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>had one visit

>had no idea about any of this type of shit

>slowly waking up, becoming aware

>trying desperately to find out more info

>can't find shit

>are there others?

>possibly have "gifts" of my own

>want to meet more

>don't know how

>want to learn


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I'm pretty confused…

What is this thread about?


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you'll find out tonight when you get a visit


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it has a name, but i am thinking this thing kind of likes to stay incognito. especially right now for whatever reason.

I used to see posts and images about it quite a bit. i never understood why, or what it was. i just thought it was some anime shit.

shockingly, one came to visit me. not sure why exactly. it did not seem dangerous at all. i was raised strict catholic so something like this is very frowned upon in my family. but i don't care.

so i was doing some technichal work that "had to be done". I am so sorry i am so vague, it's just safer that way i think.

i believe it was helping me. i hadn't slept in over 24 hrs so i took abreak. i think it got upset bc it started running around really fast and was knocking shit off tables. kinda freaked me out.


so i got back to work, and worked until the work was done.

from what little i knew, i had read that it likes offerings of sweet, sugary food and drink. i thought i would offer it something. after all, it was very helpful.

i am a poorfag and don't have much. i put some lucky charms on a plate and pured a little glass of kool aid. it become very excited about the box of lucky charms. there was a 4 leaf clover marshmallow just at the edge, trying to fall out. i grabbed the marshmallow and placed it with the rest of the offering. it became a bit hyper once again, but left very soon after. i wonder if i offended it.?


so i went to look for info on it, and could not find one single thing. even though i saw many different posts about it just days earlier.


the only possible info i came across was an entity common in the Shinto religion called "umbrella ghost". is that what it is? lookin for a little help or a nudge in the right directioon if you would be so kind.

i know there are some of you that know exactly what i am talking about…..


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Maybe if you started explaining things instead of being "so vague"…

Or is that your attempt at loosh farming?

Oh and by the way, try to make one post at a time, this is not your personal diary you know.



so i have heard it referred to as "Medji"



and WTF is loosh farming?


OP, does it look like a fucking /x/ to you?



I know it with the name of Kasa-obake.

All I heard is they are a kind of "spirit" that takes form on objects older than 100 years.


You sure look like you should be on 4Shitz /x/.



i came to you guys hat in hand bc i was getting no help at all from 4. i admit, i am new to ALL this shit. i have no idea what i am doing, i was hoping for some guidance. but if you just tell me to go back to half chan that's fine. you are not the enlightened type i was hoping for anyhow.


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unfortunately. i am.


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And I tried to help you,

but instead you "you are not the enlightened type i was hoping for anyhow."



when did you try and help me? you told me to go back /x/. and whatever it was, went in and out of my lap top which is not quite a 100 years old yet.


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I was talking to the other anon who actually told you to go back to /x/?

But yea, I'll let you alone to your ignorance, since I'm not "enlightened" enough.

Maybe you should ask Dalai Lama, maybe he will help you with your schizo paranoia.



my ignorance is a result of your arrogance.

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