Thanks anti-racist. Your formatting is well done. I speak on behalf of every one here when I say that your two posts have single handedly changed the core of this board.
Can a down syndrome kid learn to play hockey and get proficient at it?
Just because two people can do something and become proficient at it, doesn't mean they develop the same level of proficiency.
Here's an example. John Doe and Tiger Woods begin playing golf at the same time, both put in the same amount of time. Tiger is better at golf. They are not equal. One is better than the other.
Basically your point is: Everyone is equal in the sense that they have the OPTION to improve themselves.
Never mind that upon further scrutiny, some people have more of an option than others. For example the trust fund NEET who becomes dedicated to self-improvement has ample time to study the occult and experiment with things, while the poorfag taking care of his sick mother, working a wage slave job is limited with his free time.
But then you would say "but they are equal because they both choose to improve".
So ultimately your equality is bullshit because the requirements boil down to: "People are equal because they CAN learn anything"
So someone who DOES go and learn is equal to the person who chooses NOT to learn? They are made equal because they both have the option to this? And then we stop there, declaring everyone equal, while ignoring that once the option to learn is given, inequalities are birthed because the more talented will learn more?
No evidence, no compelling
opinion. Just "trust me guys".
>I imagine
So you don't even really know.
You've had two opportunities after your initial post to expound on the Reptilian connection to NatSoc Germany and you've failed.
You are unable to paint any details, just over arching broad strokes from a hand of swollen fingers.
I am not denying the existence of alien factions influencing this planet, but I am rejecting your baseless claims.
>literally space nazis
So they lifted their society from the pits of degeneracy, kicked out parasites, declared war on a country to rescue their kin, then proceeded to have the major powers of the world declare war on them due to the parasite they had kicked out being outraged?
The "Nazi's" only existed for 12 years and half of that was spent at war. This is short even in human life. They can not in any way be compared to some supposed group of reptile beings that want to enslave us.
I bet you believe in the holocaust too, faggot.