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File: 1444430379599.jpg (1.15 MB, 1296x1728, 3:4, poster2.jpg)


Greetings /fringe/, >>>/grim/ here.

I wanted to extend an invitation to you to the first annual /grim/ Halloween horror movie marathon - a month-long bi-weekly triple feature streaming event in celebration of the most magical and spooky time of the year. I'm going to be streaming a total of 24 fucking movies this year, many of which I can confirm as being great because I've seen them myself, some that I am seeing for the first time.

This week we're starting off in the beginnings of horror, with the German Expressionist film movement and the classic Universal Studios films inspired by them:

German Expressionism: 10/9/15

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari - 20:00 PST (UTC - 7:00)

15 min break

Nosferatu - 21:30 PST (UTC - 7:00)

15 min break

Vampyr - 23:20 PST (UTC - 7:00)

Classic Universal Horror: 10/10/15

Dracula - 20:00 PST (UTC - 7:00)

15 min break

Frankenstein - 21:40 PST (UTC - 7:00)

15 min break

The Black Cat - 22:05 PST (UTC - 7:00)

Check out this thread for the full schedule, and feel free to post suggestions for movies for the weeks following the next one (I still haven't decided entirely yet on what to stream for the 30th and 31st):


Streams at: connectcast.tv/n1x_

Hope to see you there. Sorry for the short notice or if I fucked up the UTC times.


FUCK FLOOD DETECTION HOLY SHIT___ This is the real link to the thread on /grim/:





File: 1444442920327.jpg (234.71 KB, 550x629, 550:629, HYPE.jpg)

Stream is starting in an hour. Get in here meatbags.


Next stream is starting. First up is Dracula.

(also I've fixed the stuttering issues)

fuck flood detection_


File: 1444641333580.gif (656.85 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 1412485834502.gif)

Sup fuckboys. There are more fun events coming up next weekend, courtesy of our friends at /nacht/:

This Saturday, 2015/10/17 at 2100 UTC (2 pm Pacific, 5 pm Eastern), I will screen:

2100 The Crazies (1973)

2258 The Human Centipede (2009)

0041 Young Frankenstein (1974)

-=Program Ends 0227=-

including 15 minute breaks between all films.




Saturday, 2015/10/17 at 2100 UTC (2 pm Pacific, 5 pm Eastern), though the music will start two hours prior to this.


This is just the opening act for >>>/grim/ and their Hammer Horror presentation. You are highly encouraged to join them after we're done here.

Filling the chat with MST3K-style riffing and snarking about the films is not only allowed, it is expected.

And don't forget to check out my stream. Next weekend is 1950's sci-fi and Hammer Horror

1950's Sci-Fi: 10/16/15

The Thing From Another World - 20:00 PST (UTC 03:00)

15 min break

Invasion of The Body Snatchers - 21:45 PST (UTC 04:45)

15 min break

Plan 9 From Outer Space - 23:20 PST (UTC 06:20)

Hammer Horror: 10/17/15

Horror of Dracula - 20:00 PST (03:00)

15 min break

The Curse of Frankenstein - 21:40 PST (UTC 04:40)

15 min break

The Plague of the Zombies - 23:15 PST (UTC -06:15)

Check out this thread for the full schedule, and feel free to post suggestions for movies for the weeks following the next one (I still haven't decided entirely yet on what to stream for the 30th and 31st):


Streams at: connectcast.tv/n1x_



sorry about that link; use this one: >>56381

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