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File: 1443763125926.png (583.19 KB, 802x744, 401:372, Mixed race.png)


Picture from his dating profile.

How does /fringe/ feel about this?



Mundane. I feel that he is very mundane. A lot people get into the occult and think they are so 'wizardly'. Truth is, magick takes work. Just like everything else in the universe.

The more you work on yourself and your skills, the more will power and more individual you get.

He was nothing.


File: 1443764148370.gif (1.09 MB, 300x155, 60:31, 1440339481192.gif)

>not religious but spiritual

>left hand path

another atheistic soul lost to satan

idc he was a faggot, and if it tarnishes magick image, who cares? only mundanes.


I wouldn't care to befriend people who flaunt how much they are into magick and the occult on public social networks. It's called the fucking occult for a reason.



>worshiping god thought forms

You are the definition of cuck.


I will never get these people who openly state this stuff.

There's not one good reason to state this, mundanes will look down on you

>implying I care

Kikes will hunt you


haha I came to check to see if fringe was talking about it, when I saw that pic.

If you see the full pic and where that profile is located at, it's on a website called "Spiritual Passions", a self described "New Age dating site". Lol

Honestly kind of tempted to check it out, but I feel that it is just a bunch of mundane pseudo rejects.

Apparently he targeted Christians in his killings.


Also worth noticing

> Mixed race




>thinking you are your own god that needs no almighty God

>seeking truth

choose one



You are lost.



>believing in god

>its 2k15 already




You're quoting the wrong person.



I had a very spiritual friend who died recently, rest his soul, and the day before he died he claimed that he spoke with Satan during Meditation. He said he that he was just a conscious being and that he actually wasn't that bad, but he only offers material things for your soul. Something similar to that. I'd really like to get some input on this.



what kind of meditation do you do to actually contact entities?



he said that fruit would open our eyes and surely we wouldn't die.

he always tells a truth with the lies.

the fool says in his heart 'there is no god.'

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