Yes subliminal messages speak directly to the subconscious which is where you want to impress it. Our actions and habits are a manifestation of our own subconscious thus whatever you inject into peoples subconscious mind will eventually manifest into reality. You brainwash people to buy a certain product and then eventually that product becomes a success.
It's the idea and energy behind the egregore that counts. Start collecting and bundling up the idea, emotions, desires and energy of what you want to do. In this case it's to lift weights. Now how will you get people to "want" to follow this? Look at someone like Bruce Lee. People follow and invoke his own egregore or energy because of how inspiring he is. Using comedy is a popular advertising trick since the release of emotion is what impresses upon the subconscious mind. Another example I previously used was Ebola-chan. 4-8chan members have a bad case of waifuism which makes them desperate for intimacy or anything cute. Thus the moe Ebola-chan was a big hit. This is where you need to do your research and be inventive to figure out what would work in the current location (probably 8chan) that you're unleashing it in.
The egregore collects the energy and it strengthens it. You use the energy through personally tapping into it via evocation or invocation. Else wise you will program the egregore to do something or have a specific task while in creation. In the example given the purpose was to spread physical fitness.
You want to personify intentions or Ideas. The result of this is up to how much fuel (emotion) it is given thus spreading it further and controlling people more.
Remember that you reach and impress upon the subconscious via emotions. It breaks and thins the barrier between your conscious and subconscious mind. THIS IS HOW LESSER MAGIC WORKS! Your own life is run by the subconscious. When you use sigils, thoughtforms, imagination, autosuggestion and other things to control your own subconscious then it manifests in reality. Because the astral plane (subconscious god mind that you're tapping into) manifests downward. It is a less dense version of our reality. This is where all spirits, ghosts, egregores, Gods or whatever else lurk about. Changing the astral (Your subconscious) eventually changes the world around you because you are God. Collectively people change the world in stronger amounts that is why a lot of elite or religions want to control masses and harvest their energy. That is the same creative energy that "leads" the unfoldment of reality.
Damn I'm dropping it. Hope you all get this. Go read my basic western magic thread to connect and patch this information together with more practical stuff.