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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1413779738821.png (51.42 KB, 2000x1292, 500:323, gates_of_power.png)


Are you aware of this sigil? It is said that this sigil is to be found everywhere in the world today. Like all magick, it can be used for either good or evil, yet those who are unlearned in this mystery often fall prey to those who possess knowledge of it.


File: 1413780761271.png (2.67 KB, 100x100, 1:1, 100px-Cuneiform_sumer_ding….png)

This is the most common pattern I know of. Its the basis of many sun representing symbols.


that's a half adder.


Your sigil appears to be composed of logic gates, which are symbols used to represent boolean logic functions in electrical engineering; these symbols seem to represent a signal that is passing through both "and" and "xor" gates.


File: 1413783829967.png (60.23 KB, 2000x1292, 500:323, gates_of_power_labeled.png)

Bingo. For the uninitiated, I shall explain underpinnings of how this sigil operates.

Each of the black horizontal and/or vertical lines are channels that carry energy.

Following from the Hermetic Principle of the Polarity/Duality, the energy within a particular channel is either one of positive or negative energy. In the tradition laid down by the Hermeticist Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, we shall use 1 to denote positive energy, and 0 to denote energy in the negative.

In this particular graph, energy flows from the left towards the right.

The two white geometric compartments that bisect the energy channels are known as gates. Each gate transmutes and reduces the energy that flows inwards from the two channels, expelling one of either positive or negative energy.

Both gates follow different rule sets. The top gate is known as the Gate of Exclusive Disjunction. The bottom gate is the Gate of Conjunction. For the purposes of understanding, I have labeled the input energy channels as A and B on the left. The channels are split in two before entering both gates. The output of the Gate of Exclusive Disjunction is labeled S, and the output of the Gate of Conjunction is labeled C. The choice of output labels are not coincidental, they have a hidden meaning, although the input labels are arbitrary.

The rules are as follows:

Gate of Exclusive Disjunction
When A is 0 and B is 0 then S is 0
When A is 0 and B is 1 then S is 1
When A is 1 and B is 0 then S is 1
When A is 1 and B is 1 then S is 0

Gate of Conjunction
When A is 0 and B is 0 then C is 0
When A is 0 and B is 1 then C is 0
When A is 1 and B is 0 then C is 0
When A is 1 and B is 1 then C is 1

So we see that with the Gate of Exclusive Disjunction, only when both of the input channels carry different energy polarities are they transmuted into a positive energy output, otherwise when they are the same polarities, they are transmuted to negative energy.

With the Gate of Conjunction, only when both of the input channels carry positive energy are they transmuted to positive energy, otherwise they transmuted to negative.

Now what happens when you chain multiple instances of this sigil together, feeding the output of one such sigil into another, and combining it with other a priori energy channels? In composing this sigil with others, true power enters your grasp.



Isn't this basically a circuit?


Wait. So we can have logic gates in sigils. So, like, multi-spells and conditionals? Nice.


You just made my day



Neophyte here.
So basically what you're telling me is that if I want to be an accomplished magician, I have to be a fucking electrician. Or better, an electric engineer?


No. Everything can be done in your mind if you so wish. Just as you can add numbers together in your head. It is but one path by which you create spirits through your own will, instead of contacting primordial spirits and hoping they aid you.

Once you are satisfied with how your spell works in your head, you can transcribe it to a magical vessel where it will come to life on its own when given a power source.


>We are about to study the idea of a computational process. Computational processes are abstract beings that inhabit computers. As they evolve, processes manipulate other abstract things called data. The evolution of a process is directed by a pattern of rules called a program. People create programs to direct processes. In effect, we conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells.

>A computational process is indeed much like a sorcerer's idea of a spirit. It cannot be seen or touched. It is not composed of matter at all. However, it is very real. It can perform intellectual work. It can answer questions. It can affect the world by disbursing money at a bank or by controlling a robot arm in a factory. The programs we use to conjure processes are like a sorcerer's spells. They are carefully composed from symbolic expressions in arcane and esoteric programming languages that prescribe the tasks we want our processes to perform.

>A computational process, in a correctly working computer, executes programs precisely and accurately. Thus, like the sorcerer's apprentice, novice programmers must learn to understand and to anticipate the consequences of their conjuring. Even small errors (usually called bugs or glitches) in programs can have complex and unanticipated consequences.


This was kind of funny, but the credulous responses make it brilliant.


I learned programming before magick and I think it actually does help me to know how to think in that way for me to construct effective thoughtforms.

I've been ignoring this thread for a bit but decided to look at it now.

I'm not sure how to feel about this thread. Is it mocking us or it just for fun?


I'm getting a megami tensei vibe from this thread


so how powerful are primordial spirits? could someone say ask for there patronage for 'things" in exchange for stuff? cause i want to meet some in the astral once i can do it


File: 1415106778397.jpg (Spoiler Image, 24.47 KB, 512x480, 16:15, whatisthis.jpg)

Beast Eye! Beast Eye! Beast Eye!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Sorry for my long absence.

I can see how it can be construed as a joke, but I am being very serious.


>so how powerful are primordial spirits? could someone say ask for there patronage for 'things" in exchange for stuff? cause i want to meet some in the astral once i can do it

Some are far weaker than humans and some are beyond any comprehension in the power they wield.

Perhaps, but I prefer video related.


Is that Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water? I've planned to watch it, but have been busy.


Yes, it's teh villain.


I should bump this just in the case.


These are just logic gate symbols used to create flowcharts of logic circuits or to create schematics of logic circuits.


File: 1421170414556.gif (1.28 MB, 450x310, 45:31, 1413665894296.gif)

Engineering masterrace.


Engineering magick sounds interesting

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