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Esoteric Wizardry


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Anyone else suspicious as fug of this guy?

Why does he exist and just how much disinformation is on his website?



He likes Philip Kindred Dick. I trust him.


It's easy to judge a book from its cover.

Tom is one of the most experienced when it comes to astral projection, demons, aliens and channeling.

He hasn't been online for many weeks due to being busy, but if you met him and talked to him you'd see his a nice guy.


His website has zero disinfo as far as I can tell. He even has a book about discerning disinfo lol. His website exists because, I guess, he felt he wanted to share his thoughts about metaphysics, aliens, conspiracy, and the like with others around 15 years ago. Check out his article on "truth analysis". He has a very pragmatic and no-nonsense approach to esotericism.



OP, no offense, but your problem is that you haven't learned to think for yourself in the truest sense of the word and take your own consciousness in your own hands. You are still interacting with the frequency range of the modern mundane consciousness, which is why you are still operating on a black and white dichotomy with different sources.

You are also being lazy on your own independent research. Getting all your information from something or someone playing the role of primary external source of information is one of the biggest errors human beings can make. In addition, discrediting entire works of something or someone based on a difference of opinion or simply wrong interpretation or even wrong information is another error human beings can make.

>>how much disinformation is on his website

Why don't you find out for yourself? I could make a case for something on his website that I have found to be inaccurate, and I could lead you down that path, but why do you trust me? I could be a disinfo agent myself, so seriously ask yourself what you are asking for with this thread. You want a couple of people to agree with you and say montalk is not for real or tell you he is. But the real answer is that both parties are wrong and right at the same time.

I could give you an opinion on what I feel about montalk's work, but I think it would be more beneficial for you to be taken into the road that leads to thinking for yourself.

But if you must absolute know what another random stranger thinks about montalk, I will say he is an excellent source of information but there is a LOT of speculation in his articles, especially on the gnosis series, but an intelligent person will see this and I am certain montalk makes it clear with his writing that this is his own personal interpretation on the issue and probably encourages you to make your own conclusions following your OWN research.

If you take everything on that website as 100% accurate, you are an idiot and montalk probably doesn't even want you to go on his website.

Books to Read:

Mind Control 101 by Dantalion Jones

The Technicians Guide to the Left-Hand-Path


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

When is he gonna make more Fringe Knowledge videos? Those first three installments were fucken tite.




Met him when he lived in VA, shook his hand.

He definitely seemed very genuine.

I've emailed him about personal issues before and he took the time to give great advice and share some of his information or pertinent stories others have told him.


Research more, you may be right, don't listen to word wallers.


Montalk is more theoretical than practical…


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Not suspicious of him, he's done his homework and though I disagree with some of his findings for the time being, (his Gnosis to be exact), I appreciate his work. He inspired me to pursue my own research and lifted me from what could have been ultimately a self-destructive path onto a more positive path of evolution … as he says, take that which resonates with you and leave the rest.

Maybe my own research and experience will confirm some of his more 'radical' views but let us see…


Agreed, but he *does* point out to more practical subjects in his recommended section.


Heh, I had a lot fun thinking the character he played in Inception was Montalk.



For: He redpilled me on Teletubbies and provided interesting metaphysics ideas and mental frameworks.

Against: A lot of thought with little evidence. Eg, he bought into and/or tried to sell the momentum drive concept - if his math is legit where is his patent application / open source design? And where is his interest in legitimate experiments done by researchers like Naudin and Aspden? Is his job to draw attention away from subjects that are tangible but off limits?



If you email him he will email you back. He answered my emails too.



Why do you faggots always go on about practicality?



Because no one wants to be an armchair faggot like you?


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1.as top influences of his he states "the law of one", which is a channeled material, although he recognizes that channeling is one of the easiest ways to manipulate and distort information

2.he admits he had direct alien interactions, that makes him a possible disinformant(yes, i've read his pieces on the matrix and the alien disinfo agenda)

on the plus side, he highlights the ways that info can be and is distorted.

any of you read corrado malanga's works, using nlp and erickssonian type induced trances to probe those that claim have had alien interactions and/or detect alien interactions hidden under false memories a.s.o?



The Law of One is real shit, it was a really accurate channel bro.



Does magic shoot from your hands? How many succubus girlfriends do you have?



>corrado malanga


Some specific works would be appreciated




i remember reading the sticky when I found this chan and checking out montalks site.

im pretty sure he had listed Initation into Hermeticism as dangerous on his website and that you should only read it for "theoretical reasons".

To me, that was an instant "what the fuck?"

the discussion on his website seems to be a lot of circle jerking over complicating things so that normal people can't understand/apply the information. It reminds me of the psychology jews( who make up terms noone understands to overcomplicate things.(thought certainly that method isnt solely in psychology.)

If you can't see that practicality > armchair theoretics I don't know what to tell you. you gain through what you do, not what you know. Actions are always the most important. this is part of the reason a lot of youngmen who spend excessive time on the internet are inept these days. They read a lot and know a lot, but fail to put this knowledge into action to improve their lives.



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Is he RHP?


I saw him at the market yesterday, was pretty amazed, or at least someone that looks just like him. He seemed to recognize me as well or know that I knew who he was judging by his reaction to me looking at him.



Yeah where was that? Did you smash?



Smash meaning what?



Did he buy any of the following foods?

split pea soup, steamed asparagus, pan-toasted plantains, boiled sweet potato discs, boiled butternut squash cubes, stews/chillis, sauerkraut, oatmeal, butter and honey, fruit and nut mixes, apples, salads, fresh meat and fish, sauteed vegetables


Love his album, but haven't read too much of his information. Too much discussion on aliens for my taste.



I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.





which city?







This only strengthens my belief that Montalk is useless and maybe even disinfo.



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>this picture



You do realize that the story is a copy pasta right?



lol I can just imagina jew lizard sitting at his comp flicking his tongue. DAMN THAT MONTALKsssss



I didn't see him carrying any food at all.


>eating the legume jew






Good job falling for a meme folks.




Yeah, 'Law of One' is one of the more quality channeled materials around.

That said, the real Ra is one of the oldest incarnations of the Demiurge. He speaks in a somewhat nebulous way at times, to mask certain meanings… as a sidenote; any of you noticed how certain 'benevolent' alien groups are claiming Ra as their own? Pleiadians, Lyrans, and Arcturians all have so far, lel.

Also amusing to see Green Pills go on about reptilians while citing their spiritual materials at every turn. Even 'Gnosis' itself is an Archon meme.



I love this meme


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Haven't been to his site in a while but always found it pretty useful. A lot of info laid out in a concise way. Good place for references and chasing rabbit trails.

So he gets points for presenting information in a readable fashion.

Then again, he does sort of resemble Agent Smith.


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Nah bruh he just lives a double life.



It was shut down.


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Some things are correct, others (the main ones) are pretty much "disinfo" he founds legit or just his opinions, but has already said in this thread, don't believe anyone and do your own research, read, read and read.

Meta as fuck overall

>2.he admits he had direct alien interactions, that makes him a possible disinformant

>on the plus side, he highlights the ways that info can be and is distorted.

But if aliens "made" him a disinformant, aren't the ways and methods on how info is and can be distorted, disinfo themselves along with his "truth analysis"?

We need to go more meta.



forgot to quote >>55830



Law of one is a very accurate channel. Mainly because of the fact that he stated who he was at the beginning of every message. Other entities could always come in and interact but they cannot state that they are Ra, and this actually does happen a few times so you can tell.


I would be surprised if it goes this deep. He is just a dude that is trying to teach discernment so you can always drop what you don't find useful anyways. I mean even the Buddha who seems free of all disinformation told you not to believe what he said unless it goes with your own common sense. No matter what you have to be cautious with information, so it seems to me that he is legit for that reason alone.


Non-white AF.



Well you'd think that if you judged what is disinformation for his site…



He's the epitome of the armchair occultist, lots of theory and zero practice. No wonder he's so well liked here, when people spend time reading books of questionable quality instead of practicing.



not true at all.

He has deflected countless reptilian attacks and has survived with enough sanity to tell his tale.



[citation needed]



One day you'll understand you need to stop jerking yourself off non stop to evolve.

The information is right there, why are you ignoring it? Oh right because you don't actually care.

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