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File: 1443212596004.jpg (140.23 KB, 1200x680, 30:17, eyes-wide-shut.jpg)


Was Stanley Kubrick murdered?

>He had just completed his final edit of Eyes Wide Shut a movie which very explicitly depicts secret societies

>He had shown this final edit to Warner Brothers executives 4 days before his death

>He was in good health and had no history of heart problems, nor any family history of heart problems

>He died suddenly in the middle of the night of a massive heart attack

>The movies ending was substantially changed after he died, with up to 24 minutes of footage never being seen


It's worth wondering how the secret society depicted in the film would function. For example they place a great value on seeing his face, some other people in the party are unmasked, most are masked.

Imagine if you were there alone, not known to be there by anyone else, and you see your wife there, fucking another man.

What if you are bound to silence through threat of death to not react or show signs of mistrust afterwards?

Could be a test of social strength, or a powerful insult in some social language that the rest of the world is blind to. A great deal of leverage and control over people could be achieved through this.


Eyes Wide Shut was his worst movie. Overrated as fuck and it sucked ass.

>good health

no, he was getting old as hell, which is why his last movie sucked so much

>movie ending changed and footage cut out

this part was always odd though, he just died, don't go fucking around some movie that someone died in the making of. ruuuuuuuuuuude


This does not feel like fringe, I think this would go best in x.


we are here to learn to bend life and matter to our every whim, who fucking cares about a dead autistic director?


why is the movie filmed set in america yet obviously filmed in london?

why is the tom cruise character a homosexual?



>this sentence

>cult of smileberg

youre not trying are you?


Please keep in mind that Eyes Wide Shut is a movie adaptation of Dream Story by Arthur Schnitzler written in 1926. The secret society stuff was already in the book in pretty much the exact same way and Kubrick just put it into film. He did not come up with this.




nigga ye this belongs hurr



>He was in good health and had no history of heart problems, nor any family history of heart problems

>He died suddenly in the middle of the night of a massive heart attack

Have you not seen what size he was when he died? Not a young lad either.

And it's curious that "they" even greenlit the adaption, let alone allowed it to progress so far along before having to act.



>Was Stanley Kubrick murdered?

He was sacrificed.


da illuminati xdddddd

nwo shutting down free thinkers1!

dey killed miachael jackson 2!!!!

any ritual depiction is of legitimate occult nature! xdddddddd

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