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I am going to try and summon everything I know about magick that I feel needs to be shared.

The first step of a magician is to become aware of reality as it really is. He must be aware of his astral body and spiritual self. He must know the 7 Hermetic Axioms and the holographic fractal infinitely interconnected nature of reality. He must know the 5 elements.

The spiritual self is the same one you discover if you do the practices in The Arcane Formulas by William Walker Atkinson. It's the awareness that wills. It sits apart from the mind and body and acts on the later. The astral body is the mental self and can be strengthened by constantly imagining your whole body.

A magician needs a combination of book knowledge and actual experience. If you are fortunate enough to witness the paranormal with someone else, this especially is an important break-through. It establishes a basic truth of magick; that our thoughts do not exist in isolation "contained only within our head" but are in fact a real, substantial, thing; a form of substance. A good book to read on this topic is Dynamic Thought. If you can also establish the fact that the "material world" is subject to the influence of mental vibrations and so called "matter" can be acted upon by thoughtforms this as well as important. Just knowing this makes it easier for you to do it yourself in the future. Every realization you have takes you a step forward, doubts undermine you.

The next thing you need is an anchor. You already all have an anchor. Your anchor is that which you probably call "real" because it is the most familiar to you and it's stable and you can keep coming back to it no problem. The inhabitants of your anchor are the means by which you establish the objectivity of your experiences. Every day you wake up in this world and everything "checks out" and is "just like how you left it" then you are returning to your anchor. Some of us are not anchored to this world at all though the vast majority are; the ones of us that are not regard this world as "the dream" and we are entering this plane from outside of it.

Everyone is native to some plane or other. It's where they started, it's what they remember best, and regard as their home. Only at an advanced stage of development and illumination does a consciousness truly understand his own plane is just one amongst many.

There are 7*7*7*7*7*7*7 planes total. That is 7 to the power of 7, seven times. I don't know the number of the plane you are reading this text in and I wish I did. I don't even have a name for our plane. We just call it "the universe" and think that's all there is so we don't understand our relation to the other planes and where we fit in mathematically. Maybe in the future I will discover the true number of our plane.

Understanding where you are from and how your world relates to others is what I call bridging out. This is a process whereby you carefully create connections to other planes and get a sense of your location relative to them 4-dimensionally. It's hard to tune it properly and maintain a connection without accidentally changing your frequency constantly and ending up on other planes.

When you meet other entities some of them are not native to the plane and arrived where you are from somewhere else. They may think they are dreaming and behave erratically as a result. Meanwhile those who are native to the plane you are visiting probably regard their place as the "real world" and won't believe you or understand if you say you're from somewhere else. Others are well-aware of multiple planes of existence and travel easily between different planes and will be able to help you do the same.

When you build bridges between our world and others you learn to navigate the astral and can set up portals or nexions that can make the process automated in the future. You can for example enchant an object in your room and use it to go to a specific place in the astral by just touching it.

It is important to know how to enchant things and how indeed to perform magick at all. When you see magicians wearing robes, doing gestures, using symbols, and you mimic them you will not get any results because you don't know how to do things magickally. EVERYTHING can be done magickally and the technique is simple: imagine what you are doing while doing it.

If you want to become instantly clairvoyant all you have to do is look around you and imagine the things you're looking at with your physical eyes. When you imagine what you are seeing while seeing it, you end up looking at the thing with 3 eyes; your two physical eyes and your mind's eye. To imagine it to peer into the world with the mind's eye. By a process of tuning into the different planes of the astral as well, you can discover many things all in the same 3-dimensional space, overlapping.


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You can do a similar thing with all the other senses. Don't just listen for or to sounds; imagine you can hear them too. Normally you train one sense at a time when you are starting out and then later multiple senses at once. Our five physical senses can be mirrored (as above, so below; principle of correspondence) with the imaginal ones. There are also supposed to be two other physical senses latent in man that have to be unlocked somehow and there are two imaginable ones corresponding to it. (Total of 7 physical senses and 7 mental senses). It is also important to know that the most basic sense is that of touch; all the other senses are a modification of this basic sense. Do not neglect to develop the astral sense of touch, doing so has the most profound effects and unlocks psychokinesis and other phenomena. Imagine that you can touch things, don't just touch them, and you are acting on the astral as well as the physical. Initiation Into Hermetics and some of Atkinson's books offer exercises along these lines.

Rituals can be constructed by the principle of correspondence, creating associations between things to automatically trigger a mental state or the creation of a thoughtform or other effects. A ritual will never work unless you do it magickally (by acting on the astral / using the imagination).

It is important to note that when you start doing this you light yourself up to the entities of other planes. You become visible to them as your astral body is activated and used and they are attracted to you. This is why it is important to know how to magickally protect and conceal yourself and banish entities. It is also however extremely important to purify your mind:

Ethics in magick is not just about getting along with other humans in society. Cultivating virtues is incredibly important because a pure and noble mind stays in resonance with mental currents like it. Like attracts like. The Universal Master Key is a great book on ethics. If you are edgy you will disregard it to some point because you desire conflict and excitement and so on and if you are impatient or simply don't have enough time and have to rush you will suffer as a consequence of the things your mind attracts to you. That is OK; you will learn in time from your mistakes and grow from them. I myself have not attained perfection here yet and attract all manner of hostile entities to me. This does present an obstacle however to staying in 4D constantly as I am likely to be attacked all the time whenever I am in 4D for so long as my mentality attracts it. Take a look at a so called schizophrenic being destroyed by his own thoughtforms or random entities he attracted and you get an idea of what happens when you get stuck in the 4D state and can't shut it off to go back into 3D while having an impure mind.

An important truth about our world is that which concerns the Monad, The All in All, or in other words the holographic nature of reality. If you have some holographic film of a rose and you cut the film up and shine a laser or light through it, no matter which piece you use, you end up with a complete hologram of a rose. Every part of the holographic film reconstructs the complete hologram. Our universe itself is like this; every infinitesimal point of space contains the rest of existence within it. It should also be known to the magician that the center of the universe is everywhere (principle of non-locality, at least from the absolute perspective).

Using psychomancy you can exploit this holographic nature of things by discovering the connections throughout time and space that link together an object with other objects or ideas. The psychometrist merely touches an object and knows its full past history and gains access to the scenes and other phenomena associated with it. The akashic field or ether or void that underlies all reality is extremely responsive to thought and will take on forms you impart to it by an effort of the will.

There is a specific technique I have discovered for myself that I find rapidly develops a magician that relates to holograms. If you visualize and them mentally rotate objects 3-dimensionally in your mind's eye you will be able to develop much faster in this way then if you merely visualize 2D objects. So if you are visualizing basic geometry, objects, numbers, letters, etc. and want to speed things up make the effort to rotate them and you will find your visual ability increases much faster both for visualizing 2-dimensionally and 3-dimensionally.


There's more I want to write but that's all for now. The books will help a lot but some key points:

>know them hermetic axioms

>use your imagination constantly for everything

>create correspondences between things and invoke them

>cultivate virtues

>read the books

>don't lose your anchor

I forgot to write all about loosh fuck. Oh well, I'll do that later, basically the more intensely you desire a manifestation the quicker it'll happen and intense emotions charge thoughtforms really fast.


Thank you.



>Listening to someone who has never done any practicce….

>Listening to someone who can't banish a thoughtform

>Listening to a mentally retarted attention whoring kid, oops sorry, adult, who can't care for himself.

>Listening to smiley



8/8 b8


Hermeticism is bullshit. Just like the "7*7*7*7*7*7*7 planes" and other retarded statements given in this thread.


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top lel, this fucking loosh farmer.


Smiley, posting this on /4chon/ and here for maximum coverage;

If say, I was recently going through a lot of fucking emotional turmoil, does this mean I have more energy to direct into summoning this or other stuff?

And if so what is the best way to direct it? I just want to be rid of it.



Learn to transmute your emotional state. Constantly repeating a phrase in your head cements it as a part of you. You can learn to program yourself as you go or learn to redirect your own energy. The latter helps with the problem till you figure out how to fix it. Simply transmuting the energy does not rid the subconscious autoloop once it has been set.



How is causality, vibrations, mentalism, polarity, gender, rhythm, correspondence, etc. bullshit?



If you are experiencing shitloads of emotions just make a circle somewhere in your room, enchant the shit out of it to contain what you're about to evoke inside of it, and now start visualizing and spinning and forming astral substance into an entity inside of the circle pouring your emotions into it and letting it take form.


Phrases aren't as powerful as how you feel when you say something. You can use all the positive statements you desire and unless you do that one hack where you use your doubts and misery to feed it by basically stating "it will work regardless of how I feel" you usually can't make it work unless you truly feel what you're saying.


This gives me ideas for enchanting objects. I think it is a valuable field of practice to mess around with talismans and clay egregore creation.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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bumping this bretty gud thread.

Are you planning on posting more?


>I myself have not attained perfection here yet and attract all manner of hostile entities to me.

Entity processing is extremely effective at getting rid of them (see The Invisible Influences by Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski)

It works by this principle

>Like attracts like


>By a process of tuning into the different planes of the astral as well, you can discover many things all in the same 3-dimensional space, overlapping.

There are many entities surrounding us, some hostile and some helpful. What we tune in to determines which ones you see, and which ones see you. It is the attachments you have within yourself that forcibly tune you in to the wrong things (And is the purpose for 90% of etheric implants, which aliums are fond of using). Entity processing gets rid of those attachments so you are free to tune in to better things.

I will say to anyone, do NOT cut yourself off simply because you're being attacked, unless you have no other option. Keep AP'ing and fix yourself properly. Don't act like a psychiatrist and prescribe your own lobotomy pills. And remember, nobody has it out for you. YOU are the problem. Do not blame squirrels for gathering around a bird feeder.



What do you recommend then?



>It is important to know how to enchant things

So how does one enchant things?

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