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Esoteric Wizardry


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I just want to let you know that this board has been over run by a bunch of fucking new age idiots.


Haven't really noticed tbh, but I don't read every thread


The solution to bad threads is to make good ones, complaining don't do nuffin


Whatever you think "New Age" is, it seems to be better than that shit you call "occultism" (read: 90% bullshit).


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>Implying occultism isn't all bullshit

>Implying New Age isn't all bullshit



New age is 100% bullshit thought. It all comes from theosophy, which is just the perverted ramblings of some Russian whore from the 1800s.



Which Russian whore, friend?


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helena petrovna blavatsky






looshhurt armchair occultists



Everything here is 100% bullshit. That's the point, we're all on here pretending to be wizards.






OP don't listen to people like him

trust me I'm Aleister Crowley's grandchild


>let me announce an issue I have while I do absolutely nothing to fix it

Tell me more OP



How is it not a positive change?

Better to have cheerful and gullible new agers than a bunch of bitter nazi wizards who cling on to the original goal of /fringe/.

New age may be BS, but so is a lot of occultism. In order to be a true wizard, read and dissect every bit of information, apply it in your life, see how it works out.

Take the good parts out, throw the rest in the trash bin.


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Yeah theres a lot of stupid shit on here but some of its fun at least

And occasionally there are threads about genuine forms of "magic" like runes and galdr or shamanism. That is seriously what being a wizard is. wizard is Anglo saxon for "Wise man" and it was used for their equivalent of shamans or priests.

but of course nobody would actually call themselves "wizards" today as a serious religious class. But have respect for the term, asshole

So I tip my wizard hat to you.






Hi there new friend, I see you have been enjoying the board. On behalf of the people here I'm gonna relay the general like we did that Berdache faggot.




heh, ive been in chans since 2010



kek get a load of this meme master

>I've been in chans since 2010

12 years old and wielding duel keyboards

>collects doge coin

I have the expert knowledge on teh nets.



Leave fringe girl flag poster alone.



>Better to have cheerful and gullible new agers

New agers are only "cheerful" on the surface. Beneath that is all the same ugly crap that everybody else has, except usually x5 because they're keeping it all so tightly compacted under that self serving hippy bullshit. A nasty bunch of delusional fucking bullshitters. At least wizards usually know they suck, and don't have their heads so far up their assholes.





>new age

>not just a word you apply to things you don't like


I believe in the oldest of religions.. animism.. everything else is just a spinoff of our imagination.



New Age specifically refers to spiritual ideas that have been appropriated unnaturally.



new age bullshit



>New Age is always something I don't like



Yes because I don't like bullshit.






How can you deny the spirit in everything? Surly you know the power in plants and crystals?


New Age isn't bullshit at all if enough people believe in it. You don't like things like "healing smile" not because it's bullshit or isn't bullshit, but because the idea of positivity for the sake of positivity doesn't resonate with you and rustles your belief systems



It pretty much boils down to this.


Hijacking a shit thread for some real talk:

There is another way besides the fedorian disregard of anything not scientifically verifiable and the credulous obsessions of belief. Both are flip sides of literalism, which is truly mundane. The alternative is a metaphorical and analogical perspective, which doesn't seek necessarily to drop things into the categories of is and isn't, but seeks to understand relation. It is different than solipsism, which says that one can only know of their own existence; it seeks to understand how and in what way things exist.

This perspective can begin to be understood by considering how we perceive the world. Consider an "object" such as a pencil. Does the pencil exist? We perceive it to be such, having hard divisions from everything else that isn't the particular pencil, but this distinction is entirely mental. Examined on the microscopic level using the model of physics, the distinction breaks down to meaningless. On the cosmological scale the distinction between a pencil and the rest of Earth is arbitrary and infinitesimally small.

The pencil, and our model of what it is and how it behaves, is entirely a mental construct. Is it useful? Very, but "usefulness" itself is entirely subjective and situational; we encounter the same problem.

We don't experience raw sense-data, when we perceive overlaid is something akin to "augmented reality," complexly colored with valuation, relationships, categorization and memory.

What of minds, and one's own self-perception? What you are is a narrative construct; a story you tell yourself about yourself. You are essentially a thoughtform, a tulpa. "You" exist no more objectively than any character you imagine in your mind, or other people whose behavior, emotion, and experience you model in your mind. Gods, daemons, fictional characters, and every other narrative entity exist, it's just a matter of knowing how they exist: within brains. The materialist would claim that this is an "illusion," but if it were, it would mean that everything is such.

One can act on such knowledge by engaging in an interplay between suspension of disbelief and suspension of belief. Narrative experience shouldn't be a tightly bound and mostly fixed (or at least slow to change) state of affairs. it should dance and play, to alternate between believing in everything and nothing at all. The point of all this is to act as narrative fuel for self-creation, which is the most profound art and the essence of magic.



>You're just too negative to understand that enlightenment involves confining yourself into a little box full of unsubstantiated happy-thoughts nonsense.



>epic quote to throw at those who shit on 'feel good' magick

a question - will 'being positive and getting positive' only work if enough people believe in it? or is my belief in LoA enough to alter my personal life in 'magical' and/or serendipitous ways?


>epic exposition of why to keep on living if everything is mental

basically for fun, which i can live with. this thread is gold imo



While it's a good post, I think everyone here is aware of this. And if they aren't, they should come to this realization on their own

That everything is a mirage is obvious. The point is to learn how the mirage works, so that with awareness of specific patterns one can control the mirage.

It's also why I have enough of people like Atkinson, who write 1500 page books on stuff that everyone should realize in high school after first physics class on light. Mantak Chia with one page kegel exercise taught me more about controlling my creative energy than 5 metaphysical books contemplating nature of desire. I dare to say it's true even about hermetic principles. When you're 10 you see them intuitively in seasons of year and hear vibrate even in pop songs in car radio, and then you learn them again in maths and physics. However, that your higher self doesn't recognize negation in affirmation - NOW, that's a piece of knowledge worth 1000$



What might these teachings of controlling creative energy be anon?



Everything isn't a mirage, the "mirage" is your experience of reality, but calling it a "mirage" is an unfitting analogy. It is more fitting to call experience analogy, everything experienced is correspondence and relations.

The fault is by thinking by manipulating correspondences you can directly change reality outside of the noosphere.

I consider new thought to be some of the worst black magick ever unleashed, and Atkinson a Charlitain extraordinaire. Its victims are those who cast it; it is a magical virus. I would encourage you to consider it as such and consider its defense mechanisms upon you, its insistence and ramifications. Is it pumping a drug cocktail of promises of reified self-fulfilling prophecies into you?


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>New Age isn't bullshit at all if enough people believe in it.

My mental virus wants new hosts. It would be so good if it had lots of new hosts. I only feel positive about my mental virus. The idea of feeling positive rustles your immune system.


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But now people can become memes while still alive.

Trump has become a god, Memeus Supremus be praised.



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Another Dylan Roof in the making. You should change your name to Dylan. If it already is, that would be most fitting.

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