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I'm curious to see if you anons unclog your junk from all the trash so you wont be thinking all screwed up and your shit wont be all retarded, that maybe your energy will get a boost like in japanese anime where that one girl had to eat a special pure diet so she could talk to ghosts better or something.

would any anons be willing to try it out for a while? basically all you gotta do is drink spring water and eat beans/peas/raw nuts/seeds/fruits/vegetables for a few weeks and then come back to /fringe/ or /ckfitvegan/ (my board) and post how you feel.

some essential sticky threads to get started for anyone interested.




I am Not a doctor. ask your doctor before doing anything.


vegeterian->vegan->raw vegan->fruits->water->pure Prana



you mean in order of what you did?

drinking only water = malnutrition.



also what is prana? and how do you eat it?



You breath it.



what is prana?

is it going to bit me like that fish from the amazon?



small joke, I apologize.

I'm serious, what is it? how?


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>all screwed up and

>your shit be all retarded

That's me!



part of the post is a nod to the idiocracy movie.

I want to make everyone laugh a little bit, but besides that I want wizards to see if their powers are stronger while eating whole plant based foods.



Google it.


A lot of occult schools (particularly Eastern) advise a strict vegetarian diet.

I do not know if my powers are stronger while eating plant based foods because I don't have a comparison - I'm already a vegetarian (with mostly fruits in my diet). I can go carnivore for some time though.



>google it

why don't you tell me first hand from an experienced perspective? why does this board exist



Why don't I? Because I have no intention of spoonfeeding anyone.



lets just admit we are both being lazy right now.


honestly I looked it up, and it sounds like some made up joke. that's all I got from it. just saying.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I wouldn't expect anyone to blindly believe anything. Your outlook is a healthy one. Beliefs should be tested. If you want to test if there is any truth in prana, do some breathing exercises. Take it or leave it.



I started reading wikipedia and really got lost in an ocean of confusing "energy this" "son of something that" and all this mystic stuff, and I couldn't absorb any knowledge or information from it. That's why I was hoping you would tell me from your experienced opinion. the wiki's are not well put together. its very overwhelming.



Well, wiki is written from scholar point of view, and while studying concepts originating in different cultures scholar research is necessary, I agree that it sometimes (especially for novices) tends to cloud the matter rather than enlighten it.

Prana is a form of energy, but more subtle than any modern science can detect and harness. It sustains life. The main source of prana is breath and food, but mostly breath. The air is a vehicle of prana, via the act of breathing prana is absorbed. Were the air devoid of prana (but still containing oxygen) we would die. Special breathing in order to refine, store and move prana through body is called pranayama (although the term pranayama may refer to any breathing exercise), I posted the example in my previous post. Pranayama is one of the eight limbs of yoga.



hmmm sounds really interesting. I do agree that science is probably in its infancy and misses alot of things.

I will have to come back tommorrow possibly though.

thanks for the advice so far. Definitely want to investigate further.



my post disappeared..

trying again:

I agree that science definitely is missing alot of things and is far from solid so far, so I do have alot of interest in continuing my investigation and learning of what prana is all about and if I can do good things with it.

thanks for the advice, I might be on tomorrow. peace.



very funny 8chan. veryyyyy funny…..


Okay I'm back. so… prana…. pranyama…. and lama's.

besides the emporors new groove, what can you teach me about prana?


thread is dead. abandoning thread.



vegan is one of the steps to becoming a true god

meat -> vegetarian -> vegan -> raw vegan-> fruitarian -> liquidarian ->living on gases ( prana ) - > living on plasma ( life ) -> living since you realize and fully actualized all is you and you are all, why need to self-mutilate for sustenance.


After having cleaned myself up to a fruit based alkaline diet I decided to experiment with the effects of eating a cooked vegetarian diet again. I can truly say that food is used to mind control us. Every time I eat it starts to attack my organs, they are horribly swollen and always in pain. It also alters and modifies your emotional state bringing in wild spectrum emotions of anger, depression, fear, worry and others to continue the cycle of eating. It also dulls the mind and makes mental activities much more difficult. I have absolutely no energy on this diet and need to keep eating or else my body starts to enter detox and repair mode which is worse than eating the food. And the dehydration. I can't even say how immense it is. The worst part is how addictive this food is. It's more addictive than any drug I've ever been hooked onto more so than coffee or weed. My body and mind have been hijacked and no longer can my true self come out and manifest through these vessels/tools. This is causing my work to heavily suffer since it is of creative and artistic nature.

Start cleaning up your diet. Do it slow, I can't stress this enough. Don't go from meat eating to raw vegan or anything huge like that. Start by adding more vegetables or fruit into your diet slowly until you cut out cooked meals and then eventually reach the fruitarian level. After that you can start fasting and eating less and less because at that level you wont actually need food for energy. Food more or less just becomes a device to quell detox both physical and emotional. We'll all need to eventually reach the stage of breatharian to escape the toxic food of this world. Everyone needs to start experimenting and trying things out for themselves. If you've never even gone vegetarian than what true information or understanding do you have. Goodluck I say to you all.



>After that you can start fasting and eating less and less because at that level you wont actually need food for energy.

Kill yourself.jpg



I'm definitely going the breatharian route. Imagine how awesome that shit is. Plus you transcend the whole consumer predator and prey shit, next stop 4th density.


Anyone here drink soylent?



>After having cleaned myself up to a fruit based alkaline diet I decided to experiment with the effects of eating a cooked vegetarian diet again.

I just did the same thing after six months of being on fruit and I'm not really feeling much of a difference. In fact, my digestion has improved over the past week (one steamed meal a day, currently attributing this to the heat of the food). I was constipated for the past half year and tried a lot of different things but nothing really helped. I am currently doing further experimentation in the coming weeks to figure out what's up.



Trust me. You may not feel the difference that it being gradual changes. But if you go backwards in your diet you will know exactly what I'm talking about.


A lot of meditation retreats put people on vegetarian diets.

It's not that it makes you more powerful per se. Digesting meats temporarily ties up some of your energy and grounds you. If you want to focus down on meditation for a short period of time then going vegetarian (or fasting completely) is effective. I wouldn't do it over the long term unless you're certain you can suplement the vitamins and amino acids you miss out on by not eating meats. You can get even better results by doing your meditations in the late night/early morning though.

There is no broad consesus among mystics about dietary restrictions, except don't eat lots of sugar. Even that is purposefully violated in some cases.



Be mindful when you eat your food and pay conscious attention to the process of eating. Put your stamp of consciousness on everything that you eat, regardless of what it is.


Yall niggas need life energy



You practice the vipassana don't you boy.



No, I already know that vegan is worthless.



Unless you're going raw vegan, pretty much true.


New information: as long as you avoid processed non-food and get all your nutrients you'll be fine (not taking into account ethics and sustainability problems). You don't want to have deficiencies that later turn into illnesses and make your life harder than it should be. Food can steal a lot of energy from you if you obsess too much about it. Why are you feeding the food? Take it, love it, get nourished, and continue with your explorations.

Try different things and see what works for you. Everything else is noise at best.



Humans are one of the few really good omnivores because we often eat cooked food. For that reason, straightforward comparisons to typical carnivores and herbivores are typically flawed.

Its funny you mention energy. In fact, meat is one of the best foods for maintaining high energy levels and losing weight (the secret is to not be a fat ass and eat too many calories.) Meat provides lots of protein and fat which is essential for synthesizing muscles and gaining energy. The keto diet is actually a very good diet although some carbohydrates are okay.

Carbohydrates in excess (like sugar from fruits) are actually very bad for you. They make you weak, hungry, lazy and tired because they cause sudden spikes in insulin and sugar crashes.

Also, "spring water". That's retarded and a scam. H20 is all you need. Buy a water filter and or boil your water if want something purer.



>boil your water if want something purer

Don't boil flouridated water, it only makes it worse.

Just buy bottles from companies that are reported not to use flouride



Not true, exactly.

You can boil and distill the water and you would have no flouride. Just boiling it won't do anything.

Something interesting: http://chemistry.about.com/b/2013/04/04/can-you-remove-fluoride-by-boiling-water.htm

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