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Esoteric Wizardry


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The Tide's coming back in.

Magical Era Soon.



The Earth is flat. We don't by your lies.



we all know the earth is conic, shill


File: 1443143114453.gif (18.58 KB, 528x359, 528:359, timecubeflierimg.gif)



>arguing about space instead of time

>shills, the both of you



is dat some timecube?

and are you sigmashaman from /dis/? if so, lol, hope you're ok you fiend



Who else?

And of course Im fine



i read you ended up in the psych ward





guys pls, everyone knows the earth is a cube

stop your disfinfo campaign



Psych wards are actually meeting places for magii.



I did, it was easy enough pretending to be "sane" so they'd let me out.


>lol, go meet some magii then



Can you explain what you're actually on about? x-tier thread



I been to one too. Took 4 months to get out acting pretty sane the whole time. I got hold of some of my notes and they outright made shit up in them. Staff on fuckin power trips.



Im surprised I got out, I said some craaazy shit in there when I first arrived. Some are on a power trip, some are on a conquest to subdue the crazy, orhers just dont care and slide by making half their shit up. Not people you want to be underneath.


File: 1459991075169.png (525.48 KB, 1267x715, 1267:715, burgerinspace.png)


I see no cone, just a burger and a flat Earth

stop your non sense pathetic little shill



burn them at the stake



Why not curse them greenpilled?

End up sharing a bunk bed.




Play into the "sub-due the crazies" ones, got me out in a month. Just convince them that they are working magic, then get out before they fail at doing it to everyone else.


I've been feeling like absolute shit and depressed and mad as fuck all day FOR NO FUCKING REASON.

First time feeling this shitty in a long, long fucking time… and I keep asking myself why… and I keep being reminded of the tide as detailed in montalk's gnosis article..

And now this thread…

Fuck I need to start the work asap. I've been nothing but armchair af since I started.





>Fuck I need to start the work asap. I've been nothing but armchair af since I started.

kek, good luck cleansing all those thoughtforms



Me too. The note they had on me had like six big lies, including that I tried to jump out of a moving car.



>04/13/16 (Wed)

that subtle technomancy from a humble wizard



What do you mean?



You sneaky badass.



explain please how that makes me a badass or a wizard



be yourself


File: 1460761017526.jpg (108.11 KB, 969x860, 969:860, MaterialWorld.jpg)


Time to level up, fools.

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