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Does anyone here have any information regarding non-physical entities taking human form/living human lives? Not talking about possession, but actually being born, reincarnated like a human soul. It could be Angels, demons, old gods. I think in Hinduism there are many cases of gods taking human forms (avatars). Why do they choose to live as a human? Does this still happen in modern times? Do avatar-humans have stronger psychic abilities? Do they remember their past? Does anyone here believe themselves to be an avatar?

Thanks in advance for any information.


All right I mostly just lurk but nows the time to stop I guess. So think of it this way. If the collective unconscious of earth or maybe even the universe it will manifest itself as a being. So everyone collectively knows what anubis is or enough people know about anubis. So with those everyone agreeing it pops up in reality. You guys use this term "loosh" so if an idea like an old god had enough loosh it could use it to jump in here. Personally I have met countless motherfuckers that are made of that metaphysical matter(I guess) like Satan, set, Athena, loki, Odin, bastet, I've met a ton of these old motherfuckers and for some reason we are all drawn to each other. Its not just gods though. I was at a job site where I met Tom sawyer. So its just any kind of thing that people put a lot of energy and time into. Like for example there is no folklore of the gods of media or computers or highways but I've met all three, because people donate themselves to those objects. What I find most interesting is how blind most people are when they look at themselves. All you need to do is pay attention to specific characteristics of the person. Anywhere from their name like set's name here is Seth, or to thing like facial features or other physical attributes. Also the kind of magick or psy or power they have is coincided with the name of the folklore or myth. I'm not sure why one of these entities would manifest in human form other than its fun or they are doomed to. I'm not sure. Personally from someone who is in this boat like I imagine you are op I think it is more of a curse rather than a blessing. Think about being a vampire for example. A vampire is doomed to stay in shadows that's the curse, but the vampire get immense power and immortality which some would consider a blessing. Life is a double edged sword, and experience all must have. The biggest question is what came first the chicken or the egg?

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