Humans are one of the few really good omnivores because we often eat cooked food. For that reason, straightforward comparisons to typical carnivores and herbivores are typically flawed.
Its funny you mention energy. In fact, meat is one of the best foods for maintaining high energy levels and losing weight (the secret is to not be a fat ass and eat too many calories.) Meat provides lots of protein and fat which is essential for synthesizing muscles and gaining energy. The keto diet is actually a very good diet although some carbohydrates are okay.
Carbohydrates in excess (like sugar from fruits) are actually very bad for you. They make you weak, hungry, lazy and tired because they cause sudden spikes in insulin and sugar crashes.
Also, "spring water". That's retarded and a scam. H20 is all you need. Buy a water filter and or boil your water if want something purer.