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File: 1444236516270.jpg (105.55 KB, 424x283, 424:283, Ice-Bath.jpg)


What are your thoughts on ice baths? Do you think an extreme test of will like this could be useful for the things you practice? Are there any esoteric texts regarding the topic, or things similar?



I just use it as a banishment ritual


im gay



they're good for recovering from workouts, reducing body fat and increasing testosterone levels



I take cold showers to train my will and determination, I've noticed direct correlation to lifts.



Recalibrates hormonal problems, increases circulation, cures fight-or-flight anxiety, boosts immunity.



I've heard it helps stall or reverse telomere shortening.





Yeah, it's alright. Cold invigorates oneself. Heat is defeating and weakens the body. The Sun's rays are cold before they react in the Earth's atmosphere and produce what we feel as the warm sensation, I am told.

The Russian mystic Porfiry Ivanov walked out into the cold one night to kill himself and came back stronger than ever. He speaks on the deleterious properties of heat and other civilized amenities.

Cold plunges shed white fat, the bad kind, while increasing production of brown fat. Brown fat is what babies have a lot of and it keeps you warm. If cold makes your body produce brown fat spontaneously, then perhaps it could lead to a ketosis lifestyle something akin to breatharianism is my theory.


Cold showers… Mine don't even get that cold.

That Anastasia Russian mystic girl dives into cold springs every morning and says that Humans can live in any environment, even the frozen taiga!

Fresh spring water has extraordinary high levels of consciousness especially if it is that luminescent blue color and is a preferable bathing source.



Confirm, cold showers increase power of will and mana.

Cold showers done at the night in pitch black are best however, due to concentration of will on the cold and the lack of light to concetrate the mind-

Take a timer and use it to time the amount of time you can last and increase it with each shower by exponential incriments.

Also, try meditating in the darkness of the shower. You may also like the use of opening your third eye in this environment.

Cold showers are also excellent for reducing muscle soreness after working out.


I used to take cold showers every day last summer. I did feel like it helped strengthen the will. I quit it around winter time and I think all of the warm bathes and showers have made me soft. I'll pick it up again.



ahh that's fascinating

reminds me of how elderly people are always covered up in blankets. not like active elderly people, just people who are kind of like in a vegetable state and stare at the tv and rely on others to do things for them. i know its a gross generalization or whatever but i have seen it with my own eyes and it's honestly the most frightening and saddest thing to me. i don't ever want to end up like that. and it's not just elderly people, it's people around my own age or younger than me that i see acting like they are fucking decrepit just staring at the tv covered up in a blanket hovering between being asleep and barely not asleep

so tldr i leave those blankets be because i am afraid of falling apart in body and mind

i crave cold showers sometimes. if you can brave a cold shower first thing in the a.m. then nothing that comes after that can really get you down y'know


Never tried ice baths but I did make some experiences with cold. Here are my winter experiences (where I lived it got to 0º celsius)

first time took a cold shower, I realized I was crouching when I recovered a little bit of my senses after the initial shock. It was obvious then and there that if I could remain conscious during this there would be massive benefits.

Sometimes I would also meditate semi naked (wearing only underwear). After a bit of practice I felt no pain being in the cold and began sweating during meditations.

The worst I've ever done was meditating in the rain. The fucking wind made it terrible. Thought I would die for sure but it wasn't half bad when I got up and started walking around. Did this only once but maybe I should try it again.

Isn't this thread a violation of rule 2



Wladimir Megre is a fraud.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Joe Rogan Breathing with "The Iceman" Wim Hof (from Joe Rogan Experience #712)



I don't know why but I laughed at this post for 3 minutes straight.

I think its the placement.



Good way to get a grasp on "heat" for magic.

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