>all this externalization
>giving loosh to the cardboard box instead of the tree it came from.
yo - why is there so many people worshiping romanticized invented tulpas based on fertility goddesses?
You can give your power to what ever parasite you desire, but when you come on here telling people to loosh up some mistranslated figure created with a specific agenda by the crafters of the thoughtform… nah bro.
>>55325 >>55328
This dude has issues with his inner self and his subconscious, those are synapnic responses he's getting from pre-programmed subliminal aspects from his youth and social elements.. burning incense and doing all the shit you said will help the dude relax for a few minutes and zone out, the 7 days thing you mentioned is basic 101 pop psychology you can hear channelers and youtubers talk about, if you program yourself to act a specific way after a while you auto-react to them, like being happy every time you poke yourself, eventually the poke will trigger cheerful mood… emotions aka energy in motion.
We are the parents and creators of the gods and deities - they are our children and our machinations - giving them any kind of lording aspect in any regards even the most subtle and minute is renouncing your own creator self.
>put out incense in a glass of water now you have holy water
>apply water to face hands / cleanse yourself.
water and fire are good mind-control programming tools, you can hypnotize someone easily with those 2 elements alone being in factor - you should mention the target should focus their intent and their minds on the desired outcome - as the water will be programmed with the intent, furthermore the water should be of clean source - tap water or bullshit from a bottle with fluoride in it is not magick ritual proper.
Greek sun god who took over the powers of his twin sister Artemis,
^^^^^^^^^^^ the Moon. Originally, he was her child, as the sun was born of
the Moon-goddess in Egypt and elsewhere. He was also her totemic
beast in several forms: a wolf (Apollo Lycaeus), a mouse (Apollo
Smintheus), or a golden-maned lion (Apollo Chrysocomes).
The fully anthropomorphized Apollo laid claim to the Goddess's
powers of prophecy, poetry, music, magic, and healing. His priest-
hood adopted the Muses, the Graces, even the Great Serpent who gave
oracles from the earth-womb, Apollo Python, known as Sol Niger
(Black Sun) during his nightly sojourn in the underworld. Egyptians
called him Apep or Apophis, the serpent of darkness. In the Bible he
is Apollyon, "Spirit of the Pit" (Revelation 9:1 1).
Apollo's serpent-form inspired the Pythoness, priestess of the
Delphic oracle, Greece's foremost temple of prophecy. This temple
belonged to the Goddess in the beginning; delphi means womb. Even
Apollo's priests admitted that she had owned the oracle in her
trinitarian guise as mother of earth, heaven, and the abyss: the first of all
deities to prophesy, the Earth-mother; and Themis, mother of the sea
and of all Themistes, "oracles"; and the Moon-goddess, Artemis, under
the name of Phoebe another title stolen by Apollo, who became
known as Phoebus. 1
Apollonian priests naturally directed their energies toward con-
quest of the oracles. "The reason why a deity associated with political
conquest and order should take possession of oracular shrines is obvious;
oracles were the chief means of controlling public opinion and public
action, and to control the oracles was as necessary to a political god as it
is to later politicians to control the press or education." 2
Laurel became Apollo's sacred plant because it was the plant of
inspired poetic frenzy, which is why Britain's national poet is still
called Laureate, the laurel-crowned one. The Delphic Pythoness
chewed leaves of cherry laurel to induce her poetic-prophetic trances.
Cherry laurel contains traces of cyanide, enough to cause delirium,
foaming at the mouth, and other symptoms of divine possession.