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Esoteric Wizardry


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what magic can i use to become chad and alpha as fuck

I mean, is all the magic here about how to achieve astral boners, is there anything here about social intelligence and charisma? Is this board truly just for autistics?


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Pic related


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You'd want to look into autosuggestion / hypnosis / deep somnambulism reprogramming of your subconscious.

I've seen accounts of people using this technique to change hair and eye color and adding several inches to their height (also to instantly heal bone fractures, regrow teeth, et cetera). To become a Chad, you'll want to be tall and have good bone structure; deep somnambulism is the place to change your physicality. Obviously, hypnosis is also good for any personality changes you want to make.

All magic (imo) is essentially a matter of issuing directives to the subconscious, in accordance with the 1rst and 2nd Hermetic Principles (Mentalism and Correspondence: All Is Mind / As Within, So Without).

Couple sources for further study:





>chad and alpha

You have to watch less papa Franku.

Ravioli ravioli what's in the pocket-oli?



So your saying I can get a sick long blue mane and I can get my eyes to glow like those niggers from Dune? FUCK YES TELL ME.




google it



Probably not. You are constrained by what you believe to be possible at a subconscious level. Going into very deep trance states bypasses your conscious critical factor, which rejects or accepts suggestions based on your conscious beliefs (which are relatively mutable), but there's still a baseline of core subconscious beliefs that are extremely concrete that you will run up against before you're able to affect change at the level of making your eyes glow or throwing fireballs or whatever.

With enough deliberate deconstruction of your subconscious beliefs, you may be able to do some truly bizarre things, but it will probably take years of meditation.


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So.. What about it?



Get a transmission (if you can be bothered) and do the practise.

Kurukulla is a Vajrayāna buddhist deity who can help social influence.




Damn, thanks.

Wait, it talks alot about getting allowance from others before doing this? I might try this but why is it so secret and VIP



Well technically you need a "transmission" from a qualified lama to perform it. It's to do with lineage and transferal of legit power or some shit.

I got a transmission of kurukulla which wasn't by a lama and an altered practise specifically for noobs+for influence.




Looked around online and couldn't find anything other than what I've got related to kurukulla and social influence. Sorry for leading you astray.



Stop being a faggot with an inferiority complex and gain some confidence? Sounds like you are just lazy. Put down the mountain dew and doritos buy some whey and start doing pushups and pullups. Conquer your fears. Or you can use confirmation bias and use gay disinfo shit like sigals and chants. Holy fuck you guys should stop using ecstasy for 12 months before you start trying to change your lives. This board is a haven for autistics/schizophrenics. If you had a spell that could turn someone into a sheep, why the fuck would you reveal it on an imageboard full of drug addicts/hermits/post psychosis/unstable morons?



prometheus rising

king warrior magician lover

frank rudolph young's yoga for men

frank rudolph young's cyclomancy

read ralph waldo emerson essays

goto the gym

groom yourself.

eat proper.


Despite being an apparent troll thread, this kind of request is actually the kind of thing which can be achieved through occult means. The aim of alchemy was not merely transmutation of matter, but of the self. I would recommend reading up on alchemy as well as hermetic magic if you're actually interested in achieving this.

PRO-TIP: Jupiter is associated with strength and wisdom. Joy as well.



any books you'd recommend?



I like Disinfo Troll by Atechan Fringe

It teaches you how you can draw kermit the frog every night at 4:44am to gain magical spells. There are thousands of kermits that grant many different powers.



Read up on Carl Jung's stuff. One of the volumes of his collected works focus specifically on alchemy.




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