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What is the best and fastest guide/way to lucid dream?

>inb4 rule #w525etw255327777

No new question thread


>deliberately breaking rule 2

However, i think a lot of people would like to know.

My advice is to:

1. Check if you're in a dream during the day. Create an anchor. See if everything adds up, see if you can hold your breath or stretch your fingers.

2. Remember your dreams. Keep a dream journal.

After a certain period of time, you will remember to check whether you're in a dream or not. If you are, you will have a lucid dream. Furthermore, you will have trained your memory to recall that experience.


There is nothing wrong with breaking the rules, but this not a good reason too, we already have a thread about this.



Don't fall asleep.

Go to sleep.






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alright, i don't want to make a new thread for this so i'll post in this thread cause it's related to dreaming

i was just in bed, reading but i couldn't keep my eyes open, kept dozing, so i said fuck it and took a nap. i was having a dream, nothing special, just some sexy stuff, but i came half out of it when the good bit was about to happen, i could half feel myself in bed, opened my eyes and saw my room but sort of distant. i closed my eyes and was just looking at the back of my eyelids, trying to just imagine the dream so i'd go back. but on the back of my eyelids i saw this circle thing, not too different from the sort of undefined splotches of color i always see when my eyes are closed (this one happened to be green). i mused to myself that it looked like a portal, and i started to focus on it. it started to look more like a portal and then it got super vivid, and i started shooting down this portal at tremendous acceleration, with this vibration sound increasing in frequency and volume in tandem, sounded like a power drill. looked kind of like pic related. i got super spooked and mentally withdrew as fast as i could (i started to see things sort of start to form and was scared). when i came back my vision was distorted and i could feel my body vibrating fast kind of like psychedelics, they sort of sloped back down to normal feeling and slight pretty quickly

anyways, what the fuck was that? i've been into lucid dreaming for years now, but this was the most intense thing that's happened, and certainly did not feel the way passing from lying in bed to dreaming usually does. as far as /fringe/ stuff goes, i'm only just starting to look at it so i don't know if this is some common thing or what.

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