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I dont mean X-Files black-oil story arc or the movie Prometheus.

This has been coming up on several podcasts lately via a guy named Harold Krautz-Vella (two links below) and he ties it to chem trails as well as something called Morgellan's Disease, which I had never heard of prior to a couple weeks ago through totally non-/x/ avenues. A topical character on /cow/ did datura and someone posted a datura trip video from the channel in the youtube link below saying "look at the channel to see them do amateur surgery to remove a burnout's imaginary bugs under his skin"

That much was true, its not in this video but its in the channel and horrifiying.

Google Morgellans and the pictures will make your whole brain timgle with crimge, its apparently some kind of fungus that lives in human flesh.

But Where is this "Black Goo" thing coming from, I cant find a single photo or real account of it but when you hear the guy talk about it the level of detail makes me think he has something to go on other than pure delusion.

He has a website which seems to be really sparse on evidence: http://www.timeloopsolution.com/english/index_e.html

Please redpill me on what the hell is going on

Podcast interviews:



Youtube channel link with non grotesque video up front:



Much of it does just sound media inspired, but I am intrigued by the concept nonetheless. After all, It could be appearing in some media because people have seen the truth about it or otherwise want to reveal it.

On a similar note, it sounds a lot like soy sauce to me. Could it be something embedded deep in the collective unconsciousness, a memory from another time, or perhaps a warning of an enemy just beyond our perception?


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As far as I can tell its some kind of collective consciousness of the planet and the way to connect to mother earth/gaia/sophia/whatever.


Easier to just link you to Harald's site and read it for yourself.

The only reason that I keep interest in the topic is that I've heard talks of this type of shit else where and it really helps bring to light WHY the X-files was so focused on the black goo along with it being shoe horned into Prometheus. The main question asked with that movie was "What the fuck is with the goo? Why?". But knowing what we know now maybe its all just programming and a slight of hand, hide the truth in plain sight.

Considering how hard media is controlled, it wouldn't surprise me one bit.

I want my hands on some of that goo, apparently its possible to find. Maybe one day.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Woops, found myself on /fringe/ again.

>Soy sauce

Wow… Yeah…

Not gonna try to blow anyone's minds here.

If you aren't aware of alien tech by now all I can say is GOOD LUCK.

Now I am craving chinese food. Thanks…


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Well in Prometheus it was something that affected every individual it touched a little differently, right? in the case of the tall whites, at least in the first scene the one who stayed behind was essentiall becoming earth's god by shattering his dna into the water where it began to attach itself to other matter and cause the genesis of life on that planet. It sort of did the same thing on a lower level by starting to break down the male scientists dna, fragments of which latched onto the female scientist and created the squid (for whatever reason) which sort of resembled a huge version of something you might see under a microscope. With the geologist, there was the variable of him smoking weed in his suit and then getting attacked by the little snake version of what looks like an unevolved face hugger (his progression was weird, witht he whole zombie hulk-out sequence) but it did bring him back from the dead so thats a sort of life genesis.

Its possible the snake thing wasnt even there in the cave until the black goo started getting onto the stone floor and considering how fast the baby squid incubated in the barren woman, it may have congealed from micro-organisms present in the cave.

Another interesting thing in Prometheus, is that I think the planet theyre on is a reference to Iapetus, the moon of Saturn. The place they land initially, they itentify because they see some kind of stepped hill and the main guy says "there! god doesnt build in straight lines!" and recently we have gotten some images of Saturns moon that show something very similar to what was on screen in that landing sequence.

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