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Okay, this is the part where I roast the fringe community, in an effort to improve the overall mentality and benefit magic as a whole. You're a bunch of self-absorbed egotists and are the reason the illuminati would ever exist. Open-mindedness is necessary but you people take the word open-mindedness, strangle it to death in the backyard, and toss the corpse of gullibility into the front yard of Fringe. A mage should be open-minded and highly skeptical, not closed-minded and gullible. You gullible nimrods have invented the bullshit chakra, a chakra located in neverland that connects with your body every time you become one with the bullshit. You make up concepts, or gullibly support ones you have not extensively tried in the slightest irl yourselves, and then spread them around acting like you're better than everyone and the second coming of Christ and Buddha rolled into one self-absorbed special chosen one from the Devil's anal inferno. Let me be perfectly clear, if one ever, is to truly become a good mage, you actually TEST what you read, EXPERIENCE it truly, and above all, DO NOT LET IT GO TO YOUR HEAD. Sweet Jesus on a sour potato you people have no clue how to be subtle, acting so self-absorbed with knowledge most of you don't actually comprehend how to use. The thing about magic is one has to be open-minded enough to learn about it but being open-minded is often connected with being a gullible fuckdragon covered in the feces of ignorance. A skeptic on the other hand is typically not interested in magic and will closed-mindedly ignore it, which let's face it, who can fucking blame them there are thousands of other more easily applicable things to learn that you don't have to go out on a limb to learn. Hell, millions of people spend their whole lives learning about religions/symbolisms/philosophies that are full of shit, let said BS knowledge go to their head, and then are unable to tell truth from lie and right from wrong. No wonder Sarumon went fucking dark if I spent hundreds of years studying dysfunctional evil things I'd be a dysfunctional evil twatmonkey from the dark pits of Hell too. You all needs to reevaluate your fucking lives, magic is a fun subject and when one experiences it for themselves then it's a wonderful thing to have in your life. But if you dive head-first gullibly into a pit of illusions expect to come out a confused asswad. Meaning, don't learn bullshit you aren't going to take time to fully understand, and don't then spread said shit around as if it's the gospel of St. Peter that will cover the lands of the world in gold. There, that should benefit the community. P.S. you nazis/racists on here can suck my moralfag dragon cockle from the 12th realm of your mother's anus.


Hitler was a tool for the reptilians. The original Kabbalah was corrupted. Everyone is equal but still, racism is funny.



haha good kek sir

>le dips bedora


gud one op


having a kek

kekking it up right now



Nah seriously, the third Reich was a practice run for the reps. Reptilians are literally space nazis. The projected an Aryan alien to fool him. I know it's a thing that everyone likes to blame the jews for everything but they are literally just tools as well.



Elaborate then please? I am open to what you're saying.

How could the Third Reich have been a practice run? A practice run for what? What did the Reich do that was useful for them?

Did they want the Germans to win? How much influence did they exert? Did they just manipulate them to a certain point and then let them continue on unaided?

Were they playing all sides or just Germany?



Essentially they are always playing all sides I imagine. They've been around since before us after all. It's a practice run for the future for when they make "contact". Apparently they want to enslave and rule us in 4D. The nephilim being the gestapo.



Care to post useful information then? im sick of bullshit







Reading these posts feels like watching the Paralympics.



What a stupid bait post


>Everyone is equal

People that say this never specify under what terms.



Did no one here read the cassiopean transcripts?


Why would people not be equal, we all come from the same source. Despite all the made up trite that says otherwise.



Spiritless humans still exist. So they don't really come from the same source in that regard.

Again, equal under what terms? In all possible physical, mental, emotional/astral and spiritual ways? Are we all already powerful beings on all levels and all equal? If personal development on all these terms is possible, then we cannot be equal because if you can get better means that others might or might not have developed themselves before you and could be better or worse off than you.

Wasn't it alluded in the Cass transcripts (or by montalk) that everyone needs to grow and eventually return to the source, but everyone will have a different path? The inherit subjectivity in and of itself means that people cannot all be the same.

Equality between races? Equality between sexes? Equality between inexperienced and experienced? Most of these exist for reasons. Taking them into account means getting the best result while people are what they are right now. Everyone has to work on themselves at some point, though.

feel free to correct me, I might be typing shit, m8



We are all equal in the sense that, we all can learn anything, and with enough time and energy put in become proficient at it. We also can all create things and bend the universe to our will.

Learning and magick is what makes all humans equal. it's what has kept us evolving and not having our whole race (as in human race) eaten by more powerful animals. We learned how to and to build tools, we manipulated circumstances and events to our advantage. Without that, a little race of bipedes with no superior physical strenght is just doomed to failure.

Not doing any of this is just being plain stupid. That doesn't mean you are unequal, just that you are ignorant and dumb. And acting like an animal.


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Magic is based on imagination and self-experience. It's more of a psychological phenomena than anything. Chakras and meditation should be interpreted as magical, in the sense they make you imagine specific parts of yourself becoming stronger and more relaxed, and then they are, hence why many people practice them. Magic in general is one big exercise in imagining yourself becoming stronger, and due to imagining yourself becoming stronger, you innately become stronger. But it has you imagine these things in such elaborate ways, stretching your focus and will power across complex symbols/concepts, that it gives you power in specific areas. The idea is you read beautiful, almost always fictitious stories from religious/philosophical texts, these stories are connected with wise, complex ideas, these ideas are connected with simple symbols. Your will-power is then focused on said symbols, strengthening the power of the symbols on you, and whatever said symbols represent become more one with yourself. Once that is done it's simply a matter of applying your newfound knowledge irl regularly, bringing the theoretical knowledge into pragmatic reality. Magic is very pleasing to learn about because it's fun, in that it allows you to suspend the boundaries of reality in favor of imaginary concepts, and slowly translate said imaginary concepts into reality, the latter being quite difficult and time-consuming but possible. Magic is science yet to be explained.

The Kyballion and The Book of Knowledge are both good starting places and are available in the Mega archive in the main post of Fringe like always.

And a friendly reminder for anyone studying magic to always be open-minded and skeptical, and never be closed-minded and gullible.



Thanks anti-racist. Your formatting is well done. I speak on behalf of every one here when I say that your two posts have single handedly changed the core of this board.


Can a down syndrome kid learn to play hockey and get proficient at it?

Just because two people can do something and become proficient at it, doesn't mean they develop the same level of proficiency.

Here's an example. John Doe and Tiger Woods begin playing golf at the same time, both put in the same amount of time. Tiger is better at golf. They are not equal. One is better than the other.

Basically your point is: Everyone is equal in the sense that they have the OPTION to improve themselves.

Never mind that upon further scrutiny, some people have more of an option than others. For example the trust fund NEET who becomes dedicated to self-improvement has ample time to study the occult and experiment with things, while the poorfag taking care of his sick mother, working a wage slave job is limited with his free time.

But then you would say "but they are equal because they both choose to improve".

So ultimately your equality is bullshit because the requirements boil down to: "People are equal because they CAN learn anything"

So someone who DOES go and learn is equal to the person who chooses NOT to learn? They are made equal because they both have the option to this? And then we stop there, declaring everyone equal, while ignoring that once the option to learn is given, inequalities are birthed because the more talented will learn more?


No evidence, no compelling

opinion. Just "trust me guys".

>I imagine


So you don't even really know.

You've had two opportunities after your initial post to expound on the Reptilian connection to NatSoc Germany and you've failed.

You are unable to paint any details, just over arching broad strokes from a hand of swollen fingers.

I am not denying the existence of alien factions influencing this planet, but I am rejecting your baseless claims.

>literally space nazis

So they lifted their society from the pits of degeneracy, kicked out parasites, declared war on a country to rescue their kin, then proceeded to have the major powers of the world declare war on them due to the parasite they had kicked out being outraged?

The "Nazi's" only existed for 12 years and half of that was spent at war. This is short even in human life. They can not in any way be compared to some supposed group of reptile beings that want to enslave us.

I bet you believe in the holocaust too, faggot.



you just wrote what everyone on this board already knows since it's inception



Another anon who reads half of the post, could have read and understood it all, clearly he didn't…Totally not equal, shit tier nigger, all hail the master race.

>fedora read the circular logic wikipedia page

>So someone who DOES go and learn is equal to the person who chooses NOT to learn? They are made equal because they both have the option to this? And then we stop there, declaring everyone equal, while ignoring that once the option to learn is given, inequalities are birthed because the more talented will learn more?

Can you remind me with which sentence I have finished my post ?

>Not doing any of this is just being plain stupid. That doesn't mean you are unequal, just that you are ignorant and dumb. And acting like an animal.

At this point you are not talking about inequality. Both the persons who learn and who don't are equal, because they have the abbility to do so, they could make the choice to do it. Now whether they do it or not and to what degree doesn't actually matter. A person who doesn't learn can be called stupid by your standards. A person who does might not be. Are they equal ?

"Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has it's pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truth are but half truths; all paradoxes maybe reconciled"

>be mike

>study water

>don't want to study cold water because hot water is clearly superior

>never understands water as a whole

>be stuck in a self degrading spiral

It's all humans, they just have a different degree of whatever (intelligence, strength,…).

Not seeing and transending duality keeps you in 3rd and 4th circuit of consciousness. And let's you sit down on your ass until you do.

Be happy tho', you are half way through. (halfway through something that when you'll finish will put you at the beginning of something else, so is the universe, infinite and ever expanding.)



>Ur board Iz shit, I don't read the FAQ and think I'm contributing new shit!

>I'm just an initiate who thinks he is at the top

Gaaawd, I thought only the tech/Linux community suffered from neophytes trying to help/educate other people when they aren't actually competent and haven't seen shit. I knew I was wrong, I was just hoping really hard I wasn't…they are everywhere….



Hey dude we're speaking English here so when you say equal I think you mean the following:



as great as; the same as (often followed by to or with):

The velocity of sound is not equal to that of light.


like or alike in quantity, degree, value, etc.; of the same rank, ability, merit, etc.:

two students of equal brilliance.


evenly proportioned or balanced:

an equal contest.

btw fhe first sentence of your post is purified retardation.


>Not doing any of this is just being plain stupid. That doesn't mean you are unequal, just that you are ignorant and dumb. And acting like an animal.

>At this point you are not talking about inequality

See this makes me think English is your second language because this is awkward to read. You're forcing me to assume that when you say "at this point you are" you mean "at this point *I am*".

>A person who does might not be. Are they equal ?

No they're not

>quoting the Kybalion


>shitty example

irrelevant to what we're discussing which is your bullshit as follows:

>We are all equal in the sense that, we all can learn anything

>learning and magick is what makes all humans equal

>Not doing any of this is just plain stupid

>That doesn't mean you are unequal

>Not seeing and transcending duality

You're the one claiming equality and then back peddling and claiming different degrees

>capping your post with more retarded shit than your opener. Retarded as in how relative to the conversation it is.

>Now whether they do it or not and to what degree doesn't actually matter

Cool thought Ahmed. I finally understand.

>we are equal

>because we can learn

>but some more than others

>and some choose not to

>and some are mentally, spiritually, physically unable to learn

>but that doesn't matter

>because we are made equal by our ability to do so

This is pure shite m80




No intelligent and spiritual adult sincerely buys into that whole nazi shit.



Sorry for not speaking le pure english.

I'll just make a post resuming my views and how I intended to express them in my other posts.

First I tried to express that Inequality between humans (which in this context is the reason for being "muh racist" "muh third reich is best tiem") is bullshit I don't believe in it, thus I took an awkward counter stand on it and said "kumbaya, we are all equal" as my main point. Even though I ultimately don't care about neither views, I like arguing it's a nice mental exercise. Get's you out of your reality tunnel and tests your preconceived notions, truth is unshakable, you can test it however you want, it won't break, it is in this attempt to find truth in all places that I have written these posts.

In this context I argued for equality. Tomorow I might choose to be an annoying fedora tipping faggot saying that some people are superior to others or that reptilians are r3al, or that men should not manspread in the subway or whatever things I'd wish to know more about or preconceived notions I'd want to challenge.

You should try it sometimes, it's fun.

I then enounced why I think inequality of the human genre is a pretty dumb idea, and why "kumbaya we are all equal" would be a better way to approach this, because from that view point, we are all humans and have the same core cappabilities that differenciates us from animals. (thinking and magick).

I then said that by this alone we are all born equal because we can learn and consciously influence our environement and that whether we choose it or not, it did not frankly matter as equality is an "inaliianable" right (or however you spell that word).

I then asked a question challenging both of our belief system "Are they equal ?". I then became my normal based anon self again and quoted the Kybalion. Which was a quote more similar to my views on the matter.

Finally I talked about the circuits of consciousness and trancending duality, which again are things that I agree on to a reasonable degree.

I trust that you can understand that I was by no means "against you", nor "with you" in this "debate". Again, I'd like to excuse myself for not being clearer about it, deceiving you or that my statements looked more like the ones of a "New Age soccer mom" then the person that I am, which might or might not have triggered you.

What are my real views on the topic ?

Well I think that humans are multidimentional beings and judging someone's self or behavior just by one of his appearance in one defined plane is foolish as it is not remotely close to the Truth. Truth englobes all things.

Answering these types of narrow and mundane political questions is pointless and a missuse of energy, IMO these should only be used as an entertaining mental exercise to try to understand each perspective on the matter. Thereby getting more direct and experienced knowledge, which inevitably gets us closer to the Truth.

And isn't experiencing the Truth in all things our goal ?


This is a good OP. I like his thread.






We are all equal in the sense that our souls all have the same design, reason of existence and capability. Spiritless humans exist for various reasons, a lot of people choose to cut off connection with the creator by there own choice. Physicality and time are only there for the learning aspect of our existence. Time really doesn't exist, just because someone may incarnate as a retard at some point doesn't mean that they won't ascend in the next life. The time separating everyone from self realization is based on karma, choice, and the non existent concept of linear time. Our DNA was purposely fucked by the lizards to weigh us down, not to mention centuries of false history, brainwash and orchestrated dramas. Let's say none of this was the case, everyone on the planet knowing the truth would be on equal footing. We are all equal because we all have a possible reality of perfection. We all have higher selves and since the future is constantly changing and undetermined, based on choice and sometimes chance we all have a chance of evolution. With spiritual means all ailments can be cured, even DNA can be repaired. Since the amount of probable futures is infinite, so is the potential of everyone. Not to mention all the parallel timelines and shit, that's when it gets complicated. You can easily find yourself at a crossroad and your life change forever.

As for the Nazis being tools for the lizards if you want proof for true history that's gonna be hard. Since most of the subjects covered here are supposed to be secret. All I can say about that is that the Cassiopeans said that's what happened in Germany. Channel info has provided major truth on many occasions. Take it for what you will.



Buys into what? That the Nazis aren't super villains and didn't gas 6 million Jews? You're out of your depth if that's the conversation you're trying to have.


kek so are you every poster (including OP) in this thread then?


Fair enough.


I'm not denying their existence, I was resisting brown pills YouTube comment level knowledge on them.

Clearly he doesn't know anything about either the Nazi's or Reptilians judging on the content of his 3 posts.



Your levels of delusion are honestly outstanding. Stop bringing your pedestrian mundane self here with your autistic conspiracy theories, please.



You're just a fucking retard.



What conspiracy theories?


Elaborate? How so?


OP is right. So many have fallen to arrogance and corruption because of their knowledge. The #1 rule of spirituality should be to stay humble about yourself. That doesn't mean that you are not allowed to share knowledge, even knowledge you yourself discovered - just don't be a dick about it.

Usually the second people come so far in spirituality that they believe they no longer have an ego they get comsumed by it. Don't be the next arrogant hippiecuck. Make a difference. Break the circle.

Be cool, humble and mature about your shit and keep a balance between taking your spirituality serious and being able to laugh about yourself sometimes.


# 1 Rule of spirituality should be: Don't be a dick.



Fuck that noise. I want to cause chaos and destruction for fun.



…and because I can!



This I can agree to, but frankly I wouldn't call it equality, because the word presupposes too much. Just like the word God.

I find it more important to figure out how your personal and societal policy would


Long time no see, smiley. How you been?


There's enough suspicious shit about Nazi Germany (not to mention the supposed holocaust) that anyone who would honestly look into their history would question the overall narrative. Even if you disregard what shit the Britts were doing to get everyone more and more involved.



Just because the Holocaust and other lies circulate doesn't mean NS Germany was the greatest thing ever. National Socialism was a farce and used to cripple Germany's and Europe's next stage of evolution. You know nothing if you still glorify a puppet.



>Long time no see, smiley. How you been?

Real ☻ here, that poster you responded to isn't even me, and I don't have any posts in this thread. Just saw your post by chance because I came here to start a new question thread on request.




At least you are being honest about it. That's a lot better then all these wannabe-jesus cucks who corrupt everything with their arrogance.


oh is this the new funposting thread on /fringe/?

Listen you militant egalitarian faggots, I'm not about to defend the fat as fatass neo-nazis here that revolve their whole identity around their hatred and sense of superiority all while jacking it to gooks, but even you should realize that your semi-regular threads that amount to nothing more than shitflinging are completely useless.

You can believe whatever the hell you want to believe, hell, you can even take a plane ticket to Detroit, find a random Tyrone and try discussing the implications of the Holographic Universe theory and other esoteric topics because an average basketball american with an IQ of 80 is apparently as capable of grasping such ideas as you and me. Nobody here gives a fuck if you're angry about racists on a chan, the only reason I'm even replying is because I must implore you to stop making these shitty threads that only antagonize people.

The only thing I agree with in the OP is that fags shouldn't act high and mighty with the knowledge they have and act as supreme beings they're not. So heed your own advice, and make a quality thread akin to


rather than making walls of morality text.



Only the last sentence in the OP was about racism, I think.

I doubt his plan was to create a thread just about that.



I didn't get into magick and spirituality to "seek enlightenment" or "be a good person" or "be holier than thou".

I got into it for psychic powers, thrills, and wonder! Magick is fun, liberating, and transcendent!

…besides most of the moralfag morality doesn't make any sense to me in light of the true facts about life, death, and consciousness.

Fear is a product of ignorance and immaturity.

Fear belongs to the minds of beings that have just awoken from the animal-mind haze into a certain degree of self-awareness but not into spiritual awareness.

Why should I be scared to do my will, to do as I please?

I am a very imaginative and creative person and I like to stir shit up.

I want to be a cosmic troll not a scaredy cat moralfig.



Still, wizard ethics or whatever you'd like to call it.

I agree with OP's view on people who hoard knowledge but I certainly don't think anyone has the authority to tell the loosely connected community of lone practitioners which makes up /fringe/ how to act.

I'm a freedom loving person.



No need to justify yourself. I got into it for the same reasons, just with a different morality.

Morality is now a law you follow that makes you a sheep if you do. Morality is a decicion. Some are "good", some are "bad", some are both. If you feel like being a cosmic troll that's just as cool as if you'd decide to be a champion of justice as long as it makes you happy.

It's just a team you choose to play on but in the end it's just a game. Doesn't mean that you shouldn't take it serious though. If something is enjoyable, take it as serious as you enjoy it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What pisses me off most about this community

is that you insist on people's preferences regarding Denver Ghost Hunts without ANY evidence to back it up.


It is important to obey the law of silence. Your power will be amplified when in secrecy. Anonymity works for this.




So do niggers in a chimp out, Smiley. Congrats on your spiritual retardation.


When I read these kind of posts in Fringe I imagine that if we had all lived 2000 years ago, we would have all be sitting with our backs turned to a huge pile of books, ignoring them and their knowledge, and instead we would be arguing over which books we should read and calling each other names because we don't reach an agreement.


According to your faith be it unto you. Belief rules this plane. You can be skeptical or open-minded as you like. Your core beliefs will create the reality you experience.

All Is Mind.





this entire board is *teleports behind you*



The mind is a construct of the flesh. The concept of an internal subjective experience is an illusion. Your core beliefs are only a function of the reality you experience. All is physical.

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