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Is this a good place to discuss zoroastrianism and the worship of Ahura Mazda?

I am not too knowledgable in Zoroastrianism but am very interested and have started reading the avesta.


From what I can tell Zoraster was probably the most important prophet to the western world because he basically caused monotheism and the jews aboslutely love zoroastrianism but you know since they're in contract with YHVH they had to change it to fit their religion. It's a very interesting religion due to how old it is. It shares roots with vedic hinduism and shares many of the same gods. The zora's view the Asuras as good and the devas as bad which is basically reverse hinduism but I'm not sure if that's just a terminology thing or an actual theological difference. Islam considers them to be people of the book and the three magi who met with baby jesus were zora's too. So they play a very importantly role in basically all of the major world religions and appear in the bible with revere and not condemnation so they must be right about something.



>the jews love zoroastrism

No, they don't. It's an entirely different system. Zoroastrism is Indoeuropean, Judaism/Talmudism is Semitic.

Semitic religions are materialistic: the concept of sin can be deleted just by practicing material rituals without repentance.

Indo European religions are more spiritually focused.

Christianity started as indoeuropean, then got infiltrated by semitic elements.



Yes, yes, worship some godforsaken Asura.

Atta faggot!



Retarded imageboard Nazi


Look into Zurvanism, a kind of "heretical" esoteric Zoroastrianism that is an important input in other, later esoteric and mystical traditions:


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