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How is one able to naturally release the DMT that the Pineal Gland is capable of producing?

It is all well and good artificially inducing these chemicals, such as mescaline, DMT and LSD, but surely if we have the capacity to naturally produce it, it stands to reason that we are MEANT to do so?



By reading rule 2



Every night as you go to bed the kundalini at the bottom of your spine rises up. Depending on how strong your kundalini energy is will depend on how much dmt is produced. Ideally you're looking at energy work to enhance it. You can start pulling energy into the pineal to enhance it.


the pineal gland doesnt produce DMT



Piss off. Rule 2 is shit, and so are your posts.



My posts?

Piss on!


File: 1443530175607.png (897.04 KB, 605x631, 605:631, durr.png)



fuck you, that terrified me.




It's speculated that the pineal gland produces DMT because we have found some of the the precursors called catecholamines to surround the gland. Tryptamine is abundant in the brain and so, through a possible process called methylfolation, DMT may be produced… however, it hasn't been proven or disproven.

What has been proven is that DMT has been found in very small quantities in the human body. → http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2947205/


The pineal gland does not produce DMT. Also, how would taking DMT induce DMT, it is simply a matter of taking it. DMT has been found in trace amounts of the human brain, but there is no proof of it being produced or meaning or having any effect related to doing the actual substance. As for the substance of DMT it is not like mescaline or LSD in anyway, not even closely related, and it is very illegal in most parts of the world, much more legal then any other substance. If you do indulge in it however, it is very intense. It comes from South America, and only South America.



DMT can be produced from a number of plants, many type of grasses, barks and seeds found everywhere in the world. The synthesis of crystal DMT takes about 2 months. The most know form to consume DMT which you're probably thinking is the brew ayahuasca.


Find your pineal gland and direct energy to it.

Do kapalabhati and cobra breath, focusing on your gland when you hold your breath.

Kechari mudra etc.


read mantak chia's book darkness it's a few pages long.

read darklight consciousness by edward bynum.



This, it'll explain the chemistry behind DMT release and also give you an idea on how to cause it.


Here's a link to the first one.



extremely interesting, thank you. It seems this will be where the Desert Fathers gained their wisdom, as so many others will have the same way.


If the pineal gland doesn't produce DMT, what takes you to the astral every night?


I think what you really mean is how can one naturally have visions. DMT = visions. Speculating on what part of the brain produces DMT and what activities produce DMT is pretty futile. Because we really dont know a whole lot of that.

So basically dreams is one. Getting into dream recall and possibly lucid dreaming too. And the other activity where people have reported visions is Meditation. The yoga sutras of Patanjali, a meditation manual, even mentions encountering celestial beings while in a meditative trance.

But the sutras advice someone to ignore the celestial beings and not go into their world. This is chapter 3 verse 52.



DMT is irrelevant, though doing a decalcification protocol is useful for general health (eat acetyl-l-carnitine, spirulina and chlorella, etc.).


Wrong gland OP.

You're looking for the Barathary Gland.



Yes, and it's worth mentioning that the highest concentration of DMT is within your lungs. This is where most scientists in the know hypothesize that the molecule is made in the body.

My own hypothesis is that when the pineal gland DOES produce or come into contact with DMT, it results in some of the most profound experiences of our lives.



How does one do cobra breath? Can you recommend any books on it?



get out of here we-wuz-kingz faggot


wrong, me and my friends made dmt and its smokable ez. Dont even need 2 months.

Can anons that dont know what they're talking about stop talking out of their asses please



He meant chemical synthesis in a lab takes months, I'm assuming you just extracted it from naturally occurring sources, which is what anyone without a chem degree would actually do

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