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Our time draws near brothers, I am sure you have noticed how fast your practices have been advancing over the past month.

The conflict will soon begin,.


I do notice that the collective consiousness has been rapidly advancing. What exactly are you specifically trying to convey?


The Habbabening!


>doom porn


>r u 4 cereal rite now?



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>You will soon be walking around in a permanent state of increased bilateral Theta or Delta brain waves like a Zen or Yoga Master, in fearless joy because you will have mastered the superpowers of the Mind and be consciously creating-as-you-go your reality!

>regular Price $397.00


What is the nature of this conflict?

What are the best practices to focus on to prepare?


A lot of natural disasters as well as economic and war related events have to transpire before any big conflicts. We still have plenty of time, I would still move to a better location anyway though. If everyone is dead set on the best possible outcome though, we can make it that there is no conflict. That would require exposing the dark to the masses in many ways though.


OP, can you please specify?

IMO, everything has been the same for centuries. Wars and catastrophes have always occurred, it is the nature of this plane. Information is just more readily available nowadays.

However, does anyone notice a slightly higher rate of frustration and underlying hate in their neighborhoods? People are getting more and more antisocial, and suicides are up by 80% up in my country! Maybe people cannot handle the emotional stress anymore?



There's just too many fucking people and too much of an economic machine consuming our bodies and souls. We need less work, less people, more freedom to imagine and play and enjoy our lives.


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I can feel it in my bones, teeth and blood,I wish to be ready but the great war must come on its time.

But we are growing so fast because of the bloodmoons and the gods guidance, they wish to come home and depose the usurper. We will be their hands and feet, eyes and ears.

We will be victorious this time.




Also I anticipate someone saying "we can feed more people, therefore we are not overpopulated".

No you don't get it faggots. We need very high quality food that isn't mass produced, sprayed, less nutrients, less taste, etc. and we need a high quality of life and we can't have that if we're constantly living like sardines in metal and glass towers having to work all the time.

We need a big open world so abundant in untainted natural resources that we can easily feed ourselves good food from nature herself and not depend so much as we do now to work to exist.

The peasants of the medieval age were considered very overworked for their time and they only worked something like 60-90 days of the year or some shit. They had endless free-time compared to people today who work so much for so little and endure such a toxic way of life.



If you want a war, it is already in progress. The war against humanity.

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