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Somewhat interesting (although long and often heavily salted with unnecessaraly tortured prose style) rant on the Internet and the "McDondaldization" of the Occult/Esoteric. Clearly the author is unhappy with how the Internet has impacted the world of esoterica

"…Thanks to the Internet, what were previously activities exclusive to occult Orders have become part of popular culture, factual concerns shrink to the level of Web 2.0 'happenings' and second-hand opinions, knowledge becomes data-hoarding, the linear becomes interactive, and proper friendship dissapears in interchangeable cyber-interaction. Occulture becomes an audience riven by factions which fishes its half-truths out of the limitless digital pool. This McDonaldised Occulture is an arena where anything goes, a breeding-ground for conspiracy-theories where half-truths are classed as scholarly work  for example in the wholly quantitative use of data exclusive to the Internet in university dissertations and theses. This reduction of facts to hallucinatory speculations leaves no room for the controlling influence of truth, and rsults in an endless fragmented labyrinth of unlimited choices…."




How many people on the internet actually read about, and even fucking rarer put into practice "the occult"?

Real occult methods are almost as esoteric as ever. I imagine if one googles "Occult" then the google link suggestions will all be disinfo faggot shit.



>the google link suggestions will all be disinfo faggot shit

maybe unknown to you, but 90% of "occultism" has always been pure bullshit



Well I'm at least 50% confident that 100% of this post's statistics were made up on the spot.

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