohol anymore once you've unlocked this. This is the centre where we can control and cultivate our emotions(For ritual work as well). Try to make yourself almost drunk with the feeling of love at this centre. It will help you connect with others. At our throat we can activate creativity and self expression. You might be a shy person who has social anxiety. Next time you need to talk to someone try focusing on the throat chakra and powering it up. See how much more open you start to feel. Mileage for the next two will depend on your own abilities and experience. Powering up your third eye helps immensely with visualization. Any ritual work will require this area since it opens up your metaphysical 6th sense. Let this one slide unless you know what you're doing and actually need it. And at the 7th chakra our crown, we open up to let our true self come through. Opening this up will allow your intuition and guidance to sky rocket. You know that voice which tells you not to do things and to do some things?
Do this right now. I want you all to have your own experiences. By now you should all know how to activate a chakra at will so this should be easy. Activate your solar plexus and get some work done or force yourself to do something spontaneous. Cultivate a new desire to do something at the sacral. Create some kind of artistic work with the help of your throat chakra or do some scrying and astral projection via using the third eye. If you're reading this for entertainment then you're wasting your time. Start cultivating your own abilities and control over your body. When you control the body and mind you control the world. A couple minutes of your time to try the exercises in this thread will lead to true knowledge and wisdom of a part of yourself you've never known existed.
10/13/15 (Tue) 19:43:08 No. 56749
Lots of gratitude for you OP. I'm fairly new to the occult & energy work, but suprising is the fact that the only book about those subjects is 'Astral Dynamics'. I feel as if this is a funny 'coincidence' given your recommendation.
Also I have a question for anyone who thinks that can answer..
After reading more energy work and such, I got convinced that meditation is essential. However, the first time I ever meditated, things turned out differently then I expected. I did it when it was near night, no lights in my room, crosslegged position. As time passed, I felt my consiousness being altered. The way I expirienced 'being' was changed. Similiar to psychedelics, but way more naturual and subtle. It all felt very calm and serene.
After 25-30 minutes or so, I started seeing a very very bright light (I had my eyes closed). It was no illusion, or a case of 'am I seeing something..?'. No, it really as if someone was shining a flashlight at my closed eyelids.
It startled me because neither did I expect or anticipate anything to happen. This made me open my eyes, but to no avail as there was nothing in my room.
I did more meditation sessions in the following weeks but none had the same flashlight effect.
Now, a week ago it happened again. It starts up by gradually lightening up my eyelids as if a flashlight is lighting up. This time however, I was determined to expirience it fully and not open my eyes. The light becomes brighter and brighter.. and I feel as if there is a rope tied around my head. From my third eye position to the back of my head. Then gradually I feel as if someone is embedding his thumbs at where my third eye is, like a baby 'punching' the skin from inside a womb. All this was pretty intense. And there was even more, as I felt like as if there was light flowing through my nostrils for some reason, and to my 'root' chakra. However, at this point my heart was racing like mad and I noticed that adrenaline was rushing all throughout, simply because it was such an intense expirience. This resulted in me breaking the 'trance' state & expirience since I could no longer maintain focus.
My hands were shaking very wildly, similiarly to as when people hear very unexpected loud explosions. Adrenaline was still going rampant in my body. I feel as if I had little influence on the adrenaline specifically.
Now my question is; what is this kind of expirience? It seemed to happen with minimal effort. Second question is; how can I keep my mind from suddenly going 'shock' adrenaline mode when this happens?
Sorry for the wall of text. Much love to everyone, I sincerely mean it.
10/13/15 (Tue) 20:04:41 No. 56750
I hope you won't be offended by the following statement, but we have your kind here every month (and it's somewhat tedious to repeat the same thing over and over).
The light that you can see between your eyes is the light/entryway to God, the all, the creator and your higher self.
In order to strengthen your connection to the light, you must do eye exercises that this book describes:
By focusing on the light and squinting your eyes, your connection to the all will strengthen over time.
Don't be alarmed if you start hearing voices after this. Talk back to the voices and develop. If the voices ask of you to do things you know is wrong, just leave them be.
10/13/15 (Tue) 20:19:28 No. 56751
No offense taken, truth has to be said. Thanks for the PDF, I will read it.
Are you 100% sure that the light you described is the light I saw? I ask this because it was accompanied with many intense physical sensations and it wasn't really 'between' my eyes. It litteraly was all I could see, no matter which way I moved my eyes around behind the closed eyelids.
10/13/15 (Tue) 20:24:39 No. 56752
Yes, it's the same light as for everyone that awakens. I saw it when I started, a lot of my friends saw it too.
The feelings you feel while working with spirituality is when your chakras align, energies balance out or gets stimulated. It's all normal, but because it's your first time experiencing it, you act like the little kid smoking weed for the first time.
Read. Research. Learn. Listen. Discover. Develop.
Don't forget to google or use the question thread.
10/13/15 (Tue) 20:35:14 No. 56754
>It's all normal, but because it's your first time experiencing it, you act like the little kid smoking weed for the first time.
Suprisingly accurate analogy.
>Don't forget to google or use the question thread.
Yeah I tried google, but given that some people might even even consider hypnagogia as 'seeing light' for example, the results vary way too much.
But in retrospect it would've been better to post this in the question thread yes.
Thanks for bearing with me nonetheless, anon. Much love.
10/14/15 (Wed) 00:28:01 No. 56770
Definitely sounds like you're experiencing some pineal activity. This is what they would call the light within the darkness or how Lucifer(pineal) is the "light bringer".
You'll get a lot of these during your meditation practices since the body is tapping into new and foreign states and new circuits are being "switched on". Try not to worry since ultimately it does not mean much.
As for the adrenaline. You need to practice more. Eventually anything that tries to shake you up will pass right through you like light through water.
10/14/15 (Wed) 12:21:06 No. 56797
OP, do you see a connection?
10/14/15 (Wed) 18:01:39 No. 56821
He seems like a powerful practitioner, but what bothers and worries me is the potential backlash from the egregore he has about his techniques. I had planned to train and empower myself and then at some point teach as many of my countrymen or people I know as possible. If I was a lone guy not caring about others, I'd find that less problematic.
10/15/15 (Thu) 00:34:58 No. 56837
You misunderstand the egregore. It simply guards the reading material and files. If you learn a practice wouldn't you say it's technically your own? You make it your own because YOU are the one who has integrated it. Thus you still may teach what you've learned but not the files from which you have learned them of (Unless you guide them to the forum of course).
10/15/15 (Thu) 01:12:00 No. 56841
You misunderstand the egregore. It simply guards the reading material and files. If you learn a practice wouldn't you say it's technically your own? You make it your own because YOU are the one who has integrated it. Thus you still may teach what you've learned but not the files from which you have learned them of (Unless you guide them to the forum of course).
10/15/15 (Thu) 04:12:07 No. 56849
I skimmed through the articles and it looks like he's tried to fuse the most popular systems together to try create a holistic understanding. There's some good stuff there but I personally don't think the Qabalah should be used for understanding energy work since it's a tool for ritual magic. Though it looks like he's managed to make the Qabalah into the chakras and dan tiens.
I used to use a system similar way back a while ago but found that general cultivation exercises like the microcosmic orbit offered a much greater development.
10/16/15 (Fri) 23:01:59 No. 57028
been reading through this for an hour and downloaded the first WinRAR file. How do I navigate this? It's all jumbled and half of it is illegible
10/17/15 (Sat) 00:47:41 No. 57046
Yeah it's not too easy to navigate. You'll want to go onto the forum and find exercise 1. Read the name of the exercise and try find the file in "sonofthegods loneman pai" folder.
Khan 10/26/15 (Mon) 08:36:59 No. 58308
"Intermediate Routine"
This routine is intended to be done (If wished) in two parts. It will take you 15 + 15 = 30 minutes to do. This routine will cover your entire energetic side. All that's left is for you to do the physical side which is your stretching, weights, cardio or whatever you wish to do. It's intended to be a quick routine that compresses larger techniques from 10-15 minutes into 2-3 minutes.
Start out with 15 minutes of mindfulness meditation. I can't begin to say how IMPORTANT this is. If you can't do anything else in your day at least get 15 minutes of mindfulness. This keeps a thread connection to the divine meaning you can never slip fully from grace if you do this every day.
Next move into about 2 minutes of warm-up exercises. Do a cleaning exercise like imagining a solar orb above your head running white liquid into your body washing all the negative energy downwards. And then pull yin from the ground into your body to stabilize it. You may also perform an inner smile or 6 healing sounds. You can even use an ordinary bath or shower and visualize the water cleaning your aura. Finally you may also imagine your astral body surrounded by a white field and in that field is a white cloud that cleans your aura. See how many different exercises we can use to fulfil the same intention.
Khan 10/26/15 (Mon) 08:38:49 No. 58309
After that we spend 3 minutes working on the lower dan tien. Start tracing a red silhouette in your lower naval as if you looked at a birds eye you would see the silhouette (horizontal). Or you may roll it in circles and spiral it. We simply wish to warm it up. After that imagine pulling solar energy through your entire body (pore breathing) into this dan tien. Breath energy straight into it through naval breathing.
Spend 2-3 minutes warming up the chakras. Start at the root and pull energy into it via pore breathing or pulling via the hand, feet, perineum, crown or third eye points. Work your way up to the crown remembering that there is a chakra at the front and back for each chakra besides the crown and root.
After you've done this you will want to pull more energy into your naval area. Pull some energy to your kidneys warming them up activating your original force. Spend about 2-3 minutes on this exercise. Pull the kidney energy and the scraps from the lower dan tien into the naval. Spiralling it imagining you're holding a solar ball. Pull yin from the perineum(your connection to the earth) and yang from the heavens into your crown down to the naval. Combine all these energies as if your naval is a big cook pot.
Our final and most important exercise will take the remainder of our time, 5 minutes (though if you're serious on advancing further I would bump this up to 10 then 15). Take the energy we've gathered at the naval and start cycling it down the front of your body. Cycling it within the microcosmic orbit. Try clear all the meridians within the front and back channels of your body. After sufficiently cycling you may take this energy into the lower dan tien (you can charge the other as well but I suggest the lower only until your energy body has developed). Spiral it into the lower dan tien until you feel the energy is all collected.
Khan 10/26/15 (Mon) 08:42:31 No. 58310
One exercise I forgot which you will spend about half a minute on during the dan tien warming up is bouncing the taiji pole. Bounce your awareness from the crown to the root chakra trying to feel inside your entire body. Then imagine as if a pillar of light is forming within here enlightening and flaming your entire body. Bringing it alive.
10/27/15 (Tue) 09:34:58 No. 58383
Is it true that I shouldn't praticing qigong the day I masturbate? If this is true I'm fucking pissed at myself.
Khan 10/27/15 (Tue) 09:49:12 No. 58384
You'll be fine. That rule comes from mopai and I doubt you're practicing mopai (I don't suggest it either). It just means you'll have less energy to work with. If you still have to masturbate out of an addiction try to make it tantric via cycling and circling the energy in the microcosmic orbit. Also stopping the ejaculation with using perineum pressure.
10/27/15 (Tue) 10:27:47 No. 58388
Thanks a lot Khan! You're awesome!
I'm not addicted to masturbation but I'm addicted to weed, do you have tips for this kind of addiction?
(sorry if I speak bad English.)
Khan 10/27/15 (Tue) 10:38:10 No. 58389
Don't worry about your English, it's fine.
First start up a journal. You need to self analyze. Mark down when you feel you need to smoke(insert other method of use). It might be from other background problems which need to be worked out, emotions or even boredom. Note down how many times per day and how much you're taking. Along with any other thoughts and ideas on it. Next once you feel you have the needed information to make well planned decisions it would be time to start limiting your usage. If you smoke two times a day try to cut down to once a day or two times with a lower dosage. Keep limiting slowly over the course of several weeks to remove the habit.
As for major tips. Energy work/ self cultivation is amazing for building up willpower and your internal strength. Eventually you will give up your addictions because you simply don't need them after a while with this kind of work(especially the microcosmic orbit).
Have plenty of other hobbies or entertainment devices around to keep you away from your addiction. When you feel the urge coming on try to replace it with another beneficial activity like one of your hobbies.
Don't get mad at yourself if you screw up. You'll want to do this slowly and each screwup means you have new journal entries which lead to further knowledge. Each step is a step in the right direction ultimately. I also suggest the 6 healing sounds for clearing yourself emotionally once the cravings start coming on again.
10/27/15 (Tue) 11:05:28 No. 58391
Thanks ! It's exactly what i had to know!
Does smoking weed affect my energy work/self cultivation?
Khan 10/27/15 (Tue) 11:45:13 No. 58395
Like most drugs it drains you. Also over activates an depletes some of your glands (chakras). Don't worry too much about what it will and wont do though. Just keep focused on the path.
10/31/15 (Sat) 14:24:33 No. 58768
What do you guys think of falun gong? It has a pretty crazy history, wonder why the commies wanted to get rid of it so bad?
10/31/15 (Sat) 14:28:11 No. 58770
It's pretty bad because it nurtures a parasite.
10/31/15 (Sat) 14:56:48 No. 58771
Why say something like this and not explain it. The fuck? Like aliens hatch inside you?
Khan 11/01/15 (Sun) 10:10:45 No. 58842
I'm interested to listen if you guys have any stories or information on it.
11/01/15 (Sun) 11:03:26 No. 58845
Khan 11/01/15 (Sun) 11:26:18 No. 58846
Ahhh. Another egregore based teaching.
11/01/15 (Sun) 13:31:55 No. 58863
Holy shit how is this even….. All it is is some meditation and energy work. How does it go to some kind of entity? What else type of practices does this I wonder?
Khan 11/01/15 (Sun) 13:40:26 No. 58866
Any lineage or practice you follow puts you into their collective egregore in the same way that living in America or joining the masons forces you to join one as well.
It's difficult to understand or realize the implications until you're able to become aware and more conscious of your other parts or selves which comes much later.
That's why you want to be careful about what you join and be very aware of the history it has. All the collective thoughts, emotions, ideas, desires and such of the past masters and iconic figures are all ingrained within the egregore of a tradition and system.
11/01/15 (Sun) 14:50:30 No. 58874
So is this how initiations work? Most peoples daily activity and habits can be seen as ritualistic practice, how far does this shit go?
11/01/15 (Sun) 14:57:06 No. 58876
>he doesn't know about self-initiation and not being used as a tool by some group that comes between you and god
SAGE! 11/01/15 (Sun) 15:29:35 No. 58880
>Implying common knowledge. inb4 elitism
It's not like I was going to join any groups or go through any initiations, besides that would just bind me to this realm further. How is one supposed to do a self initiation without knowing the initiation ritual or rite of passage ritual anyway? Of course this depends on what the initiation is for.
Khan 11/01/15 (Sun) 15:29:44 No. 58881
There's a reason they call it a "daily ritual" after all.
Khan 11/01/15 (Sun) 15:33:49 No. 58882
There's a reason they call it a "daily ritual" after all.
Not all egregores or groups are malicious and parasitic. So learn to pick and choose. Even by being a part of this board you are connected to /fringe/'s egregore.
Khan 11/01/15 (Sun) 15:35:22 No. 58883
Did not mean to double post that.
11/07/15 (Sat) 18:32:44 No. 59855
11/08/15 (Sun) 09:49:16 No. 59925
Hey, so I'm working through NEW, and I'm having some trouble with the basic tactile imaging practice. I seem to get caught up in visualizing the area I'm focusing on as opposed to actually feeling the sensation. Secondly, I have a hard time doing the clockwise circles. My circles are not very round. I also seem to have a hard time 'remembering' the sensations that I scratch.
Any suggestions as to how I might go about remedying this?
Khan 11/08/15 (Sun) 10:02:59 No. 59928
I would suggest taking it back a step and practicing your tactile sensation. Start by taking your awareness through your body. Running it up and down the limbs like a mist of energy or Chinese dragon flowing through you. You can even tense certain muscles to get your mind to focus on it.
Though it sounds like you're a much more visual person which is fine. It just means your method of practice will be visual. I want you to use a certain visualization for your energy. Be it white or golden mist, fire, a dragon or other creature, electricity, vines and flowers, whatever resonates and works with you(Create your own, it can even be a metal chain or water). Then use this visualization to work with whatever area you're currently on. Try to combine both tactile and imagery. The best way to describe this is to pretend that you're already a qi-gong master and every visualization causes immense energetic sensations. So for example with your clockwise circle problem. Imagine visually a clockwise circle made out of your own personal preferential visuals and then place it within your hand or wherever you're working on.
If you need one more suggestion for remembering I would say to duct tape a cold object like a coin on your skin. Or slap your designated area with a hard palm until it fuzzes up. This will actually light up any merdians there as well.
Try these out and tell me if they've helped. If not we'll discuss it further and think up some more solutions that are geared towards you.
Ultimately we just want to go for whatever works. I can produce energetic sensations and do my entire qi-gong routine by using imaginary sound for example. As in I visualize that there is a sound frequency at the locations I wish to light up(This is because I'm fairly auditory). I also attempted to use taste and smell. I've found that all of these work funny enough.
11/08/15 (Sun) 11:32:49 No. 59932
Thanks for the help! :D
I can spread a tactile awareness over wide areas of my body, but I seem to almost lose sensation when I'm not paying attention, so my body sensation is kind of unstable.
Focusing on these sensations and trying to concentrate on a whole-body awareness does end up producing a visualization of sorts. It's vague and unstable right now.
I'm really surprised I haven't noticed this stuff in my day-to-day life, it seems kind of weird to lack a consistent body-sensation-image. Freaky, really.
I think if I concentrate on this long enough, I'll develop the body-sensation-image and have a map of my body to work with. I've also found that doing the exercise, even if I'm not doing it well, is helpful, since it promotes my ability to concentrate on touch stimuli without wavering.
Either way, actively using visualization seems to help a lot for focus and consistency. I've found that 'orbiting' a central point is effective.
The energetic feeling is a really, really subtle buzz, but it's there. Should I be feeling more than this? Is it just a matter of time?
Khan 11/08/15 (Sun) 12:05:03 No. 59935
If you're feeling a subtle buzz then you're certainly on the right track. It takes time to develop this ability, just like any other. I recommend lowering your state into meditation to help with the focus. This kind of work requires hyper concentration which is why I recommend meditation practice.
Keep up the practice and within a couple days you'll have the basics all down.
11/09/15 (Mon) 09:29:31 No. 60064
whats the advantages of being able to see chi? i can see it in the sky
Khan 11/09/15 (Mon) 11:08:17 No. 60072
You'll be able to find energy rich zones easier. You can also go to a graveyard or areas where heavy amounts of emotion or ritual use has been done like shrines and altars.
That and it's very useful if you wish to pick up Chinese medicine.
Khan 11/10/15 (Tue) 07:42:40 No. 60195
""Yin fields"
I'm an avant follower of blessing food. Might as well make it useful in some way other than silencing the emotions and bodies cries(hahaha, oh help me). So one day I'm blessing a coffee cup and notice that I can enter a state where there I "connect" with the liquid, as if there is no difference between me and the drink. Ultimately there is none except for your perception of it. If you can intellectually understand it this far then you can perform this technique. It is a little more advanced than some of the others but at the same time it's very simple. We've discussed the use of "yi" to focus our mind, perception, visualization and all that other stuff in order to direct and control energy. Well this is very similar except you're learning how to control it outside of yourself through using what I like to call a "yin field". I use this word because in this practice we're using our yi to tap into a passive "yin" field of something outside(or inside) of yourself. Be it a meal, computer, book, other person, planet, empty space/air or something else. Try to imagine it as if you're projecting your own awareness outside of your body like in astral projection. But you're growing in awareness of what you are connected with. If you know much astral theory you can then understand that it's kind of like we're becoming aware of the object or areas astral presence and linking up with it. Whoah, that's a lot to think about. I think a picture will explain this easier.
There are a few preliminary exercises and requirements for this one. Though I can see that you could develop them while practicing this technique. You'll want to have a basic level of energy sense. Let's begin. Go into a trance state and warm your energetic body up. The fuzz or static is what you want. Try to project this around your hands. Left is yin and right is yang. As long as you can feel we're good. Next is some experience in food blessing or any kind of lesser magic. Ideally you need the ability to "tune" yourself with an intent or certain frequency. Can you feel as if you're falling? or that you're made out of metal or stone, and as heavy and dense. And then how about your emotions. Can you feel intense levels of joy or pleasure at will? In food blessing we simply pick an intention and feel as if it has already become a reality. Immersing yourself in the pleasure and success it brings. And now we're going to take it to a higher level of complexity.
Start out by picking an object. Preferably solid like a cup or cutlery and something that wont dirty your hands. You'll want to feel it all over and remember how it feels. This is actually just a crutch as with higher ability you can feel it with mind alone. You may be able to do this already. Once you've felt it with your physical hands begin by touching it with your astral hands. To do this you simply need to imagine as if you have another set of hands which are imaginarily touching the object. Feel the density, texture, weight and stability of the object. Now create an astral or imaginary cloud of energy which feels the object and immerses or bathes it within the chi. You may want to put your hands over the object to help you. Can you still feel the object with this cloud? After this try to merge the cloud of energy with the object. Connecting with the structure and formation of it. As if you're reading the "yin" or passive schematics of the object. This is best done first with water. Get a cup of water and immerse your yi cloud into the water. I call this cloud a "yin field" as it's a field of yin energy since you're trying to feel and pick up on the objects impressions. Feel the Spatial area of the water, the liquidity, density and weight. Shake the cup up a little and try to put yourself within it again and feel the movement. Almost as if you're being shaken back and forth. Practice by projecting out a yin field on different kind of objects, your body and empty space.
Khan 11/10/15 (Tue) 07:46:32 No. 60196
If this practice is too difficult for you currently then take it a step back. Perform the same exercises except within your own body. Pick a location on your hand and create a spherical or other shaped yin field within it. Keep your yi held on this area and feel how it awakens the circuitry within your hand. I suggesting creating a sphere within your lao-gong point in the palm(google brutha). We can now change this yin field into a yang field. It becomes yang once we change from passive observation to active forcing and intention. Start to imagine this sphere burning with energy. Similar to our previous chakra exercises. You can feel it spirally with energy, burning like a sun or pressurizing and gathering within like a black hole. Create a custom sensation which you personally feel works best for you using either tactile, visual or both imaginations.
Now that we've briefed over changing our passive yin field into an active yang field we can test this out through some experiments in order to learn how to use it more. Go grab a glass of water or one of your meals and put it in front of you. Warm up both of your hands by projecting an energy field around and inside of them. Place them around the food item. Start to project your yin field around and inside the food item and remember that you don't need to visualize a link or chain from you to the object but it may be done if it helps you. Feel the object, become it! The texture, the warmth, size and any detail you can bring to mind. As if it is a part of you like your hands and feet. Now start to bring up your intention for the ritual that you wish to impress within your mind. It could be a goal, a change of habit or anything else that changes your current state and consciousness. Feel as if you're already experiencing the future where this is a reality. As if you've jumped time and achieved your goal. No doubt within your emotions and mind that it exists already. Bring your awareness back to your yin field in the food and change it to a yang field. Imagine as if the object you're blessing has become the future where you've achieved the goal. A good way to think of this is that you pick an apple, put a yin field around it and try to form the apple to taste like an orange. As if your field carries the intention to taste like orange and you're simply merging the two.
Try to get the concept down and do a little practice with it. I have a few more exercises which use this yin field concept which I will go over a little later. Stuff like cultivation using it and healing. Essentially this is my way to explain and teach "yi". Except it's a method which takes it further because you can now tap into the astral component of reality with your energy. We're essentially fusing western and eastern. Anyway I thought I would try to learn photo editing to give a comical but helpful visual representation to this and future exercises.
11/11/15 (Wed) 19:02:40 No. 60409
>Those questions will be answered once you start pulling "light" out of darkness and surprise yourself with true life progress.
Could you expand on this?
11/11/15 (Wed) 20:06:16 No. 60419
Not eating meat is a requirement for raising kundalini? I haven't seen the other sources that go over it lightly say anytthing about meat.
11/12/15 (Thu) 01:03:47 No. 60476
Sorry noob question…. I'm just reading the book you recommend by Robert Bruce, and I find that I can feel all my major chakras, energy intake points, and 2/3 of my tan tiens. But I can't feel my sub-navel one, like at all. The others are tingly and I can even feel the small shape of them, but it's a big blank spot for my sub-navel. It's made meditating difficult because I can't tell if I'm bringing energy into it. I feel really weird and sick all the time and I think it's from whatever is going on with this energy point.
Khan 11/12/15 (Thu) 03:53:49 No. 60514
To understand pulling light out of darkness or knowledge out of the subconscious/astral I suggest checking out
I performed kundalini while having been already on a vegan diet. I hear Robert Bruce advocates a no meat condition for it. I assume it's to do with the lowering of vibration/densification or naval blockages. You're welcome to try it and report on your experiences. If it does not work then all you need to do is adjust for a week or two.
Don't worry too much. The lower naval dan tien is more like an absence of feeling - a dark hole if you will. Just keep awareness around the general location, below the naval and above the sacral. You can't go wrong since even pulling energy into the naval will redirect it to the dan tien.
The thing is that you're actually "creating" or "growing" this area. It's kind of like when you first work on your lateral muscles. They appear to not even exist until worked on.
11/12/15 (Thu) 23:27:29 No. 60670
I continued trying to do some basic developmental energy work, and I ran into some problems. They might be due to some other stuff, but I'd appreciate your perspective on it.
I've noticed that I'm not really completely awake all the time. If I try to be more present or awake, I get really, really tired, like a narcoleptic. I get a similar sensation when trying to do mental math, remember or learn something, exercise willpower, or do energy work. I feel leaden and slow, mentally and physically.
Fixing this seems like a significant project. Any advice on where to start?
Kru 11/13/15 (Fri) 03:52:14 No. 60694
I'm not certain. I felt my heart chakra cracking open one day, and the effects from it were gone the next day.
So it probably depends. It took me 3 days of effort to get my heart to open as far as it did. I think if I tried that hard to keep it open it would have stayed open, but instead I lost the feelings that I'd had when it was open, because I was overwhelmed.
Kru 11/13/15 (Fri) 04:42:19 No. 60707
Kru 11/13/15 (Fri) 04:49:12 No. 60708
One wonders how to pick and choose which to join.
I've already chosen a few people to learn things from (that I'll be practicing. Tai Chi and Reiki for example, massage and acupuncture too if more mundane things matter too), so I assume that ties me to their lineage.
I sort of assume my higher self is leading me to the "best" ones.
Khan 11/13/15 (Fri) 05:53:57 No. 60712
It's kind of like exercising a muscle.
Learn from those you deem worthy, take their systems and make them your own.
Khan 11/16/15 (Mon) 13:07:23 No. 61147
Youtube channel's up. I'll be posting a video every day or whenever my cup overflows.
11/17/15 (Tue) 01:33:22 No. 61204
Ayyyy my nigga Khan
11/21/15 (Sat) 01:59:50 No. 61535
>Sexual abstinence (Tantric sex is allowed) of at least 3 days before attempting these practices.
What defines tantric sex? Is ankhing okay?
Also, amazing thread, OP. Thanks for posting all this info, and your videos.
Khan 11/21/15 (Sat) 05:15:46 No. 61553
You can break this rule. But I put it up there because as a complete beginner it can be more difficult to feel the subtle energies and still your mind if you're lacking on fuel.
Ankhing (I'm imagining since it's also a tantric practice) will add fuel to the fire. As in it should allow you to feel energetic sensations and get in touch more with the art of energy manipulation so it's fine.
Play it by experience. If you feel you need to abstain from sex, food, sleep more or whatever to recharge then do so. If not then don't bother. Even someone who wastes his energy like a kid with money can perform energy work. It acts as a health buffer for them funny enough. Ultimately once you can feel it then you have the skill for life. It's like riding a bicycle.
Glad to hear you're enjoying the info. More vids to come asap. I've been on a little break cause I'm still recovering from an occult meetup.
11/21/15 (Sat) 11:47:15 No. 61567
Khan 11/21/15 (Sat) 12:10:28 No. 61570
I have been avoiding learning a lesson for a long time so the universe decided to make it as dense as possible. Even I can get lazy when it comes to these things hahaha. Basically a long string of negative synchronicity lead to me being stuck in the middle of nowhere over yesterday morning. I wont elaborate too much but it left me pretty out of whack energetically and physically so I just need a day to pull back the fragments of myself that I've lost.
I met someone extremely experienced who's pioneering the thoughtform field so I'll definitely be sharing some of that knowledge soon.
Kru !bqNTtjs6XQ 11/22/15 (Sun) 16:38:26 No. 61658
If yang energy is hot, I wonder why in Mantak Chia's book on male sexual energy, it says energy of the testicles feels cool, and it's the cool draw.
11/22/15 (Sun) 16:50:54 No. 61660
Because testicles doesn't automatically mean "male".
11/22/15 (Sun) 23:54:45 No. 61687
SAGE! 11/23/15 (Mon) 04:45:35 No. 61710
I think you misunderstand how it works lol.
Khan 11/23/15 (Mon) 06:31:41 No. 61716
As the others have stated they're capable of both states. The body is both yin and yang and can be either at different states of alchemy. I know Chia goes over it so you might need to do a little re-reading.
Kru !bqNTtjs6XQ SAGE! 11/23/15 (Mon) 18:10:13 No. 61755
yeah, I have only skimmed.
Just curious.
Kru !bqNTtjs6XQ SAGE! 11/23/15 (Mon) 18:40:52 No. 61758
Oh, and the reason for my asking was being wary of disinformation, and wondering whether there was any here or in the Chia, since the Chinese have had a history of disinfo to westerners.
Khan 11/24/15 (Tue) 03:47:45 No. 61811
You'll eventually be able to "feel" disinformation. As if it is an opposite frequency which does not sit right with you. Mantak Chia is for me the most informative and knowledgeable author.
A beautiful idea I read of his the other day is "To think of the body as an instrument. It must first be tuned to be played or in harmony with the universe." Meditate over that. It's some powerful stuff about getting your body and mind right.
Kru !bqNTtjs6XQ SAGE! 11/24/15 (Tue) 15:12:11 No. 61833
I just began to 'really' feel and realise vibrations/frequencies today, synchronistically enough.
11/24/15 (Tue) 15:51:56 No. 61836
What if I have the feeling that you're retarded?
The problem with intuition is that it doesn't give reproducible results. Two different people will give two different results.
Although, I guess one could argue that two different people should have different results and follow their own results. But this seems to lead ultimately to madness and solipsism to me.
SAGE! 11/24/15 (Tue) 16:05:10 No. 61837
When will people realize the universe is unique to every person. Two different people work on different frequencies and have different purposes and end goals. The intuition is just what you know already whether you realize it or not.
Kru !bqNTtjs6XQ SAGE! 11/24/15 (Tue) 16:34:54 No. 61843
this guy seems right to me
However, it can be hard distinguishing intuition from what the ego "wants" to be correct, at times.
Kru !bqNTtjs6XQ SAGE! 11/24/15 (Tue) 21:09:35 No. 61865
Thanks a lot, for providing a basis with which I'll progress.
I've gotten to a point where I need to stop reading the board and start applying/reading certain saved materials, and you've definitely helped with that by providing this.
Khan 11/25/15 (Wed) 08:08:28 No. 61897
I'm glad to hear this. It really sounds like you've hit another milestone in your progress.
The electrical model is amazing once you start to understand and apply it. I would suggest studying the Seven Hermetic principles since they are the principles of electricity or frequency. You can also study the fundamentals of light and sound to apply it to your body and the universe around it. All of these are simply the same thing so they will interlink.
If that is what you feel then that is how it is. Ultimately your own reality is defined by your view of it. I'm not here to change your opinions on any of this. I simply give out the information and practices for you to try yourself. From your own results and experiences you can then build up an understanding. If none of this suits you then you're free to go to another place which does.
Have you tried or had any experiences with any of this work before?
11/25/15 (Wed) 17:33:03 No. 61954
>I don't care if you believe me so it doesn't matter if I'm wrong or not.
SAGE! 11/25/15 (Wed) 17:50:25 No. 61962
No what he said is more akin to whatever floats your boat. From what is looks like, not the calmest waters it seems.
Kru !bqNTtjs6XQ 11/25/15 (Wed) 19:44:42 No. 62007
Thanks. I'd felt the need to respond in a similar way.
Kru !bqNTtjs6XQ SAGE! 11/25/15 (Wed) 19:45:58 No. 62008
Rolled 10, 9, 10, 10, 7, 11, 3 = 60 (7d13)
Quite so.
Got it, 7 principles.
That definitely sounds like something I should work on learning asap.
Khan 11/26/15 (Thu) 04:30:05 No. 62060
Either this information resonates with you or it does not. You need to gauge for yourself what "you" personally need. Ultimately unless you try it you'll never know.
If you're interested in something like intuition then try to develop it yourself. I can even write you up some information on that.
As I said before. I'm not here to convince you of anything. I'm here to tell you exactly what I've found works so you can try it yourself and build your own understanding. If you're just here to argue then I suggest you spent your energy more effectively. Your own energy creates your life the way you want it through action and thought.
This does not mean I'm not open to a discussion. But you need to understand that some situations are just not worth my time. Every breath counts after all.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 11/30/15 (Mon) 03:18:25 No. 62471
So inhale up the back exhale down the front, or figure out which works better personally?
Khan 11/30/15 (Mon) 12:53:48 No. 62513
I suggest always using the yang path unless you're too hot and need to cool of. Like with kundalini raising you may want to run the yin path a little to cool yourself down to be safe.
11/30/15 (Mon) 13:03:03 No. 62518
This is the best thread on /fringe/. Thank you, Khan, for everything you're doing here.
Khan 11/30/15 (Mon) 13:06:16 No. 62519
Appreciate the love brother.
Khan 11/30/15 (Mon) 14:43:36 No. 62533
"The breathe"
"To control yourself you must control your breathe." In each skill that I practice be it martial or body arts, artistic pursuits of visual and musical arts, patience and control of ones will, or spiritual practices in meditation there are two key factors. Control of the breathe and control of the posture. Your spines location decides how far the energy from the sacral and coccyx runs through the spines. Slant it around the stomach below the solar plexus and you will be overcome with desire for appetite. Hold sexual arousal and the energy will go no further than your sexual organs. Close up your heart and feel inadequate to expression and your energy will stop around the heart and throat points. Vulnerability allows expression of your true self. Though one must learn to become a master alchemist and allow all harm to pass through like light and water.
Onto the breathe. Breath inadequately and your spine will not have the energy required to fuel each centre. You may notice depressed folk cannot hold their posture correctly and will breathe shallowly. Spirit is the same word used for breath or air in many cultures and languages. Rightfully so. To control the breath is to control your bodies energy supply. Not only that but the lungs act as an internal biological pump. Each exhale massages the organs and sets a natural rhythm of your entire body - the sacral spinal rhythm. Try to understand how the breathe is so intimately connected with your bodies current level of energy and creative fuel. Not only that but the breathe is your bodies main source of detoxification as the skin and lungs remove around 70-80% of the bodies toxic yield. This is difficult to understand at first but through full body breathing becomes a realization. The faster and harder you breath the more your body pumps blood and lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system cleans out all of the toxic waste within your body. This is why you might find yourself feeling light toxic shock and weakness after exercise or breath work which works the lymphatic system.
Khan 11/30/15 (Mon) 14:44:04 No. 62534
Think of your breath as the bodies control mechanism. We as conscious beings understand that the body is not us, but simply a tool or our own vessel of God - the self - nature. First we must understand proper breathing techniques. View the pictures I'll include about the upper diaphragm. You have under your lungs a balloon like parachute which expands and contracts to allow the lungs to expand. You need to breath from this area which is located just below the sternum and above the intestines. Try to breath from this area like a pump. From the chest. Around the middle not at your shoulder or upper chest area and not around the intestines or belly region but within the middle. Combine all three areas to form a full breath. You will know you have this down when you can breathe completely silently. You need to train yourself not to breath from the nose or throat region which cause sound and strain/stress. Breathe in as deeply (to the lower naval - urogenital diaphragm area- lower dan tien) as you can without straining or causing unneeded pressure. A full silent breath at around 3.5 seconds in and 3.5 out. Try to always become conscious of the breathe. This may be difficult and annoying at first but with consciousness of the breathe brings true awareness and control of the body and mind. You can first start this practice in your mindfulness meditations and allow it to branch out. I also suggest breathing in fresh outdoors air. Open a window, door or two if you are able to.
Now onto utilizing this breathe. Your natural rhythm will set your body into the heart or true self state. This is who you are beyond the ego. This could be thought of as your creative childlike self. To enter the lower self or your body increase your rhythm by 2x. If you breath at 7 seconds per cycle then increase it to 3.5. Notice how your body starts to pump fasters and how you become conscious and aware of your body. This is good for any kind of exercise as it allows connection with the bodies subconscious. Now slow the breathe down by 2x to 14 seconds a cycle and notice how you relax completely and start to enter a deep trance state. Slow breathing is the key to entering a theta and then delta state. It slows the bodies organs and processes to slow down (the breath is the key to how fast your body works and pumps) allowing you to enter the non physical counter part of reality. Partner this with some chakra meditation and you'll have a powerful sense of visualization - near perfect for the advanced practitioners. This slow breathe allows you to feel your entire energy body and interact with it with much greater strength. I'll call these two breathing techniques the yin - slow and yang - fast breathe. Try out the yang breathe while you begin a physical training sessions and watch how your lifts increase. Then try out the yin breathe during your meditation or ritual work. You can begin to see how we can have complete dominance over our bodies by means of the breathe. You may trigger this instantly. A small warning is that if you're digesting a lot of food the yin breathe will be very difficult.
Khan 11/30/15 (Mon) 14:45:06 No. 62535
As our Second bonus technique I'll teach you the left and right brain breathing technique. Any of my pranyama yogis will know this one. You have two brain hemispheres, the left which controls your scientific functions like logical work and the right which controls the artistic like creative abilities. These also control the opposite locations of the body. "Ida flows through the left nostril and Pingala through the right nostril. Ida is also called Chandra Nadi (moon) and Pingala as Surya Nadi (sun). Ida is cooling and Pingala is heating." So your Ida channel is Yin and the Pingala is Yang. Feel your breathe and see which nostril it is mainly coming out of. Left will mean your Ida is predominate and the right will indicate the Pingala(This runs on a cycle throughout the day. Ida night and Pingala day I believe). Our exercise is changing the flow from Ida or left to pingala or right. To activate Pingala you will plug up the left nostrol (Ida) and breath through the right. This makes the left brain activated. Vice verca. So you can think that whatever nostril you block will activate that part of the brain. Block the left nostril to activate the left brain hemisphere and vice verca. This might be a little confusing to understand but please do try to understand. I'll post a picture to show the correspondences of the left and right brains for what they do. Also you may activate both brain hemispheres by blocking the left nostril. Exhaling. Blocking the right. Inhale, exhale. Then repeat it with the other nostril for around 10-30 cycles. This energizes the brain significantly. Give it all a shot.
That last section may require a bit of meditation. This is your que yogic brothers to add your experiences on this.
Final technique in this breathing mega series is of direction of the breathe. This is for the students who are having trouble feeling energy. Instead we are going to use the breathe as our energy source. Simply breath in and try to "feel" as if you're in taking an etheric sense with your astral senses. This may be directed and guided to your lower dan tien for storage or to any part in the body like a wound or pain. You will find that it removes the pain and increases the healing of that area. Try it! There are many other uses of this technique as we can use it for our chakra work to breath into chakras to activate and warm them up. You may find you enjoy using the breathe as a directing force for your own energy work and use it as your main tool. A martial artist will use and direct his own breathe to enhance and control the flow of his bodies movement in this manner. The aspiring guru and daoist master will do the same with their meditation.
One last thought I wish to give everyone is of full body breathing. Our body naturally does this but as most functions it is inferior to a conscious version of it. The kidney cleanses and detoxifies through the skin. Through conscious interference you are able to use the entire body for breathing. Not only this but you can also draw in chi through it as well to enhance your bones, nervous system, ligaments, muscles, organs and other energetic parts. Ponder over it and give it a shot next time you're in meditation. Feel the entire body and will it to form an in and out rhythm with your breathe.
Khan 11/30/15 (Mon) 14:47:17 No. 62536
It's chocked full of information so I suggest you guys go through one technique at a time and try to figure out how it can benefit you and how you can use it for you life.
Start by meditating over that the breathe is our bodies control mechanism. All will come from that realization. Enjoy the pictures as well as they hold some good info and ancient ninja wisdom.
Khru !bqNTtjs6XQ 11/30/15 (Mon) 15:46:49 No. 62542
ah, I should have been more clear. (but in not doing so I learned something valuable! Thank you.)
I had had the impression that one of the multi-orgasmic draws was exhale/draw up, inhale draw down front, or check which feels more natural.
Does it matter which is done or should it be checked?
I'd exhaled orgasmic energy upward a few times, but if inhaling is easier, I dunno.
I should experiment, but I was wondering if there was something established.
I should read everything Chia next.
Khru !bqNTtjs6XQ SAGE! 11/30/15 (Mon) 16:00:22 No. 62545
hm, I need to learn to breathe.
I was under the impression to try to breathe as low as possible. Does breathing into the belly/lower dantien mean that one is using the diaphragm or at least getting there, or is it also incorrect and the breath should be in the middle/all?
I should definitely do breathing/meditation/foundational stuff and go hard on that.
11/30/15 (Mon) 19:15:02 No. 62561
great thread OP, I have a question…
So, Ive been meditating for awhile now. And sometimes when I meditate for awhile without stoping for a day, I got this very intense energy or vibration come over and it makes my heart just beat out of control not out of fear, but out of just the intenseness (?) of it all hhahaha anyway to control it? I feel like it is crucial to understand/control what is happening.
Khan 11/30/15 (Mon) 22:39:59 No. 62575
>I had had the impression that one of the multi-orgasmic draws was exhale/draw up, inhale draw down front.
This is ideal for sexual tantra.
Due to the nature of the MCO path that breathing method is well fit for it. To cycle it through the opposite path you would reverse the breathe.
Though once you get a hang of it you can do whatever you'd like to do with your breathe and cycle the energy just fine.
Yes breathing low is correct. Except the physical location of the diaphragm is around the lower sternum area. So to get a feeling for where it is you'd want to feel around there. Once you understand the sensations and movement of the diaphragm you can continue directing the breathe and energy to the lower dan tien.
It sounds like astral projection exit sensations. When you're in meditation for long enough your body gears up for astral projection. Do you feel kind of like you're phasing out and that your body almost feels like it's becoming distant kinda like you're clipping through a speeding car?
I've had that sensation with two acts. Raising kundalini and astral projection. Though is sounds much more like the second.
Anyway, get ready for a writeup on blockages within the energy body and how this relates and effects the micro cosmic orbit. A real interesting and exciting topic to learn about your own blockages. They tell the story of your life. This will include some new techniques that I recently figured out to efficiently clear blockages like the "cosmic yin, yang spiral". With a name like that you can't go wrong.
Khan 11/30/15 (Mon) 23:13:05 No. 62580
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/01/15 (Tue) 01:26:32 No. 62591
>"cosmic yin, yang spiral"
reminds me of the galactic flush thing cameron day "made up"
I remember watching that when I was 13 yo haha.
12/01/15 (Tue) 03:19:50 No. 62599
Its in the stage where I am not aware of my body and just floating there. I figured it would be something with astral projecting its just weird cause if I just let it go it just slowly dissapears. I can feel the energy begin from my legs tho and slowly rise through my body.
Khan 12/02/15 (Wed) 12:24:19 No. 62720
"Blockages (in the MCO)"
During your practices with energy work you may find certain areas in the limbs and especially the Microcosmic orbit which are difficult to move energy through. It feels as if the energy is squished towards the sides of your body and tries to find an alternate pathway through. Just like a blocked pipe it reroutes through failure of pass. These are your energy bodies blockages. They need to be worked out and removed for you to live a more fulfilling and complete life. Think of your micro cosmic orbit as a solar system. Each planet orbits around the sun in a perfect way. If there is any disturbance in any orbit, each planet will be effected and it throws of the entire system. The same way with your body how it is your own personal solar system. Think of the energy like water chipping away at a stone. Gradually the blockages will be removed with time if you put in the work. Here today I have a few new handy techniques which I've found help immensely to remove the blockages.
First you need to map out your own blockages. Either mentally or on paper depending on which you prefer and require. Run the microcosmic orbit through your body and take note of where it feel difficult and weak to pass through. This may feel as if the energy wishes to pass around or that you simply loose concentration and body awareness every loop at that point. With more energy means more sensations so feel free to pool as much energy at the naval before starting a session(as well as drawing in some kidney jing and sexual energy to ramp it up if you wish). Next you'll want to run energy through the limbs, arms and legs to find out which spots are effected there. You will find your blockages correspond to certain meridian channels - organs and chakras. These blockages tell the story of your own life since they are a replica of your energetic to physical problems. I noticed this while clearing my own blockages memories would appear of experiences of the past and present to show what I've been doing to cause them. An example would be you may have a root chakra blockage out of continuous fear. This burns part of the circuit and disallows it going any further. Or a solar plexus blockage if you always feel you cannot express your will freely. A throat blockage if you're shy and unable to communicate naturally to others. You probably get the idea about now.
There are two techniques which I give to help you in your own journey. The first is the "Cosmic yin, yang spiral". To perform this technique you simply pull yin from the earth with your feet or perineum depending on the posture and spiral it through your legs, body (blockages will try to hault this flow. Relax and slowly allow it to pass like a wave of water. Heavy but gentle), down and up the arms, neck and head. Do this in whichever direction intuitively feels natural(clockwise or counter). Then pull yang down from your crown point and do the same except in reverse. Continue for another cycle or as long as you feel necessary. There is a Gif picture given to visually show this.
Khan 12/02/15 (Wed) 12:24:37 No. 62721
Our second technique is a simple reverse flow technique. View the gif of the dragons quest to create a harmonious body in alignment with the dao. This young dragon passes through a blockage in the yang warming path (up to the crown on the back and to the root on the front) and then back to the yin or cooling path. To perform this technique you simply perform the microcosmic orbit as usual except whenever you encounter a blockage you run the energy back and forth throughout the entire body area where the blockage is. By this I mean don't just run energy up and down a small path of the sternum. But the entire sternum and rib cage area(Wide instead of thin). Or not just at the spine. But entire back of the torso(in the area the blockage is). This clears all of your meridians as well as the main chakras. After the blockage has been loosened continue the orbit path until you come across another. Run a full cycle and repeat. You may combine both exercises and do one after the other. Wrapping around the heart area and pushing up and down the sternum/rib since the entire body does not need to be spiralled if you just wish to clear one blockage or area.
This may add an extra 10-20 minutes to your practice time since blockages are rather tough to counter. But I'll wager that after a couple days or a week of practice you will feel better than ever. Old habits and cycles will pass and you'll become a greater master of yourself. Remember that your blockages in life are what manifest as blockages in the energy body. Fixing the microcosm fixes the macrocosm. Good luck!
Khan 12/02/15 (Wed) 12:25:31 No. 62722
Open the gifs in a new page so you don't get a black background.
Khan 12/03/15 (Thu) 09:30:33 No. 62782
Not sure what thread to put this in(I figure here since it's energy work related) but I seem to have developed the ability to sleep about 2-3 hours a day. Not really sleep but more conscious rest.
There are two main phases in sleep. The delta meditation stage of healing and balance and the REM stage where your mind "defrags".
As students of nature we've learned how to enter this delta state consciously. To replicate it in your sleep simply sleep on your back without a pillow. Put the pillow under your knees if you wish. Rest in a meditative state for about an hour or two in this state. You also need to take about two 10-30 minute meditation naps during the day (I find 5 minutes of chakra balancing and energy work and 15 of meditation works well). This is your delta state.
You want to keep your body in good condition since we're cutting the healing sleep down(Though to be honest a day of fasting is equivalent to a month of regular sleep I find). So stay alkaline if you can. Though I'm currently out of fruit and have been surviving on acid grains the past few days of developing and first trying this. So it is possible to do if you're an acidic mess. Just use baking soda.
After or before your 1-2 hour block of meditation you'll need to trigger a forced REM state. This is simply done through visualizing. I found out that visualizing in a delta or theta trance state acts as REM sleep and have continued to develop it. The hard part is thinking up what to visualize. I personally use this time to astrally develop skills in physical reality that I'm currently involved and interested in. So you're kind of forcing a lucid dream.
I suggest activating the third eye and charging it before starting this visualization session.
How long do you need to visualize? To be honest I haven't worked that out. I managed just fine on about 10 minutes of this state and 1 hour of delta meditation along with a single nap (Though I've now increased it to two to be on the safe side).
I hypothesize that humans are meant to consciously sleep and control their dreams. I found that when you visualize well enough and long enough you enter it in a lucid dream or astral projection. Though this takes practice. So again. It adds to the hypothesis that we're meant to do this during the night or day.
Warning. This practice is only for those who actively cultivate their internal energies. As I figured this out the night I figured out a lot of the blockage theory. I believe having a good MCO allows for it to work. You may also suffer a time crisis where you don't know what to spend 20 something hours on. So only do this if you actually have a hobby or time sink.
I'd love to hear everyones experiences with sleep experiments as well if you have any.
12/03/15 (Thu) 13:10:06 No. 62785
you do know what homeostasis is, right? You do know that alkaline and acidi diets were debunked, right?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/03/15 (Thu) 14:28:20 No. 62792
sounds like this is a goal I should work toward.
A chakra book ("The chakra handbook") that I read said the more chakras are opened the less sleep one needs.
Intuitively+with a friend talking about it, I figured it meant if you can act out of a certain chakra all day, you can move to the next one.
What you're in is the crown; few hours, not needing actual sleep.
Who really knows anything nowadays?
Most diet advice is garbage, and anything good will have millions of dollars spent on suppressing it/calling it garbage so the garbage-peddlers can keep selling their shit.
So, there's little way of figuring out what works and what doesn't other than trying it and being sensitive.
Khan 12/03/15 (Thu) 23:26:22 No. 62833
Have you tried changing your diet before. You'll find out first hand for yourself so I wont spoil the experience. Never believe or disbelieve. Only experience.
Yeah I've found with chakras that I make sure to balance and open them before each meditation session. This seems to be one of the main causes of this less sleep effect.
>So, there's little way of figuring out what works and what doesn't other than trying it and being sensitive.
Those who spend all their time in the darkness never know the light. Those who spend all their time in the light never know the darkenss. To understand the light you must submerge yourself first in darkness and vice verca. To fully experience both sides of the spectrum lead to true wisdom. Sensitivity is to be cherished.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/04/15 (Fri) 23:01:32 No. 62906
Is tiredness after energy work the "sore muscles" equivalent to working out, or is it something else?
I also got sleepy after having reiki done on me, when it got to my heart center, which was, at the time, not very active.
I feel like my [least developed/"weak" or perhaps "blocked" or "tense" or "closed" would be more accurate] chakras are the ones where I get tired if they are worked with.
I've found that tension is just a thrill of energy that is being resisted, and this seems to be the opposite. Not enough energy in there?
Khan 12/05/15 (Sat) 06:55:33 No. 62967
Think of it like this. Your computer has a 600 Watt power supply and comfortably remains stable. You then proceed to plug in two graphics cards and start having energy problem.
Your electric anatomy needs time to heal and develop. To be able to strengthen the cables so it can withstand more energy. Also remember to store extra or unused energies in the lower dan tien as this will keep you more energized.
As for tension I've found it to be like this. Any form of tension in the body will create a block. You could even say that the tension "is" the physical manifestation of the blockage.
Try to wrap around, relax and push through the tension. Always focus on relaxation as this allows a proper flow of energy in your bodies cycle - Microcosmic orbit.
Khan 12/06/15 (Sun) 12:07:24 No. 63083
"Improving your vibrations"
Once you gain higher levels of sensitivity you begin to feel vibration influences and your own internal state. This vibration level changes through exterior crystals like food, water, people, technology, or really any form of light communication vessel or light in general (music with proper or improper hz tuning, the sun). Be aware that your posture and relaxation (blockages and MCO) will influence it along with your mood and current state of energy and happiness. Most of you who practice these arts may have noticed that many (I believe I've maybe been around two or three positive people while being conscious of this) if not almost all people you come across are subconsciously(or consciously) steal your energy and lowering your energetic state. This may start to feel like a kind of toxicity or suffocation where you need to drink more charged water, take a bath and get outside to counteract this disgusting feeling. The best tip I can give is either to limit time around poisonous people and/or to create your own energy shield through simple visualization and intention.
Nature is the source of all so to get back into nature is the most healing, grounding and energizing thing you can do. Try to perform as many activities as you can outside in nature if this is a possibility for you. Make your house a natural state with crystal, plants and anything which produces "orgone energy". At the moment I'm testing out magnets as I hypothesize magnetic jewellery and house magnets can draw in negative energy(like a miniature earth). Always keep a window (or multiple) open if you're able. Purify your water, put Himalayan salt in it and whatever crystals you wish the water to absorb frequency from. Then leave this water out in the sun. Himalayan salt can also be used for baths to self banish and energetically clean. Most people and electronic devices project negative energies into our aura which need to be cleaned through grounding or absorbed (Which is where the magnets come in). Remember that the earth is a huge ground which pulls out any negative energy within you. Meditating outside not only energizes you from the sun but cleans out much of the energetic waste. Another note is on food. Try to eat as many water rich alkaline(electric) foods that you can.
All of this along with proper maintenance of the body and energy work will develop you into your own solar system, radiating with light and energy. A little note on circuits - hold hands with another person to create a circuit. You can project your own chi outwards and if your flow is strong they should be able to feel it. You may also ask to project chi on their forehead and back of the head with both hands. This produces some amusing results.
Know that any way light can be transmitted it can be manipulated to both frequencies. Our water, food and even electrical poles and street lights all poison our bodies energetically. There is a war going on to keep you stupid, sick, weak and drained. Start slowly improving and making adjustments to transform your house and body into a positive zone or if you can set away from common man and the forces that control.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/07/15 (Mon) 02:56:46 No. 63183
Got a reiki level 1 and 2 attunement (accelerated course).
Feeling, uh, stuff. Really feeling more, due to lineage making me feel safer to manifest my power without hurting anyone (I had a fear of this. Maybe still do). Stronger connection to the divine and being better able to disconnect from my "animal" that isn't fully healthy yet.
Pretty awesome.
Still haven't implemented a whole lot of this because I'm learning from other sources as well, but I do intend to do so and will report in.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/07/15 (Mon) 03:24:02 No. 63190
>proper or improper hz tuning,
is solfeggio tuning the proper tuning?
I *think* that's what I tune my guitar to.
It makes me feel better that I couldn't get the tuning right by ear yet, if the current standard is wrong, ha. [and good thing I never tried to learn it if so]
I wonder if this guy's answer was the same as to the question I asked about tiredness.
In class today it was mentioned that yin and yang energies should be balanced because warm energies are what the organs are most used to/enjoy most.
Is this so/does it impact the yang-centric path usage of the MCO?
In attempting to raise my yang energies I perceive to be deficient, I've certainly imbalanced my yin and yang energies; I realised this today.
Khan 12/07/15 (Mon) 03:44:12 No. 63192
Either 432 or 444 A is proper tuning.
As for balancing the organs and the body most of us are deficient in yang energy and have many blockages within the body. Thus we use the yang path. If you start to feel extreme heat, sweat uncontrollably or some other cause of too much yang you can run the cooling path (opposite) or go lie down on the grass.
Your Reki class sounds interesting. Reki is controlling the natural currents of energy and directing them?
Apologies I did not see your question till now.
It sounds like your body is unused to and cannot yet handle the energy being put through it from consciousness. How's your diet, sleep, exercise, meditation and general health like?
I suggest if you don't meditate to start up a routine of around 5 minutes a day.
Also do you tense your body a lot? Or be around people who absorb your energies.
There are many possible causes to this effect which we can work out.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/07/15 (Mon) 04:44:10 No. 63200
With this answer, does that mean that one can use the techniques of others and distance/separate from their egregore by adding personal touches?
I did that rather immediately with reiki.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/07/15 (Mon) 04:48:33 No. 63201
ah, no, the reiki class was a 1-time 5 hour thing. One gets adjusted/initiated into a lineage, adding awareness/power to their energy sensing and giving ability.
One allows themselves to be a channel for divine energies to come through and heal the healer and the person being worked upon.
So yeah, directing natural currents to heal.
Advanced practitioners of course get more aware of energy exchanges/messages being transmitted to/from the recipient.
I was in a qigong class where the warm energy thing was mentioned.
Khan 12/07/15 (Mon) 05:19:23 No. 63204
Yes. You take what works for you and make it your own. It's like taking an LRBP ritual and putting your own elemental spirits and thoughtforms into it. As long as you're not worshiping or giving energy to egregores beyond you without control. Instead you learn to control and command, equivalent exchange.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/08/15 (Tue) 19:09:24 No. 63384
I just noticed I posted something in the question thread 16 that I didn't post here.
In my taiji/qigong class I learned a simple qigong exercise for increasing yang energy. Wuji stance, palms facing forward, imagining being somewhere outside an hour before sunrise, absorbing solar energy.
For yin energy is supposed to be at night, clear sky, 9 days in a row leading up to the full moon, palms facing backward.
Because there are never 9 days of clear sky in a row [or so the instructor claimed, as he'd never seen it in 10-30 years (I forget)], one can cut the clouds out of the sky for when there's cloud cover (the guy who taught it said he'd never seen 9 clear nights in a row). Sword hand mudra, something like this if not exactly this. You imagine yourself and the clouds/sky are one, thus you are able to part them.
The other arm is supposed to be out (I don't recall what hand position that one is supposed to be, shoot. It might not have been specified but I should have asked if it wasn't) and at a 180 degree angle, to counterbalance the sword hand.
Khan 12/09/15 (Wed) 00:25:38 No. 63406
Thanks! I've heard of Wuji stance before. I definitely will investigate it because yang energy is equivalent to gold in our society which is being flooded with yin.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/09/15 (Wed) 00:35:21 No. 63408
You're welcome (:
I forgot to include the detail that the example visualization for the yang one was standing on a beach. No idea if that is relevant.
I had my first kundalini rising today and your techniques helped keep me sane. I attempted to say thanks on a higher plane.
Khan 12/09/15 (Wed) 00:52:27 No. 63412
That's great! Welcome to the next level hahaha. You'll find your ventures and hobbies to be supercharged with newfound creativity and energy. As this is an ongoing process you can activate kundalini whenever you want. I suggest if you wish to keep the energy flowing to do do at least once a week or fortnight. The energy really makes for amazing astral projection and self discovery sessions/ meditations afterwards.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/09/15 (Wed) 01:02:01 No. 63414
I am a little afraid yet totally excited to do it again, lol. It kicked my ass even though I was sort of ready.
Yeah, I'll be sure to do it at least weekly. That meditation Auntwatermelon put up was probably the final catalyst even though I didn't put much effort into it.
Your kundalini rising method I tried yesterday with more focus, but didn't feel *too* much at the time.
I don't recall if I did energy work beforehand but I think I did.
>That's great! Welcome to the next level
Thanks again (:
Khan 12/09/15 (Wed) 01:03:17 No. 63415
I should probably mention that if you ever feel a kind of "chi sickness" like all this work is too much to handle then feel free to rest and immerse yourself back into mundane life for a little. Grounding activities are also great as well as eating heavy foods. Fruits are light so they will only cut your energy slightly. Always take it at your own pace of what you feel is right for you. It honestly sounds like you're strong enough that these words will only be to ease any discomforts that might arise.
I'd highly recommend learning techniques to get rid of negative energies that other people push onto you since you may feel them more. Any kind of grounding, bathes, 6 healing sounds, inner smile work well. As well as any kind of energy shield or banishing to keep yourself protected if you need it. Working with nature is also the best thing you can do. It heals and grounds you immensely. Trees are your friend (lol) as well as running water. Sometimes you just need to get away into nature or make your living space more natural with crystals, plants, orgone and other high vibe things.
As long as you accept the role of the master and learn to experiment and develop techniques that help you, you'll be just fine. I'll always be here to guide anyone and everyone as there are certain stages of development which might be daunting or overwhelming to some.
That is certainly a good technique. I found it like a "kundalini pump" as my technique is more of a "kundalini bottle rocket". The first works with the stored up energies you have in the lower dan tien/breathe and the other requires you to pool tons of energy in the perineum.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/09/15 (Wed) 01:07:09 No. 63417
I learned most of that beforehand (energy shielding and returning) so I think I'll be able to handle things; I just need to work on my energetic & astral musculature in general.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 01:42:47 No. 63579
Oh, I recall one method a guided meditation said to do was to imagine a shield of light all around (breathe it into existence), compress it to a thick layer on/near your skin, and then change your wavelength or make it clear so as to be unaffected by the energies of others.
That's a technique I've used when a high energy person was upset at me and I'd feel drawn out of my body/like I couldn't breathe due to pressure; it made the feeling go away. Drawing the energy up to the heart and psychically telling the person not to do that helped too, probably because that person didn't actually want to hurt me, simply disliked me for awhile.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 16:23:21 No. 63650
>half and half cultivating/strengthening and actually practicing it.
I'm not sure what the practicing involves, assuming qigong is the cultivation.
>I cultivate heavy
I've been trying to go harder, though I got distracted by going back to my normal life after a long retreat from it.
I'll do independent work along with your intermeditate (oh gosh I'm punning with typos) routine for the moment, and report back only after some progress.
Made myself a kundalini geas to get on things/off the computer.
(replying here bc western one is 2/3 to bump limit and this is more energy-related)
Khan 12/14/15 (Mon) 11:27:06 No. 64210
By practicing I mean practicing the skill. Just say you want to move objects with your aura. You need to practice the abilities of connecting with an object. Moving it, etc.
12/14/15 (Mon) 14:14:37 No. 64227
a few questions
Is lesser magic essentially astral work, rituals and thoughtforms?
Also apparently the most effective magic is qi-gong, but what I didn't really get is that you're supposed to channel the energy through a chakra to accomplish something, How do you know from which chakra you're supposed to channel to accomplish your goal?
12/14/15 (Mon) 21:43:18 No. 64268
Not the poster that you were replying to, but kinda on topic.
After I started energy work I had this incident with a friend.
He is the type of pessimistic person. That day in particular. After I got home and started pushing energy around my body, I feel a real tenseness around my heart chakra, especially the back part of it(the friend reports having back pain in the back of heart chakra area). I tried to soothe it, but it did not work(I did not remember the 6 healing sounds, I just tried white energy)
After I went to bed, I had the most crazy dreams. Some form in my friends shape was coming over the house, and I would start beating the shit out of the form, making it disappear. Then it would appear again, and I would beat it to disappearance again. Rising to anger every time I saw it.
The reason for sharing, is because of what I understand, this was a thought form that was attached to him, feeding on his negativity and guilt. I had a guild moment as well, so it probably attached to me. This is what I was fighting right?
At first it seemed odd, but now I think that I have finally understood the principle of transmuting. When I felt the negative energy of it, I would rise in vibration and use anger, a higher vibration than depression to disperse it.
In my waking life now, I experienced a shift. When I experience lowest spectrum emotions, like guilt, fear, depression, I repeat this act of intensifying the vibration to a higher frequency to anger, and then its quite easy to rise it to optimism and inspiration. Its actually amazing that I can use my lowest emotions by simply transmuting it, meaning that there is power even in the darkest of places, which is nice to think about.
Anyway, I was also wondering about whether any change or help to a person is possible. After this event, the only way that I would want to meet with the person would be to create barriers around me and so on.
Or are these people vampires and should be dumped immediately?
12/14/15 (Mon) 23:12:18 No. 64289
The realization that there are clear predetermined rules in how abstract concepts work (like positive feelings) is kinda depressing. It strips down some of the magic. It's not something I'll get depressed over, especially in the context of this thread, haha, but think about it - in the future there may be a mathematical equation for stuff like good feelings. What if good feelings and all kinds of this beautiful, sacred energy will become commercialized, gathered, and sold as products?
I was always intuitively drawn to these energies but never I imagined they could work this way. There are expressive, pretty songs made by genuine artists that describe this stuff well. The realization that positive feelings have to do with electromagnetism and will possibly be measurable in the future, paradoxically doesn't conjure positive feelings.
Although the feeling I'm describing here is a bit sad, I sense some subtle beauty in it. Makes me wonder, how about complex happy-sad feelings? How about nostalgia? Could a depressing work of art count as a positive feeling?
And then you have the idea of smiling artificially to your organs. Is this the same as experiencing genuine happiness spontaneously, and then channeling your smile to the organs?
12/14/15 (Mon) 23:24:02 No. 64292
Pretending to be happy or forcing yourself to be happy to drain energy from the earth is something that just doesn't feel right. There must be a difference in vibration frequency or some other quality of the feelings
Khan 12/15/15 (Tue) 01:40:21 No. 64306
Take two!
>Is lesser magic essentially astral work, rituals and thoughtforms? You're right on it. Create reality as you want it in a higher less dense form and then allow it to manifest downwards.
As for chakra magic. Admittedly I have not experimented with this as much as I've liked. If anyone has please share their experiences.
Though I have done a little work with it.
I use analogy to understand it. For example if you wish to push desire into something you do it at the sacral chakra. Another method is building up energy at the heart from combining the yin from the perineum - root and yang from the crown (Think of it like an electrical stick or magnet. I'll eventually make a nice picture for this in the book.). Then you focus on the intent impressing and programming this energy while running it through your chakras up and down. Eventually you'll take it to your root with the intention of grounding it in reality. Allow it to explode or project outwards from there. I hypothesize this method takes the energy through many planes of existence since your chakras and parts of the body are an analogy of all that. It worked well I remember. I'll keep developing it and grinding out the theory.
Khan 12/15/15 (Tue) 02:06:22 No. 64313
Great post. I've really wanted to cover a lot of this stuff since it's the largest challenge we face when moving from our lower nature or from earth into the void or our heart. Through developing our bodies we climb the ladder of divine ascension into heaven. First at the lower body which is extremely Saturnian. As in that it is ruled by the cycles of the world around us be it the luminaries, stars or planets. Then we cross into the heart - a barrier between heaven and earth. This area is ruled by frequency and electricity. It is the centre of our torrodial field. It is YOU, your true self beyond the ego. In personal alchemy we strip away the ego(solar plexus barrier) in order to reach this green plane of balance and harmony - the soul song chakra. Just wait until you integrate the holy trinity and become whole. That's when the real fun starts hahah.
Seeing as our western world has yet to enter their hearts yet (This is the current chakra we're collectively trying to enter. You may notice all the commotion about emotions, feelings, vibes, and such that is starting up.). This makes it difficult for practitioners like ourselves who go beyond the norm and develop ourselves. Meaning that people around us are completely blind to the toxicity they're allowing to inhabit their body. Each thought cycling or "orbiting" their own solar system is a thoughtform which inhabits the aura. When two people come together in a room their auras will exchange information(You may have experienced this). Both hearts or torrodial fields communicate. Not only that but just like sticking a usb into your friends virus infested, parasitic computer. The same thing can happen with your aura field.
It sounds like you've picked up one of these critters along with some icky etheric residue. I'll brief over a few techniques that I've found are useful for both protection and elimination. First for protection is any kind of energy work and cultivation. The stronger your solar plexus is the larger your barrier around the heart is. You may also create thoughtforms by projecting an astral bubble from this solar plexus chakra around your body. I suggest using this thoughtform before going into society or the human world. As for removing the energy once it is there, you have salt baths, the 6 healing sounds, grounding on the earth and a new technique I've figured out recently which is tree grounding. Find a nice tree, preferably grounding in the earth. Then place your hands on this tree and project any negative energies into it. Cycle the energy through the tree and bring it up from your feet to the lower dan tien for storage. I can't tell you how helpful I've found that technique.
Ultimately either we can transmute, ground or spread this negative energy. The common man will take on another's negative energy from being yelled at or another traumatic event and spread this to everyone around him. In order for us as a species to enter the heart we must learn to spread higher vibes to one another.
As for what to do after this with friends. When we start entering the heart - our true self. We shine a solar brilliance more luminescent than the rays of a sun. Vampires and parasites can't stand this light(the ancients told us that with vampire stories lol). So once you become self actualized you might find that the same negative friends who usually are fairly mellow become like beasts. Trying to pull you down to their world and harvesting you like a plush toy for entertainment. The best tip I can give is that YOU control your own reality. Don't be around those who YOU don't want to. Don't be at a place YOU don't want to be at. It can be hard to draw ourselves away from some people though due to a heart connection. But sometimes we need to. Ultimately you can only help and improve yourself. All you can do for others is to show them the way. Though if they don't want to be shown, they'll only reject and lash out at you more.
Goodluck on your ventures into the heart. Learn all you can and experiment as much as you can. This will make the decent into the higher nature cosy and comfortable.
Khan 12/15/15 (Tue) 02:20:06 No. 64319
>n the future there may be a mathematical equation for stuff like good feelings. What if good feelings and all kinds of this beautiful, sacred energy will become commercialized, gathered, and sold as products?
Oh but they already are lol. Have you walked in a supermarket? or any commercial district. The majority of it is all to distract and harm yourself, torturing the vessel into expending physical pleasure. Anything will and can be sold. Spirituality is a bad example of this as we see with the cash gurus.
I know what you're trying to say. But you need to understand that you have a right as a human to be happy. Understand that a lot of you unhappiness is artificially imposed and placed upon you from your upbringing and society. The poisonous foods, frequency projection towers, water, people and structures of society have lead to blockages and parasites in your body which only bring unhappiness.
We allow ourselves to be happy from "changing the frequency" because we love ourselves. We, acting as our true self only wish for our body and mind to be perfect and loving. Projecting love to an organ is just like drinking herbs to detoxify and clean the organ. It is an act of self love.
Trust me. The heart and lower nature can be a pain in the arse. It would be nice to scrap all of that and just immerse yourself fulling within the higher three chakras or God portion of man. But sadly it's not so simple as we've been given these vessels and tools to use and learn from.
A little note on art. Art is like a crystallized version of that persons state, emotions and inner solar system or world. It can invoke depression but ultimately you might transmute that into happiness. Or that depressing experience may unclog a blockage from childhood/adolescence for example. A lot of it is perception.
Anyway. All I can tell you is to try enter that heart and love yourself because you deserve to be loved.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/15/15 (Tue) 06:24:19 No. 64380
>wait until you integrate the holy trinity
so, the father/protector/masculine aspect, the child-self aspect, and the higher self/spirit aspect?
Is there any advice you can give for doing so? I'm in the state of integration.
I know emotional alchemy is an answer, mantak chia style with the 5 elements and other healing stuffs.
I mean more along the archetypal things that should be embraced, maybe?
I'm nearly integrated I think, at least on a personal level if not what you meant. (my interpretation based somewhat on myself. I haven't cultivated my spirit/flow/trueself connection enough lately but am doing so with music right now)
Khan 12/15/15 (Tue) 06:43:02 No. 64382
Best thing I can tell you is. And I'm gonna stress this for everyone in the thread. Clear out your blockages. Be slow about it. Even if you need to spend 10 minutes on a single MCO loop just cause you need to remove the blockages. You BECOME the perfect child again once your MCO is perfect. I can't stress this shit enough. Screw everything else. A perfect orbit is time and time again what I find makes you whole. Perfect orbit + charged up lower dan tien is the goal everyone. Think of it like a series of rice paddies which overflow into one another. That's your energy body. Fill up the lower dan tien and it will flow into all channels and parts of the body.
And then we'll want to talk about the alchemical, chemical wedding.
This is the fusing of the divine masculine and feminine. You become the Hermes-Aphrodites. Symbolized by Mercury. What this means is that your left and right brain are working together. If you need physical exercises do reverse nasal breathing. But what I suggest is to become both a scientist and artists. Grab that guitar and use it as both a musical tool and a scientific tool of geometry and mathematics. Learn how mathematical intervals and scales can become. Or when you're drawing start using geometry to perfect and structure what you're doing. Think of everything holistically and in parts. Use both parts of your brain. Don't be afraid to be feminine or masculine. Do whatever you want and don't care for others complaining that you're not enslaved and melted like them.
Apply this to all activities of your life. Turn your martial arts into a dance, etc. Never put restrictions on yourself as well.
5 elements is good. I love Chinese medicine and wish to learn more about it. I'll definitely share more once I've really integrated it. Such a huge field to go over.
Khan 12/15/15 (Tue) 08:32:45 No. 64393
From the amazing teachers and creators of "Qi-gong" we have a new practice by the name of "Tree-gong". This revolutionary practice will make you new leafy friends and transmute any negative energy you may take on. Quite simply we do this to recycle our negative or sick energy into positive and usable energy. I don't know about you guys but I'm the kind of guy who can get pretty pissed off. You look at me the wrong way and I'll fight you. No I'm only joking(kind of). So to avoid fighting every runt that offloads their waist on us we need to learn cleaning methods.
Throughout our day we can pick up a lot of negative energies from other people exploding in our face or relieving themselves verbally. This creates negative thoughtforms which perpetuate some pretty nasty thoughts in our own mind, draining us and wasting our time(empathy's a bitch). We're left in a bad mood while the other person leisurely pleasures themselves, now emptied of the days stress. Either we can transmute this energy within ourselves(I never find this works well enough), send it back to the person who offloaded it(this produces powerful but disgusting results. It's best not to get involved with this kind of black magic as you can cause serious damage to others depending on the influences and your own power), or ground it. I'll teach you a simple way of grounding it with a tree.
Stand near a tree planted within the earth. Older the better. Place your hands on this tree or near it. Start up a connection link by mentally connecting your aura with the tree. Wait till it gives you an affirmation(no tree molestation allowed guys). Then start to project your negative or sick energy out of your hands and arms into the tree. Create an energetic cycle or circle that travels it into the tree and up your legs into your lower dan tien. You can also use other areas like the crown to project it. If you wish the cycle may be done in the opposite way of cycling down the feet and taken into the crown or hands.
Feel free to further experiment and figure out what can be done with tree friends. I hypothesize some quantum world shenanigans since trees are all connected (as we all are) through the earth. Like a natural internet. I imagine some cool magic can be done with this.
Khan 12/15/15 (Tue) 11:52:58 No. 64397
A correction on some of my syncretism. You can also use the heart as an analogy of the earth and the lower three centers of beyond the heart as hell.
Khan 12/15/15 (Tue) 12:11:33 No. 64401
We can officially now use the word mana to describe our spiritual-biological fluid.
12/15/15 (Tue) 12:49:09 No. 64407
>We allow ourselves to be happy from "changing the frequency" because we love ourselves. We, acting as our true self only wish for our body and mind to be perfect and loving. Projecting love to an organ is just like drinking herbs to detoxify and clean the organ. It is an act of self love.
Yes, and my point was that this kind of love could differ from other love. Think of a wizard who could exploit this mechanism of projecting love to harvest energy and ultimately do bad deeds. Is there a difference between love of this wizard and love that some person feels with no benefit in mind?
12/16/15 (Wed) 04:05:25 No. 64483
One is doing it out of genuine Service to Others (STO) with an eye for the growth and benefit of the other in mind. The other is doing it with a manipulative agenda in mind, in such a way as the other would not grow, he is Service to Self (STS).
While the STS can still project energy programmed with intent and even 'aid' the other, if there is an agenda or expectation it is not true love.
With the STS it is the energy within the power of that entity or that said entity can harness or collect to direct to an end. The difference is the love of God is infinite as it's not really your love, you are but a channel for divine love.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/16/15 (Wed) 23:23:57 No. 64516
>I love Chinese medicine and wish to learn more about it.
I'm going to school for this soon.
>Screw everything else. A perfect orbit is time and time again what I find makes you whole.
sounds good to me.
I actually don't feel chi flow throughout my body consistently at all bc lack of practice I assume. Kundalini had me aware of it.
>Turn your martial arts into a dance
I do taiji/capoeira-type motions when dancing (:
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/19/15 (Sat) 20:41:19 No. 64690
Any tips for my doing another kundalini rising? I tried your technique again, but it doesn't seem to do as much for me as the one AuntWatermelon gave in the meditations thread (from which I feel heat and spaciness, and it could be mental but that's still an effect) . I poured all my excess energy into the earth and a specific tree outside of my house afterward so I could come in without feeling the need to come back out. When I poured it into the tree I felt that I'd nearly died/ (or passed out at least) that I could have if I put more effort into it. Did I screw something up? Maybe I should draw some energy back from the tree, though I'd think it's a bit late, unless it stored it. (It was an evergreen so at least I didn't wake it up too much probably?)
Maybe I just need to do more MCO/energywork/awareness.
Khan 12/20/15 (Sun) 05:22:16 No. 64735
As for raising kundalini again I suggest doing whatever technique you have found can take you there. For example a technique is the cobra breathe. You may need to wait until your energy reserves build up again.
As for the tree-gong. Yes you need to "cycle" the energy meaning you give it to the tree and also take it back. Else wise you're just loosing energy. Draw it upwards through the feet.
Khan 12/20/15 (Sun) 05:36:28 No. 64740
Let me clarify a little for kundalini. Our creative energy or sexual energy is what we're using to rise up. This is held at the coccyx. So if you can't find yourself able to raise kundalini you just want to wait till you have more of this in reserve.
Khru !bqNTtjs6XQ 12/20/15 (Sun) 17:46:47 No. 64798
Cool, got it. Yeah I screwed up with the tree probably. I wasn't trying to do the treegong, just to get the excessive fire out of me. I wouldn't have guessed that I could handle the energy when it was filtered through the tree. I did do treegong yesterday to clear a crystal though, and I mentioned it to a friend of mine who has a hard time clearing her aura and she managed it with that. (: nice technique
12/24/15 (Thu) 06:42:14 No. 65183
For someone having trouble Astral Projecting, will reading this book and learning these energies help one to astral project?
Also help with visualization (Anytime I calm down/ trance and visualize a circle its very unsatble/ morphing/ etc.
Khan 12/24/15 (Thu) 07:01:42 No. 65185
Yeah it's funny to wrap your mind around manipulating energy outside of yourself. Energy healing is good practice for this kinda work. Clearing a crystal sounds like a great idea. I'll definitely give that a shot!
Yeah it helps you develop your astral body. Though to be honest I recommend you learn to mentally scry(You will need to train that visualization/third eye in this). Eventually you "enter" an astral projection once you're experienced enough at that. Or get really good at sleep meditation and learn your own REM cycles. Or use herbs like Calea zacatechichi.
LoneManPai 12/24/15 (Thu) 18:05:38 No. 65216
I am a student at LoneManPai and it has the correct instructions. Everything is free. I believe SonOfTheGods is allowing new members again
12/24/15 (Thu) 22:00:29 No. 65228
is mental scrying just visualization?
12/24/15 (Thu) 22:43:27 No. 65231
Wise one, by scrying you mean by staring at things to the point it all melts? And I am assuming visualization is required for energy work right?
What techniques you suggest to fix my visualization problem and how long will it take to fix?
Khan 12/25/15 (Fri) 00:14:40 No. 65237
It has good info. Only problem is that SaToGa forces you to give energy as a down payment for than information. So take what you can before you get lazy with posting and get banned lol.
Sure is. See, problem is people want to astral projct. So I tell them "scry out whatever you want to do in your projections". But then they don't know what they want to do or they don't know what you "can" do. So I don't know what to do about this problem.
If the intent of astral projection is of escapism then I suggest people fix their lives on the physical plane first. A tree needs to be rooted in good soils after all.
Not exactly, scrying means to mentally see. Though focus meditation does help. You will want either tactile or visual visualization for energy work.
As for improving visualization you'll want to start with geometric shapes. Try giving them colours, merging them, etc. Or some common day dreaming. You'll also want to be in the deepest meditational trance state you can achieve.
Really. To get good at anything you just need to "do" and to explore/experiment.
12/25/15 (Fri) 00:23:34 No. 65238
Is scrying just as effective as full on OBE astral projection?
Khan 12/25/15 (Fri) 06:49:53 No. 65252
Think of it this way. They're both the same "plane" except you're only in a deeper state during REM state. Then we can talk about different planes like the mental. But that's another topic of discussion.
12/25/15 (Fri) 07:26:50 No. 65253
>>65237 Wise one,
Aye and as I said I have trouble visualizing things without them shaking, moving, dis/reappearing, I have tried for a few weeks. Do you know of a proven exercise/ meditation that can be done to fix this, strengthen these mental muscles?
Khan 12/25/15 (Fri) 07:35:42 No. 65254
Try visualize something but keep it moving, swaying or merging in and out. You can even just do an LRBP or other ritual work every day. Whatever you do every day does increases. Simply practice whatever you wish to improve. That's how this kinda stuff works.
Though if you're still having problems beyond that you may have a really calcified pineal gland in which case I would look into herbs and other food items to decalcify it as well as energetic exercises to give more blood/energy in that area.
12/25/15 (Fri) 17:17:25 No. 65286
>>65254 Wise one,
Doesn't LRBP require visualization in the first place? And can it bring to you evil beings from what I read?
Is there a thread that goes into LRBP in detail, I looked around and couldn't find.
Khan 12/25/15 (Fri) 20:04:03 No. 65291
The Bearheart LRBP is the one you want to do. It's kinda like asking the question. Do you need cooking skills to cook? Well yes. But you build them up. I figure you at least have a minuscule amount that you can see some mushy, filmy, figures at least right? You just need to work on that.
12/25/15 (Fri) 20:09:19 No. 65292
How does the LBRP benefit you?
Khan 12/25/15 (Fri) 20:15:53 No. 65293
Visualization abilities, elemental balancing, astral protection, banishing, evoking planetary energies. Stuff like that.
Khan 12/25/15 (Fri) 21:21:41 No. 65296
Here's some stuff that you can visualize. An old /fringe/ relic from the past lol.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/25/15 (Fri) 23:24:17 No. 65311
2nd pic reminds me of the video on tattwas that was posted somewhere.
12/30/15 (Wed) 17:13:26 No. 65820
The sensations I get from doing the circling of thumb, toe joints are very subtle and weak. I dont know if the sensations are just tingling of me scratching to target the area FFS. Will refraining from sex and masturbation for weeks make these energy sensations feel more significant? How many weeks?
I have done the tactile exercises from the book a week prior to trying to activate the joints. About 20 minutes every day of body awareness meditations.
12/30/15 (Wed) 19:46:38 No. 65841
Just saw
Nice video Khan, some new tracing methods not mentioned in the book I will try.
12/30/15 (Wed) 20:45:17 No. 65845
How do you even get started in this mess?
One would figure someone would come up with some pdf guide by now using all the information.
It's seriously disappointing that this "master" is a carnivore and doesn't even grasp the truth of higher energy with a raw vegan diet, let alone breatharianism. But the teachings are good.
Khan 12/31/15 (Thu) 02:44:05 No. 65910
Try both hands. We generally have a weaker hand. Though to be honest now that I look back on it, starting with the hands might be a little intricate. I suggest progressing forward a little in your exercises to the next one in the book which I believe is an entire leg or arm sweep. You'll need to experiment with tactile and visual sensations to see which one works for you. Do you have a liking of any kind of sensation? for example, water, electricity, fire, air, etc. If so I'd suggest to use it.
I'll get to some more nei-gong videos. I've been a bit slack on it and have powered through western work. Though today I'll upload the explanation on the chakras vid I made yesterday. There's some good info in it as it really pulls things together.
Yeah take what you can and then move on. I'd suggest just clicking on whatever html looks interesting and reading through it. Eventually you'll absorb as much as you need and then find a new source.
Lucifer !ErY2TknG0w 12/31/15 (Thu) 03:37:31 No. 65918
>that last one
ayyy lmao!
Khan 12/31/15 (Thu) 03:55:56 No. 65923
They're so good lol.
01/02/16 (Sat) 05:05:55 No. 66103
I want to ask the folks in this thread.
1: How long did it take for you to get to successfully doing a full body bounce circuit to your lower dantien anytime?
2: Have you noticed if energy sensations are stronger if you do not masturbate or eat more vegetables?
3: How long and many times you do the bounce a day until you think your lower overflowed into your middle then upper? Have you noticed any benefits or feelings/ abilities?
Khan 01/02/16 (Sat) 05:43:51 No. 66106
There's something about those hands that I find eerily nifty.
1. About a week or two. I practiced every day for around 15-30 minutes. Though it always progressively improved as I practiced.
2. After ejaculation I find you don't have much energy in the tank to play with so to speak. And when you practice abstinence the energy feels as if it slowly builds up to be stronger.
As for vegetables. I'm not sure since I get my minerals from herbs personally. Though I can explain my experiences with food. If you eat dense foods and heavy meals then it completely drains your energy and you're pretty much unable to cultivate very well for a couple hours after. With fasting sometimes I can have too much energy which I need to rid myself of.
3. In mopai they say it takes around 80 hours of solid practice to get it to happen. And seeing as an hour of practice can only equate to 5 minutes of proper practice.
I still have not successfully managed to overflow the lower dan tien. Though instead I pool energy into all of my centres when required. Though I've noticed it's always progressively collecting up more and more. But I have managed to access the middle dan tien "level" if you get me. As in once you cultivate enough you'll get some crazy sensations in the middle dan tien as it activates and then life takes a bit of a crazy turn. Currently now I'm actually working on activating the head dan tien through the mastery of the upper chakras or less dense abilities of man.
Also a new technique for you guys.
It has been inspired from something Khru said about keeping tension on the anus and naval(Ty Khru baby).
Essentially all you need to do is keep tension on those areas, keep proper posture as well as keep your tongue on the roof of the mouth. Then you need to do a full breath into the naval while keeping that tension. On an exhale feel it come up to the head. If you do this correctly it will cause the glands in your head to secrete a lot of saliva. Saliva is some magical hormonal stuff so I've noticed some invigorating effects from it. It's kinda like reverse naval breathing with lifting the energy.
Here's a book with a ton of good wisdom for more intermediate students.
Khan 01/02/16 (Sat) 06:18:45 No. 66107
Ah man. This meditation is giving me some crazy aura sight. Everything is glowing it's crazy hahaha.
Anyway guys. Some more notes or metaphysical meals for you.
I've noticed that when you see tons of static with energy sight in a room that there's a large amount of energy in that area. I've noticed this during evocation.
Another thing is training aura sensitivity or energy feeling. Prance and roam around your backyard air fondling the plants. Place your hands over the plants and try to feel their energies. Then centre yourself at the heart dan tien and try to feel your aura. Slowly walk around the yard feeling it change as you walk closer and further from certain areas. Then go inside and walk near your computer. You may feel your heart in pain like a sharpness as you go near electronics. This also happens when others are around.
You can also combine these both by trying to interact with the energies in an area or even in nature.
I'll keep further progressing all this research. I'm preparing to make a syncretism thread once the new chan is up so get ready for that. It'll Eastern and Western knowledge together. Everyone can join in as well since syncretism is the combination of everything.
01/02/16 (Sat) 15:11:38 No. 66120
File: 1451747499205.jpg (311.41 KB, 663x1129, 663:1129, Eugene_de_Blaas_A_Pensive_….jpg )
I've been experimenting with meditation, focusing on various chakras or lower dan tien but I don't feel anything special whatsoever, yet. Can you tell me if I'm missing something or doing something wrong:
I clench anus, perineum and pee muscle
I hold tongue at palate and breathe through nose
Sometimes I breathe (freezing) outside air
I do Complete Breathing 8 seconds inhale and 8 exhale
I hold air between exhales and inhales for 2-10 seconds
I suck my stomach to the spine at exhale, put strain on diaphragm to lower it on inhale
I do mindfulness (thinking of nothing for a minute, then usually some thought arises, I observe it neutrally, and it goes on like this)
With BOTH inhaling and exhaling I pretend the air is going to and powering 3D rotating orb of yellow light in my solar plexus which I imagine as my lower dan tien. I do it waiting for some new sensations because I suspect if I experienced this "energy" once and knew how it feels like, I would be enormous milestone and with this awareness I could do so much more.
The only sensation from the array of spiritual experiences I read about and can relate to is tingling pressure between eyebrows. Do all chakras feel like this? Is this tingling the sensation I'm looking for in my solar plexus, navel, throat, prostate etc.?
Khan 01/02/16 (Sat) 15:56:40 No. 66123
Have you worked through Robert Bruces New energy ways?
The rest of this is fairly meaningless if you have not at least gone up to the full body circuit in that book. Since you're traveling in darkness otherwise.
01/02/16 (Sat) 17:00:26 No. 66131
>Do all chakras feel like this? Is this tingling the sensation I'm looking for in my solar plexus, navel, throat, prostate etc.?
Similar, but a bit different as well.
>if I experienced this "energy" once and knew how it feels like, I would be enormous milestone and with this awareness I could do so much more.
Indeed. Personally I would recommend working with something basic like a psiball, or getting a medium (or the larger the better) crystal and feeling that in meditation. IMHO quartz is the ideal beginner one. You can also get an orgonite, however be aware not every one actually has (deep) insight into how they work so not size and price does not necessarily equate to power.
Focus your awareness upon your hands and/or crystal/orgonite and then feel the sensations as you move your awareness around. If you move it in a loop then you will start to feel a self-reinforcing current after a time. Furthermore visualizing can really help get it flowing until you can actually feel the energy.
01/03/16 (Sun) 19:52:08 No. 66271
From the book I understand the key is the ability to invoke a physical sensation of a holographic finger circling on the surface of my skin.
When I was 14-23 I'd spend at least half an hour a week imagining girls interacting with my penis and tactile sensations resulting from it, so I like to think my visualization is great!
The sensations I'm exploring when practicing awareness on feet remind me of occurrence of "invisible bug" I get sometimes. It feels like there's some bug or dust on a spot on my skin, but when I look there's nothing there, and the sensation disappears when I scratch or look at it. Is this a blockage? Circling with imaginary finger on the surface of skin or wet sponge inside flesh and bone of my feet doesn't do much, but focusing attention on my feet and thinking of them causes subtle sensations of "bugs" or something like "dream paralysis trap" in the whole leg
The "dream paralysis trap" is what I call what usually gets activated when falling asleep if you keep legs very still. It's what protects physical body from moving in dream
01/04/16 (Mon) 00:10:37 No. 66310
>The sensations I'm exploring when practicing awareness on feet remind me of occurrence of "invisible bug" I get sometimes. It feels like there's some bug or dust on a spot on my skin, but when I look there's nothing there, and the sensation disappears when I scratch or look at it.
I've experienced this as well.
>Is this a blockage?
I'm not sure to be honest. I theorize it could be nonphysical life forms interacting with you or you just becoming so sensitive to your environment you're starting to pickup things and can not interpret them, but I'm not sure.
>Circling with imaginary finger on the surface of skin or wet sponge inside flesh and bone of my feet doesn't do much, but focusing attention on my feet and thinking of them causes subtle sensations of "bugs" or something like "dream paralysis trap" in the whole leg.
I've noticed if I collect a lot of energy in my body in a place, it starts to feel similar to (what I've been told) sleep paralysis feels like.
Personally even after laying down for 2 hours I do not experience actual paralysis of any kind, though I do feel a 'heavy blanket' of energy.
Khan 01/04/16 (Mon) 05:35:45 No. 66349
That's it!. We all have a different method which we benefit from. We just need to cultivate it.
I too enjoy the method of focusing attention. Now try to focus attention on the chakras within your body and on your hand and feet to try draw in more energy. (look up lao gong to see hand chakra for example)
Just keep drawing the attention. As if you're drawing in light from all around you.
As for blockages. They are places where you cannot "feel". As in when you swipe awareness up your arm there might be locations which you feel like you've lost concentration and just can't seem to get into. You keep trying to "push" through but find it very difficult.
01/04/16 (Mon) 16:23:41 No. 66375
Thank you. After experimenting for 4 hours today I discovered when I "pump" with my kegels by closing and opening them very fast, I experience strong, funny, electric pressure inside my legs. I always had it, but always ignored it thinking I'm just pumping blood and involuntarily straining muscles there. Is this my energy body?
I tried to "draw" this funny electricity to my navel but it doesn't seem like something movable.
I guess my next milestone is to somehow find a way to find and feel chakras above legs. I tried to use all "pumps" in my body including fast straining fists, biceps, eyes, tapping tongue to palate very fast, doing complete breath as well as very fast shallow breathing, but all seems to just electrify my hips and numb my feet a little bit.
Khan 01/05/16 (Tue) 03:40:16 No. 66463
Yeah I'm actually working on technology with the kegal pump. It seems to my new found study that kundalini becomes more of a pump once your circuit is open. So using the kegals seems to activate this.
It sounds like you may need to work on your legs and hips. There is a possibility of a blockage in them if the energy does not wish to go up. Swipe the energy up and down for a while, get into each of the little corners and hiding spots of your legs that don't hold much sensation.
Worst case you can try a yoga style headstand hahaha.
Khan 01/05/16 (Tue) 09:19:55 No. 66485
Here's a little tip to our devout practitioners but mostly to the beginners who're having difficulties. Through much work and experience I've found that the greatest and most powerful force is simply awareness(This may come as a shock). For example. If I wish to clear out a blockage in the arm or leg for example (You can use any bodily location) I will slowly run my awareness through it like water in a river. Lightly taking notice of a location in your body does much more than most of us would think. It's like how a more experienced musician will play with subtle, light and precise touch.
Notice and keep awareness at your finger tips. You may not feel intense sensations of static, electricity, water or other energetic sensations but you will be "Activating" and lighting this area up. Especially if you do as one of our practitioners found out with "focusing" the awareness. This is actually a more advanced technique which bypasses the swirling, breaking, pulsating or other tactile sensations. Though a combination of all can be used. Find what works best for you personally. It may also change with more experience.
If you're able to hold simple awareness then you've already accomplished the most important step of nei-gong or dao-yin. All we need to do after this is experiment and practice.
To show the true power of simple awareness I'd ask all of you to place your awareness in your intestinal-naval region after a meal. If you can, try focus it like a lens or magnifying glass. You may notice the food starts to pass through and digest quicker than ever before.
Hopefully this has opened up your mind to the many possibilities of this kind of work. Experiment with what awareness can do to the many parts of your body. After that you can refine you yin yi or passive awareness so that you can feel negative and positive energies or feel the energetic circuit of your bodies current state( where energy is located as well as blockages, etc).
As a side note try to bring the energy from your breathe to the awareness for an extra boost. Or you can "draw in" chi from all around you to this location.
Have fun and good luck with your practices! I'll be experimenting and learning as always to bring you guys more information and resources.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/05/16 (Tue) 18:54:42 No. 66508
cool, it's a pump on both sides eh.
but I assume one is more used to giving then taking due to society being that way, so that would block the back circuit a bit more than the front.
>Ty Khru baby
ayy bb ilu2 (haha)
glad I could give back.
reminds me of vipassana, which reminds me I should really go on a vipassana retreat when I can!
Khan 01/06/16 (Wed) 01:35:24 No. 66550
Makes you wonder about a lot of the blockages we have in society. I already think that our creativity is under attack with these bastardly things named "pants" lol.
01/07/16 (Thu) 00:30:47 No. 66639
I see that the 2 books posted in this thread are for more advanced students, which books should a newbie like me who is extremely interested in energy work read?
01/07/16 (Thu) 01:14:38 No. 66668
That admin is such a retard. He deletes members if they don't post every 3 days or so. Does that shit even work?
Khan 01/07/16 (Thu) 04:53:20 No. 66685
I've always recommended Robert Bruce's New energy ways to new practitioners. That's how I started out and found that the tactile system of learning is the best to feel your internal energies.
01/08/16 (Fri) 02:55:42 No. 66829
Thank you very much, I will start reading it right away.
My dream is to feel the energy inside my body and be able to controll it and heal other people.
01/08/16 (Fri) 08:40:57 No. 66848
Khan 01/08/16 (Fri) 09:07:58 No. 66853
Healing is a great way to learn to use energy. Once you learn to manipulate it all you need to do is project the energy to an injured area (I find the hands work well to project with) with the intent of healing. You or the other will feel magnetic like sensations(Though you may not cause it's like tickling yourself).
You can give it a shot any time you injure yourself or have pains.
Lol yeah. While Satoga has experience. He's certainly not the be all end all of energy and internal work.
Take what is useful and keep moving I figure.
Khan 01/13/16 (Wed) 14:03:24 No. 67463
A little while ago I mentioned using awareness to clear away blockages. I forgot to mention the most important part which is sensation. What you need to do is target an area where there is a blockage (or just go through the entire body slowly) and once you have your awareness placed over it try to "feel" it. By that I mean feel the insides, the organs, glands, flow of blood and such. Feel everything that is going on and try push or force yourself to feel it all. Most of us will notice that we can't feel our insides. This is because we've lost touch with them through modern living.
Remember that your body is your story. Each scar, tension, health problem and other expression is an expression of something deeper and a part of your life.
Here's a picture from R Budd to give a good example.
So whenever you place awareness in let's say your leg and then "feel" around to clear a blockage, you're allowing energy and blood to flow properly into that area, potentially healing the other side. Think of the body like a country. If the roads are blocked then you can't move supplies. Health is much more simple than we've been taught to believe. If you can keep a proper flow of energy and blood then your body will get the right substance to heal, develop and function. The meridians are like rivers which transport water to the plants and animal. The earth being another analogy of us.
We've just crossed the new moon. Start thinking about what you guys want to include into your life or current cycle. Then start doing it. You have about a 3 day window till half way in which is when you really want to plant those seeds.
Khan 01/13/16 (Wed) 15:12:27 No. 67474
I'm just gonna use this thread to post my health finds.
Sun gazing. I've been testing it out the past week or two and I have to say it's pretty amazing. It seems to give me the effects of fasting except without the act of fasting. Things like rapid healing, high energy, no hunger or need for food and less sleep(as well as dream clarity and intensity).
I haven't had the chance to do it the past 3 or 4 days cause I over did it which caused a temporary burn in effect. Just a note. I do it during afternoon hours(The only optimal and possible time for me to do it) and it's summer here in Australia. I find if I go for around 10-30 seconds that it does not cause any burn in for over a couple minutes, hour or a day at this level. I imagine it will improve with time. Technically you're meant to start with sunset or rise but I've found that you can start at any time really. At least that's my own experience cause I've never been a sunglasses kinda guy.
Give it a shot and see if it helps you. If you do cause a burn in from looking too long then don't worry. Even if it persists for a day or two(even more). It'll be completely gone in a couple days of abstaining from looking at it. I've found it's almost impossible to melt your eyes and cause permanent damage since my eyes force shut after long enough.
I feel as though this is an absolutely necessary practice for anyone interested in personal alchemy of the soul and body. I imagine in a month or two once I work up to the minutes level it'll just burn away any health problems and overcharge me. I'd recommend it also to anyone who's interested in inedia. I'm personally weening of food slow enough that it does not cause a pendelum swing or lack of energy. That's just what I've found works best for me.
Some more brief notes about the three layers of your body which we use the three dan tiens to represent(I know I'm probably repeating myself here but I need to keep drilling this in until it ticks inside of you - innerstanding).
Meditate over the knowledge that the lower dan tien links to the sensual and animal body. Try to understand that part of your consciousness(how to talk to it, not with words. How to use it, interact with it, etc.). Then build up and feel your heart dan tien. Understand how to communicate with this area. You do it through frequency and vibration. Use your heart like a radio dial, tuning to frequencies to feel alignments. Then finally our upper dan tien in the head. This is the centre which can communicate with words. The level or layer of consciousness which we understand things intellectually(and spiritually).
If you guys can understand these three layers in your own conscious experience, as in actually know when you're using each part then you can split them up further into the chakras. Lower three - lower dan tien. Heart - heart and head - upper three. Each chakra can be thought of as a different state of consciousness. Try to understand and meditate over which state each of these are so you can analyze and use them to your advantage.
I can explain the conscious state of each chakra in the next post if you guys need it to try piece more things together. Though for now I'd suggest focusing on the dan tiens, bringing in energy and experiencing what happens. If you guys want free LSD then breathe energy into your head dan tien while in mediation (just before going to sleep works best) and activate the third eye and crown chakra (or the entire energy body if you're doing MCO or other work. That all helps) and have fun hahaha.
01/13/16 (Wed) 20:02:54 No. 67506
Perhaps someone new to energy work could try hyperventilating himself to get the idea how this tingling energy feels like (hopefully Khan comments on this idea because I'm not experienced and I don't want to fuck someone up. or myself)
At least for me, breathing very rapidly for 5-10 minutes makes some areas of my body strongly buzz with this tingling energy. If I rub my hands together now and pull them from each other I experience absolutely nothing special. But when I almost hyperventilate myself, I feel invisible freezing cold cloud, or something, between my hands. There is a thin channel of energy starting somewhere on my scalp, going through my "third eye" and splitting down behind ears on both sides. I feels as if I had metal wire pressed to my skin there. Pads of all my fingers, area below thumb, arms and first of all shoulder blades buzz as if I had billions of ants inside vibrating. TL;DR subtle body stops being so subtle
Initially I suspected emotions are somewhat connected to the energy body. I experimented with playing favorite songs from childhood in various states to see how it all works. Having read that positive feeling increase vibration and size of aura, initially I suspected the good feels will make something happen during hyperventilating. However, I become way more emotionless in this state. This high-vibration state doesn't seem to be compatible with emotions
I tried to sweep energy in this state but it's difficult to concentrate while breathing quickly. I don't plan to repeat it unless someone comments on this, because I'm afraid I'm losing my energy or something this way. Besides, it feels very crude and overstimulating, so I'd recommend it only once so that your energy channels get highlighted and you know where to sweep this Tingly Substance.
Again, I'd like someone experienced comment on this and enlighten me
01/13/16 (Wed) 21:46:27 No. 67524
Heh, I like that
>On sungazing
I've experienced many of the same thing (regarding energy, need for food, healing, etc. )
I've recently been experimenting with gazing like 1.5 hours before sunset, cus sometimes the clouds are on the horizon. It took a few days to adapt, but now it feels like normal.
I will say this though. As the sun sets, I can feel different sorts of energy as it does.
Yes, it's very useful for transforming/cleansing your body to run on a purer fuel.
You have several different energy bodies, the emotional energy body, the astral as it's sometimes called, is one of them.
I think you need to play with energy more, get used to it's feeling and sensation. Then you will be able to manipulate it easier. I wouldn't worry too much about intellectually dissecting what is what, body wise, until you actually get more first hand experience.
Khan 01/14/16 (Thu) 09:57:32 No. 67597
This is actually the kind of breathing technique that the ice man does. It saturates your entire body with oxygen and energy. What he does is breathes in deeply, exhails briefly with the mouth (not fully. just enough to let go). Continue this rapidly for about 30 times and then fully breathe out and hold for as long as you can. You'd think that would be a bad idea but since your entire body is oxygenated you can go minutes without breathing. Then when you feel the urge to breathe in you take a deep breath and hold it for around 10 seconds and resume normal breathing. This is one cycle.
I believe it also produces adrenaline and actives part of the more primitive parts of the mind. Thus getting you ready to face any kind of dangerous or difficult circumstances.
And I do agree that it's a great exercise for people to try if they wish to feel energy for the first time.
I can really see why the sun has been so revered in occultism. Not only as a healing tool but one which teaches us of the cycles.
Khan 01/15/16 (Fri) 04:32:21 No. 67695
Out of interest. How did everyone first "find" or feel energy? Did you find tactile to be the easiest to feel and work with? I'm interested in building more of a pathway for newer members since to be honest I stump when people ask how to first feel the energy in themselves. Kind of like an artist who does it all through experience and intuition. Then when someone asks him for lessons he just tells them to "feel it out" hahaha.
For example I remember reading some of Mantak Chia's stuff which is great, but he really goes into detail for beginners. And I'm sitting there thinking "wait, people need to do this much work just to move energy".
I guess I've forgotten the beginner stages for a lot of the things I've done in life out of a desire to push ahead.
Anyway I'll probably start up writing the next thread, being an alchemy and understanding of the hermetic principles - mostly the cycle tonight. It'll pretty much be writeups to get people thinking about the micro and macrocosm. How to understand yourself and your world from a more occult perspective.
Keep cultivating and healing guys.
Khan 01/15/16 (Fri) 12:35:27 No. 67749
I've just figured out something which I define and call "Chi pressure". Ohohohohoh I can't wait till I've perfected this. Try to place your awareness at a certain location as usual. Then feel it out as if you were trying to clear a blockage. After at feel as if you're amplifying it with magnitudes worth of power. As if it's radiating with magnetic force , pressurizing in that one spot of awareness. You may start to feel jitters and static like some of the previous breathing exercises. You may also move spontaneously if there is a blockage which is being removed.
The main test in this exercise is to differentiate between chi force and muscle tension. You must work on intensifying the pressure without overly tensing the muscles. Try to keep a not too tense but not too relaxed tension/hold on the muscles. Also remember to breathe well and pull energy from the lower dan tien. You can use your lower dan tien as a storage device of energy to amplify your chi power. Remember to think of creative uses of this chi pressure, like healing, muscle control or organ control.
01/15/16 (Fri) 16:22:20 No. 67785
>How did everyone first "find" or feel energy?
For me it was music. I felt the energy flowing within me as a result of the physical music inducing it's enegetic content into my energy bodes (not that I knew that at the time). And then through focusing and meditating on that, spending much time I started to be able to move it around and alter it's flow while it was moving within me. This segued into actual sensing & manipulation of it without the music. At first only through deep meditation and collection of energy, or through a source (such as keeping it stored in a crystal), but in time it became more of present awareness in my waking reality. I became able to summon greater and greater amounts of energy at will, what once took me weeks now takes me minuets or even seconds.
>Did you find tactile to be the easiest to feel and work with?
I personally would not really call it tactile per say, cus it's not a physical sensation, but it is nonetheless a feeling (as opposed to a seeing/hearing/etc), I do think that is the easiest to work with, but that is my personally.
>""wait, people need to do this much work just to move energy
Yes, yes they do.
Here is one example of a song that I used to help me
And as another side note, if possible use (or convert) music to 432hz, it will be much stronger in it's energy/vibe inducing.
01/19/16 (Tue) 23:54:33 No. 68373
>intangible Hebrew
m8, come on.
Anyway, thanks for the thread, much appreciated.
Khan 01/21/16 (Thu) 07:39:33 No. 68665
Meditate and contemplate over "pressure" next time you perform energy work. Ultimately all is pressure, all is light, all is sound or frequency. They are all one in the same. Our eyes feel the pressure and convert it to sight, same with the ears and so on.
Thus what we do with energy work is move and control this internal and external pressure. Focus awareness on a location and ramp up the magnetic, electric or vibrational pressure of your own energy(however you feel energy). With this we are learning to manipulate an extremely fine version of the most prime and original force or energy within this universe we live in.
Think of your body as a series of pipes or tubes. When they get blocked you start to physically or densely manifest health problems. Just like a blocked water pipe or faulty ethernet cable. Use the chi pressure through focus of awareness and amplification to clear out these blockages.
You may start to feel miniature tube or cable like parts in your energy body. These are meridians which link up finger to toe through the body. Symptoms of muscle spazm are also common when you figure out how to amplify the chi.
I feel like a child again after a couple of days clearing out these blockages. Any and all health problems, tensions, blockages and such are shedding away. Flexibility, strength and a whole new understanding of the body is developing. My creativity and imagination is that of what it used to be in its peak.
I can't say much more than learn to control the pressure to clear out your blockages and learn to transmute the vibration of this pressure to remove tensions(Physical manifestation of energy blockages and problems). This along with cultivating the lower dan tien are the first two steps in this field(again, reverse naval breath and use chi pressure to pressurize that lower dan tien). Here's a video on the lower dan tien if you guys need it.
Please feel free to ask questions. Other than that I'll post the next steps to higher energy abilities once the time is right.
Khan 01/21/16 (Thu) 13:42:25 No. 68676
Also here's some qi-gong if anyone is interested in learning.
That along with the 5 animals is a pretty complete set.
I was implying western magic and the Qabalah
01/21/16 (Thu) 13:44:54 No. 68677
Can you do a video demonstrating telekinesis?
01/21/16 (Thu) 14:19:22 No. 68678
Nobody should ever do that for their own safety.
Khan 01/22/16 (Fri) 09:38:10 No. 68778
I can show you what I know. I just need some time to learn and I'll learn to make webms.
As long as there's a potential for it to be fake or unbelievable it should be okay hahah.
Khan 01/26/16 (Tue) 11:21:55 No. 69109
Here you go anon. It took me about a week to work up to pushing that box on its side. Only was able to do it yesterday. Took a couple days to do it upright.
This is more aerokinesis but it might still satisfy you.
If anyone has knowledge on telekinesis please do share. the best I can do is make a psi wheel spaz out one way with my left hand lol(I'm slowly learning to stop it and control it).
All I hear that people say is to use the imagination (either visual or tactile) to feel or see as if the object is already moving. If it is that and I just need to practice more please do tell me. If it's something else I'd love to hear your methods or experience with it.
Anyway this practice is great to learn to manipulate and get comfortable with chi.
01/27/16 (Wed) 17:58:55 No. 69212
Sorry, are you kidding me?
I feel the need to address this personally, as seeing those kind of videos makes me itch with rage
Can you even move an object without waving your hand in the air? Shouldn't you talk about consciousness and thought in oobes and their correlation with telekinesis?
Khan, you need to put at least a part of (if not all of) your body to sleep, and then project it in the astral and use thought to move objects. OOBEs are the gateway to that kind of stuff, simply because during oobes your physical limitations in consciusness caused by the body are removed and your thoughts literally can shape the astral reality and, while enshrouded with the gross body, do interact with physical reality.
Telekinesis is exactly the same as poltergeist activity. Only that that it is caused by other (confused? evil? non-human?) disembodies consciousnesses. Some people are capable of putting only a single part of their body to sleep and use that to move stuff in the physical through the astral. Stop making the wind move with your hands and start doing AND TEACHING the real thing.
The whole of fringe will be grateful
Khan 01/28/16 (Thu) 05:56:42 No. 69257
As stated. This is an aerokinesis demonstration. I amplify and control the subtle pressure of the wind which is projected.
I believe I've previously stated that development into telekinesis is already currently being undertaken. Do try to understand that this demonstrated practice is a stepping stone into understanding the subtle reality and influences beyond our usual vessel. As this work requires one to slowly branch.
I invite you to practice alongside me.
01/28/16 (Thu) 12:59:46 No. 69280
I want to believe Khan but that piece of paper looks like it can be blown away just from waving your hand.
01/28/16 (Thu) 13:34:02 No. 69282
you're being incredibly cheesy and >>69280 makes a pretty obvious consideration. I admit, this thread is overall a pretty good thread and I've learned quite a bit, but this is stupid and frankly I believe you're deluding yourself on this
01/28/16 (Thu) 17:04:51 No. 69285
you read the psionics handbook i see
01/29/16 (Fri) 04:56:14 No. 69314
Khan I like your work but seriously that video did look silly. If you are going to move something with qi, then do it with qi, not "amplified" wind.
Khan 01/29/16 (Fri) 15:34:43 No. 69345
It can. Paper is very light.
01/30/16 (Sat) 14:16:09 No. 69392
is it any good in your opinion?
01/31/16 (Sun) 05:53:31 No. 69422
You want to learn?
First, don't kid yourself, psi-wheels are notorious because it's so easy for ambient breezes or your own breath to spin them. If you're going to use one, shield it from wind, and cover your nose+mouth with something so there's no chance of interference. And don't move your hands or body at all, it will not help.
Second, try it out in the astral. You'll figure out how it's done. There's two kinds, one which uses chi and one which doesn't, and they're very different.
02/01/16 (Mon) 01:40:49 No. 69470
OP, have you considered compiling all of this information into a book? I would hate for it to be lost or disregarded because it's on an imageboard.
Khan 02/01/16 (Mon) 01:47:34 No. 69472
I'm currently developing a complete system for a book. I feel as though I wish to give a timeless product. Though my system is steadily gaining more tools and wisdom through the months.
02/13/16 (Sat) 04:10:38 No. 70228
This "Qigong" stuff is the same exact stuff for edgy teenagers and young adults with ADHD who think they can get superpowers or equivalent to those ASMR crystal-reiki youtube videos.
Qigong is composed of different moving meditations and isn't the main concentration of East Asian spiritual practices.
Why won't you do some Vipassana, Zazen or Vajrayana meditations first?
!/49HvHXCOk 02/13/16 (Sat) 06:59:33 No. 70232
02/14/16 (Sun) 20:18:58 No. 70307
>If you actually manage, don't fap or you'll lose that permanent posture you just gained.
monk mode engaged
02/15/16 (Mon) 06:37:57 No. 70362
OP I have a few questions. Namely where might be a good place to start to research this and get started would be, and please do not tell me google. Who knows how many bullshit new age baloney sites there will be peddling garbage.
And second **where the heck were anons like you with this knowledge when /pol/ was discovering meme magic? This could've been insanely helpful rather than letting us bumble around in the dark. Not to mention probably getting a whole lot of people killed with Ebola, and ice age-chan
>what is archiving
02/15/16 (Mon) 06:48:38 No. 70364
An imageboard archive is less attractive, less compiled and also can be lost if the archiving site goes down. A book is properly compiled, can be found by people not on chans and as long as somebody has a copy it's permanent.
02/15/16 (Mon) 06:56:13 No. 70365
research what?
get started? by… reading the thread.
Khan 02/15/16 (Mon) 09:06:58 No. 70381
This thread teaches the meditational component to qi-gong. I also recommend people learn the tai-ji component as well.
Good luck brother.
I compiled my writeups into a pdf for you. It's probably not ideal but it's the best I can do for now. I'm planning to further simplify and condense the knowledge sooner or later since I've come across so many new discoveries.
If anyone's interested in my current studies a lot of them have been in syncretizing systems, health, qi-gong, mental sorcery and a lot of astrological work. Though that's an oversimplification.
Depends what you're interested in if it's qi-gong meditation, exercises, chi-kung and other practices or even if it's magic, etc.
I uploaded some books for the other chan here if you want more of this daoist stuff!v48m3JZI!NlFqNI_Q3UZtil1M4ZXgAg
Other than that I've linked resources in a couple threads like didi's and my own before. Just tell me specifically what you need and I can help out more.
About the meme magic thing, I actually did make a tutorial. I've posted the first page as you might remember it. I thought of doing some Q&A threads a little while ago but never got around to it for the other boards.
I should probably do something soon cause I've condensed the knowledge of practical magic to the level where anyone can understand it.
Threads here:!j5cwUJZC!L1OObQa8AeuD_VyxK4sOx88ikPjwbaUbuUB-EqdacyE
02/15/16 (Mon) 11:15:22 No. 70403
What exactly is wrong with reading the FAQ and going through the recommended books list?
Khan's magic is great and all, but everyone should start from the least dogma bound Atkinson's books to learn the core of why magic works.
02/15/16 (Mon) 20:51:14 No. 70441
I am reading a lot about abstinence or at least to not release sexual fluids, how does this affect meditation and practices? Why would i be less "effective" (or not effective at all) if "emptied"? What is your experience with this matter?
>inb4 loosh
Khan 02/15/16 (Mon) 21:44:57 No. 70442
After a long course of testing I've found out that abstinence is better. Tantric sex if not with a partner still leaves you exhausted. The main problem I've found (for energy work at least, this is not taking all the other problems into it) is that your chi pressure is extremely weak. It takes a couple days to properly work it back up. So for folk who may be experiencing difficulty feeling chi, hold of for about a week and test it out then.
It's similar laying down after eating a huge meal and attempting energy work. It feels like your energy is thick and gunky, slow, etc.
02/15/16 (Mon) 23:36:33 No. 70447
Yeah but isn't bad for the testicles to hold out for a week or more? i think read years ago that you should normally "release" twice a week to prevent testicle cancer (that's probably for unhealthy coach potatoes, now that i think about it).
Did i got DISINFOED?
02/16/16 (Tue) 06:49:15 No. 70475
Well the aura and bending water stuff seems pretty cool that aerokinesis looked interesting as well
02/16/16 (Tue) 06:51:34 No. 70476
I'd bet you have been. As pornography and sexual release outside of sex alters the brain chemistry. At the least it causes endorphins to be less effective as your brain is flooded with them each time you ejaculate.
02/16/16 (Tue) 07:37:30 No. 70477
correlation=/= causation
02/16/16 (Tue) 09:36:05 No. 70486
So what would you suggest to "restore" the brain chemistry? abstinence? or abstinence + actual sex every once in a while?
02/16/16 (Tue) 14:11:41 No. 70497
I'd recommend abstinence from masterbation and actual sex once in a while. You not only need to stop desensitizing your brain to pleasure but also to get it back to how it reacted to pleasure before you started masterbation. If you cant quit watching porn at least watch plain male with female.
02/17/16 (Wed) 07:10:00 No. 70536
Wondering if I might be able get some guidance/advice here.
I have been doing various energy work for several years now and though my concentration isn't great, it is good enough to create some sensation. However, this sensation is amplified considerably while under the influence of cannabis.
Recently, after smoking, I've started "spinning" energy at the Muladhara Chakra and then proceed to pull it up through the spine to the head. This process takes roughly one minute, at which point a loud buzzing starts to occur and a very strong pressure mounts around the point of the pineal. Visualising white light at this point increases the pressure.
I have never continued on with this to the point where the pressure "explodes" (for lack of a better term) as I'm fearful of the repercussions (will I have a stroke, go crazy, severe migraine, etc).
So, I guess my question is, is it okay for me to proceed here and stimulate this pressure to the point of "explosion"? Are there any health risks that might ensue?
If it's at all relevant, where this is done in other portions of my head, a crackling sensation is heard (felt?) and it feels almost as though blood flow significantly increases in that area.
Any information on this would be much appreciated.
Khan 02/17/16 (Wed) 10:07:47 No. 70538
The main problem with all of that is to do with the prostate. See, problem in our western society is that we're so gunked up with mucus that our prostate gets overloaded, hence pre-cum being mucus. Though this entirely depends on your lifestyle choices.
Ultimately you can only go of your own experience. Try it out for yourself and see what happens. I can certainly say that over months of abstinence for myself that I've never ran into any problems.
Sounds like you're raising kundalini and hitting samadhi.
I can certainly blanket your fears by telling you that nothing can go wrong enough that you cause any significant damage. Though if you are still cautious all you need to do is drain the energy down the front channel into your lower dan tien if you feel like it's too much. Even though you're playing around with kundalini energy our energy reserves and nervous systems at this stage simply are not enough to cause damage. It has a good self defense mechanism which locks you out of pushing further. That's what I've found out with my current practices of maximizing voltage. Only thing you want to look out for is long periods of overheating. It's kinda like when people overuse muscles and end up in pain the next day.
If you keep going eventually you'll hit higher levels of samadhi where it's similar to a heavy psychedelic trip. The lines between the worlds merge as you are experiencing multiple realities and senses.
And about the cracking and bloodflow. You are indeed sending more blood to these areas. The glands in the brain can use an immense amount. That cracking is what I've found to be the de-calcification and ossification of the glands. They harden due to dehydration, mucus and the nervous system poisons which our country gives us. Imagine if you never moved your finger for 10 years and then decided to. That's what has happened to our heavenly organs.
Keep playing around with the higher chakras as there are many fun experiences to be had.
02/17/16 (Wed) 11:07:15 No. 70542
Thanks very much for this. Very informative, as per usual.
I will try raising from Muladhara again on Friday and report back here with how it goes.
02/17/16 (Wed) 14:52:11 No. 70548
Can someone link robert bruce's new energy ways? Can't find it anywhere, I just keep stumbling into his astral dynamics book.
Khan 02/17/16 (Wed) 21:43:22 No. 70562
Train your bodily awareness. This goes for everyone. Get back in touch with your body. Feel the sensations of it as they're all alarms to tell that something is happening. This comes with a basic anatomical knowledge as you can pinpoint specific organs. Much more comes with energy work than just blissful or spiritual states as it is an activity which gives understanding to oneself.
Goodluck. Connecting with that crown, the tip of the head really helps to connect you to a state of divine bliss. I've found a lot of us have blockages stopping that state.
02/18/16 (Thu) 03:01:45 No. 70579
I'm thinking of swifting my daily hour meditation practice from a mind concetration one to a body awareness one. I am feeling waves of energy and pressure moving between my eyebrowns, this has been going for over a year now and I just can't take it anymore, I think that focusing on my body will "take" some of that energy and move it towards my body and I can at last silent my inner mind voice.
Khan 02/18/16 (Thu) 05:12:35 No. 70580
I personally changed my mindfulness to cultivating the lower dan tien. I'd sugest this as it places the focus completely on the lower centres and allows your higher ones to have a rest. You can also do various chi kung exercises like the inner smile or microcosmic orbit to check up on your organs and channels.
I've found this to be beneficial as it still requires an immense amount of concentration thus training both.
Khan 03/03/16 (Thu) 10:58:17 No. 71736
Listen up fellow practitioners. The way we bring energy into ourself is through the breathe, If you breath deeply inwards this is a yang breath. Exhaling is a yin breathe. When you breathe it it forces your body to flow the blood much quicker and harder as well as the energy. Tensing the lower dan tien or naval area(little lower) is how you use your energy. Breathe in and tense that area to use the lower dan tien.(This pressurizes and energizes the body)
Next we want to tense the perineum and anus region. This closes the sacrum - root gap thus giving you kundalini and tensing the perineum is giving you yang. I'm sure you guys have seen the magus of java - John Chang and wondered "How does he use yin and yang". This is how. He tenses both the perineum, anus and lower naval creating an intense effect of electricity and pressure.
How do we use this in practical application? Simple!
Next time you wish to increase chi-blood flow to an area like the digestion of food. Your pineal gland, throat, etc(any chakra, gland, organ, limb, wherever) . Simple tense the anus, perineum and lower naval while exhaling deeply. Hold in this breathe and start to travel your awareness to a location on your body. This will tend immense amounts of energy there.
Prelims for this are anus/ perineum exercising and lower dan tien training.
I recommend this in padma for sitting down or horse stance for standing up.
03/07/16 (Mon) 19:00:16 No. 72004
I'm a weak human being who wants to start grounding himself and bringing energy in my lower dan tien, will meditating while feeling the area (below the navel) be enough to charge it up?
tipp 03/07/16 (Mon) 21:41:12 No. 72021
i want you guys on my skype. @tipptechwizard
Khan 03/07/16 (Mon) 22:26:29 No. 72023
You first need to learn reverse naval breathing. This is when you breathe inwards and pull in and tense the lower dan tien as well as tensing the perineum and anus. On exhail you release this pressure. Do it in either horse stance or padmasana for the best results (outside on the dirt or grass to ground the best).
Start training the perineum and anus muscles every day and learn to get in touch with where the lower dan tien is. The tech I posted above is a good explanation of this.
Then all you need to do is focus your electrical nervous system energy on the lower dan tien area while doing this reverse naval breathing.
Here are some vids for more detail
Aight. Though I can't promise I'll be on too long.
03/21/16 (Mon) 22:04:59 No. 72941
Khan 03/22/16 (Tue) 03:23:01 No. 72959
Aight, all that fairy tale stuff about a hero fighting a dragon or monster to reach the princess. That's your heart fighting the beast or lower self to reach the higher self. Basically you abstaining from too much pleasure in order to still having a functioning brain. Along idea is going back to never never land (The imagination).
Let's go over how we can achieve this or achieve enlightenment. The three dan tiens are your urogenital diaphragm and lower belly where you deeply laugh from, the sternum/heart diaphragm where you cough or laugh from and around the centre of the head where you put pressure in order to blow your nose. Notice each of these areas have a sphincter in order to intake or outtake being the anus for lower, mouth for middle and nose for upper. We also work these three areas when we're sick. You could kind of say sickness is a program to heal and train you internally. Start to get familiar which each of these three areas. Tense them all together and tense them separately.Wherever you tense will flow blood and bio-energy to. But we're going to learn how to use them together. Realize that it does take time to gain strength in these ares (expect a month).
First learn and practice lower diaphragm or reverse breathing and then practice and learn the microcosmic orbit. Once you've practiced those and built up some urogenital diaphragm strength you're ready to combine them.
Breath in while tensing the lower dan tien, middle (you compress the both like in tummo) and then compress the head dan tien. Keep your focus on the crown area and this should shoot energy straight up to the head. Then relax, exhale and slide your focus down to the perineum. But mostly I just want you to practice breathing while tensing all three diaphragms/dan tiens(the MCO part comes later). You may start to already get how this is working. As you inhale you go from the perineum to the crown while tensing all the dan tiens along the way. This raises your energy to the head. Then you exhale and fall from the front of your body releasing tension on the dan tiens coming full circle to the perineum.
This is the advanced microcosmic orbit. You convert bio-energy(jing) at the lower diaphragm to emotional energy(chi) at the heart diaphragm and then to mental energy(shen) at the head and then to wuji or enlightenment energy. This means every part you tense slowly raises your consciousness. Try this out and you'll see that you now can completely control yourself and stay in a perfect consciousness state. Congrats, you enlightened anon. Now all you need to do is to make this a habit and you've won the first step of the game.
Remember to touch the roof of your mouth with the tongue. You may also experience and find tension, overheating, pressure, pain and other side effects. This is because you're activating parts of your body which have been dormant since childhood and you're also clearing out blockages as well. This also produces golden nectar or sweet saliva to heal your body. Though learn to differentiate it from mucus cause you might expel a lot of that. Warning, this does cause you to raise vibes intensely like taking some psychedelics so you'll want to probably keep a lot of water on you. Have fun.
I'll make this in video format today for anyone who's still struggling.
03/22/16 (Tue) 05:35:40 No. 72973
Does masterbation count as sex in this case or no? I've been struggling to quit yet want to attempt some of this but want to kno whether or not it counts as sex or not
Khan 03/22/16 (Tue) 05:50:30 No. 72974
You'll want to take up abstinence for these practices since it will accelerate you greatly. I'd advice a solid understanding of your own body/ functions before taking on tantric sex as well.
You can still take up these practices either way but your results will greatly multiply with abstinence or at least some restriction.
03/23/16 (Wed) 03:21:44 No. 73046
To what extent can energy work alter our physical body besides healing? could I grow taller or regrow my hair for example?
Ive begun doing the prereq work and i look forward to seeing what i can accomplish.
03/23/16 (Wed) 04:04:26 No. 73051
Thanks I know I can make 3-4 days abstinence just temptation comes and knocks on the door. I've begun experimenting with music and some meditation. Specifically singlemindedness meditation. I use a flame from a lighter but it's a bit too windy so I'll try void meditation tonight
Khan 03/23/16 (Wed) 06:50:43 No. 73081
Yes to both of those. Most folk grow taller when they fix their posture. We all have posture problems until we've done a fair bit of work on ourself. Hair problem is due to organ problem which tai-chi qi-gong fixes (aligning the spine fixes the placement of organs).
You alter the body through healing of it. As mentioned with aligning the spine and fixing the organ placement. We desire gaining the perfect posture and breath of the womb. This restores and regenerates our body. Combine this with homeostasis and you have a recipe for immortality. Aside from that you're increasing and training your internal strength. This allows for the practice of martial arts with explosive power, a flexible and stable body along with intense amounts of electrical potential energy. The excess chi helps to juice up the body so you get quicker digestion, higher conscious states or just general organ strength(to name a few you'll instantly see). You're pretty much building up the perfect body of a child.
3-4 days is better than 1 or 2. Keep going and eventually you'll figure out how to acomplish it. I'd recommend journaling. Figure out what brings on the urge. Other than that take yourself away from all stimulus in this regard like red boards on the chans for example.
03/23/16 (Wed) 08:19:29 No. 73092
Is there any method to get a very powerful memory? I want to be able to remember books I've read without having to re-read them several times, or be able to give every detail about a usual object I've seen years ago. Will I eventually gain this through practice, or am I just supposed to draw from the akashic records or the all?
Again, great thread OP.
03/23/16 (Wed) 12:28:03 No. 73132
Well Ive already figured out that my mattress is part of what causes it. It basically triggers my temptation to do so. So I'm working on that as well
Khan 03/24/16 (Thu) 00:36:08 No. 73200
Here's an extension to this current technique which I figured out last night.
Quite simply you want to store the energy you cycle in the lower dan tien. Tense the diaphragms, push the energy to your crown and then allow it to fall into the lower dan tien.
I'm currently working out the theory for what this does to the body. I hypothesize this is converting raw chaos or sexual energy into energy for the lower dan tien. I'm also pondering if tensing the diaphragms converts the energy to a higher form, it feels so with the conscious state I'm in.
I'll post more updates for progression
Khan 03/24/16 (Thu) 00:42:05 No. 73201
Shen is your memory fuel. You need a good energy flow to the head, unrestricted by the rest of the body. This means proper posture and full breathing as well as the diaphragm technique I've recently posted.
Then you'll want to learn proper memory techniques. Look up spatial memory. It's where you use imagination to remember things. Make up stories, add animations or something which allows it to stick. We remember in pictures, not words. Then you need to consciously review in your imagination after. A photographic memory is when a person snapshots certain pictures in their imagination.
I'd suggest making up some bedding on the floor. During the night, wake yourself up with an alarm or water and then change over to this new bed. If you do it for a couple nights you'll eventually easily get used to it and can switch over. Also be careful of your sleeping position. Stomach or front side is the worst for this kind of thing.
03/24/16 (Thu) 09:03:49 No. 73265
thank you for your insightful response.
03/26/16 (Sat) 21:35:50 No. 73504
Thanks. I'll have to try that. I think I have an old mat I used to camp with I can use. I hadn't considered that so I'll give it a go.
Khan 03/31/16 (Thu) 03:54:33 No. 73765
The chakras are our 7 tuning pegs of the body. They are the control circuits for the elements. Learn which element corresponds with each chakra. Get in touch with the physical, dense form that these chakras manifest in as muscles. Tensing or imaging light flowing into this area will enliven or electrify it as life exists both physically and mentally.
The lower dan tien is the solar plexus, our intestines or naval, a bio battery.
The middle dan tien is our heart chakra and the upper dan tien is the third eye. Give it some practice every day to get in touch with and to figure out what these centres of manifestation, will/creative faculties or frequencies can really do.
The body is the tool to do anything. It's just that we've been manipulated and dumbed down into not understanding how it works and the true potential of it.
Light is life and it manifests in our bodies as warmth. Water is the carrier of this life.
03/31/16 (Thu) 06:03:10 No. 73768
lower dan tien is not in the solar plexus - disinfo
Khan 03/31/16 (Thu) 22:43:09 No. 73832
What are you putting on the table to topple my practical experience?
Khan 03/31/16 (Thu) 22:51:52 No. 73835
Let me re-ask the question. What do you think the lower dan tien and solar plexus are? In my understanding they're both areas around the naval - the intestines.
04/01/16 (Fri) 02:05:44 No. 73844
lower dan tien is within 2nd chakra
Khan 04/01/16 (Fri) 05:48:23 No. 73862
Here is an updated video on specifics about the lower dan tien and cultivation of it.
This acts as our biological battery which powers our physical life force.
We transmute our lower or baser life forces in order to fuel this. The chakras, tension points or gates of the body act as step up or down converts. First the bio-battery must be fueled in order to fuel our middle dan tien and then the upper dan tien to infinite consciousness and then finally to dao.
It may take one to two months for you to have a strong urogenital diaphragm, at this point you can always cultivate during your entire day. Warmth and increased bloodflow are clear signs of proper cultivation.
Quite simply you lightly and firmly (not enough to ware yourself out) tense and shut the anus, perineum and base of the genitals. Then focus on the lower dan tien or naval region.
We don't want to tense the naval as this converts the energy to the heart. You will have to feel this out to gain the understanding
I've linked the handy picture a lovely anon shared to show these points.
04/08/16 (Fri) 23:25:58 No. 74255