Spiritual Videogames thread - we /v/ now! Nobody 10/11/15 (Sun) 19:13:46 No. 56525
As many of you know there is a shitton of greenpilled videogames. While they provide their spiritual info in a rather indirect way they are amazing at programming your perspective into being open to spiritual truths. While some are actually inspired by spiritual knowledge, holy scriptures or philosphical and psychological concepts, the majority of what you find in games is produced by the creators imaginations.
Many people heavily underestimate the amount of truth that can come from your imagination: Not only can your imagination itself sometimes be a gateway to the astral or to info from past lifes without you even knowing it, it can also be influenced by spirits easily as you don't control it, you draw from it. Of course that doesnt mean by far that any work of fiction is a work of truth - however, it's the same as when you look for good spiritual books: You dig your way through the info until you find something where you just feel it to be true - maybe because it makes a lot of sense to you or maybe just because, for some reason you cannot explain, you identifiy with it a lot.
What's different from books is that you actively find yourself within the world the imagination of the creator has created - so your experience is more immersive. On the other hand it also limits you in your imagination, of course: Two people reading the same fantasy book will have a completely different idea, for example, of how a Kobold looks like. In a game you can see it for yourself and your imagination only recieves but doesn't get to be creative itself. But everything has its pros and cons. And the big pro with games: They were made to be fun.
This thread is for sharing info about videogames you believe to be special and interesting for /fringe/ and of course also for you to discover some for yourself, suggested by others.
Personal list part 1 Nobody 10/11/15 (Sun) 19:44:32 No. 56527
Not sorted by relevance!
Undertale [PC]
A game about morals and friendship - or the complete lack of it. It's up to you! Has three major endings, don't play it just once. Really small MB-wise and uncomplicated gameplay.
Persona 4 [PS2]
Learning about your shadow self - the game! Also includes a metaphore for the astral realm, teaches you about the tarot, includes several spiritual deities… only problem is: It's long. Other than that a must-play for any spiritual gamer.
999 - Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors [Nintendo DS]
Half puzzle, half visual novel. This game is a mindfuck with several endings which are connected to each other. If I were to tell you what's spiritual about it I'd spoil the mindfuck for you - let it surprise you!
Chaos;Head [PC - Visual Novel]
Don't watch the anime, it's shit compared to the VN. VNs are more book with pictures combined with your decicions then actual games. This one plays with the line between illusion and reality - sounds magical? That's because it's deeper then you think.
Fate/stay night [PC - Visual Novel]
Speaking of VNs - here's another one. It's world revolves about magic and spirits of heroes of the past, present and future and their stories. Maybe you can learn from them a little bit? Has three routes - the second one recieved an well made anime a while ago but of course, the actual VN offers a deeper experience. There also is an anime-prequel to it called Fate/Zero which is amazing, too. It's sequel VN is also damn good if you stick to the main story.
Super Paper Mario [Nintendo Wii]
…wait, what? Yeah, I'm not joking. Behind this adventure for all age-groups hides a journey through the chakras. It'd take a thread of its own to explain that - let's just say each world stands for its own chakra. And, of course, it also plays with the idea of dimensions and what they are.
The Witcher [PC]
Iron-pilled as fuck game with an amazing atmosphere. It's focus is on you finding your path, finding out who you want to be - and who you want to be with.
ArmaII: DayZ Mod [PC]
Gotta put SOME multiplayer game in here. Of course, this has nothing to do with magic or okkult knowledge or anything like this. No. But this game will give you a great insight on human nature when fighting for survival - or simply having no purpose after survival is covered. Anyone who has played it long enough will know, what I mean. Maybe not really "spiritual", but you learn from it.
Any Final Fantasy
Almost all the Final Fantasy games deal with religion and the characters journeys to find themself. Not exclusively though: They also deal with topics like how humanity affects the planet.
Honorable mention: World of Warcraft - PC
This game is dead. But inside of it, especially hidden within it's in-game books and its lore, is so much spiritual and occult knowledge and symbolism it's crazy. And I always found it interesting to see certain trends in what kind of person tends to pick which kind of class - which had a big impact on what I'd call "class culture". Sadly, the golden days are long gone. If you were to join now it'd probably be too late.
Nobody 10/11/15 (Sun) 19:46:17 No. 56528
(Will post more as they come to mind - please share your own in the meantime, guys!)
10/12/15 (Mon) 05:25:07 No. 56560
Final Fantasy XII was amazing, and probably the most /fringe/ related of them, depending how you look at it.
But I haven't played all of them, or even most, so that's just my opinion.
Don't forget the KH series too, it really has its moments.
10/12/15 (Mon) 05:49:17 No. 56563
Yeah I've recently noticed HOW MANY videogames, animes, movies, music, books and just about everything and anything is full of esoteric wisdom and knowledge. I swear Japan is full of occultists. Go watch Highschool DxD or Trinity Seven for some occult related entertainment.
Once you start learning about mythology you can see the symbolism everywhere. I believe either a lot more people know about this stuff that we thought of that it naturally "leaks" out of people and is integrated into their art as a way of the true self trying to show its self. The story of humanity, our story is in everything.
10/12/15 (Mon) 05:59:03 No. 56564
Most of it is copied off other stuff though. Bland fantasy that's lost its roots
10/12/15 (Mon) 06:11:44 No. 56566
Oh hell yeah you just realized this? There shit is full of truth knowledge. Especially the cyberpunk shit. All kinds of shows and games talking about magic, how the catholic church is evil, ascension, false ideas of god and the devil, all kinds of shit. In fact you notice tons of things once you wake up. The universe is trying to wake the people up subtly.
10/12/15 (Mon) 06:12:07 No. 56567
10/12/15 (Mon) 06:13:22 No. 56568
As they say, everything is just recycled from the past.
10/12/15 (Mon) 13:02:15 No. 56595
Don't forget how Animes like DBZ and Naruto spark interest in real magic, that is energy work/psionics.
10/12/15 (Mon) 13:06:00 No. 56596
Yeah from what I've seen in the energy cultivation communities about half of the people have been brought there from animes like DBZ.
Nobody 10/12/15 (Mon) 14:11:38 No. 56601
Especially the ideas about ascencion I find personally interesting and tried to recreate rituals through them as they are rather… consistant through many different games.
1) Gain enough "XP"
2) Gather ascencion materials / stuff neccessary for the ritual
3) Be at a location symbolic for your spiritual purpose or have symbolic things at your ritual. Magical circles / sigils can get the job done, too.
4) D҉IE͠ . Or, you know, have some near-death experience. (Or get barely saved by some old man who then tells you the truth about the world and puts you through some ascencion ritual - bonus points if that old man is a dragon.)
5. ???
However, my attemt at this failed. Plus this is kiiinda going a bit off-topic.
Just like discussions about anime and movies. I wondered if I should make a thread about that, too - then again then I would spam /fringe/ with three threads at once. So someone else can do it. ;^)
SAGE! 10/12/15 (Mon) 14:19:32 No. 56605
i think youre confusing spiritual with mystical
10/12/15 (Mon) 14:23:04 No. 56606
Feel free to keep creating. Chances are if it's a thread on topic of esoteric information it's better than half the junk that's posted here.
Nobody 10/12/15 (Mon) 14:27:49 No. 56607
>morality, shadow-selfes, astral realm, morphogenic fields, turning illusions physical, chakras, finding your path, human nature, spirituality VS religion
Shit, you are right, none of this is spiritual. But I just realized I can't delete threads. Fuck. I am so sorry.
10/12/15 (Mon) 14:35:54 No. 56608
I'll add a few:
Xenoblade Chronicles (new 3DS - Wii)
JRPG about 50 hours long if you skip sidequests. Story's about fate/freewill, egos, world creation and 'gods'.
Assassin's Creed (First one - X360 - PS3 - PC)
Been long since I played this one, but IIRC it had quite lenghty discussions, more philosofical than mythical tho.
Read that the Elder Scrolls series contained a lot of ocultism in their earlier games, up until III IIRC. Never played them for myself. Will post some more when I find them.
I agree there are better sources for this, and a lot of it is crap. But same can be said about almost everything. It has it's merits and I would have doubted I would've been on this path if I was a sport-junkie instead of into vidyas.
Nobody 10/12/15 (Mon) 15:16:38 No. 56610
Shit how did I forget AC.
Creation of humanity, atlantis, philosophy, freedom VS control…
Would have been more than worthy to be in my "stuff that first comes to mind"-list!
10/12/15 (Mon) 15:59:25 No. 56611
not to mention i'm p. sure it was based on the assassins of Hassan i Sabbah (nothing is true, everything is permitted)
10/12/15 (Mon) 16:03:45 No. 56612
Is this fringe or just kids messing with "occult ideas" ?
99% of the games you speakof are made by "mundane" who put "occult belief" into their game because it "sound cool"
Most of it don't have any meaning it's always the same old shit recycled ever and ever and the symbolism is just a mismash of the same old Tarot card/nordic mythology/biblical shit out of context especially with JRPG.
Yeah games/animes are great to attract some people to the occult, but that's all.
You will learn way more in a night more by reading "Reing of quatity and sign of the time" ( http://rexresearch.com/articles2/ReneGuenonReignofQuantity.pdf ) than playing 50 hours of Xenogears which is full of Kaballah name dropping, evil conspiracy from 10 000 years ago, killing a false god which sound cool and edgy at first but doesn't contain any real knowledge.
10/12/15 (Mon) 16:53:32 No. 56616
I agree that most of it is bull, especially if you compare it in the form of 'information gained' vs 'time spend' with games and books/lectures/etc..
But I remember playing Majora's Mask when I was somewhere in my teens, and somewhere in the game it intiated a chain of thoughts about egos and how everyone seem to have different ones of them on different times. Something I didn't fully understand until I was reading about the Fouth Way a few years back, and getting a even better grasp on it a few months back. But it always have been a concept I've had in the back of my mind since playing that game.
I believe great wisdom or understanding can be extracted from the words of a fool.
Not to disregard the book you have linked. But if someone linked me a book with some new-age bullcrap, I might have had learned more by playing a game, where the book may have learned me false-truths, which in the end would be even worse. But this works the same vice-versa.
Yep probably one of the things that pushed me further into conspiracy stuff.
Will post more if I think of any.
10/12/15 (Mon) 17:07:29 No. 56618
>Rene guenon
>New age bullcrap.
Man, I often see Evola quoted here (probably because he was a /pol/ack) but did fringe know that he borrowed all his ideas from Guenon. (and mixing it with his nationalist beliefs)
10/13/15 (Tue) 07:45:34 No. 56708
>he borrowed all his ideas from Guenon
This is unfair cheapening of Evola. Just because they both belong to the Traditionalism school does not make him a plagiarist. His work on Buddhism alone is testament to his original insight. (As far as anything in traditionalism can be called ‘original’)
There were healthy disagreements between the two as well, mainly the need for an intact tradition for genuine initiations.
>his nationalist beliefs
I can see how such an assumptions could come about from how individuals on /pol/ took a very superficial reading of his ‘political’ works but it is hardly the case, Evola is not a nationalist by any stretch of the word.
Nobody 10/13/15 (Tue) 15:44:49 No. 56739
The thing is deep down, you already know most of the knowledge that you find within those games. You just need to remember - and a scene that you are actively immersed in can be a very strong trigger for this. It can start a chain reaction of spiritual insights. The knowledge in the game itself does not have to be equal to that of a book, it makes up for that with its immersion. You just gotta keep an open mind - as cliché as this sentence might be.
10/13/15 (Tue) 19:09:10 No. 56747
Wasn't aiming at your book with that post at all.
They're cliché for a reason.
10/13/15 (Tue) 21:27:35 No. 56761
These "games" mentioned hold far more liberating ideas and spiritual truths than these shitty "occult" books which are pure crap 90% of the time.
10/13/15 (Tue) 23:17:46 No. 56765
I hear people say this a lot and I am wondering. Does this include some of the books in the mega? They seem quite fine to me.
10/14/15 (Wed) 01:12:17 No. 56775
Apart from The Book Of Knowledge, Atkinson, Bruce and possibly even Bardon hardly any books in the megas are great.
10/14/15 (Wed) 01:35:34 No. 56777
90% occult is shit is just a /fringe/ meme for all intensive purposes. The effectiveness of magic is all about how you use your mind so you can technically do anything and make it work. Even if something "fundamentally" would not work. But there is no such thing as that if you truly understand what this science is and how it works.
10/14/15 (Wed) 01:38:55 No. 56778
It's not even a meme. It's just one guy saying it over and over. It's not like there's more than 10-20 active posters here.
10/14/15 (Wed) 01:53:37 No. 56780
I don't know if it will be like that forever, the wave has been long coming after all. We could raise a formidable army if more people had access to legit information.
10/14/15 (Wed) 02:49:44 No. 56782
I'm quite aware. I just try to use words poetically and not precise. But english is a difficult language for that so oh well.
10/14/15 (Wed) 12:21:00 No. 56796
>These "games" mentioned hold far more liberating ideas and spiritual truths than these shitty "occult" books which are pure crap 90% of the time.
Yeah kill god, become master of your own destiny and shit like that.
Games are the product of our times and we live in the twilight of the kali yuga. It's full of luciferian shit that's all.
Remember they are made by japan, one of the most degenerate country on earth.
10/14/15 (Wed) 12:39:51 No. 56799
I always wonder if the people who say that Evola is /pol/ tier ever read his works.
His writing style is barely readable and he doesn't approve of neither Nationalism nor Fascism, rather he promotes the apolitical approach to life, where his traditional man just sort of drifts through life without even trying to change anything about the world he lives in.
The number of /pol/ posters who actually read the books in the book reading threads can probably be counted on two hands hand and I'm one.
Really disappointing.
10/16/15 (Fri) 00:56:37 No. 56926
>spiritual games
OP you are an idiot.
Go play Persona 1 & P2 Innocent Sin and P2: Eternal Punishment.
Serioussssly, the first two Personas aren't about magical friendships, it's about the fucking Jungian mysticism with a much better written story about "shadow selves".
It has fucking Hitler, and reality tunnels are a major theme in the P2 duology (as well as something approaching the World Maker ritual and occult forces controlling media)
Persona 4 is so light on occultism I want to call you a fraud.
Undertale is tumblr shit that has nothing to do with occultism. In fact most of your list is a fucking travesty.
Ultima has better examples of occultism and occultic elements than fucking World of Warcraft.
10/16/15 (Fri) 00:58:02 No. 56927
Oh, the classic "Darklands" has you in folkloric middle ages Germany, and has a shit ton of real world lore themes.
The fucking final boss is the Baphomet and the Templar for christ sakes.
10/16/15 (Fri) 01:27:07 No. 56932
>the Eternal Punishment psp remake will never be localized
The Innocent Sin remake was fantastic though. I'm glad we at least got that.
OP should try to play both of them regardless.
>Undertale is tumblr shit that has nothing to do with occultism.
While Undertale isn't occult by any means, it's still a fun, creative game. Music is solid, there's some good laughs, and some rewarding and difficult boss battles. It's at least worth pirating.
As for occulti/spiritual vidya, I feel these two anons >>56612
>>56616 make the best points regarding them.
10/16/15 (Fri) 01:36:29 No. 56933
Shit, my first few sentences are really terrible, time to restate my opinion. I'm still salty that the EP remake was never localized, and probably never will be; however, >the Innocent Sin remake was fantastic and I'm glad we at least got that.
Hopefully that's a more fluid chain of statements.
10/16/15 (Fri) 02:09:42 No. 56940
Undertale has absolutely nothing to do with the occult, it's about as relevant as bringing up Call of Duty Black Ops VIII.
SMT in general has a ton of snippets and actual references to demon mythos/lore than any of the games he listed. Strange Journey, The original SNES, etc etc even contain what are pretty decent cameo appearances from Goetic demons and etc.
Even the Law/Chaos factions in SMT contain very basic ideas that will at least entertain and encourage someone to read more occult mythos.
triggered my autism, sorry
10/16/15 (Fri) 02:43:45 No. 56946
Any games with Demiurge like end bosses? Phantasy Star comes to mind. What are some Gnostic type games out there? Luminous Arc was pretty interesting with the whole evil catholic church and witches are actually trying to save the world.
10/16/15 (Fri) 03:09:36 No. 56948
Jesus fucking christ I can't believe what I just fucking realized hoooly shit.
One of the fucking characters names.
10/16/15 (Fri) 03:45:59 No. 56951
Phantasy Star I and II are great, no time for for rape mazes these days however.
>church is evil, occultism/nature is gud
all of them?
10/16/15 (Fri) 06:46:54 No. 56960
Whatever game stories are synonymous to the good ol tale of the Demiurge. I'm thinking more Japanese games though. I know there has to be some good dungeon crawler games out there with decent lore or at least similar type of legend.
10/16/15 (Fri) 17:13:53 No. 56993
10/16/15 (Fri) 18:02:52 No. 56996
There's an anime movie called Laws of the Sun that you might find interesting. It's no longer on Youtube now, so I have no link.
10/16/15 (Fri) 20:23:04 No. 57004
>Undertale has absolutely nothing to do with the occult
That's exactly what I said.
>While Undertale isn't occult by any means…
10/16/15 (Fri) 20:48:38 No. 57007
>Honorable mention: World of Warcraft - PC
>" This game is dead. If you were to join now it'd probably be too late. "
It is definitely not too late. A near perfect (blizzlike) classic WoW server is launching nearly 20 hours from the time I post. If you want that pure vanilla experience this is the best opportunity. Warlock lore and quest lines would be of particular interest to a lot of you. The server is completely free with no donation perks whatsoever. Come join us on Nostalrius(PVE), I will be there.
P.S. To those who might think that a PvP server is more desirable, keep in mind that it maintains a 6-8k population 24 hours a day, and BRs love to camp lowbies. Many players are migrating for a more mature community.
10/16/15 (Fri) 21:02:26 No. 57008
Obviously, but the question is, why even mention it?
I feel the whole point of introducing games with "spiritual" thematics is to entice people into looking into what are semi-faithfully adapted strains of thought in genuine occultism.
SMT for example has LAW led by YHVH, the colors of LAW is Blue and White (colors of Israel), usually all about the chosen people, governments meant to subjugate the lesser people, YHVH monopolizing the attention of pagan gods, America and what represents etc etc
Chaos being well, Chaos. But also have a paradoxical parallel in nationalist movements, (/pol/, Yukio Mishima stand-in in SMT1)
Those are the kinds of games you should be directing people towards. Persona 4/Undertale for example are the spiritual equivalent of new age tripe.
I almost feel like you may be harming people by directing them into normalfag tier games with half-baked spiritualism.
10/16/15 (Fri) 21:21:57 No. 57013
Another thing that occurred to me, is that for a bunch of Japanese they seem to genuinely know their stuff.
Look at the subtext behind demon summoning in the SMT games.
As long as you are a "Neutral" alignment character (characterized roughly as a hermetic/tao philosophically and half generic moral fag protagonist) you can summon any and all demons from both "LAW" and "Chaos".
With each level of the character, you in turn can summon more and more powerful demons (whom can be both demons, angels, paganistic, goetic, etc).
Most bosses and challenges can be overcome by leveling up your character and crafting the perfect party of demons in order to progress through the game. You can select which ever path you like to achieve the end.
It's probably just normal RPG mechanics, but I really do wonder if Kaneko had some idea of crowley-esque occult stuff they applied to the series.
10/16/15 (Fri) 21:46:55 No. 57019
Though there are a lot of occult themes in video games, a lot of times they're more style than substance. Items thrown in because they sound appropriately spooky or whatever. Though, a broken clock is right twice a day, and, even fools can produce words of wisdom at times. So despite the shallow nature of many games, they can nevertheless serve as a springboard to prime people's minds to accept the real thing when they find it.
>And I always found it interesting to see certain trends in what kind of person tends to pick which kind of class - which had a big impact on what I'd call "class culture".
While I was playing WoW, I found that the warlock class culture was pretty welcoming. The class forums were mostly helpful, as were the players I encountered in game. In each of my raid groups, there was never any drama between warlocks. It was odd, because I never noticed the same sort of camaraderie among the other classes.
Beyond the common connection of meeting in basements to learn forbidden lore, mechanically, the class was fairly diverse and required a certain amount of finesse to master. The fear spells encouraged warlocks to be a bit more spatially aware than other classes, while the DoTs and life leech spells encouraged the player to tackle more difficult opponents than other classes of the same level.
Mah~ Now I'm thinking about rolling on a private server or grabbing FFXIV
The Elder Scrolls is a good choice. Though certain elements were watered down for TES:IV/V, they're still present when you dig. The next title, being set in Black Marsh, might see them paying more attention to these elements of the series due to the nature of the Hist trees and their connection to Sithis.
10/16/15 (Fri) 22:47:01 No. 57025
everything i know about kabalah i learned from watching eva xd
SAGE! 10/16/15 (Fri) 22:47:02 No. 57026
Not /fringe/. Stop doing the shill's work for them.
10/17/15 (Sat) 12:42:07 No. 57108
Bump because top threads are shit.
10/17/15 (Sat) 18:08:01 No. 57135
Arx fatalis has plenty, even has alot of books inside the game that is dropping knowledge, albeit changed wording.
I'll try to upload some pics if I can BA
10/19/15 (Mon) 03:21:34 No. 57296
No list is complete without the incredible Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines.
10/19/15 (Mon) 04:40:16 No. 57313
Top kek, shill.
It's the game equivalent of shitposting and boils down to leftist political propaganda and a waifu/dating simulator for furries. One of the characters is literally the self-insert of a kikestarter backer.
At best, the /fringe/ element here is how it works like some MKULTRA mind control shit, changing the people who play it to forget/ignore any game they liked prior and replace any favorites with this piece of shit.
10/19/15 (Mon) 07:53:26 No. 57331
Probably not the Legacy of Kain saga, although those games were great. I played Soul Reaver a million times, and never got bored.
Now I want to play it again
10/21/15 (Wed) 09:29:19 No. 57697
Star Wars surprisingly enough I have found to be "based". if you really watch the movies theres some good quotes in there. I was watching EP1(lol) and this shit hit me.
"Always remember, your focus determines your reality".
Yoda has some good shit too. "Do or do not, there is no try". He tells Luke when he is training him "he must unlearn everything he has learned" to overcome the limitations of his mind.
In another scene Yoda says never to neglect the present in favor of the future. Aka constant consciousness of what you are doing. In constant control. A clear mind.
The whole "force" concept has many similarities with "magic". The Jedi in general are the embodiment of a warrior-priest elite class. Although I've always been more partial to the Sith.
I figured it was worth a mention as most western shit is extremely bluepilled. Japanese media on the otherhand has redpills out the shitter. Almost every anime is full of esoteric redpills. Even shit like Legend of Zelda gets my stamp of approval. Most likely because of the lack of jews, and/or an abrahamic religion.
10/21/15 (Wed) 09:34:54 No. 57698
I thought I was the only one who noticed this. Yeah pretty much all the star wars movies can be applied to all kinds of spiritual and esoteric shit.
10/23/15 (Fri) 23:48:51 No. 58059
10/24/15 (Sat) 06:47:27 No. 58087
Umineko No Naku Koro Ni is /fringe/ the VN. Contains numerous direct references to Western Occult magic / grimories / demonology
10/24/15 (Sat) 15:06:46 No. 58113
>western occult "magic"
10/24/15 (Sat) 19:48:43 No. 58139
Most videogames are just misquoting occult shit their authors read when they were young or they're just based upon concepts from the societies these people lived in
So why not instead of playing videogames to "learn" , just go to the books and writings from which these people obtained all their ideas
10/24/15 (Sat) 20:23:23 No. 58148
Shitty books contain no knowledge. Videogames are just as good, if not even better.
10/25/15 (Sun) 05:29:18 No. 58176
>The Witcher
>Spills spaghetti whenever a woman is nearby making you the complete opposite of "iron-pilled"
>Supporting propaganda trash
>Supporting any video games other than one with no story-line and great mechanics
>Supporting THE most time consuming type of game: MMORPG
Games are for entertainment, not life lessons. You are supposed to make this journey for yourself. Just like TV and news, it's a slippery slope.
If you play a game for it's story then it's time for you to pick up a book. You're not even a nerd for playing video-games; you're worse - a "GEEK XDDDD!!!!111."
10/25/15 (Sun) 07:11:35 No. 58183
You have no idea how to extract essences from video games.
10/25/15 (Sun) 08:26:29 No. 58197
>Is this fringe or just kids messing with "occult ideas" ?
There's a difference?
SAGE! 10/25/15 (Sun) 13:11:26 No. 58225
>posting Guenon
I already like you.
Sage because shit thread tho
10/25/15 (Sun) 18:47:35 No. 58240
so because shitty books are shit you decided to play videogames? lol son
10/25/15 (Sun) 19:47:29 No. 58243
It's not about that, of course the creators of these things don't know what they are expressing.
It's what the neophyte can gain, that others cannot. To some people, a video game is just a game. To others, it is an expression of occult and divine truth.
Be the person who Can see the face of God everywhere, and you will be well on your way to real understanding.
10/25/15 (Sun) 21:02:27 No. 58248
>Fate/stay night
Picrelated is far more fringe
10/25/15 (Sun) 23:49:46 No. 58267
Any game where you actually go into the astral? All I know is that yume nikki as a nexus in it which until I came here didn't know that was a real thing you can make.
10/27/15 (Tue) 01:18:02 No. 58354
Morrowind has to be mentioned at least once, moreso than any other game in the series. Michael Kirkbride, the writer for most of the lore, is a legend and has a great deal more occult knowledge than any other gamedev I have encountered. Instead of a world that is painfully cobbled together out of esoteric buzzwords and modernised mythical entities, he has created a world that is carefully infused with references to occult teachings. He has put his own spin on it, of course, but this is a game where you have to pay attention if you want to uncover the esoteric side instead of just falling into a trance and spamming attacks at various angel-monsters.
Particularly anything to do with the Tribunal Temple, Dunmeri history, Dagoth Ur, the creation myths, and the 36 Lessons are worth paying attention to.
11/07/15 (Sat) 18:38:04 No. 59860
Come on, there has to be more games then this. I love this kind of stuff.
11/08/15 (Sun) 21:43:29 No. 60015
Clive Barker: Undying, and Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
These may not contain esoteric knowledge, but fuck these are way better than any of the new titles coming out in 2015, Call of Cthulhu is especially good because of the element of puzzles, you have to think your wait out in some situations, also, Lovecraftian themes are always nice.
Also, if what Bearheart said was true and Lovecraftian-like beings really do exist, then all the more reason to play this game, might be a bit difficult at some times but hey, who doesn't like a good challenge. 9/10
11/09/15 (Mon) 00:10:02 No. 60027
>muh bearheart
Has this community gone completely nuts?
11/09/15 (Mon) 00:18:58 No. 60028
IF it's true. But im kinda skeptic about it
11/09/15 (Mon) 00:37:29 No. 60029
Everything imaginable "exists", just not necessarily right here.
11/09/15 (Mon) 00:42:54 No. 60030
Im know they do exist as thoughtforms, but some say they existed even before us.
11/09/15 (Mon) 07:24:02 No. 60057
Absolutely agree with this. Great game too.
11/09/15 (Mon) 22:25:30 No. 60136
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Silly thread. You will be chasing maya and made up shit if you take video games or their 'lore' literally.
I was obsessed with Diablo 2 as a youth. Felt good. Then I went on to discover Spiritual Satanism. Coincidence? Hardly.
Thus, through allegory you will be guided aright in destiny. Time to become the new barbarians.
11/10/15 (Tue) 04:16:35 No. 60176
Why would anyone take video game lore literally…
11/10/15 (Tue) 05:27:45 No. 60182
11/10/15 (Tue) 11:59:16 No. 60211
It makes no difference to believe in video game lore or all the crap bullshit "occultists" made up.
11/10/15 (Tue) 20:24:02 No. 60267
Well, the lore is separate in that. As the legends behind each culture and gods and spirits are what make up the egregore. Occultism spreads to all mysticism.
11/11/15 (Wed) 01:14:34 No. 60299
That's the impression I got from skimming OP's post, that people were that naive.
What the fuck did you just say?
11/11/15 (Wed) 01:19:57 No. 60300
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines is a must have for anyone
its exactly a simulator of rpg city life in 1985-1995 in Santa Monica, with many occultic references, it's simply a masterpiece
I've played some Dragon Age Origins which had some basic lore, but Dragon Age Inquisition brings a lot of bitter Eye/Pyramid/Masonic symbolism
11/11/15 (Wed) 16:47:19 No. 60386
Bloodlines has many refrences to blood magick that unconected by language or time all have similar spells (blood shot, exploding hearts). There is an ere similarity between the fiction of blood magick that is from foreign races. Even the mythos of the vampire goddess is present in all races mythos. Very interesting.
Phantom dust is a post apocalyptic game for the cbox where everyone has magick powers and battles in arenas for entertainment while living in bomb shelters.
11/13/15 (Fri) 07:41:11 No. 60724
>ArmaII: DayZ Mod [PC]
>Gotta put SOME multiplayer game in here. Of course, this has nothing to do with magic or okkult knowledge or anything like this. No. But this game will give you a great insight on human nature when fighting for survival - or simply having no purpose after survival is covered. Anyone who has played it long enough will know, what I mean. Maybe not really "spiritual", but you learn from it.
you can't be serious, can you?
it's an FPS like any other and there is no point in being peaceful, it's an energy drain like most games of the genre
> no Minecraft
11/14/15 (Sat) 00:19:05 No. 60876
11/14/15 (Sat) 08:16:52 No. 60913
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised no one has mentioned Illusion of Gaia; but I think it's probably one of the most spiritual RPGs ever made. Final Fantasy3/6 is very close, as is Morrowind.
11/17/15 (Tue) 01:33:53 No. 61205
11/25/15 (Wed) 17:43:58 No. 61959
Kru !bqNTtjs6XQ 11/25/15 (Wed) 18:53:25 No. 61991
oh yeah, I forgot about that one.
So that's the reason I'm emotionally attached to that game so much despite feeling it's not like "that great"/not playing it at a time where I would have gotten so attached to it/didn't get attached to other games of the like.
or maybe I'm just making that up right now because I'm feeling an emotion and attributing it to a song in the game I can recall.
Anyway, Soul Blazer, IoG and Terranigma were sort of a trilogy, from what I've heard.
Kru !bqNTtjs6XQ 11/25/15 (Wed) 19:02:39 No. 61995
>Fate/stay night
I thought the 1st route had an anime from a few years ago too.
UBW rules tho.
I wasn't too interested in this thread bc I'm pretty done with videogames, as I don't believe they'll help me progress, and I'm attempting to finish anything that's "unprogress". I suppose even posting in this thread isn't something I should be doing!
11/25/15 (Wed) 19:19:10 No. 62000
You're the biggest faggot on /fringe/.
Kru !bqNTtjs6XQ SAGE! 11/25/15 (Wed) 19:33:15 No. 62004
"If someone does not accept your gift to whom does the gift belong?"
Nice get.
11/26/15 (Thu) 12:22:02 No. 62093
Was it the song that would play when you would save and quit? That song has always seemed very powerful.
Also I've heard Terranigma is the most spiritual of the three; but I've yet to find a copy I could play.
11/26/15 (Thu) 19:33:54 No. 62127
Fate: Zero and the new UBW route anime is good but I definetly recommend playing the VN instead.
Also, all this hate on Undertale. Yes, tumblr is shitting all over it, the community is cancer. But the game in itself is well made.
If you expect anything occult or magick you got the wrong idea though, it's more about perspective on morality - which is a big deal in spirituality, too. Not when it comes to magickal abilities or anything like that but to a perspective on "what do I do with my power?".
But if you don't like it it's cool too, everyone is allowed to have their own taste, don't go all /v/ with the "STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE" thing. I thought you guys were better than this.
Kru !/49HvHXCOk 11/27/15 (Fri) 01:40:22 No. 62153
just get it on emulator, if you really wanna play it. that's how I did it, anyway.
Yeah I did the VN.
UBW was my fav route, though I liked Saber better than Rin as a match for Shirou. I dunno if I still would think so. Maybe I thought so because the Fate route had a somewhat tragic end for her.
Heaven's Feel was too twisted for me to like, even if it did have some cool stuff.
Plus, UBW was the coolest power. I don't remember which route had Lancer throw Gae Bolg through most of Rho Aius but I love the concept of Gae Bolg, the way he screamed it (or the way I remember/audialise it in my head it, anyway) and have used it in a lucid dream to fight something.
An unavoidable hit.
Kru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 11/27/15 (Fri) 01:42:37 No. 62154
No, I think it was a song that played after defeating a boss, and I remember it played when wandering I think through a tower that led to the last boss? or near the end, anyway.
I remember that song you mention though. Interesting, considering I do not remember any other songs except maybe the boss theme (but it could be any number of other games' boss theme I'm remembering).
11/27/15 (Fri) 06:12:10 No. 62166
Kru !bqNTtjs6XQ 11/27/15 (Fri) 08:36:56 No. 62172
>autism the thread
>on autism the board
>on autism the site
>that spawned because the other one became too pc for autism
11/28/15 (Sat) 10:05:55 No. 62239
Search for "Deo Gratias". Gnostic as fuck.
12/02/15 (Wed) 19:01:58 No. 62740
Penumbra series.
It's more than a fucking game. Very scary, suitable for testing whether or not you can transmute fear into courage. The storyline is the best thing ever in a videogame, it gets you immersed pretty quickly, it's not just a horror game with jumpscares. Fair amount of puzzles just so you can stop for a while and rest from running away from the monsters all time.
Makes you wonder about conpects such as working together with others versus working for yourself as a individual. In the end you actually astrally project into your mind, and this is where these beforementioned concepts are tested, the aliens let you progress further in the game if you do the right things. An emotional rollercoaster because you go looking for people only to see them die, while the entity manipulates the way you see reality in order to fuck with you. Probably a loosh farmer.
You make some choices you regret, taking you an a real feel trip because the game makes you feel unsafe, fearful, lost, disoriented and insane.
There are three games in the series: Overture, Black Plague and Requiem. The fourth game is a total conversion mod for Amnesia: The Dark Descent.
I'm still playing that one. I hope Phillip finally gets out of that goddamn shelter and gets to see some flowers and berries. Who knows what the ending will bring us.
10/10, best game ever.
12/03/15 (Thu) 21:21:34 No. 62820
I don't really have the patience to read all the answers but:
That lore is written by a full green-pilled dude.
Too bad his contribution is almost exclusively in the books.
Basically, all you see in the game has an occult reason to be, even if 99% of the players will miss it completely.
12/03/15 (Thu) 21:38:01 No. 62822
To my last line I could as well add:
- Just like real life.
Anyway, what I forgot to say is that the game itself doesn't revolt around these concepts in an explicit manner, so you could just head to the books online and start checking out the lore.
02/20/16 (Sat) 21:05:33 No. 70867
I liked a lot of the concepts in the souls games though for me a lot of it is head canon. A lot of D&D games have cool concepts. E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy had some neat stuff in it. Dominions games have a fucking ton of neat occult stuff in them. And as mentioned a couple of times already, Vampire The Masquerade:Bloodlines was amazing. I did a Tremere playthrough first and it immediately became one of my favorites, going to go back soon and do a Malkavian playthrough.
02/20/16 (Sat) 23:59:03 No. 70881
If /fringe/ made a game what would the setting be?
I'd probably go for something like Vampire The Masquerade:Bloodlines with as many extra races, cults, and artifacts as I could fit. I'd make Keku be the only thing that wasn't real and laughed at universally.
02/21/16 (Sun) 01:13:40 No. 70884
I guess a game about astral projection would be interesting. Like, for example, the MC is a kid who always APs at night. At first the kid (and the player) only think those are dreams until you realize that you actually affect reality with what you do there. This then causes the kid to try to do "good" or "evil" with this power, which turns out to be much harder then he thinks, no matter what path the player actually chooses.
Anyone else wanna come up with how this story would proceed?
02/21/16 (Sun) 02:15:40 No. 70885
Psychonauts was about astral projection, but it was also complete trash.
tipp 02/21/16 (Sun) 13:14:04 No. 70908
Chim chim, not vidya but a couple of fantasy book writers have done a good job subtly greenpilling since the sixties.
02/21/16 (Sun) 13:50:07 No. 70914
I'd have the MC accidentally take part in a serial killing. He tries to stop the next several from happening, but fails. He begins to question whether or not he is the killer.
!/49HvHXCOk 02/23/16 (Tue) 01:04:03 No. 71098
I mean, I could do that but if I'm reading a book about game lore why not skip that and read a book about magic to begin with
02/28/16 (Sun) 05:32:54 No. 71382
I cant seriously believe how many of you guys despise video games, remind me of those faggets who refuses sex because durr hurr, flesh pleasure its bad for the spirit.
Personally im a fan of the Final Fantasy series, and the FF13-1 to 13-3 where awesome, love the lore of challenging the path the so called gods have set for you, then trying to become as powerful as them and finally defeating them and setting your own path at will.
FFX (1 &2) were the best in terms of fighting the demigure and hypocrisy of church.
The whole franchise of Tales Of — is also a good example of good occult writing in terms of self improvement, your own been as the biggest obstacle and sacrifice of the easiest path in favor of more wisdom.
As some anons have said before the elder scrolls also have a creepily amount of occult information, i could swear that the Deidric Prince of Wisdom and Madness is a combo of Chutulu and Dantalion, but not just that kind of stuff, subtler stuff like how do you make pacts with the deities and how the ultimate exchange they ask you its not a mortal world offer but your trust and loyalty in soul.
02/28/16 (Sun) 13:14:35 No. 71392
Yeah what's the deal with that? A simple 2D game with 8 hours of gameplay doesn't easily get a fanbase that large, and much less such a devoted one, it doesn't seem to be stopping either, it's actually still growing.
I doubt the furfag appeal is taking it that far.
SAGE! 02/28/16 (Sun) 13:35:04 No. 71393
the creator is pals with a lot of game journos and encouraged astroturfing via dumblr. once you get past the tipping point actually absolutely any shit whatsoever can become famous and/or popular.
sage for off topic
02/29/16 (Mon) 12:31:58 No. 71449
>undertale having morality
>includes LGBT characters
SAGE! 03/01/16 (Tue) 19:54:32 No. 71553
>morality is whatever my christcucks parents told me
come back when you're over 18, stay on 4/y/ till then
03/05/16 (Sat) 20:24:27 No. 71874
Final Fantasy X/X-2:
>ancient civilizations that were vastly superior
>official history is filled with lies, people are turned into loyal sheeple by the government and its puppets
>tulpas/dreams are manifested into reality
>immortality is achieved by individuals
>emotions playing a major key role
>astral worlds
Final Fantasy games aren't just "games".
03/06/16 (Sun) 00:32:39 No. 71891
there's this war going on and anon browsing fringe needs to finally see everyone depends on him and his game because it's his turn to pass it on. the entirety of magic has been right here all along
03/06/16 (Sun) 21:47:07 No. 71940
>come back when you're over 18
>posts picture of Aleister Cuckly
>le shit on ur dick xDD
03/07/16 (Mon) 18:11:12 No. 72001
It occurs to me that Persona 2 forcasted meme magic. Do you think that urban legends, "conspiracy theories," unearthed occult lore, rumors and shitposting could actually immanentize the eschaton IRL. Fuck me, I hope not. Persona 2 was a warning, but the world treats it like a fucking guidebook.
03/08/16 (Tue) 00:03:32 No. 72030
>persona 2 forcasted meme magic
They knew about "meme magic" in the renaissance.
It's a fun game with fun characters, good music and a decent story. Not /fringe/, though.
03/17/16 (Thu) 00:59:44 No. 72556
mmm. going off Elderscrolls look up the words "Chim" "Amaranth" "anu" "Shezarine" These all have to do with deep lore which i find deeply apealing.
03/20/16 (Sun) 07:39:05 No. 72730
>ctrl+f glitchhikers
Go play it now. It's free if you don't want to pay.
It's trippy and has a lot of deep metaphors.
03/30/16 (Wed) 11:07:22 No. 73721
>The Jedi in general are the embodiment of a warrior-priest elite class. Although I've always been more partial to the Sith.
the sith and the jedi are retards and robots respectively.
play KotoR2: the sith lords and try and get the expanded version.
protips: dex, wis and charisma are your main combat stats if you want to use the lightsaber. you will need to use blasters until you get the lightsaber built and then get the finesse lightsaber feat
>Even shit like Legend of Zelda gets my stamp of approval. Most likely because of the lack of jews
Ganon's nose.
03/30/16 (Wed) 20:14:05 No. 73742
Yes, it is VERY appealing.
It's always interesting as to what the different interpretations as to why humans are humans and not purely just the souls within them.
03/31/16 (Thu) 02:51:16 No. 73761
It's the other way around. Videogames are just modern faerie tales. There's absolutely nothing occult about them.
04/02/16 (Sat) 15:02:27 No. 73919
I liked Earthbound and Mother 3. Basically, you are a mundane who discovers that you can have occult psychic powers if you awaken to them.
In Mother 3, you start out in a perfect moneyless society until you are sold "Happy Boxes" basically TVs, and your society begins to become consumerist and spiritually decayed. Then is easily taken over by the Pig army eventually.
04/02/16 (Sat) 16:00:03 No. 73923
04/03/16 (Sun) 03:48:25 No. 73953
>ctrl + f
>no chrono trigger
chrono trigger is an extremely greenpilled game, it contains ass tons of occultist references such as grail and saviour symbolism, the law of attraction, end-of-times and antichrist metaphors, and direct references to the mental universe, each world in the game is also based off a biblical epoch in chronological order
>grail and saviour symbolism
The protagonist (Crono) obviously represents Jesus, he obtains 6 folowers through the game, each of his followers are directly related to another character which can't join your party but is important to the plot, 6 + 6 equals 12, as in the 12 disciples of Jesus, he also gets married to one of his followers (which "coincidantally" also happens to be royal) in the canon ending
>the law of attractions
The titular object is pretty much a manifestation of the law of attraction, it can alter reality based on it's holders' desires at the cost of consuming itself, this object is used to go on a journey with the goal of reviving the protagonist from the dead
>end of times & antichrist
The main villain, Lavos, is an ancient and powerful entity that altered and degenerated humaity to feed off their power, turning a once glorious nation of magick-users into degenerated mundanes
it also eventually rises and destroys the world
>biblical epochs
The game features time travel and allows the player to visit 6 different time periods, which are prehistory, antiquity, the middle ages, the present, the near future, and the end of time
Prehistory is prosperous, lush and warm (garden of eden/paradise) and the people there are in conflict with reptilians (the snake), antiquity is a harsh world covered in ice, the enlightened abandoning the earth and living on a chunk of land hovering above the surface (the flood), in the middle ages, humans are at war with necromancers and all sorts of monsters (biblical times), the present represents our modern world, humanity has largely forgotten about their past, magick is but a myth. the near future is a world post-apocalypse, a barren, inhospitable wasteland, and the end of time, which is the singularity, both the beginning and end
>mental universe
An optional questline at the end of the game has one character theorizing that an "entity" (possibly a reference to the player or God) has intentionally presented them with situations which would ultimately initiate the game's story, the entity ends up revealing itself and scrambling the previously stone-set physics of time travel. Also doubles as 4th wall breaking
There's probably some more shit I forgot, someone from japanese 90's /fringe/ must have been involved with it, it's also a really fucking great game in general
04/03/16 (Sun) 15:49:30 No. 73976
That's probably reading too far into it, to the point that you're almost bluepilling more than redpill. Why can't it simply be that Chrono and the others are heroes in their own time with their own symbolism? Why isn't Jesus an allegory to Chrono? You're only superimposing this symbolism on a fictional universe because you believe the mythology to be secondary instead of a source in itself. You are mistaking the symbol for the symbolized. You are the blue pill. Congratulations.
04/03/16 (Sun) 18:42:09 No. 73983
>why can't it simply be that Chrono and the others are heroes in their own time with their own symbolism?
Because that would only be relevant within the game's own lore, silly, if that was the case then this thread would serve no purpose
A truly bluepilled individual would fail to recognize the symbolism that presents itself, and would not care if it was pointed out to them
04/03/16 (Sun) 19:33:51 No. 73986
I think they meant that Jesus is itself a symbol of something and not be all end all at which you should stop seeking for symbols and instead look deeper.
Also, for me at least, Christian symbolism doesn't mean much. If anything I'd consider Christianity and it's followers extremely bluepilled. Unless of course you talk about Christian Gnosticism and Nag Hammadi scrolls etc.
They are at least somewhat bearable.
04/03/16 (Sun) 21:03:07 No. 73989
Touche. I see now. I guess I was projecting a bit of my own hatred instead of seeing a deeper meaning in the interpretation, being a bit too defensive over my favorite games.
Sometimes it's hard to separate yourself from the people who try to ruin good things for you, who blind you from the beauty in the world. If that isn't the message of gnosticism, I guess there isn't one.
I think that's why games are so good at getting it across, because they're innocent and untouched by the clergy.
I've made my peace with this thread.
The Breath of Fire series is really good for this. In almost all of them, you end up killing god or a person seeking to unite with a godhead of some sort. Ryu and Nina each being a reincarnating heroic force similar to Link and Zelda. In each iteration, they are born into a world full of chaos and turmoil, and in their quest to avenge justice, they learn a lot about each other along the way.
04/17/16 (Sun) 00:03:15 No. 74544
Nomad Soul, the most greenpilled game there is.