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Pedos, degenerates, liars and kikes and all kind of evil is being promoted, we live in a Dark Age of unleashed, materialistic appetites. The Kali Yunga, The Kali Yuga is the last of four ages… Is there a way to speeden this up so we can enter the Satya Yuga?

Also does anyone have any resources on more ancient and better magic than fucking Crowley or this other New Age bullshit, i want the real deal.

Im depressed AF and im wondering how the ancient people thru magic or whatever would have dealt with it.


They used time travel mostly, and traveled away. Hence why they are ancient.


Read Schopenhauer and act accordingly


>Is there a way to speeden this up

accelerate the pandemonium fam


Just keep enduring



Spawn in a better location next time.


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Chant the holy names, chant the holy names, chant the holy names. In this age of Kali [the age of quarrel and confusion] without a doubt there is no other way, there is no other way, there is no other way. (Brihan-naradiya Purana 38.126)


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Spread that novelty brother. Push the wrecking ball even further so it wipes this world clean or transmutes the filth.


According to Sri Yukteswar, the Kali Yuga has been over since 1699 - you can read a short summary of his main points from The Holy Science here: http://www.minsobooks.com/Downloads/Yuga_Theory_Of_Sri_Yukteswar_in_The_Holy_Science.pdf

In regards to dealing with the challenges of the world, I think it's a simple matter of "being in this world, but not of it" - establish a center within yourself through practices of internal alchemy and don't allow the world to blow you through and fro.


Become the Fuhrer of your Reich (your body, mind, spirit, and worldly life).

Demand of yourself that which you would if you lived in a non-degenerate empire.

Do not give in to time. Death is near, and I welcome it as liberation, but for now, I am stuck here.







WOW it's fucking nothing!

Seriously, what's the difference between Kali Yuga and Dvapara?


read evolas introduction to magick, then his other books on magick.


But a love of what? That is the real question behind purpose



It means it only goes downhill from here and the end of this cycle of creation is supposedly not coming very soon

Fuck physical reality


i just worry the good will be wiped away with the filth. order will be left, but it might not be the kind of order we like


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>New age

kek, i can tell you're new to occultism. Evola himself said that Crowleyan magick is legit.


You're talking about a meme. It has over you the power you give it. If you say your life is shit, then so it is, cause that's how you shape it etherically. You can live in the circle of ages, believe that good ages are good, that's why they will be good and vice versa. Or you could get out of this shitty illusion.



>Im depressed AF

find the root of this, because while the world is ending and it seems horrible, there is another more personal source of your daily anguish. find the source and shine light on it, as it is currently roaming free and wreaking havoc from the darker recesses of your mind


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I like Kali yuga. Best age for the greater holy war tbh. A real test of mettle.



Welcome to the arena!



but nothing bad about loving a little girl



Anon, life expectancy is up, people are more educated than ever and diseases such as smallpox and polio have nearly been globally eradicated.


Rejoice, our knowledge of biology is only increasing and soon we will have the technology to fix and restore your natural urges to an untarnished state.


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All of recorded history exists within Kali Yuga. That's part of the theory here, all ways back are burned and the only way forward is through materialistic pursuits not spiritual ones. Aesthetics lose their perceived importance and humans lose their ability to interact with higher spiritual realms. Not impossible to interact with them, it just becomes harder and harder. It's not impressive to say that curing diseases is a great achievement when it was enabled in part by Kali Yuga in the first place.

That's part of the whole rub here, they create the problem by withdrawing you from spiritual sources then offer you the materialistic solution. The next steps wil be for us to start replacing our organs with cybernetic material, say our liver, without any regard to the metaphysical properties of these organs. Cut them off from the spiritual realm for good and trap them here. The counter-solution is to recreate that spiritual light that is missing in the world in yourself and fully incarnate in a world desperately resists it.



>actually being so fucking retarded you believe in the life expectancy and modern medical science myth

ProTip: BSRs are living longer / less defective children are dying as babies. Other than that, we're living shorter lives than before.

As for medical science, it's all a farce, and magick is a more effective means of eradicating disease.



Nah, growing synthetic organs out of fetus stem-cells onto pig organ scaffolds is the more mature technology.


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It won't end there. Augmentation as a way to gain higher performance is the angle that will get pushed.

Consequently, it's not impossible to use technology to enhance our powers either.


Become a SJW and push society off the edge. Why do you think so many SJWs used to be nazis and white nationalists?



That's all bad stuff and life expectancy is down. It's only up in the short terms but people don't life to 800-900 much anymore.



It's always about muh degeneracy, gas the kikes race war now, in 8chan, right?



only on boards infested with cucks



[citation needed]




I'm truly impressed.


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At least now I have enough evidence that Uncle Julius is not to be trusted



The weak living longer has never been a good thing for humanity.



It's a good thing for you though.

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