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Esoteric Wizardry


Infinity Never
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File: 1443548974323.png (1.09 MB, 2277x2203, 2277:2203, bow.png)


Need a voucher for mega again. Costs $10.

Go here for vouchers:


Email is here: https://mega.nz/#!ioYzTLTb!3n1LxNIrvtF8zLhNal4faya00pRQkPCby89kOwH4A3c

Also introducing the fringe initiaton system


Is practical based at the moment. So far got daily practises for everyday use. Omran's folder for his collection of rituals. Hope to have more advanced stuff soon, email is included in the intro.pdf for people to contribute.

And here's the link for the whole folder:






Yes, I know.

That's why it's in the Omran quarantine folder.

Daily practise includes basic meditation, LBRP and middle pillar.



Also I'm open to non western esoteric tradition daily practise routines if people send them to me.


File: 1443551517725.jpg (126.42 KB, 799x496, 799:496, wealthifier.jpg)

Since I am just going to try and help you get da money.

Print this and make a sigil for exact sum of money you need or the wish of your voucher begin bought for you(all in present tense of course), put sigil in middle and then in less then 5-3 day someone will pay it.



And there was me thinking faith in my fellow man would be enough.


File: 1443551754987.jpg (119.4 KB, 800x514, 400:257, moddedsigil.jpg)


Well do whatever you want, maaaaan.It is your choice after all.Just trying to sway synchronicity on your side isn't a bad thing.



>flag adept





I cant print this out and im not op but can I visualize the amount I want?



Also these routines, rituals, whatever don't have to be original, they can be copied or adapted from books, websites etc






gas yourself



It's based on the golden dawn, has a good all round learning system.



>le qabala is bad because it's "jewish" meme


Got two vouchers, two people paid for 2 months but only got a months worth of voucher power for each. Fucking mega.



I'm one of the guys. I emailed them and got an automatic response that their inbox was full.

Just piss poor service so far. I got mine off pay.mobi so I won't be using them again.


>cant afford $10

What kind of magician are you?

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