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I'll just say it. I'm a Priestess of Apollo. He's not the sun god you were probably told he was but in fact was and is a god of the arts, healing, divination and forgiveness of sins. In the old days we would take confessions and assign penance. I am continuing this tradition to give non-monotheists an option to unburden yourselves. No names please, no identifiers please, use a proxy if you will. I will not betray your trust but this makes it easier not to. Apollo knows who you are. I do not need to, nor should I. Penance may be prescribed but not as punishment. Only as a healing method and sign of good faith that you are actually repentant. That's what counts in separating the person you no longer wish to be from the person you wish to become. The better person.


i take pleasure in hurting others. its mostly verbal, but i wouldnt mind if someone would start a fight. sometimes i dont know if i am being nice to receive niceness in return. i want to become a better person.



I need to know one thing for the former. Are you a sadist in your sexual orientation? This is not a bad thing nor a good thing but simply self knowledge.



Never mind that last part. I was on the wrong track.

First off burn incense to Apollo and invoke his forgiveness with your right hand to the sky. Meditate until it is almost burned out. Put out the incense in a glass of water and then you ou have holy water. Apply to he holy water to your hands and face to cleanse yourself.

Out of the people you care about most pick at least one and over seven days be unconditionally kind to them. Do not think of yourself for anything but redemption in this. Focus on what makes them happy and try to feel empathy for when they are happy.

Take the seven day penance as training in how to bask in the joy of others and not just yourself. This is training to get you on the righ track




>all this externalization

>giving loosh to the cardboard box instead of the tree it came from.

yo - why is there so many people worshiping romanticized invented tulpas based on fertility goddesses?

You can give your power to what ever parasite you desire, but when you come on here telling people to loosh up some mistranslated figure created with a specific agenda by the crafters of the thoughtform… nah bro.

>>55325 >>55328

This dude has issues with his inner self and his subconscious, those are synapnic responses he's getting from pre-programmed subliminal aspects from his youth and social elements.. burning incense and doing all the shit you said will help the dude relax for a few minutes and zone out, the 7 days thing you mentioned is basic 101 pop psychology you can hear channelers and youtubers talk about, if you program yourself to act a specific way after a while you auto-react to them, like being happy every time you poke yourself, eventually the poke will trigger cheerful mood… emotions aka energy in motion.


We are the parents and creators of the gods and deities - they are our children and our machinations - giving them any kind of lording aspect in any regards even the most subtle and minute is renouncing your own creator self.

>put out incense in a glass of water now you have holy water

>apply water to face hands / cleanse yourself.

water and fire are good mind-control programming tools, you can hypnotize someone easily with those 2 elements alone being in factor - you should mention the target should focus their intent and their minds on the desired outcome - as the water will be programmed with the intent, furthermore the water should be of clean source - tap water or bullshit from a bottle with fluoride in it is not magick ritual proper.

Greek sun god who took over the powers of his twin sister Artemis,

^^^^^^^^^^^ the Moon. Originally, he was her child, as the sun was born of

the Moon-goddess in Egypt and elsewhere. He was also her totemic

beast in several forms: a wolf (Apollo Lycaeus), a mouse (Apollo

Smintheus), or a golden-maned lion (Apollo Chrysocomes).

The fully anthropomorphized Apollo laid claim to the Goddess's

powers of prophecy, poetry, music, magic, and healing. His priest-

hood adopted the Muses, the Graces, even the Great Serpent who gave

oracles from the earth-womb, Apollo Python, known as Sol Niger

(Black Sun) during his nightly sojourn in the underworld. Egyptians

called him Apep or Apophis, the serpent of darkness. In the Bible he

is Apollyon, "Spirit of the Pit" (Revelation 9:1 1).

Apollo's serpent-form inspired the Pythoness, priestess of the

Delphic oracle, Greece's foremost temple of prophecy. This temple

belonged to the Goddess in the beginning; delphi means womb. Even

Apollo's priests admitted that she had owned the oracle in her

trinitarian guise as mother of earth, heaven, and the abyss: the first of all

deities to prophesy, the Earth-mother; and Themis, mother of the sea

and of all Themistes, "oracles"; and the Moon-goddess, Artemis, under

the name of Phoebe another title stolen by Apollo, who became

known as Phoebus. 1

Apollonian priests naturally directed their energies toward con-

quest of the oracles. "The reason why a deity associated with political

conquest and order should take possession of oracular shrines is obvious;

oracles were the chief means of controlling public opinion and public

action, and to control the oracles was as necessary to a political god as it

is to later politicians to control the press or education." 2

Laurel became Apollo's sacred plant because it was the plant of

inspired poetic frenzy, which is why Britain's national poet is still

called Laureate, the laurel-crowned one. The Delphic Pythoness

chewed leaves of cherry laurel to induce her poetic-prophetic trances.

Cherry laurel contains traces of cyanide, enough to cause delirium,

foaming at the mouth, and other symptoms of divine possession.



Apollo's priests used the oracles to create new patriarchal laws,

overturning the laws of the matriarchate. Apollo's most notable

judicial act was to absolve Orestes from the crime of killing his mother.

Apollo said it was no crime, because a mother is not a real parent;

only a father truly gives life to a child, the same "Apollonian" opinion

later adopted by Christian theologians. 3 Yet this patriarchal opinion

was negated by Apollo's own surname of Letoides, "son of Leto." 4 He

carried the name of his mother only, after the custom of the matri-

archal Lycians who recognized strictly matrilineal ancestry, and in

whose country Apollo's cult first evolved.

In his earliest manifestations, Apollo was subordinate to the God-

dess as her dog-faced or wolf-faced door-guardian: a "Spirit of the

Pit" like Apollyon, another name for Anubis or Cerberus. Four Hittite

altars found in Anatolia were dedicated to a god named Apulunas,

Guardian of Gates, forerunner of Apollo Lycaeus or "Wolfish Apol-

lo." 5 Once he walked at the Goddess's heel, like Anubis; but this

was suppressed and forgotten.

To some early Christians, Apollo became a junior God. He was

even said to have fathered on mortal virgins several pagan sages

respected by the church, such as Plato. 6 Healing miracles were widely

attributed to Apollo. 7 Christians sought his intervention in certain

illnesses. It was claimed that if a naked virgin touched the afflicted part,

saying, "Apollo denieth that the heat of the plague can increase

where a naked virgin quencheth it," the patient would get well. 8

Under his title of Benedictus, "Good-speaker," Apollo was even

canonized, and became St. Benedict. 9


I violated the covenant of my marriage. I feel really weird about it. No doubt, I would never ever do it again, but even after reading up on the metaphysics of the sexual energy contamination I'm unsure how to remedy/restore/heal. Aid would be appreciated.

I love my wife with all my heart, mind, body, and soul with a love beyond words, time and space. It's just been really hard this last year being away from her, to live a functional life since we where rended from one another by the state who did not approve of a marriage before God and not before them.

P.S. Do you have a proper copy of the ancient Hippocratic Oath? (Latin is fine, but English is preferable) It seems as though all the ones given in school where written <100 years ago.



Apollo forgives you. Distance can be difficult in a relationship. Snudge yourself with incense, give the rest of it and a prayer of thanks to Apollo for his forgiveness in the matter and make the holy water in the manner I described in this thread splashing your hands and face with it.

Here is the hippocratic oath, as you have asked for.





Please do not think I am ignoring your posts btw. I read both and you some solid points and facts though I disagree with some. Just gathering my thoughts and facts for my own part in this dialectic on the subject.



First of all I will not deny at all that psychology factors into this a lot. Nor will I deny that members of the priesthood of Apollo have at times used their status to their advantage over others. That latter part is known as far back as the mythologies of oral tradition. The oracle of Delphi in the Trials of Herakles is described as corrupt and acting as an agent of Hera's wrath rather than Herakles' priest, redeemer and representative of Apollo and sends him to work for a corrupt and power hungry king in the region and accomplish ten tasks for him ( raised to twelve due to circumstances within the story itself to be some the 12 Labours of Herakles ). Priesthood in an established religion has its perks and potential for abuse. That is why we have to set ourselves to higher standards and why everyone should always be wary of abuse of power in a religion.


I am not seeking forgiveness from Apollo, I am sure he's an upright fella and I'd like to talk in depth with him if he would permit me his presence, but I am no follower of his, nor a devotee. I would like to make my misgivings known to him to see if he can offer guidance not petty forgiveness, which would do nothing to help me down my path, but if you can offer advice priestess I would greatly appreciate it. I do not mean any offense I would just like to make it clear I am not a devotee, but I do take great joy in interacting and exchanging with the Gods

I am a degenerate, I indulge in many strange fetishes I have picked up from browsing the chans, as well as a frequent drug (cannabis) user who would like to quit. I often hold myself to standards I can meet but do not because I am not disciplined. My discipline is undermined by a feeling of anxiety that I am missing out in life by not indulging, but my mission requires discipline; many here I am sure can relate.

I often have violent thoughts about the people close to me and sometimes I can see the most gruesome scenes in the most mundane places which are purely of my own imaginative invention. I also find it difficult to trust people so I am sometimes not seeing people as humans just obstacles to getting what I need.



As for externalizations it is not as much an externalization. For the record I approach this from a Neoplatonic and Orphic point of view. Both are monist cosmologies and philosophies and practiced forms of theurgy, though Iamblichus the Neoplatonist was the first to coin the name of theurgy ( theurgist, Greek for " God-work " or " Divine-work " ) for it, along with thaumaturgia and goetia as classifications for other magick. The practice of theurgy is centred on henosis ( becoming one with higher beings, concepts, ideas, virtues and forces ) one by one through invocation and sympathetic magick in an effort to understand them from the inside out and break down the ego barrier which locks us in a singular body seemingly separate from the rest of the universe and other people. Each step expands your consciousness by gaining a new perspective and viewpoint and reminding you through experience that you are not just you but rather we are all one. The goal is to keep doing this until you reach the point of being one with the universe. This is also important on a psychological level for the simple reason that theurgy involves mental training to accomplish this as a ritual tool in and of itself. That is why psychology is fundamental to it as well. Meditation, trance states, visualizations, symbolism, are all psychological components not limited to mere psychology and which are integral for liberating the mind and soul



Meant to say theurgia, not theurgist. Sorry. Autocorrect



Apollo is not just the egregious Apollo. Apollo is the name we gave to the force and forces that do what he does and represent what he is. Art, music, harmony, redemption, health and healing, foreknowledge and oracular ability. We anthropomorohize what is too alien to understand otherwise and the names we give them though unlikely to be the name they have always had are linguistic signals as to which force we are petitioning, thanking or meditating on the nature of among other things the names are useful for. We named these things Apollo in this case. And Apollo has been listening and interceding and knows those names by heart when uttered.



Fucking autocorrect, egregore. I meant to say egregore, not egregious



Meditation and its ability to quiet the mind may help with the violent urges, anxiety and lowering the pull weed cravings have in you and a few other things without getting in the way of indulgence. The deviant fetishes happen. If you're not worried I'm not worried. Setting small goals and/or limits for yourself may help in lieu of focusing on larger goals all at once. Even unrelated ones accomplished often enough can help establish habitual discipline. Basically starting with small bite sized pieces of goals and limits can help you build up the internal discipline over time to accomplish your larger goals. I hope this helped :)



All you did was create yourself another Jesus.

Ironically, jesus was in part based on apollo.

Idk why you didn't just cut out all the bs and go straight to RA worship.


he's using the weed as a painkiller for his backlashes of bullshit - the kid needs to go vegan, get a workout routine going and do some expressive art of some sort - coupled with shadow-self work, not bullshit cry-me a river work, but questioning his likes his dislikes and peeves and going to the source of those traumas, 4chan has magix done on it to loosh farm people - i've tested it myself. Stay away from that shithole, besides it's now a testing ground for $##%#F#.

He could replace weed with vodka it would do the same eventually, it's just to numb himself from the knock on his door he's getting from himself to get the fuck up and go do what his true-self wants. The worst thing he could do is cold-turkey all his habits, gradual improvement is a must here - the best thing he could do is a heroic 5g dose of shrooms in the dark with proper intent and ritual programming prior.




stfu, disinfo dindu



memes are low tier.



>> All you did was create another Jesus.

>> ironically Jesus was in part based on Apollo

Pick one please. I won't obsess over rhetoric here but those two statements contradict each other. I could not have created another Jesus as Apollo if Jesus is in any way based on Apollo unless you include a time loop in the equation. I recommend you stick with the latter point as it is solid and the former point is bunk. I am attempting to bring back What i consider something important we have lost and am refraining from recreating him in favour of a faithful restoration of our knowledge of him and his followers practices.



>he's using the weed as a painkiller for his backlashes

True. I know this but it is somewhat relieving to hear it externalized by another person. Don't know why it's like a truth that is hard to swallow

>the kid needs to go vegan

What? Why?

>get a workout routine going

Already have an infrequent but intense one (I know consistency)

>do some expressive art of some sort

I do need to write again it is definitely something I am avoiding.

>4chan has magix done on it to loosh farm people - i've tested it myself. Stay away from that shithole, besides it's now a testing ground for $##%#F#.

I'm aware some sort of loosh farmer or succubi is getting my energy from my "emissions".



>the best thing he could do is a heroic 5g dose of shrooms in the dark with proper intent and ritual programming prior.

Can you elaborate on the ritual programming part?

Thanks to both of you



>do some expressive art of some sort

I do need to write again it is definitely something I am avoiding.

→ go finger paint or make a collage, writing is too intellectualized.

>the best thing he could do is a heroic 5g dose of shrooms in the dark with proper intent and ritual programming prior.

Can you elaborate on the ritual programming part?

→ read the darkness book by mantak, check out some mckenna but not too much, program your intent / desire before you trip, like set the dials of the control panel to your chosen settings, before you press play on the shroom trip. Doing that will have the result of either giving you a lesson or helping or healing a broken circuit.

I could do a 2-3 hour video presentation on all of this personally so id rather not go in on detail in text - but essentially, you can soft-reset some of your less desired OCD/quirks and neurotic behavior/impulses.

Thing you must overstand and innerstand is that you aren't your body, your body is a vessel / software you can program. You're 1.driving it or 2.on auto-pilot.

>my captcha was : keqkin



Stop being such a pussy about hurting all those people who hurt you. Life is War. Fight back.

Alma and Ares say Hello.


> He's not the sun god you were probably told he was but in fact was and is a god of the arts, healing, divination and forgiveness of sins

Apollo isn't a god he's a myth and a story


>I distrust my GF too often and accuse her of cheating.

>I disrespect my elders

>I don't know what to do with my life

>I lie

>I masturbate

>I spill my loosh

Forgive me that I do this, and heal me, oh Apollo.


i do a lot of things wrong and i know that they are wrong and it makes me feel bad and i would like to stop it. i hide my own light to make other people more comfortable and i end up taking it out on myself when no one is around. i tell myself i will change and then never go through with it. i am fearful of a lot of things.

i know better though - and i think that will help see me through, the realization that at least i can sense when things are not right. and if i can sense un-rightness then i know i can sense as well when things are indeed falling into place instead of just falling apart

i am sorry for hurting myself and other people. i would like to be purified :p letssdoit



You're close but slightly off in your terminology and understanding. He is not the myth or the stories. Those are the ways he was explained. What he truly is is close though: Heis an Idea. He is in fact several ideas. Gods are ideas ( in my view and that of the neoplatonists and many others they are living ideas ) and are immortal because an Idea never dies. You cannot kill an idea. You can try to hide it or repress it or try to twist it into a different idea or understanding of that idea but that is only masking it or trying to eclipse it with a different idea. But ideas never truly die no longer how long they disappear from view. When an idea is dormant or missing it is very much sleeping and not dead. And any traditionalist, revolutionary, artist, scientist, or anyone with true knowledge of any kind understands that Ideas are Powerful.

So even as idea he is both immortal and powerful. Does that make him a god? No. What makes him a god he is both of these things And on the side of good. And that is the trinity ( immortal, powerful, benevolent ) that makes a god. That makes them truly a god in their nature and not just name.

And unlike the stories and myths what I'm saying in this post is neither metaphor nor allegory nor etiological myth



Ahhh this is completely understandable and here are some ways to analyze the root of that problem, understand it, and from there fix it. It is at heart not the presence of things you're doing that is the problem. That is a symptom.

>> I distrust my gf too often and accuse her of cheating

You distrust because you lack trust. Again understandable because trust is a valuable capability that is easily damaged. It may or not be her that damaged it. It may have been someone else or multiple people. It could even be that you never developed it. I will not assume what is the cause besides that, but it is likely one or more of those things. To change your ways you must develop trust within yourself.

Part of doing that in regard to her is to examine your relationship rationally when it comes to whether she would cheat on you, and if so, why? If it's opportunity that makes you feel she will not everyone makes use of them. In fact if they don't when you know they could that is proof of trustworthiness and helpful to remember. If it's a desire you perceive on her part think hard about what is the cause of it. If you feel she's unhappy with part of the relationship ( and that's the most common cause. Not lack of love ) and that she would do so for that reason it's very fixable. Find out ( asking helps ) what is missing in the relationship. And then you know how to avoid worrying by simply putting effort and understanding into filling that gap. If you feel it's lack of love or respect you are justified to be distrustful, but only if you know this and not just thinking it.

Your prescription for the remedy is to do those things. Look at it logically and then let that guide your emotions and actions from there.

>> I disrespect my elders

This can mean a lot of things. If it's disrespecting them verbally or being unfair to them in your actions the first can simply stop in its tracks with a little restraint and the other is a matter of empathy on how to be more respectful and fair in your motives and actions. If it's being disrespectful by simply not following their wishes examine how those wishes are isolated to your actions in other matters that do not effect them, and also - as a seperate list of the two - where those wishes are for things that effect them directly. Toss out the first list. You are being too hard on yourself if you take that one without a grain of salt. It's not their place to rule you after all. But the second list is what you should be guided by, so long as it's not taking advantage of you if followed. Use the rest to determine how to treat them better in the present and the future and where you haven't in the past. In the case of overlap between the two lists use the same formula to determine what should guide your actions. And where appropriate for times you fell short you can also apologize or even make amends.

That is your prescription as remedy to do better.

>> I lie.

It's a bad habit but sometimes lying can do so much good it saves lives. Remember how to lie as a life skill kept in reserve for those types of situations. Then in the rest let the truth be your guide. Many people lie out of fear of consequences. If the consequence is not a matter of undue harm from telling the truth then let the truth be your guide and practice courage by facing such fears. It's okay to be afraid. Courage is defined as facing fear, not as the absence of fear ( which is mere fearlessness. And by comparison foolhardy and of much less use ). This will of course take time to break the habit but develops as a skill until it becomes second nature.

As for the rest your only need for forgiveness is thus: hearing someone sincerely say you are forgiven and that they forgive you for what you feel shame for. For that reason alone you are forgiven. I forgive you. Apollo forgives you.

As for the rest heed the aforesaid words about them and know that Apollo forgives you and understands.

Now I leave you with the words of Apollo. A Delphic Maxim ( words of advice or commandments from the Apollonian religion of more than two millenia ago ) for you to take heart in and know that how much he understands you.

Delphic Maxim: " It's Hard to be Good. "

Theos Ei.



If you are being true to yourself in what you say, and objective as to what is right and wrong for your actions ( with the understanding that the right and wrong actions in a situation are not always universally applicable to all situations but also depend on the context at times ) then you are blessed with much of what you need to turn right and follow the good.

If truly so you have a map of morality and know how to fill in the blanks on that map when encountering unexpected situations not written down. But you have still deviated from the path you intended and gone astray at times.

Perhaps something caught your eye and led you astray by following it instead ( temptations which conflict with ideals ) or perhaps someone insulted you or hurt you and you chased after them to get even ( anger overriding your desire to be good and not harm others ) or perhaps you simply stood still while the path moved on its own ( lack of follow through ). The first is solved by developing restraint, fortitude and following your conscience despite it sometimes being the harder path. When jfk described his reason about sending men to the moon he famously said " I do not do this not because it is easy. I do this because it is hard " for the simple reason that the harder path is a greater accomplishment. That will be your aid in resisting such temptations to trade good for reward: Your sense of accomplishment and your victory is also a great reward to yourself. And giving it up or trading it off for something lesser is cheating yourself of it.

If it's anger that does it you merely need to recognize the difference each time between justified anger, unjustified anger, and what the moral limits are for even justified anger so far as what is right and fair. Then let it be your guide. Your emotions are a good guide and anger can tell you when you or someone else is wronged ( it's why we evolved to have that emotion ) but it sometimes doesn't know the difference between the motives of someone's actions or how to tell an important " wrongness " from a slight, or when someone hurts you or someone you care about without meaning ( or sometimes even realizing ) they did and/or are.

Let anger be a diagnostic tool alongside reason. It is yours and part of you. But do not let it rule you. It's a guard dog, not a wise man or wise woman, and thus it is a poor ruler when in charge and would only lead you to poorer and poorer decision making. At most let it advise you with YOU and your logical faculties being the ones to actually govern your actions and life.

If you need me to give examples or further advice let me know and I shall do so. For now I will try to be succinct and to the point.

If it's lack of follow through exercise it like a muscle and it will grow stronger.

Apollo forgives you. He's been there and it's why he is so forgiving in the first place. You have a good heart from what I can tell. And it can teach you much the more you listen to it and not let other things drown it out with noise.

Delphic Maxim: Know Thyself




I've been doing some independent amateur research on comparative religion and it occurred to me that the similarities between Apollo and Indra are striking: I have concluded that they are the same God.

>Apollo is the son of Jupiter/Zues, Indra is the son of Dyaus.

>Both slew serpent-like dragons: Apollo slew Python, Indra slew Vrtra. Both act release water in doing so: Apollo releases the Castalian Spring, while Indra releases the seven rivers.

>Both have some association with the Sun. Apollo takes over as the Sun God after the titans are cast down, while Indra frees the dawn from a demon's cave.

>Both are associated with cattle. The "dawn" freed by Indra are cattle, and Apollo is mentioned as having a herd of immortal cattle which Hermes steals.

>Both are archers, associated with the bow.

>Both ride on golden chariots

Of course the chief difference is that Indra was worshiped as King of the Gods by the Vedic peoples. That said, Apollo's importance was rising in Rome before Christianity wiped it out. In another few centuries it's not impossible that the Romans and Greeks might have allowed Jupiter to retire as well.

Interested in your thoughts on the matter, Priestess.



>He's not the sun god you were probably told he was but in fact was and is a god of the arts, healing, divination and forgiveness of sins.

Not a pagan, but… I think his relationship to the sun was more symbolic or to carry over certain characteristics that drew similarities to other pantheons, namely Sol Invictus in Rome or Ra-Horakhty in Egypt.

Sometimes its best to look at the more strange elements of particular deities as continuity in this way, like a form of pattern recognition.


Nice double dubs.

Amun-Ra would have more in common with Indra, since Amun was a King of the Gods, and Ra being the Egyptian sun god, but by the above-mentioned continuity, that would suggest a connection with Apollo anyway through Ra.

Just my two cents.



Actually according to the Orphics Zeus ( associated with the Roman Jupiter ) actually DID retire and put Dionysus in charge. And then there's a whole story that symbolically resells that he was murdered almost immediately by the Titans before coming back as both himself in Olympus as well as the divine portion of Every Mortal Soul. It's kind of empowering to think of, because it implies and in parts explicitly states we are all divine if we nurture it within ourselves and contain part of the King of the gods in us as part of us.

As for which gods are also other gods I kind of just accept that it's not just the same being worshipped by a different name in a different culture but also that the higher one goes in spiritual realms the more identity is fluid and capable of merging, splitting, bi locating in more places than " bi " indicates, and even more than one of those at once at any given time. Salve E Coagula. Henosis. Seira. Sephira. Triple Goddeses. All examples of it. Until you reach the top and the initial point of ( continuous ) creation ( as in the force of creation and not what it creates ) and then you're just One.


From everything I understand of them you are entirely correct. Thank you :)



Sorry. Some clarification here. " resells " was a typo of " retells " and the God I mentioned getting killed and brought back is Dionysus. I know the wording makes it sound like it was either him or Zeus ( man, that would suck right after retiring ) so I'm clarifying that it was Dionysus. We all got a little or a lot of Dionysus in us :3



Thanks bro for the advice and tips, much love.



No problem. It's what i do. Glad to help ^_^


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I burried an ant under sand at the beach today and watched another ant dig him out and carry him in his pincers across a rock. Like a soldier saving his wounded brother.

Each life is worth saving(?).

I don't know. I think that- most non-human life is most certainly worth saving. Deer and raccoons have more emotions- thoughts- and feelings that feel more real and connected than these people around me ever had. They have societies and families and bonds that are real. Man's bonds are fickle, fake, and snide. Man enjoys the deceit of ideological and economic bonds over the honest and true bonds of blood and race.

I feel like such shit for killing that ant. I know I could feel it's heart sink and rage at me as he carried his friend home half dead. I felt terrible afterward, me a life-mage, being so cruel to a little ant, covering him with sand and bruising him. I used to have so much compassion for nature- what happened to me?

I know now I value natures lives more than mans, as man chose his fall from the old gods magick and blood bonds of race and the truth of the gods which is written in the very cosmos.

I need to remember that they have just the same emotions and thoughts I do, and that almost all of man no longer is worthy to live.

…But all of nature is worthy of life.


Hello Apollo. I am not in your direct line of incarnations yet I contain a direct portion of your soul. It should not be yet it is and I apologize for this but it was not my doing. This state was forced onto me at my moment of creation, along with some other beings I contain pieces of within me. They do not know of me, I don't know if you know of me either.

Ive already accepted my faults and sins and currently Im working towards fixing those so I am not here for repentance. I simply ask how to fully awaken the portion of you that is within me. The coming times will be tough and the power and wisdom I feel from your portion has caught my interest. It would be very beneficial for my purpose here on this planet in the awakening and I would be very grateful for your help.



Say a small funeral prayer for him in whatever ( sensible ) way you wish but try to fit in " i wish you ( or saying "them " based on context ) peace and prosperity in the next life " or say " them ". all life is sacred but some are more fragile than others and we can underestimate the damage we do in this world. apollo forgives you and so will the ant most likely who died.


this happens or appears to be a small trend. its not as grandiose as it sounds but it's still pretty cool and of some importance.

the method is Theurgy, specifically Henosis and rites which do the same thing by percentages and increments at a time.

i run a decent magick school based on these particular techniques and related ones with a focus on greek, roman and egyptian deities and spirits. if you wish to learn i can teach.

otherwise i'd recommend simple stuff like burning incense to the god or gods you wish to strengthen your connection to, use holy water on yourself every time, do regular smudging, chanting, and prayer, meditation, mindfulness, throwing yourself into beneficial activities or mindsets that are their domain, and also doing the same for your Guardian Daimon, who is an intermediate being between you and the gods as well as the higher realms. not intermediary. intermediate. everyone is born with one who dies when they die and shares the same afterlives, and they are both half you and half other. they're a spirit brother or sister as well as an extension of yourself past your ego barrier and into the outer connections of the cosmos closest to you. unlike the gods, who need nothing and take your offerings to seal a connection with you and accept gratitude and petitions, your guardian daimon has something to gain from these offerings and grows stronger from them even as you seal the bond more between you. but make no mistake. they're an adviser and protecter and hopefully also a friend and family, but you'rethe one who is ultimately in charge and they were incarnated to work for you within a system that incentivizes you being prosperous and ethical.

tip of the iceberg material for this but worth knowing for progress on the path to Henosis :3




1) who's alma?

tried googling.

2) Fighting only creates fighting. Be the void, use their energy against them aka return it, and dissolve into supremity.


I'm hopeful. Do things end well? Did it have to be so difficult?



Also, if you happen to know, why does it all seem so easy? My ego is enjoying all of this more than I'd like.



Don't worry she's cheating on you too :^)

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