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File: 1445062224413.jpg (479.1 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, internet.jpg)


Does anyone else think that the Internet has ushered in a sort of new age of consciousness?

Seriously, the amount of information even your average pleb in India has access to in this day and age is nothing sort of revolutionary. Now, I'm not one to say such things are fact, but if there ARE higher paradigms to our reality then I'm gonna have to say such things have undoubtedly been influenced by the hyper levels of communication going on these days.



The internet is an artificial thoughtsphere, its here to allow us to communicate while were cut off from the thoughtsphere. Remember though, if you use a wheelchair all the time w healthy legs, eventually ur muscles atrophy and u cant walk without one.



Don't bump this



I use the Internet to push my consciousness into others' reality. I have in turn had my consciousness impinged upon by skillful practitioners. It is a very entertaining game which I desire to attain mastery.

Heavy use of the Internet will put one in a dissociative state, which I happen to like exploring in its various manifestations. It certainly gives insight into the most primitive and insecure aspects of the human mind when we look at social media (including *chans), humans freely give out their innermost thoughts, which we discover to be quite banal. Through a process of self-understanding and discipline coupled with what one can learn about the inner workings of the human mind via social media a powerful vehicle can be created, though one must practice caution and humility/subtlety when putting what one has learned into effect.


its an early telepathic building set



>I use the Internet to push my consciousness into others' reality. I have in turn had my consciousness impinged upon by skillful practitioners. It is a very entertaining game which I desire to attain mastery.

Can you expand on this?



yeah, but it was ruined by greedy white people who feel the need to take over all the spaces for themselves n shit

we need like a new internet but only for PoC so that we can actually develop our powers n shiz without the whitman opresing us



I hope this is a joke


>>57077 (Checked)

The internet has greatly increased peoples accessibility to knowledge, but its analogous to being in a massive supermarket where the amount of brands of ideas and their agendas are both numerous and unclear, where a good chunk of the world population can easily be misinformed or cherry pick ideas to fit their narrative, instead of challenging it.

Overall, its still better than living in Ancient or Medieval times. Back then, you either had to kill people or join a priest class to learn about information mostly available in your region, and there would be sparse information about outsiders, and even then its more to demonize people not from your tribe.

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