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Is it possible to desensitize yourself from conventional morality?

I know about some techniques, which are repeated exposure to a certain stimuli so your body doesn't react to it anymore. I'd like to "transcend" ethics and morality to gain certain advantages.

Does anyone know more about this topic?


Just lurk /b/


Efukt works well for that



Yes. Let me tell you the two ways. If you want I can write an ebook about it and sell it to you for 40 dollars. Ill give you the cliffnotes of this unwritten book though.

One way is the drug hand path . Do a shit ton of hard drugs like coke ecstasy ketamine meth heroin xanax duster etc. You will become a complete piece of shit and accomplish your goal.

The other way is the your hand path. Take your hand and repeatedly bash yourself in the head until you are unconscious. When you wake up you will be a fucking idiot and your goal will be accomplished.


You want your morality to vanish?

Aquire power you are not ready for.

Maybe just do what most other people without morale which once had morale do:

Aquire a gun and walk around with it in public. The rest will happen by itself.


This is the fucking funniest shit. Okay man look I'm not gonna moral fag you or anything. The godspark is the best part of anyone and the creator part of you, it is where all your true morals come from. If you want to rid yourself of it and become a useless sociopathic robot for any dark being that is bigger and stronger then you then fine. I knew a guy who went down the self destruction path, a true satanist. The idea is to be in denial about existence, all illusion is essentially anti-existence. He did drugs everyday endlessly. All he ever wanted to do was kill himself. It takes you to a far away planet. You develop multiple personalities and eventually just become possessed whether you acknowledge it or not. But whatever floats the cock bro.



All those demons that could possess him managed to successfully walk this path so - in theory - this is not impossible for him either since they started like him, too.

That is if his soul is strong enough on which we simply do not know.



Technically no, All illusion was created by creators. The hierarchy of the dark side is like a hive mind. They tell you it's about individuality but it's nonsense. That is the true core of the dark side illusion and delusion. You become a slave who thinks he is a master. The only one really in control is the highest artificial intelligence, all those under serve the will of it whether they know it or not. Of course usually in exchange for all their selfish desire and other worldly levels of intelligence. You can acquire both those things without joining the dark side though. It's really a pointless path that exists only to inspire more light.



It is true that on the dark side, you will always be a slave. But unless you are extremely weak you will also always have your own slaves. Then again: Doesn't it matter to you what YOU are when you are on this path?

The light side is the opposite: You think you are serving a higher cause when in reality you just do it for yourself. But then again: Is it not OTHERS you should truly care for on this path?

Like many, many paths you can take I find those two extremes extremely ironic. But that's just my personal opinion.

In the end it doesn't matter what part you are on - what matters is if it represents your true self or not.



You got it wrong, the light path is about knowing who you TRULY are and not indulging in your illusionary self that the world created for you against your choice. You serve yourself by serving others in order to maintain balance. Serving the selfish illusion in you only causes suffering.



Many confuse the path of balance with the path of light since they think balance = good and light = good so it must be the same.



You confuse light to mean good. It is light only because it is true, good is subjective. Light is knowledge, knowledge is light, and real knowledge is always true. The entire universe was created with light. STO is the path of balance, STS is the path of imbalance. You don't have to identify with either all that matters is if you are not causing more imbalance. People thinks it's okay that they have chosen the dark side but in reality they are only helping to keep humanity enslaved. The light side is about true freedom and full control of freewill the dark is about controlled hierarchy of imbalanced illusion that preserves itself through vampirism of truth.


So many right handed white knights here, kek.


It is possible OP. I achieved it, but don't know if I can give you any proper "technique".

Could you tell me how do you define "conventional morality" and what exactly is your purpose? Maybe I can give you some pointers.

Vsnares are god-tier muzak


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As in, being conpletely undisturbed, military style, about any committing sort of immoral act or perceiving one.



Ok, one more question - how advanced in occult are you?



I know absolutely nothing. I'm gonna read the intro book list this weekend and the Intro to Hermetics.



I.e. how to be edgier




>I'd like to "transcend" ethics and morality to gain certain advantages.

If you're not already a psychopath then you shouldn't try to become one. You will be a minnow swimming with sharks. You should not do this.



Vsnares thinks you are a fucking faggot. Go take your psych meds.



Penetrate why you hold certain feelings and reactions to stimuli/ideas/transgressions.

Is it social conditioning or biological?

Is it rational?

What are your real values and do these emotional triggers get in the way of realizing them?

Sometimes we must burden ourselves with monstorous or debasing activity in order to preserve order or survive. At such times the morality of the comfortable insulated classes is a luxury or straight out cowardice.


Morality comes down to a logical core, so no. What you are asking for is to get rid of your fear, and that can only be done by disassociation with control, control is a concept based on faith, one that we can never really get rid of, at least as far as we know.


The psychopath's bible by Christopher Hyatt might be useful.

Anyone got a .pdf of that?

Can't spot it in the megas.



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>learn to control your emotions

>use meditation and invocation to deprogram yourself from social conditioning

Ethics and morality are things originating from ego, there is no doubt regarding this. Your Self is above such petty notions, they are the effect of human ego trying to be in control and divide the universe into "good" and "evil". Ethics are an artificial construct which is necessary for humans to live in a society. Do not listen to any "authority", follow no one, question everything and be your own master.

After you go through recommended reading you might want to check out THEM papers (you can find it in this mega: https://mega.nz/#F!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ in Left Hand Path>Order of Nine Angles>THEM papers), I've just finished reading them myself and they frequently touch upon the subject of ego, Self, morality etc. especially the first one - Terato.

Another great tool in ridding yourself of conventional morality is observing mundanes, how they follow anything which is programmed into them either via government, church or parents and how their beliefs are easily swayed, lacking a solid foundations. Observe and become aware if you have similar tendencies, and for that you must know yourself. Meditate and analyze your thoughts and reactions.

Some people in this thread think that one who transcended morality is immoral, while he is in fact amoral. It is not by falling to the extremes of duality but by leaving them altogether a transcendence can occur.


And how do you know what great Aaron thinks you Winnipeg piece of shit? :^)

Pic not related.


Funny how the 4th density is the density of LOVE and UNDERSTANDING. All the people who go through ascension and merge with their higher selves are filled with ETERNAL LOVE and wisdom. LOVE being the only real emotion in the universe. I'd say some people here have the wrong idea about "morals". Why would a satanic cabal want to program goodness in you?



Love is the core of all emotion, but humanity heavily misunderstands love. There are many ways to love. What matters is to love what you are doing, then what you are doing becomes love. No matter what it is.

So of course it can be something others would percieve as "evil", too.



Love is the creator energy, an emotion filled with truth knowledge and awareness.

Illusion knows no such things, illusion seeks to pervert them. Once again you confusing it with concepts of good and evil. There is only one true love, if you go against the creator in you and call that love then it is just delusion. Does your intuition ever tell you to indulge in illusionary egotistical goals? True love cannot be perceived as "evil" it is the origin of everything.



>all the people

Now now, it isn't very wise to generalize. If you make such bold statements I expect you can convince me somehow, that there wasn't a single being in the whole history of the universe that ascended yet wasn't filled with eternal love, light, joy and all that new age bs?


Also, I strongly suspect that to the ascendant such notions as good, evil, love etc. are meaningless because he/she transcended them. In other words I am not convinced that

>Love is the creator energy, an emotion filled with truth knowledge and awareness

And I am afraid that due to the nature of the subject any discussion is also meaningless. Before the ascension the experiences of it it are not only unknown, but also unknowable. One could build some other dogma, not based on love being only true emotion or whatever, and also claim that he has the whole truth and he figured it out.



>True love cannot be perceived as "evil" it is the origin of everything.

It can be. Even if it is an delusion.



We are all part of god - and as god is the creator everything he percieves to be real is real. So nothing is an delusion - and, at the same time, everything.




We created the illusions that plague our species today. The demons, the aliens, the corrupt demiurge. They are all illusion created from self indulgence. It exists to be overcome.

The yang in the yin-yang is masculine energy, which is not inherently "evil". We need a proper balance of both feminine and masculine, when you ascend to 4th D you become a hermaphrodite. I think people confuse darkness as masculine and moral as "goodness". It isn't good vs evil, it's more truth and illusion. Does your heart chakra pulse when you do selfish things? Is there any part of our true spiritual beings that grows or advances with illusion? Illusion seeks to stop your evolution. No one here who indulges in illusion will transcend 3rd density. It makes me curious as to why anyone would choose to turn themselves into sociopaths or deal with demons, when you lose spirit you separate yourself from the creator.


What makes you think love is new age bs? It's ancient knowledge. Why do you strongly suspect that love is meaningless to the ascendant? If all of this was true why would any of the higher beings and positive aliens even bother to help humanity and teach such things as love, clearly there seems to be a misunderstanding of duality and transcendence.



If you disconnect from the creator you can create your own concept of love. That means you rediscover love for yourself instead of just recieving it - one could argue that brings you closer to love then anything else. ;^)



That just sounds like complete delusion. Which is fine if you choose to go that route but you deprive yourself of higher realm knowledge and discover. You can't transcend physicality with illusion and delusion so you limit your true capability.






I didn't claim that I'd try that. Just saying that I believe that to be a possibility - if you were to put yourself into the state of god before creation - where love itself was not yet created -, why would you not be capable of doing the same: Creating love yourself?

Obviously this idea - the good old lucifer experiment - is overkill. It will just end up making you heartless because your success is no longer guided by god, only by yourself - in order to create love yourself, you need to understand it. To do that you need to have experienced its essence. And if you have made it this far why would you reject it? It IS possible though. Or you can just come up with a new concept for love all by yourself - good luck.

Then again, OP wants to fail the experiment. He WANTS to be heartless. So he doesn't have to worry about succeeding.



>when you lose spirit you separate yourself from the creator

There is nothing more I desire than to separate myself from the creator.

>Why do you strongly suspect that love is meaningless to the ascendant?

Because I find the idea, that even after the ascension one could be troubled by such petty feeling as love, disgusting. Although I do not think that I am capable of feeling love.

You have your outlook, I have mine. You seem to cling onto the idea that there is only one way: the way of love, the Path of the Right Hand. I detest that mode of thinking. There is a multitude of ways, not only one.

>What makes you think love is new age bs?

I do not have anything against love in particular, but your standpoint seems to me as "new agish". You know, love, light, oneness etc. Perhaps I didn't express myself clearly.

Also, you seem to hold the notion of love being the ultimate truth without presenting anything substantial to confirm it. You just call anything that doesn't belong to your point of view as "illusory". That is fine by me, whatever floats your boat, but it is no way to discuss.



Some "edgelord" (as some would call you) has something he loves to. Even if it is violence, for example - if it makes you feel love it is viable, no matter what anyone thinks.

What matters is not what your path is. What matters is that you find your path and that you embrace it fully.




Well yes, the creator inside you can do that only. Knowing illusion is the half of it but indulging in it will not create but delude. We all have existed for eternity, the thing is what does the true you really want and perceive love to be? Before you incarnated you came here for a reason and lessons to learn. However your freewill can go against that technically. So what part of you is really telling you what path to go on? The true you is the creator in you however in you is also the illusion that the matrix system plastered onto you. Self realization is important because we then know who we truly are and what we really want/exist for. How many of your ideas and concepts are from that part of you?


If you think love is petty then you don't really understand what it is. Love is a part of truth itself. Have you ever even felt true love? Most likely not. Your idea of love is from an ignorant point of view that was created by the life you have lived not who you are. The "right hand path" is not the path of love, it's a dumb title that human beings have created. You are capable of feeling love because anything that wills to can achieve it. You misunderstand, not everything that doesn't belong to my point of view is illusion. What I am saying is that the "dark side" was created by creators who indulged in illusion. All those demons and negative aliens are is complicated artificial intelligence that are not creators but were thoughtforms that went rouge. This includes the dark parts of you. They were put on you from your childhood traumas, past life attachments, societal programming, neglect. If you separate from the creator you will become nothing but a drone in a large hierarchy, the bottom of the food chain. You won't be able to transcend physicality. Don't get it twisted. Anything you hear about ascension always involves love, and like I said before higher beings would not bother with us if such things as love were meaningless. You didn't really read everything I've been typing. Imagine the sociopath from birth, every part of his being is about materialism, why? He is bound to that part of existence. Lose the creator, lose any part of you that really is you.



I agree with you. Your true purpose is all that matters. However, even though that is a paradox, it is possible that this purpose is to deny your purpose and by following that purpose - like with any purpose - you find love within yourself. That, in return, would allow you to succeed at the lucifer experiment. Which I find highly interesting (probably because it is a paradox). However, like you said, it is ALSO possible that this is just something the matrix WANTS you to believe. So it is a gamble: Is it your true purpose or just an illusion? I still think this gamble is exciting though.

Just entertaining possibilities here.




I don't really understand what makes me so "edgy". I do not feel love, but I also do not feel hate. I mastered my emotions to a satisfactory degree so that they obey me, not the other way around. I detest violence and hatred, they are unnecessary and primitive.

>What matters is not what your path is. What matters is that you find your path and that you embrace it fully.



>Have you ever even felt true love? Most likely not.

I know I didn't and that was precisely my point.

>created by the life you have lived not who you are

I know who I am, do you think you know me better than I do?

>the "dark side" was created by creators who indulged in illusion

You make, again, very bold statement, care to provide any sources?

>All those demons and negative aliens

Have I spoken anything about demons or negs, or implied I even care about them?

>you will become nothing but a drone in a large hierarchy

Again, what can you provide to support these claims? Because I really think you misunderstand what LHP is about.

>You won't be able to transcend physicality

I'm on my way to do just that.

>Anything you hear about ascension always involves love

No, I've heard many stories which didn't involve love.

>higher beings would not bother with us

As far as I am concerned, no need to bother, I am pretty much set on my own.

>Imagine the sociopath from birth

You confuse being amoral with being immoral.

>every part of his being is about materialism

I'm very much against materialism.



"There is a significant difference between the two Tantric paths, that of the right hand and that of the left hand (which both are under Shiva's aegis). In the former, the adept always experiences 'someone above him', even at the highest level of realization. In the latter, 'he becomes the ultimate Sovereign"

~Julius Evola


>Anything you hear about ascension always involves love

Personally I believe what you need for ascencion is enough experience to be capable of feeling like the you is the "true you" - or, at least, the "you"-est you'll ever be. You reach some sort of cap for your experience, so to speak. As if there is no higher level for you.

Then, you can (or will automatically, accidentally?) do an ascencion ritual. It usually involves a near-death experience or maybe even real death and the circumstances contain symbols for the purpose of your soul.

Got nothing I can link or dig out to back that up though, just some personal believe I felt like sharing. ;^)



>Got nothing I can link or dig out to back that up though

Oh well, that's a first such case in this thread :^)



Okay so your idea is more off then I thought. Love and hate are not opposites, you fail to realize that love does not equate to morals. You said you want to separate from the creator, this will make you no different then a robot, whether you choose it or not something will take advantage of this fact. The dark side has no true freedom only the illusion that you are individual. If you don't know any of the sources you might want to brush up on some gnosis. I was wrong to say you haven't felt true love, the fact that you are here means at some point in your existence at least before this incarnation you have. You confuse sociopath to mean being immoral, the sociopath is only immoral if he chooses to do things of that nature. Whether he does or does not depends entirely on the life he lived. However no part of him can really perceive beyond that limitation. If you rid yourself of the creator you limit yourself and you will not transcend.



Just trying to fit in! :^)

Problem is a lot of spirituality is personal experience - very direct examples would be dreams, drug trips, astral projection, getting in contact with spirits, remembering past lifes… all that stuff makes lousy evidence. But many people here learned a lot through such things.


Well first of all, morality is already a transcendental tool used to overcoming our base animalistic nature. but the question is, can I transcend my dick in ur mom's ass?



You know I forgot about that fact, morals are apart of our evolution anyway. If you want to be amoral turn into a fucking animal.



>Love and hate are not opposites

What then is the opposite of hate and the opposite of love?

>you fail to realize that love does not equate to morals

And where did I express this stupid idea that love equals morals?

>this will make you no different then a robot

Again, source of these claims?

>If you don't know any of the sources you might want to brush up on some gnosis

This doesn't count as giving sources. What do you mean "brush up on some gnosis"? I need to read up about gnosis or attain personally to see if your ramblings are of any worth?

>The dark side has no true freedom only the illusion that you are individual

Sources. Most writers I came across expressed the idea that only LHP leads to true Individuality.

>You confuse sociopath to mean being immoral, the sociopath is only immoral if he chooses to do things of that nature

A fair point.

Also, my standpoint is based on personal experience.



>What then is the opposite of hate and the opposite of love?

The point is that conflict is a product of us, it is a belief in a sort of harmony.

>you fail to realize that love does not equate to morals

Sometimes they do, sometimes not, like if you feel bad about not loving somebody.

>this will make you no different then a robot

Well, we are robots anyway, if you are appealing to taoist ontology.

>The dark side has no true freedom only the illusion that you are individual

What is true? freedom is the knowledge of the mystery, not freedom in it's self

>You confuse sociopath to mean being immoral, the sociopath is only immoral if he chooses to do things of that nature

immoral, amoral, tamato, tamata.



what are you lost? The opposite of love is fear.

>Again, source of these claims?

Source? You wanna source? How have you not figured this stuff out? Brush up on some gnosis is good enough. Do you know nothing of gnostic teachings? Did you even fucking see the matrix? Have you even looked at the montalk website? Do you even understand the nature of thoughtforms? You do realize that the part of you that is a god that can control reality is the creator part in you. Anyone who loses that is no different then a intelligent thoughtform, which is what I mean by robot. There are too many sources to even begin. How about you start reading the content already mentioned on this board. I also recommend you read some channeled material like the Law of One and the Cassiopean transcripts for some reference. I have proven majority of what these things say through personal experience and synchronicity. I'm just trying to help you from fucking your whole existence up.


What would you rather have? Perverted anti-existence knowledge of parasitic thoughtforms? Or the source knowledge that created the universe itself?


Whenever I read posts of people like you it feels to me like they feel the need to prove their believes to others only because they need to prove it to themself, because they lack faith, because they feel insecure deep down.



To be in this type of work you need to face all parts of your self, look deep into the subconscious. Even if there was insecurity you would have to be aware of it, once aware you can change it with your will or with spiritual practices. Those kind of mundane problem don't apply here.



If the opposite of love is fear, then what is the opposite of courage and hate?

I figured stuff out, and I proven many of my beliefs with personal experience and synchronicity too.

>the part of you that is a god that can control reality is the creator part in you

I'd like to separate this part, not from myself but from the All, not to merge with it. Also, it's just the matter of semantics how do we call this "part of you that is a god".

>Do you know nothing of gnostic teachings?

You show very simplified perspective. What do you mean by "gnostic teachings"? There were so many teachings that can be labeled "gnostic" that the term itself isn't very sharply defined. The basis of gnosis is acquiring direct, living knowledge of God. Regarding morals, for example, there were gnostic sects that claimed that before attaining gnosis one cannot tell the difference between good and bad, and the only ethos of a Gnostic is working towards gnosis. They showed highly amoral attitude. Others claimed that one should have the most vast experience on this plane as possible, experiencing good things and bad. Committing praiseworthy deeds and foul atrocities. They were Christian sects if I remember correctly.

But of course Christian Gnosticism isn't everything, as gnosticism is pre-christian and "gnostic teachings" are mostly universal. Eastern Esoterism has similar approach (scholars even argue whether Gnostics weren't influenced by Buddhism) and there we can find schools which aim to achieve liberation (and acquire magical powers) by means you would not agree with. Kaula, Krama, Trika, Aghora, Vajrayana to name just a few. Their view of the universe is very different than yours.

In Eastern Esoterism the concept of separating from the All isn't unheard of and it certainly is not

>no true freedom

>no different then a robot


Your view of gnosis, as your view of the existence and God, is a very simplistic and black-and-white one. Perhaps it is you who should do some brushing up.

For every source that you mentioned I can give you another which contradicts you. You say that there is only one valid path - your path. I prefer to believe there is a multitude of ways, including yours.

As for Montalk, he has some good stuff concerning aliens, the rest is not so great in my opinion.

>I'm just trying to help you from fucking your whole existence up.

No need friendo, just take care of yourself and leave me be.



>You say that there is only one valid path

I have not said anything like this at all in fact. There are multiple ways of ascension and enlightenment.

>Very simplistic and black and white

I think you have it backward, you look at my view as black and white because your own view is seeing mine through your own bias. I do believe you can still be connected to the creator and remove things like morals.

>how do we call this "part of you that is god

It is infinite and all knowing, that is really all that makes it god. The only thing in existence that is permanent. You say you want to remove from the All but isn't oneness what your higher self is trying to get to? What exactly would you be removing yourself from if you have yet to achieve oneness.

>Their view of the universe is very different than yours

I haven't really went and explained my full view of the universe have I? Yes there are many different Gnostic teachings. Gnosis is knowledge, living knowledge of god. This knowledge, all true knowledge comes from the infinite inside. "Knowing" is a better way to put it. The universe itself is god. Being apart of this infinite does not force you into a black and white existence. I can't really see what you seek to attain by losing morals, everything that morals are against are products of illusion and ignorance or animalistic impulse. It doesn't really block you from much but I suppose from your point of view that is opinion.

>In Eastern Esoterism the concept of separating from the All isn't unheard of

I'm not exactly sure if we are on the same page. I'm talking about your higher consciousness, higher self. Eastern concepts often involve removing the ego or knowing the true nature of self but I have not heard of separating from the infinite.

>Just take care of yourself and leave me be

Unfortunately I believe I incarnated for just the opposite.



>Eastern concepts often involve removing the ego or knowing the true nature of self

Removing the ego equals establishing Self, as Eastern "ego" is what can be called mundane "personality".

>I have not heard of separating from the infinite

You have just now.

>I can't really see what you seek to attain by losing morals

You have me confused with someone else, I don't want to lose morals, because they are meaningless to me. In a way I already lost them as they don't bind me, which is not to say I am some kind of mindless beast. I consciously choose according to my own Will and not to some external concept of ethics (also I want to point out that OP asked about leaving conventional morality behind, not morality itself).

>but isn't oneness what your higher self is trying to get to?

Is it?

>you have yet to achieve oneness.

I won't achieve it, because I don't want to and I am going in a different direction.

This is going nowhere. You won't acknowledge that there is a way beside achieving oneness. That's what I was pointing at by saying that you claim there is only one valid path.

>There are multiple ways of ascension and enlightenment.

All being essentially uniting with the All?

While I believe that Self is originating in the All (Atman is Brahman) I do not believe that the only aim of spiritual and magical development is achieving unity of individual soul with world soul. You claim otherwise. I do not see any possibility of consensus.



No no no, there is definitely a misunderstanding here. You said yourself you won't achieve oneness so why are you trying to separate from something that you have not consciously chosen? What I mean by ascension and enlightenment is ascending to 4th density and escaping the matrix system, karma, reincarnation etc. Oneness would be achieved after reaching 6th density. You join a soul group and enter the 7th density.

Thanks for clearing up the misunderstanding about conventional morality though. Definitely missed that detail.



>trying to separate from something that you have not consciously chosen

That's a fair point. I always assumed that Self is still connected to the All, and still being a part of It (although unconciously) but that's just my assumption. With that being said, you are right, I'm not trying to separate myself, I don't want the unification to occur in the first place.

>escaping the matrix system, karma, reincarnation etc.

Truthfully, I admit that I care nothing for it. I only want these sweet siddhis and more power.



>I admit I care nothing for it

You should probably consider it, the worst part of this whole thing is being trapped here. You want true freedom and power you would probably want to free yourself from karmic bonds and reincarnation. Which many do with self-realization. But I guess as long as your happy what evs.



I think becoming more centered in yourself is the key, or at least part of it.

And I imagine that an individual who is completely centered within themselves, completely self assured, consciously aware of their divinity would be immune to the influences of others or from external events.

You don't want to be a robot, some plastic faced "Mitt Romney, Tom Cruise" inauthentic person that creeps people out, because that's just being a psychopath. And there is no real life in people like that. They are straight up automatons, just following their programs and completely lost when it comes to the spontaneous. And the spontaneous is the whole point of existing. Experiencing the unexpected, exploring the unknown.

So, you'd have to detach externally from things that cause reactions, while connecting fully with who and what you are internally. I think.

Feel everything but let nothing move you. Live with impunity or without regret. I imagine you would be able to talk to anyone about anything, good or bad, without fear of consequence.

Makes me think of the movie "Limitless", being the polar opposite of dissociative.

Controlled use of drugs/nootropics while actively trying to achieve that state [as through religious prayer and or meditations] seems like a possible path.



I never really got the purpose to the thread. Isn't learning how to not react to external stimuli or any stimuli at all simply a matter of mind? Couldn't he just will this or reprogram himself for this? That's basic wizard shit.



Well, op was asking about desensitizing oneself form conventional morality, so the goal is freedom from internal constraint. And that's almost all based in the unconscious mind, so yeah, it's basic wizard shit, but easy to change it isn't.

["conventional morality" as subconscious social programming, a script running in the background. Something that we aren't consciously aware of but is constantly affecting behavior, limiting our options in order to maintain conformity with a particular model of the world.

Part of our social programming from birth to ensure our acceptance into the tribe and therefore increase our odds for survival.

It fits since most of our subconscious is being programmed the first seven years of life.

Conventional morality as maintaining the status quo, which is a world that is mostly just theater and pretense.

Where true morality would be directed from our higher selves and not care about social consequences or fear of being ejected from the tribe.]


Won't let this die.



Well ask yourself why you have them in the first place…




The law of one answers this kind of question perfectly, have neither of you read it?

The selfish path is a choice one can take, simply because of the logical deduction that to serve oneself is also serving everyone else as one, because you are the one as well as everyone else. However it breaks down at a certain level apparently because just serving oneself becomes a denial of oneness

You know I said it was a perfect description but it's not really. I would guess there comes a point where if you serve only your self you would begin to question what that even is, as is the complication of the universe, so the idea of self service on both sides of thinking becomes one because of the lack of distinction.

You know to other's here there is nothing "wrong" about self service. It is only your perception. If you were to truly see the light side, you realise no matter which "side" you choose, we are all one, and so you should respect your other self for choosing to identify as separate from you.

In fact sometimes I think that self service really is a service for all, as it eliminates the idea of loneliness. But then again maybe loneliness is not what we think it is…


Again here, you say it exists to be overcome, but to say one thing exists for a purpose is to say all things should have purpose, which in itself brings a sense of meaninglessness and determinism.

Though perhaps our own comprehension of meaning insinuates a meaning itself, can we know?


It's harsh, but I've never seen it said that maybe that there is not just one, but 2? Why is one more logical? We do live currently in a manifestation where language is essentially just descriptions of polarities, ie TWO. It seems like such a guess, the idea of one, but maybe that's why I'm in this world? Because I believe in 2?


What exactly are your emotions obeying? Your higher emotions of desire for mastery and control? Then that is not control. Before you can say you've mastered anything you need to define you. If you've done that you probably wouldn't be here, sounding like an edgelord… So I can see where the original poster is coming from.

I feel like too many will take that last poster seriously, because he seems to be on the zeitgeist of the internet very pointedly. But it's becoming so clear how young everyone here is, and me. We are children rejecting the wisdom of our elders, simply wasting time and ignoring the elephant of our real problems, on the internet.

That is my conclusion to this post, that all the logics and revelations here are a mere side quest and philosophical distraction to why we're actually here. For so long I've taken discussion on the internet, here, and other places as an actual source of philosophical enlightenment over the actual older people in my life. I can't be the only one. The people here are really "edgelords", it's the best way to describe the irrelevance of their apathy because the only true meaning I've felt has come from the real people I have met and have been taught by, not the fake enlightened personas I've constructed around the posts I've seen on boards like this.

I think if you can't justify your feelings about the world to another human people in person, then maybe you don't really feel it, maybe you're just lost in a game of intellectual abstraction


I don't know you, but I feel you represent the naivety many fall for. The internet is made of words not feelings. You go on the internet to escape feelings and the real world, so if you look for meaning here you will just become confused, you forget that this is just a distraction at heart. "Reacting to stimuli" is a horrible description of the world which I'm sure many of your friends and family would cringe at, if not down right not comprehend.

I will say maybe I'm going a bit to the extreme, I think there is much that will trigger a spiritual kind of rise in any person, but to all the long term lurkers, you already know what is up, you are just hiding from the real world. And not the world the internet makes the real world out to be… that's false too. I've been here too long


The thing about that is that even if you want to escape morality it will always pull you back in when you need it as a tool. Morality is a fundamental trait of human interaction. What you need to learn is that all interaction is selfish, so we do not need to make it that way from some blood sucking interaction with other where we perceive they are leaching some sort of energy off us, this doesn't exist. Op you want to learn to not be a slave to your emotions, not a slave to morality. When you want to get laid, you better know about morality, and how to use it, as all the tools of human interaction.


There is this motif of psychopath in media and I'd advise people like OP to dissect their relationship to it. There are crucial reasons for which some people feel sentiment to trope of a character with "deprogrammed morality".

Also, study the relationship of morality, ideals, and life force. Right now you take your drive in life for granted: There's libido that allowed to post you this thread. I'd say get into trance and ask your higher self to show you what your libido will be like after you successfully repress your morality through inflicting pain or through other means. It's very convenient to just assume you'll stay you as you are, except without morality. The very fact of how convenient this assumption is should light up a red light in your mind.



Damn two posts in and this guy won.

There's something amazing about Efukt that I can't explain. It isn't good or awful, but goes beyond both.

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