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>A man named "Augustus Sol Invictus" is running for the Libertarian Senate vote in Florida

>claims he was born to start a war (holy war upon the vestiges of the Old Aeon)

>Self-proclaimed nationalist

>Drank goats blood wandering through the Mojave desert

>>Ordo Templi Orientis kicked him out for sacrificing a live goat

>Libertarian party refuses to do anything about him

>Caused the chairman to resign

Fucking based

augustus sol invictus is like if a /fringe/ poster got a law degree




>A Call for Total Insurrection


>Augustus Sol Invictus, "Imperium as Political Philosophy"


>Francis Parker Yockey :: Imperium (1948)






>I have prophesied for years that I was born for a Great War; that if I did not witness the coming of the Second American Civil War I would begin it myself. Mark well: That day is fast coming upon you. On the New Moon of May, I shall disappear into the Wilderness. I will return bearing Revolution, or I will not return at all.

this drew the attention of the FBI

>"I will give you a war-engine. With it ye shall smite the peoples; and none shall stand before you. Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them! This is the Law of the Battle of Conquest." - LIBER LEGIS 3: 7-9

>"The Ritual of the Adoration of Ra-Hoor-Khuit is, as one might expect, illustrative of His nature. It seems doubtful whether this Ritual can ever be of the type of symbolic celebration; it appears rather as if expeditions against the heathen: i.e. Christians and other troglodytes – but most especially the parasites of man, the Jews – were to be His rite." - ALEISTER CROWLEY




Hail, Vindex, hail!


Libertarian is the only party in Florida worth voting for anyways


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>a guy too edgy for the OTO

damn, not bad.


I will only vote for him if he support the next weed vote in Florida. Btw, he is a defense attorney, I would want him as mine.



He's a thelemite libertarian, how do you think he's going to vote?



>Drank goats blood wandering through the Mojave desert

>>Ordo Templi Orientis kicked him out for sacrificing a live goat

^ his mind is infected with several viruses.

He makes it very easy to assume he's never heard of eliphas levi.

folk who push for war are backed by the bankers, only group who ever profits from blood on a field is a banker, including in agriculture.

This is like, tier 2 puppeteering and i can already see the fake-occultists jump on his cock.




>opinion worth regarding

pick one.



he's right in this case though



Are you from arizona?


he's voice is faggy as fuck



Or he could just have a different system. It is magick, even if you believe it is a science, it is not a hard one.


That accent and the way he talks makes it kind of hard to watch. Still its exciting to see a guy like this try running. Maybe he will get better at speaking over time.



He did an interview with The Daily Shoah and his speaking voice sounded much better.



The formation of empires and nations are all built from war. Therefore he is implying that empire and war serve bankers alone, which is remarkably stupid.



>OTO kicked him out

>once held the 'most wicked man in the world'

what happened



the same thing that happened to everyone The Jews


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Ave, true to Caesar.



>Q: Are you familiar with the work of Evola and Guenon? If so, what are your thoughts?


>Evola, yes. I appreciate his revaluation of occultism and his traditionalist perspectives, even though we may have our disagreements.

>Guenon, no, I am not famliar with his work.


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What is Augustus Invictus up to?


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