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keep hearing sketchy references in passing to this, sometimes on blogs, sometimes in 8chan threads. (I don't know if it should be spelled "world maker", "worldmaker" or "world-maker.")

Google yields almost nothing about this, nor does archive.org. The few times I've seen open allusions to it, it is people saying that anything on the net about it gets scrubbed quickly. Later I try to find these references…and they appear to have disappeared, too. It's very frustrating.

What I can discern is as follows:

1) It is allegedly a highly secret or esoteric Jewish ritual.

2) Sacrifice – perhaps human sacrifice – may be involved. (However, I think it differs from the more well-known "Moloch" child sacrifices that may or may not have taken place in the ancient Middle East among Jews, Caananites, and/or others)

3) The goal may be to give the ritual performer some kind of Godlike power or even turn such person into a diety. Conversely, it may have something to do with the state of Israel.

4) It may be connected to the theory that the holocaust of the Jews in WWII (whether or not "6 million" died or not) was a ritual sacrifice to bring about the creation of the state of Israel. Or, conversely, it may be something even bigger that hasn't happened yet.

5) Whenever detailed information about this appears on the net, it seems to be "removed" by someone or something.

Help me understand, /fringe/. Has anyone heard of this? Is it a bunch of bullshit or something real? If the latter, what do we know about it?

Any input welcome.


hmm idk about this but its always disturbed me how the word holocaust is literally greek for a burnt sacrifice and no one ever talks about that.

were all gonna be a god eventually thats the whole point of humans we are the sons of god to grow into a god; you cant try to circumvent the process just like a child cant do some ritual or whatever to turn into an adult, u gotta experience life to learn and grow


Most of what I heard about the ritual was via this thread:



Several anons make reference to 9/11 playing a part in the ritual, and dig into a numerological study of the event in binary and visual symbolism. The main numbers discussed are 6, 9, 11, 32.

Thereafter some anons begin linking Egyptian Sun God worship to Jewish and Catholic faiths, and attempt to find links with Taoism, Hindu and other religions.

An anon posts a video about an ancient Indian (or worldwide) civilization that was destroyed by melting ice caps. Another anon points out possible hidden numeric in the vid which link it more deeply to the discussion of the world maker ritual.

Leading up to this thread, where some anon apparently dies trying to unravel the mystery.



Which mods have autosaged.

This deadanon (who's name I'll not mention for there is power in names) was hinting that ancient civilizations may have had rulers that shaped the world through "control of awareness" of information surrounding climactic events, such as fires, great floods, massive wars, and things like 9/11?

What if the cataclysms were planned out long in advance, such as purposefully placing the ancient world's advanced cities along coasts so the knowledge would be destroyed and only retained by a few? Maybe the Library at Alexandria was burned on purpose to destroy the knowledge while only a secretive few kept it. "Knowledge is power".

After these great sacrifices the ones having the knowledge could remake the world and rule over it by keeping the populace ignorant. Imagine if you had all of todays technology at your fingers to use in biblical times. You would be like a God to the far more primitive people. What if you could return the world to that primitive state through planned destruction of it? Wouldn't that be like making yourself a God?

Consider that stating your political and religious views (esp. on line), while in many countries is not illegal, may still get you killed by people who use the whole Internet as their "honeypot".

Maybe that's how they find their sacrifices and keep their secrets safe?



i guess that might make sense if >>55174 is onto something. Reminds me of

>any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

What info was the sacrifice of the Jews to protect? Gene purity? Economy that opts out of global banking?

lf this has been going on for a long time then the lsraeli moonbases could be reaI. And ayylmo Reptillians could be pulling the strings, that would explain (vid) of "Iunar waves".


shit i hope not. if /pol/ is right again, they'll never let us forget that shit.

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