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>All the good empirical evidence we have shows that things behave in the way mundane scientists say they do

>Astral travel is a diversion which is confused with the spiritual but is just a sparklier version of Maya

>There is such a thing as interior magic and self-realization, but…

>Magick isn't real, because if it was surely someone would squeak and prove it.


*tips fedora*


Translation of OP:

I am and ignorant faggot who is strawmanning occultism because it doesn't fit into my worldview. I am the best goy, please rape my face.


Why should we care? What makes your fedora comment so great it's worth it's own thread?



Obviously there are many kinds of occultism. Do you disagree with any of my points?


You don't have to care about the arguments anyone makes. The last point I have yet to see addressed here



Obviously there are many kinds of occultism. Do you disagree with any of my points?


You don't have to care about any argument, anywhere. Has the last point EVER been brought up on frinnge?



What is the placebo?

A belief that causes a physical reaction in varying degrees


File: 1442981794504.jpg (21.62 KB, 720x405, 16:9, 10665141_10152626799267525….jpg)

Oh wow! It's like a bulb went off in my head OP. I have truly seen the light. Thank you so much for that excellent post full of valid and informed points. Please keep doing what you do. OP is so awesome!



>has skepticism about magic ever been brought up on a board dedicated to the study of the esoteric

Are you having a giggle m8?

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