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There is microscopic life then there is microscopic life that can inspire our thoughts that exists in every portion of the universe. We used to call these angels and demons. We now know them as our next stage in evolution. In this paradigm our current economic paradigm shatters and so we choose to remain blinded and within this world. The thoughts of these spiritual microbials have no ruling over our rule of law. Continue working and shopping at Wal-Mart, the only employer on the planet.

-George W. Bush IX


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GTFO midichlorian-fag

>Trying to tie spiritual phenomena into physical/biological phenomena ("MUH MICROBES")

>Implying this isn't demiurgic and degenerate as fuck

>"But my neo-Talmud tells me blood magic works because hemoglobin binds physical phenomena to other physical phenonomena."

>Actually beeing this anti-metaphysical in the year 2051.



>Temple Mount Radioactive Zone Internet Defense Force shill, please leave.



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I don't even know how I feel about this post.


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If only people could grasp the in-probability of existence itself they would all turn into wizards.

I'm not speaking of our existence i'm speaking of the existence of the universe

>>muh big bang out of nowhere from nothing in an instant because of no cause whatsoever


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As it stands the best hypothesis is god exists because he created himself when he will exist.

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