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Love is the purpose of life. To find it, to understand it, to serve it. This is the principle of all religions and spiritual practices. Without this principle as motivation, no form of enlightenment can be achieved.


Life is the purpose of life. Love is enlightenment itself.


Love is not the purpose, love precedes purpose, it gives rise to purpose.


From love comes purpose. From emotion comes meaning.



who allows you to post this shit?


You decide your own purpose. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Yes, there are factors that will try to make you live for them instead of yourself, yes sometimes they reward you for this, yes this does make things easier but in the end do you not want to make your own choices?

Choose your own purpose. Choose a purpose you love. That in itself is love.



Love is a word that is perhaps the most overused word in history of mankind.

I only love myself and I'm not even totally convinced I truly do.



so, Love is its own source?




Yes, love is the energy that created the universe. Of course you can decide for yourself.

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