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Esoteric Wizardry


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I'll attempt to grant one wish if the following are met:

1. You genuinely believe you will experience greater joy from such a wish being granted.

2. You acknowledge that I will be very if you report your wish being granted in this thread and/or board.


All credit shall be bestowed upon Anonymous which is all things.


>2. You acknowledge that I will be very happy if you report your wish being granted in this thread and/or board.


Gib me a blowjob from dat relative from my family.


Also kill smiley.


I just wish to be a girl.




I want my mother to find a very good job. She's not a very nice or friendly person but I believe she tried her best to raise me and my sisters. I wasn't raised to be thankful, so it will be very hard for me to call her and just tell her "Mom, I'm thankful and I love you." So if she gets a really good job and finally finds nice white happiness, I would be very grateful.


I would like some extra cash (could just be more hours at work), and for my girlfriend to take charge in the bedroom and be more dominant in general.

I accept and acknowledge your two terms.


Seems fair enough.

I wish to be reunited with my wife. We where separated against our will by our families.


I wish to be enlightened!


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Alright, I'll play ball. I wish to become a better artist, more specifically for figure drawing and digital artwork.

My hope goes out that all genuine wishes in this thread come true.


I'd wish to stop lusting for women other than my new girlfriend. She is of much light and I want to fully align myself with her and release the grip I have on wanting to chase single women.


I wish to lose my virginity.


I want to shake off this procrastination wave I've been surfing for a couple of weeks now, and change it for laser like focus; so I can get into writing this novel I have all plotted out in my head.


I am starting a business soon and I wish that I clear a million dollars in the first 12 months of operation.

Thank you and I accept your terms!


Hail Anon

I wish to resolve the fog in my mind, and could use some guidance in that regard.


I wish for increased willpower and initiative in daily life, or that these things come more naturally to me.



I wish that new jobs will start up in the company I'm involved with so that I can get two of my best friends working




What a selfless wish.


I wish for a stronger will to read my backlog to the point where I won't need any further motivation.


I wish to have plenty of money so that i can travel overseas, pay my loan with no problem, have a car, and to be able to have a place to stay while satisfying myself in this new home.


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>You acknowledge that I will be very if you report your wish being granted in this thread and/or board

Assuming that only the obvious implications are taken into consideration on my part; I wish to become briskly, joyfully, and boundlessly successful in everything that I plan to do indefinitely. A bi-weekly report will be delivered to you on my progress of status in society and life in the link below. I hope you find it interesting and entertaining, I am planning to restart my journey tomorrow with new rules.

Make sure to understand the definitions of the language used above, it is crucial to have the correct perspective of my wish.


To answer the subject question - I have no clue, enlighten me and I pray that it is the truth.


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Anon here again, just want to clear something up with everyone that is going to post and OP.

I have noticed for a long time now that anything can be interpreted differently. Words are based upon words and those words upon words. So there really is no point in trying to be specific or wishing for anything with a imperfect language medium. That is what the genie and the three wishes story was trying to tell you. A perfect system doesn't exist though; as far as I know. Especially with slang, metaphors, and "sayings." This can explain many things such as misinfo in the occult community and everywhere else. This is why, presumably, you are recommended to meditate. This is why a holy book is totally out of the question. The answer lies within yourself.

I haven't found it yet myself, but I will try to when I achieve my current goals in life.

Excuse my rambling and have a high cat picture.



I wish that all illusions be destroyed for everyone.



Not OP but I'm going through something similar, i believe it is all because of bad education during my early years. At this point I'm convinced that I spent too much time watching porn and that made my brain build models around pornography rather than real women. So now I don't want normal women, I want hot girls with big tits who just want to fuck. Just like porn.

I wonder if there is any way of undoing this "imprinting" , for lack of a better word. I believe there is nothing fundamentally wrong with us (talking about men who are in the same situation), we just got the wrong teach (porn) and now our ideas about what we want and what sex should be are all based on quick satisfaction without any preliminary work.


I Wish I would become a more charismatic person.




I wish to meet a good, wise female, younger than I, to take as my life partner.

Thank you OP, I will most certainly report back with results.

May the One bless us.


I wish I can have enough money to provide for my aging parents without having to wageslave or force my mom to work into her twilight years.


Sure why not? I wish that my father would get enough money to live well and support his family without having to work anymore.


Beef up my psycho magic wizard powers fam


I wish to attain a taller height to stop being a manlet.



I want the girl that I love to show her affection for me


Please give me an attractive face back.


I wish I had some diacetylmorphine or MXE or 25cnbome or cannabis or if you can grant my wish for all of those that would be nice but if its just one id still be happy with that and if any of these wishes get granted thank you



My ex gf to love me, her name is Susana. I haven't seen her in years.


I wish for my sisters to be smart.

Seriously, they're both fucking idiots and they could and should be so much better than what they are.



I wish for happiness, I aklowledge the rules.


I wish that my sister would love me the way I love her (romantically/sexually)


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I acknowledge the terms.

I wish to be a better man for myself and the people around me. To help the people I care for too better with my own hands and be more confidant would be it. Thank you.


I accept

I wish my waifu was real and loved me.


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I wish to die

The only wish that won't fuck you over


As cliche as it is.. money, lots of it. I would go on a spiritual journey and go meditate with the monks in Tibet, see the pyramids, give to those less fortunate. It would just be so lovely


Grant me total health and I am grateful for the total health you have granted me and that I have.


Hello Santa, how are you doing my friend.



I wish I had better nonphysical eyes or senses, both to see what I'm doing locally with energy work better to stop having to guess or ask other people continents away and also for astral travel purposes.

I really miss the reliability of physical observation out there, and I honestly think that removal of that persistent frustration would raise my joy level.



I wish to be able to astral project easily


Has anyone's wishes even come true?


I wish to master lucid dreaming so I can use that to master my mind further, in order to bring myself to peace as well as develop myself to my true potential.



Responding early since my wish is difficult to gauge. Even though the average person would see such progress as natural, progress has been made and i would like to give this response anyways. Credit unto Anonymous and thank you.



I forgot about this post, but as far as I am aware it has come true. I felt the desire to suddenly read the book and I read the rest of it within the week. Thank you OP.


Just let me die. Painlessly. Seriously. So many things are unbearable.

I am aware I cannot fulfill the second condition, but I'll be sure to show myself before you in some way or form as a disembodied spirit if and when the wish is granted.

Seriously, choose me. Please, dude.



Just buy a gun fam

Do something with yourself, don't take the coward's way out. To suffer is to live.



You have to basically go cold turkey for several months for a full brain chemistry reset. You can do it!


I'm Christian so I already have a wonderful joy through the Holy Spirit (and yes I know mostly everyone on this board is not Christian and doesn't approve of it), but if OP is handing out blessings (because humans do have the power to bless and curse with their spiritual authority), I guess I'll just ask for something in the short term because I don't worry about my future because of God's long term plans for me.

Help me relieve the stress and pain of a close friend to me (also the lady I am attracted to.) Her parents are incredibly oppressive and strict and are putting so much stress on her that she's had several nervous breakdowns this academic year and borders on clinical anxiety and depression.

She really is one of the most kindhearted people I know and she doesn't deserve all the stress and anxiety she's under. I would like to help lighten that burden. She'll eventually get out of that situation but for the time being, I would like to be able to help relieve a wonderful person of their awful problems.

Thanks for the blessing op. If there's anything I can pray for you about or there is a blessing you want in return that isn't directly opposing the will of the Lord, I'd be happy to do what I can with my limited (for the time being) spiritual authority.


I wish to prove myself in battle for a righteous cause.


I wish to be female.



I want to create powerful thoughtforms really fast



I would use money in a similar way.




Yeah, I watched porn and did that stuff from age 10ish to ~25-26.

I tapered off and then went cold turkey for 3 months. It helps that I was never really attracted to porn actresses, and orgasming to porn usually felt terrible. (I'd rather finish mentally)

Lusting after women is natural though, isn't it? Biologically speaking. I am of the impression that suppression just makes things worse.

It's what you choose that makes you who you are, isn't it? So choose your mate every day and that's who you stay with. Both of you are free willed beings, are you not?

Anyway, that's based on someone else that I know. I haven't even done the thing yet, but I found my twin flame… so that makes things a little easier. I was always a one-girl kinda guy, but that doesn't mean I won't have the same trouble once my sex awakens fully.

I wish you all well.

>>61530 I agree with


Having been there, though not to the same depth probably, it gets better. Raise your vibration and break the old imprints.

Or die. It'll probably just make things harder though.


I like this, nice phrasing,



The idea of being a fringe christian fascinates me somewhat.

I'm of the beliefs that we're all vibrations and we attract what we emit, and in karma, so I'd think that it's a karmic or energy bond that she has to overcome. Lightening the load might make her life lesson take longer.

I dunno though.


I wish to take a recreational dose of oxymorphone preferably through intravenous injection but other routes of administration are okay as well i guess


I will acknowledge your ability and successful attempt in this thread and anywhere on this board as you see fit; provided you grant me the answer to the following question (and the appended conditional). I will also pray for you, myself, and the world with all of my considerable influence. Every one of which should be agreeable to you if you believe we are One.

- Why was my mother taken from me so early? If it was deliberate, who undertook it and for what purpose?


If you consider the conditional to be a separate question in its own right, and will only grant me one answer, I want the conditional resolved.


Give me insight into the world.


I wish to advance at the level at which I should advance, according to the will of my higher self, within light and love.

I acknowledge your terms as I understand them, and will attempt to report in.

I also will pay it back or forward, as our higher selves see fit.



I would have to guess on this.

Everything aids in our development, in one way or another. The less structure we have, the more we have to build ourselves and our own environment. The more "conflict" we overcome, the more inner strength we generate. This sometimes cracks us, but we are never truly broken unless we allow ourselves to be broken.

The more difficulty we face without allowing this, the more we seek solutions to our problems, leading us to places like these with the tools to heal ourselves.

That's my theory. Others include karma, multiple lives, spiritual difficulties to overcome, the Kali Yuga we are in.



thank you for the response. i have another question - my mother being gone led my father to remarry, and the new mother was very supportive of her own child and less of me and my sibling.

we faced too much structure, too much oppression, and a lot of conflict. can you hazard a guess as to what affect that would have on me, and my younger brother? i just want to hear your thoughts and process. i feel it would give me perspective on my own life.


change 'affect' to 'effect'

p.s - i know im being a fag but i have ocd about spelling



Upon trying to think of any one wish that would have me experience greater joy, I realize that I'm quite content with the universe.

Instead, the wish I would experience greater joy from would be a wish you would like to become true. You are doing this service and I'd like to return the favor. Tell me what you would like granted and I will do my best.




You know better than I would; we all have the inner teacher.

So, the effect would be different for different people.

I would imagine that it would have chakra-based effects, like troubled lower chakras, particularly the root chakra.

Such conflict, especially in the home, can make one overly defensive and critical of oneself, & have difficulty trusting oneself/others.

Perhaps also a streak of independence, and a mix of giving into a lot of things too easily and railing as fiercely as possible against certain things that are deemed intolerable.

I speak in terms of experience, mostly, and our experiences are different.

Words are simply one type of resonance. There are so many ways to interpret anything, that one can write books upon any single event and the causes in terms of the people involved, their psychological states, energetic influences, etc.

In the end, what happened, happened, and all there is is now.

Self improvement, forgiveness/changing energies of the past are the things that would help. Emotional alchemy,

stuff in here http://8ch.net/fringe/res/54577.html

could help to let go.

I refer to the heart chakra/chakra healing stuff in particular.

Each person has their own technique which resonates, but you can work with those of others until you figure something out, or are transformed with someone else's.

Good luck.


Nice. Very nice.



>Raise your vibration and break the old imprints.

>Or die. It'll probably just make things harder though.

How, exactly? I highly doubt it is as simple as meditating.

And no, I wouldn't kill myself. Even though I don't fully get what "raising vibrations" means, I'm sure suicide would lower it.





in addition.

Mantak Chia has books about universal healing through the dao and five elements healing or somesuch, the latter of which has to do with emotional alchemy.

Attempt to eliminate negative influences by letting them go (like replying less often or not at all to a negative friend or something), try to see things in a more positive light, like being thankful for the challenges that come your way because you see what part of yourself you can improve by the way you react to things.

Attempt to be slightly more positive day by day, do positive affirmations in the morning/evening (or try to tie it to something negative you think of. for example, whenever I think "I'm stupid" I also think "no, I'm actually brilliant").

Breathe in light and love from the universal Source, the creator beyond duality, the higher aspects of yourself that go beyond the worldly struggles.

There's all sorts of paths. The trick is to find one that appeals somewhat and go down it, finding what you desire within yourself.


oh and raising vibrations just means being more positive, for the most part.

if you drain yourself by doing too much for others, attempt to be a bit more selfish/self-loving, as one needs a firm base to stand on before pulling up another. It can feel like you're being mean at first.

I wish you well.


Simply by providing this thread and giving me the opportunity to give positive energies, the wish has already been granted.

I am leaving to develop on my own, but I can feel my vibration rising today.



I've gained a heightened ability to sense vibrations/emotions/energy.

I've been getting significantly more psychic lately/noticing myself affecting things and people around me more.

I know I need to meditate more to control this; I got lost in "my mind" heavily today, rather than being grounded in 3d.

This being we are is amazing, and I love this one. (:

I'm learning so much. My emotional body is revealing and healing (more on the 1st step as of earlier. It gets hard being triggered by others).


I've spent some more time interacting with others, and renewing my inner desire repeatedly.

I've been finding that the outer has a much higher vibration than the house I am at. So, I must clean/consecrate my space and avoid negative vibration, and make sure I do not neglect my self practice.

I am spending less time on frivolous things, I believe.

I am raising my awareness and consciousness.

I have been attempting to draw in more external energy, and I will be balancing this with internal work, and the mundane things too (clean space, cleaner/fitter body).


it seems like my vibe has actually lowered from the last time I posted. Unfortunate.

Lower vibe and higher drive. I believe I had been relying too much on external support structures. I need to build mindful habits and make a list of true goals.


Got a reiki level 1 and 2 attunement (accelerated course).

Feeling, uh, stuff. Really feeling more, due to lineage making me feel safer to manifest my power without hurting anyone (I had a fear of this. Maybe still do). Stronger connection to the divine and being better able to disconnect from my "animal" that isn't fully healthy yet.

Pretty awesome.


I'd like to get a hug. None of this magick stuff or anything, but just a long, heartwarming hug.


I would like my general dreaming/dreaming skills to improve. I don't have vivid dreams anymore if I even remember them.



Aww. ):

I've been there, though to what degree in comparison I cannot know.

I dunno what to recommend other than maybe opening heart chakra and wearing a free hugs shirt.


I would like to lessen the acne on my face… This is my biggest wish at the moment and i really believe that my life would be perfect without it.



Can you tell me about reiki? How does it differ from other energy work? Did you self initiate into it? Have any good resources?


Had a kundalini rising.

Holy shitballs it was intense.

I documented it here



I did not self initiate. I looked up a place on yelp and decided upon it based on the feel and my desire to do it fast.

I don't know that one enters a lineage/egregore if one is self-initiated. The initiation process is also one of attunement, so it changes one's energy body/bodies. Which could happen over time, but is a lot quicker if someone does it for you. Kinda how one can ease into kundalini over time, but some people jump into it quicker.

(I'm not sure if kundalini awakening would be as smooth for anyone though, except maybe if they were standing on earth and had a lot of prep)

I don't know that it differs from other energy work.

It's healing the energies/bodies of others by becoming a channel of divine/natural energies; recognising that the energies don't come from you, but through you.

I don't have any good resources other than the notebook I was given with info, but I'm sure google knows anything else you might want, including reiki symbols (though one of the ones we use is different. I dunno if that makes it more or less effective; maybe it depends on how many people use it [more the better if egregore stuff is true]).


OP, I want to be significantly more creative. Specifically in writing hiphop.

I love the music and have dedicated the last year to it and magic together. If you could help me improve, even slightly I'd be much obliged.

Thank you.


I really wish to be happy everyday and to meet the woman of my life with whom I will make a family


i wish, in order of priority:

>a very good gf

>a very good job

>the power to beat Saturn on the astral plane (this jew motherfucker deserves it)

(I once asked Goku egregore to do it but he was not strong enough, even with all the kids helping him on spirit bombs)

I promise to post here if i succeed at any of these.

(this post is half joke)



love yourself enough to transmute your unhappy feelings into happiness. Interpret everything in its best form, what it is teaching you. Ask the Divine Love/angels/guides or whatever for only that which you can handle, and to give lessons in light and love.

At this point it would take something extreme to knock me out of the right mindset.

Be careful what you wish for as for the woman of your life. You have to give yourself that love before you can give her that love, or you'll drain yourself and resent her for it. She will either do the same for you, or she will simply take the energy and use it elsewhere (pursuing other escapist things). I've had both happen, with a person who is supposed to be my wife. Found her when I was pretty screwed up. We're both improving, but neither of us knew how to have self-love, and she's already been drained so she was overly careful not to drain herself with me, while still being kinda needy. If you improve hard while with her, you might start to think of her as lowly in a way too. There's a lot to learn with love.


a gf can only be as good as you are. Energies we deserve are the ones around us; as within, so without.

Plenty of info on development here.

As for a good job, figure out some area you want, whether to be self-employed or not, and then go for it.


This is very easily gonna sound greedy, but I wish that my immediate family had more money very soon. A lot more money. Enough to comfortably pay our bills and debts, enough to actually start buying healthy food, enough to buy the important stuff we need for a healthy life, enough for me and everyone else to get by with our own lives, and then some in case something fucks up.

I don't want my mom to have to struggle working all the way 'til she dies, and even then she just barely makes enough.


I want Emily to love me. I know she has it in her. She moves between boyfriends too fast, and I am the only one who will always be here for her, who will never leave her, and who truly loves her for exactly who she is. I want her to see me as that. She is what gives me energy. I'll be seeing her on the 28th of this month. If she is happy to see me, I will report back to this thread immediately.



I wish all roleplaying faggots would leave /fringe/

can you do that for me?



warning: unhealthy romantic obssention.


>Remove unhealthy attachment from Emily. Let go of your desire to have her.

>Ask for an unspecified girlfriend instead.

Plenty of reasons for all of that, wich could make a reaaaally long text, but trust an anon on this one.



>She moves between boyfriends too fast, and I am the only one who will always be here for her.

Yet she is not yours. Being there for her is bad. You are just an emotional tampon.

>If she is happy to see me.

>(satisfied with her being happy to see you)

Oh she will, You are her therapist after all.

Ask her on a date, if she refuses, stop talking to her. You already have friends. You don't need a girl that will never give herself to you.

Paimon from the Goetia can help you make her submit to you.



yup. This *just* happened to me.


She might have it in her, but she probably just uses you for the validation she needs/wants and doesn't give herself. Why do you want her to love you? (You mean romantically, of course. Because as a friend she might already, or at least as a giver of easy validation) Probably because you don't love yourself as much as/more than you love her. At worst it should be equal. You shouldn't love her/compromise yourself at all because .

She moves between boyfriends because she doesn't know who she is. Let me guess, they're "assholes" and she complains about them? Being an "asshole" means you don't give a fuck about the emotions/thoughts of other people, you do what you can to get what you want, and that makes you more real than a lot of people. Let's expand that a little. So I'll be the asshole here. I want x, so I get it. I don't care who I get it from because it's everywhere and I'll get it [as opposed to someone who likes 1 person and wants x from only that person because that someone is too emotionally invested/can't see others]. I don't allow other people to get into what's important to me. What does that mean? If you prove you're good enough for me, then I'll expand that protection to you after I get what I need. So you'll get what you need too, and you know I won't put up with other people's shit, I'll protect you and my family.

Read No More Mr Nice Guy and try to stop seeking external validation without lashing out at people because your emotions are hurt from doing things wrong.


In my case, the girl was single for 4 months but even though she was attracted to me, it didn't work out. I'm not entirely sure why, but I know well enough.

You probably have a heart connection with her but that doesn't mean much; everyone has a heart connection with everyone.

If you want her later, let go of her now. If you want her now, realise she's not immaculate or anything, she seems to be kinda shitty, and you aren't much better if you want her and she doesn't want you back. Presumably you're not worse.

By hiding your feelings you're hiding your true self. You don't have to tell her how you feel, necessarily… I don't know how to advise specifically because it's all personal experience.


This guy knows too.



there's a reason you feel bad when she complains about other guys. It's invalidating to you as a man. Tell her not to do that. Figure out that things that hurt you when she does them are things you don't want to accept.

You're probably too deep into the category of friend to get out. Hopefully you at least touch her a bit not counting hugs.

From your perspective, you're validating her and she's invalidating you. Learn about women, they're always testing potential mates. You probably failed a lot of them.

I'd suggest you try not to let this break your heart to the point that you need to ignore the pain by fucking sluts as most men do, but you do you.

This is a learning experience. Now you know how to stand up for yourself. Be assertive and not a dick (it'll feel like you're being a dick at first for standing up for yourself).

What I figured out from the last girl I liked is that I should have said "I never wanted to be friends. I don't have the same emotional boundaries you do. I wanted to be either a teacher for you, or your lover, but certain not this in-between stuff."

Think about it energetically. She doesn't get internal validation enough. So, what does she do? She dumps negative energy on you by complaining, then gets positive energy in exchange. Then she spends the positive energy on other guys, gets some negative energy, and repeat.

Maybe you can tell her it's a little fucked up to do that, and can have her teach other men who fawn over her. Some people don't have mercy for fools though, and I'm sure you don't always, either.


Take what you need first from yourself, then from what people offer. Then, you may give from the excess.

Keep your energy to yourself, give it out as a reward for good behavior.


If you give her all that she wants, you can only do that if you're a lot better than she is.

If you're a lot better than she is, you're a father, a teacher, an egoless entity, one that cannot have a sexual attraction to her because she'd have to give all of herself while you give a smaller part.

So you're pretending to be what you aren't, in giving everything, because you're pretending you don't want anything. Everyone wants something, unless they're SUPERIOR. and if you're that superior, she'll treat you like a father, not a lover.

Especially if you cater to her too much, then she's like a spoiled daughter. Most people aren't even aware of these dynamics, because they'd then feel all the energy of accepting this type of thing, which is destructive in a way.

It has to be tit-for-tat in lots of ways. She needs to be able to decide whether she can energetically afford you. If there's no emotional attachment, she can afford anything. If there is an emotional attachment, everything she gives or gets creates an expectation of something in return.

Expectations are fine; they're human. But you have to make some of them clear. Withdraw a little or a lot. If you give and give, they have to retreat because you're coming to them. If you give a certain amount and then retreat, they either return it if they like you, or they keep it and leave.

You resent that you gave so much and she hasn't returned the same thing. It's because you went there without her. That's a mistake. If you want to take her there, you have to do it in a human way. Or else, leave her until she misses you and realises that she wants all that you had to offer. She probably won't tell you that, but you'll meet her again later if/when she's ready to return that feeling.

It's a big investment on a woman's part to return an emotion so large. She has to open herself up to pain, and a LOT of it, potentially. The heartbreak you feel, to a woman, is amplified several-fold. If you want to feel what a woman feels, try taking some picamilon. (this is dangerous. Be sure you won't attack anyone or be attacked. You have to be SOLID in your emotions for hours. I'd suggest a small dose. 10 mg at most. I did 50 and got FUCKED UP BAD because my emotions were unstable enough that they wavered when a friend told me I might be wrong)

If a woman is in love, for humans who aren't developed enough to be both masc and fem, it means she's opened herself enough that anything her lover says will affect her deeply. So if you have the slightest issue, she may fall into feeling bad, unless she's already healthy enough to be masculine and say no to emotions (harder for a woman. They REALLY hate having to do that [take responsibility for being "wrong" with their emotions], and in facing the reality of this, you're having to do that.

She probably has some feelings for you, or she wouldn't be around you. But if you make her feel bad about having the feelings she'll have to accept or reject them. Most women reject them because that's a "healthy" thing to do, because the world usually hurts people with open hearts.

The more she does "to you", the more you'll feel that you want her to feel your pain. Why would she want to do that? She wants to feel good. Any pain she accepts that she caused you will be amplified, remember.

Transcend ego-pain. Bring the energy into your heart with love. Let her go, or go on a date with her. That's all you can do. Then give your heart back to yourself. You shouldn't give it to other people before it overflows. Some people don't know how to self-love, and they're the ones that will "take advantage" the most.



>Some people don't know how to self-love, and they're the ones that will "take advantage" the most.

that goes equally for you and for her.

Women tend to want/need more validation because they pour out their love more naturally. They're caretakers. So, don't be a woman. Take in love and give out a bit less. The less will mean more. Don't give a woman more validation than she's giving you (relatively. watch how she treats other people; you want her to treat you as more than a friend, so at least equal validation as her other friends, especially male friends).

It's tough to be alone, which you'll feel like you are when you stop seeking a romantic partner outside of yourself. Treat yourself the way you want to be treated. Then the world will treat you that way. Give yourself everything you want from outside yourself and you'll get it from outside too. Most people try this backwards.

Only parents/gods are expected to give freely to children without anything in return, validating their existence. When you don't get enough validation in the right way, it causes problems.


1. I don't say it's a bad or a good thing, but you all should be aware that by believing you're also giving power to OP

2. After realizing 1/4 of the thread are genuine wishes for a gf I wonder which one is true:

a) you're spiritual and intellectual retards

b) my lack of desire to have a gf comes from my unbalanced elements and not my level of advancement/control over my mind, and therefore it's actually me who is a retard

Seriously though. I'm not asexual and I'm not autistic (I can feel emotions and I even utilize them to sustain trance) but I never feel lonely and I don't know what I could do with a gf.



Most people are spiritual and intellectual retards. You need to be in order to externalize desires onto having another person fulfill them, especially a *specific* one.

Feeling lonely is a sign of not being advanced, which is usually caused by not having been externally fulfilled as a child. (when a child doesn't know the difference between internal and external fulfillment and assumes that everything is a direct result of his or her actions)



but hey, you *could* be dysfunctional.

I don't know you well enough, only you know you well enough. The more energy you handle, the more stuff comes out/up



I want OP to very very powerful so we get our gfs soon.

About gfs, conider the following:

>Most of reached inner peace trough meditaion or are at least spiritually satisfied.

>Most of us have plenty of entretainment from the internet and mundane friends.

>Half of us masturbates and the other half summons succubi.

Beyond anything money-related, what else we could ask for but our best friend living with us and free sex everyday for the rest of your life?

>inb4 cross the abyss, do the great work, doing thy will, etc…


OP, i want a gf that will become my wife. (and money).


I wish for the ability to give people true happiness through my words and actions.



I should be experiencing the innate desire to have a gf, but I don't, which confuses me a lot. I think mindfulness meditation all day made me a little bit too detached from consensus reality, it made me happily and comfortably autistic



I've personally never felt the desire for a girlfriend. I don't have any friends yet I think that in all my time living I have not ever felt lonely. I'm not sure if I should take this as a curse or a blessing.


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Maybe you don't care because you never experienced anything similar.

I seriously wonder if you guys are kissless virgins(no offense intented).

Not wanting a gf is a very good thing.

It actually means you are more likely to get one.

>pic related

It really sucks getting attached to girl, investing your happiness on somebody else, seeking society validation…

By the way, OP, i want let go of the desire to have a gf.



understand how women work and accept the fact that it is chemically impossible for them to feel love the same way as we do, then maybe you can start letting go of it. love what you see in movies and anemoes =/= real life.


I wish for a pleasant surprise every day for the rest of my life.



>it is chemically impossible for them to feel love the same way as we do

is it, though? I think men are just conditioned to accept things women don't accept. There are women who act like men/get abused/manipulated just as much as there are men who do.

Women are just trained to look for certain things and have instincts that we don't, in terms of needing safety, which different ones equate to different things. Men are more willing to cope with uncertainty because our emotions are weaker (apparently. Someone in the "how do i use magic to get a girl" thread said stepping astrally into a woman is intense because they feel emotion a lot more than we do. So, they have to detach from stronger emotions in order to be logical. That usually hurts men to do (and "accept the reality of x"), so I imagine it hurts women worse.

But they're just a reflection of their world more than men are, and naturally so, being Shakti(creation) oriented rather than Shiva (creator) oriented. Men will like a girl and know or feel they can get her, women will like specific traits their life has trained them to want, and feel bad if someone else has more, if they aren't trained to disconnect from that.

This is my opinion, anyway. I suppose asking women might be a good idea. Damaged women are the ones that need the most assurance/are the most "heartless". They can all see potential, but the hurt ones need the most reassurance.

I should ask the one I liked whether women feel the same things, or just want certain things.

The thing about people is that we want to give and receive unconditional love, but that we need to "play by the rules" and build up to that because humans tend to treat their partners like they treat themselves, and they usually treat themselves not super-well if they're dependent on someone else to satisfy their needs.


Yeah it's tough to be in the middle. Neither high nor low. Being that high made me not care too much about girls either, though I was with a decent one.


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>Yeah it's tough to be in the middle. Neither high nor low.



this for me as well. will come back regularly. thanks OP


I wish to know my mission in this incarnation, I WANT TO KNOW WHY I'M HERE!



If there were any way you could get me out of my current living situation, it would remove a great deal of stress, negativity, and conflict from my life. My cat should come with me as well…..

Thank You So Much


I wish I could surrender.


Is OP even still here? This thread was started months ago.


I wish to save the world (that is, Earth 2016 AD) without having to sacrifice my life.



I wish to have a familiar to guide and help me.

A small animal, preferably a bird.


I wish that humans will love nature more.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fuck it. I just want a good friend.


I completely forgot about this thread and my post, but I was this anon>>67256.

And I have to say, the responses I got turned out to be absolutely true.


>unhealthy romantic obsession

This is exactly what I had, and the second I let go of that desire, an impairing burden was suddenly lifted off of me.


You spoke it exactly how it turned out to be. At the time I made my first post, i honestly didn't know this girl as much as I thought I did. As I got to know her deeper though, I can say with certainity she kept me around for validation purposes, along with most of her previous boyfriends. You see, her father died long ago and she has no older siblings, so she is lacking in that kind of male influence, which may be the cause of it. Regardless, I admit I made the right choice by setting aside my feelings for her.


I have no desire for a wish. A wish is simply the easy way out. Every experience, painful, joyous, anxious, all of these provide something of value to your character and the man/woman you wish to be.

While the wish may be nice, it denies you your full potential as you took the easy way instead of the more difficult but more valuable way.



Less suffering is objectively betterthennot suffering.



Perhaps. But anything worth having or doing requires some suffering no? If we could be given anything we wanted whenever we wanted without putting any work into it, then what's the point of doing it? All getting it from a wish does is show the world you dont care about that something enough to reach for it and seize it by your own power.




Please let a girl I know acknowledge me and take note of my existence. She is not a lover of mine but simply a friend whose company I would enjoy.



i want to know as much as i can about the artist named sandypants


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Occult newbie (neophyte, initiate…?) here, it seems to me that an important first step to true happiness would be some kind of purification, like from those masturbation demons you guys are always on about. I have plenty of those, among other aspects like rage, sloth, greed, etc that cloud my mind and make me do stupid shit. (I understand my personal responsibility in that)

My wish is to be given a clean slate from everything like what I mentioned. I'm a reformed NEET who got work, lost a whole bunch of weight, and gained a new lease on life, but I am terribly afraid of backsliding into a place there will likely be no return from.

I'll be eternally grateful, and if your powerful enough to grant, I guess you can collect as well (Not my soul pls fam)


I wish for lsd, shrooms, and/or salvia to become easily available in my life once I get an apartment to live in by myself. I can practically guarantee that I will experience greater joy from this wish being granted. And as far as you being happy once you see my wish get granted, it will probably be a year or so before I can get an apartment, but I will post in this thread or any other future threads you make, and you will probably be happy when you see how much better it will have made my life.


I wish to be able to turn wood into gold and the reverse as many times as I want.



do a vipassana retreat


order from darknet. /r/darknetmarkets.

or, find some hippies or gangster-kinda-types. hippies know where da drugs at, and they're nice.

just hang out at a spiritual place, talk about weed, ask about those things/say "I wish i knew where to get" whatever. imo



do a vipassana retreat


order from darknet. /r/darknetmarkets.

or, find some hippies or gangster-kinda-types. hippies know where da drugs at, and they're nice.

just hang out at a spiritual place, talk about weed, ask about those things/say "I wish i knew where to get" whatever. imo.

More progress for me;

I have a fairly strong energy now, am more sensitive, able to sense psychic things mildly, get vibes.



do a vipassana retreat


order from darknet. /r/darknetmarkets.

or, find some hippies or gangster-kinda-types. hippies know where da drugs at, and they're nice.

just hang out at a spiritual place, talk about weed, ask about those things/say "I wish i knew where to get" whatever. imo.

More progress for me;

I have a fairly strong energy now, am more sensitive, able to sense psychic things mildly, get vibes.


I wish for either a complete end or an extreme reduction in violence, war, oppression, and exploitation on every level in a way that doesn't involve everyone dying or a totalitarian / authoritarian regime.

Peace on Earth and goodwill to all in otherwords.

Plz deliver random anon.


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>I wish for either a complete end or an extreme reduction in violence, war, oppression, and exploitation on every level in a way that doesn't involve everyone dying or a totalitarian / authoritarian regime.



I wish you have a nice day today.

>2. You acknowledge that I will be very if you report your wish being granted in this thread and/or board.

That's something you will have to do.



now he's gonna make everybody lose their hands

good job asshole

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