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Esoteric Wizardry


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Awareness? God?


Sorry if this is considered a shitpost. I'm genuinely curious as to what /fringe/ thinks.


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Yeah, that's technically against the rules.

I think it's supposed to be the eye of god. A god that is omniscient and sees all… But >>>/fatpeople/ hate demonstrates why that would be a very bad idea.


technically all you see is eye.


In it's purest sense, it is your third eye completely unbound from the chains of humanity.

You can awaken your third eye, but if you are still operating in your consciousness without transcending humanity, that third eye vision gets polluted from all the human bullshit, thus giving you an inaccurate / impure perspective.



And that is why it is an eye. Because it is impossible and this human eye is the best you can get.



Illumination & Knowledge.

They know. The cattle doesn't.

Knowledge is power, and they feel a god given right to rule because they have what the lesser don't have.

In its "purest" from the Eye represents spiritual advancement, spiritual knowledge that comes with awakening your third eye.





A state of consciousness where most of the earth-binding characteristics of humanity has been transcended while still in physical human form is your ticket out of this place. Now, since you are still in human form, it might be impossible to completely transcend every single aspect of humanity (though I might be wrong), but i'm pretty sure you can dispose of those characteristics that will make you want to come back to this place when you die (like trying to save humanity and stuff like that). Your main goal should consist of doing work that has nothing to do with humanity, but infinite creation.

So yeah, you can make your third eye function in the way it is supposed to function while still on this planet.


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>>it is impossible


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It represents the anus. The essense of black magick is to invert all aspects of natural law. There is a cynical irony in the common belief that the all seeing eye represents the third eye, as what we call the third eye is one of the highest parts of our spiritual energy system, and represents the upward ascent of the soul, from confusion towards awakening. The anus, on the other hand, is one of the very lowest. It represents the devolution of man into a beast, driven by animal impulse. This is the "religion" of the black magician: the rejection of the divine, the transformation of man into beast.

In addition, understand that the acceptance of anal sex is a very recent phenomenon. For a long time, it was one of the highest taboos, which is why it was engaged in during sex magick workings.

There's a lot more to this subject, but this is as basic an answer to your question as I can summon.



You must be smoking some good crack if you think that is what black magick is.

I understand there is a certain level of misunderstanding amongst people, but holy shit.

What an idiotic post.



Unfortunately this good man is right, this is what it means.



Black Magick is meaningless bullcrap that narcissistic sociopaths engage in. Because they worship themselves, and because their senses are dulled from a lifestyle of hedonism and greed, they are unable to humble themselves before the ritual and ceremony of traditional religion. Instead, they take the symbolism of religion and invert it, turning it into a mockery of God. A black mass is a good example of this.

I'm perfectly familiar with this subject friend. A true "satanist" is a person who believes he himself is God. The rituals they engage in are simply another form of hedonism.



That is absolutely false. What you have just described is a perfect example of a false


No a true satanist does not conform to cultural/social conditioning, or genetic/memetic

tendencies. A true satanist creates their own individual path through the infinite chaos, and

fights to maintain that free-will and individuality at all costs. They realize they are god,

but understand that so is everyone and everything else. They create their own unique stream of

order within the depths of chaos and understand that we are all here to explore the endless

ocean of infinite creation. We are able to do this because we are all extensions of the

infinite creator. We ARE the Infinite Creator. Unlike everything else in nature that is atomically or genetically

predisposed to conform to natural laws to have their freewill DENIED, we have been gifted with

the ability to do something different and unique. We create chaos within natural law. We

engage in sexual acts for the pleasure it gives us, not for it's natural reproductive

functions. In it's most complex forms, we decide to be the caveman who invented the wheel, the

african villager who decided to run away to the forest to experiment with the things he or she finds

in nature and alters his or her consciousness to discover that there is something more than human to him or her

self when all their life they were told that their role in life was to be a tribal village farmer who eats,

sleeps and fucks a certain way and nothing else.

A true satanist is the man who walks up to a group of merchants in a synagogue and takes the switch out on their asses, reminds us of the truth and loudly proclaims "Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?"

A true satanist creates his own methods, his own techniques. He takes whatever comes his way and transforms it into gold. He creates his own frequency in the cosmos. He is a scientist in the truest sense of the word and says "why not?" and makes it work.

I think you are heavily mistaken with what your definition of a true satanist is. Just because a bunch of old faggot pedophiles mad at god decided to use baphomet symbolism for their little kidfuck parties doesn't take anything away from what the baphomet truly represents. I would highly suggest you actually look at the picture of the baphomet closely. You will start to see that it is everything we as metaphysicians / occultists strive to achieve.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


check out this vid


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


also this, it's much shorter than the first vid (1m40s)


The truth is that the eye represents only what you want it to represent.

Do you question what a STOP sign means?



Does that mean a stop sign represents only what I want it to represent?



I want a stop sign to represent "Go".


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I think it represents illumination.

I'm not sure why it's the top of the pyramid though.


has anyone really been illuminated through sodomy?

that seems like an inversion of the original meaning if you ask me.



I suppose some here will accuse me of being a fundie for saying this, but I'm not. My approach is minimalist and based on nondualism. I feel like, in some other universe, Gnosticism and Theosophy could be broken down and integrated into a practical approach to psychological well being. But humans have an endless capacity for egocentrism, and are unable to learn deep spiritual truths without asking what's in it for me.

It's not that sodomy is the pathway to illumination. It's that the "illumination" that's being advertised is not what people think it is.When we reference these sorts of "occult" symbols, there's several layers of meaning to them. Typically, there's a false layer that allows the symbol to be seen and then forgotten about. Then there's the layer where the symbol represents "the mysteries of the initiated" and this layer wor is as a smokescreen to keep people guessing. It's not that this layer of meaning is incorrect, it's that it's not representative of what the symbol means to those who have been admitted into the mysteries.

The initiated meaning of these symbols always relates to the practice of high level black magick. I'm sorry if that sounds ridiculous to some of you, but it's true. Trust me, a year ago I would have said that such an assertion was bullshit. But that is indeed the central truth of the mystery religion. It changes it's outer form, and it co opts many elements that sound quite sensible and profound. But in the end, it exists to serve tyrants and Machiavellians. It's the spirituality of those who have reached the upper heights of the human hierarchy through deception and amorality.

The illumination these systems hint at is the cold eyed clarity of a sociopath. Read about the psychological concepts known as "dark triad" and "dark tetrad." Read a book called "Might Is Right" by someone who called himself "Ragnar Redbeard." These are central truths of the mystery religion. It exists to elevate a tiny few to godlike status, and to crush the rest of us into mental and spiritual slavery.



You're saying people are too egotistic to operate within a gnostic view of reality? I think you might be right. I believe in Gnosis as a spiritual phenomenon that is a feeling of unity with the world and compassion for life as well as being source of exceptional intuition. I've seen a couple of threads on 4chan where people claim to be God and they've used the image of the eye in the pyramid; as if the people in that experience identify with the eye in the pyramid for some reason. In spring of this year I had the same experience. I think it's to do with the time of year and being happy that brings it on, and I felt the same intuition, same elation and I decided to go on 4chan, I noticed all the hatebait, porn and negativity and I posted a thread about it, but first I looked for the eye in the pyramid to go with it, as if that image deeply meant something, when I had never thought about it before.

I personally think it once stood for something, but it has been subverted or supplanted in the way you say.


do the illuminati use the symbol so that i will hate it along with them and on some level hate my own third eye, my ability to 'see' and reason? becuase i do look upon it very harshly



it's a symbol that's tied to the biggest pyramid at Giza, but anymore than that is a mystery.


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Sorry to tell you but the triangle you maped out on the photo of the anus is only 2d therefore it's not a pyramid.

But fear not annon I fixed the photo soo people can see the truth


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It is what you do not see, but "it" sees you, your thoughts and everything you do is recorded by "it". It is the ruler of natural law and if you break them, shit falls from the sky and into your life. When you trip, you may communicate with it, it might rip you apart, torment you, teaching you a great lesson. So you may change your path to the law of nature.

Walk mindful of your thoughts, actions and desires.



>So yeah, you can make your third eye function in the way it is supposed to function while still on this planet.

What is the way it is "supposed to" function?


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if you want to concquer your conqueror





and understand the writings



I had no idea what satanism was until reading this.

I feel the way is to go with everything while having one's own intentions and diverging at key points. Like taiji, using the flow of the opponent's energy.


"My approach is minimalist and based on nondualism."

Sounds tantric, from what little I know of tantrism from Osho's The Book of Secrets.

The rest of that is interesting, and seems right.


Considering that OP pic is also a triangle, that doesn't seem to matter, but, cool.




Considering the other things he's said about transcending humanity, it seems obvious to infer that it's "supposed to" function in accordance with the will of the creator/highest.





you're going to regret posting that


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