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Esoteric Wizardry


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I've been lurking for some time but only recently decided to interact with the board. I had a dream and I thought /fringe/ could help me understand what happened. Some background though. I'm religious, a Christian (well, some might disagree with that categorization, but I'd imagine it makes no difference to you all), and I'm not really savvy in the occult or the spiritual much aside from my lurking here. I tried making a sigil for Faith a few days back, and immediately saw some result of things I had been wanting come to fruition, which caused me to have more faith in my religion, for a while at least.

Then, last night I had this very vivid dream that disturbed me. I don't dream, not at all, so its very surprising when I have anything going on in the nightime. I can't remember all of it, and I wished I had written it down, but this is what I remember.

I don't know where I was, but it felt real enough, I also don't remember much other than the main event. It was me, and an arachnid woman, top part lady bottom part spider. I don't know why, but I held her in my arms and I slashed her throat with a knife as blood poured out. She struggled, at first, but I crunched her with my arms and kept cutting her throat.

Eventually, she went placid, and I just held her more delicately as the blood came out from her pallid neck, getting all over. I could smell it, feel the heat. After a while I just wondered why she didn't die, she just kept talking in hushed tones, can't remember what. "That won't kill me" I do remember.

Then I looked down and saw that her thorax was bigger than before, as if she had done…something to pool all her vital essence away from the neck, fully into the thorax. Without a second thought I raised the bowie and plunged it repeatedly into her fat, spider thorax, and her legs squiggled frantically and a horrible noise came from her, a shout and screech, not human.

And then I woke up.

I didn't know what to make of it. If its relevant I fluctuate between periods of intense devotion and prayer and stuff, and then I get disillusioned and put it all off to fap and play video games to the point where I feel sickened and then its starts again. I'm in the shitty part now, despite the brief boon of the sigil.

What the fuck is happening /fringe/?


You used to play D&D and like Drow

The remedy is to go outside and get some sun


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I want your insight on a symbol. I've been seeing the symbol in the pic in my dreams every night for the past three weeks, the best description I can give is that it is some kind of Kokopelli figure who has had its arms severed. Recently this figure has been speaking to me, but only with one word that sounds like Quoo-Whrash or Quoo-Whash (both expressed phonically). I'm not usually the kind of person who is into the supernatural but this is really beginning to freak me out, every time I wake up after one of these dreams my mouth is thick and tastes like ash. In some of these dreams the symbol or figure appears as a stone figurine in my left hand with the arms resting in my right. It sometimes speaks to me with the voices of dead friends and relatives. I'm sorry that this is such a long post and that this is so personal, but I don't know what to do. If you want background I'm a healthy 21 y/o male attending uni who drinks maybe three or four time a month, has tried weed but no other drugs. I also run about a mile and a half everyday. My stress levels aren't very high and haven't been since my senior year of high school two and a half years ago. My childhood was happy and pretty normal. I've never had something like this happen to me.

tl;dr have you seen this symbol or do you know what it might mean?


I had a dream a long time ago and seeing as this is an interpretation thread I'd like to ask what it means

I'll try to describe it as best I can

There was darkness an abyss really yet it kinda reminded

me of a black screen on a monitor gleaming light yet only showing black

I was there yet I wasn't there I didn't even know who I was

there was only that place at that moment no fear no awareness no ego nothing else seemed like a eternity.

this is the first dream I remember.


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I know this effort is for nothing but I have to ask about this.

Last night after midnight I went to sleep

in my dream I got a phone cal from pope Francis.

I'm not even a catholic Francis said to me my new life would start in 14 days Then in the dream a great invasion happened.This invading force is what I can describe as similar to choas from wh40k.Then I stood before Adolf Hitler ready to fight for some reason.

I know this will probably be ignored But if some one chooses to answer me

I would be grateful


I've learned during my tenure as a neophyte on /fringe/that very rarely will a wizard come and interperet your shit, the only reason I can think of for this is that this is pretty day one shit. If you want to find answers for your dreams and more, go to dreammoods.com



It looks like a rabbit. Look up rabbit spirit meaning? Might just be a disturber.


Two nights ago, after a streak of dreamless nights, i dreamed of being poisoned, and that the poison had struck my heart. but trough meditation, after placing my hand on the ill area i've managed to heal from such poison and recover.

When i woke up i felt extremely refreshed, after sleeping just 5 hours despite being an heavy sleeper.

After that dream i fell asleep other 2 times complete with dreams waking up 3 hours later.

Recently i've been grieving a lot, and probably all the stress was building up in my heart, today at work i felt like my heart was pierced by a spear, i had a constant line of pain running from the spine to the front of my chest, and my heart felt like it was poisoned.

Obviously i couldn't replicate what i did in my dream, being in front of my co-workers.

Any idea?



sounds like a typical night of getting high on dxm and listening to coil


i interpret that you've been spending too much time on /pol/


>I don't dream, not at all

yes you do, you just aren't remembering them

we all do


Gonna spit a dream at you guys that I had years ago, back when I was still in elementary school:

The dream opens with me ontop of a rolling transport. One of those Star Wars deals (A HAVw A5 Juggernaut, or something of similar size and bulk). And I get that dream intuition of immediately knowing I'm a soldier. What happens next is a cowboy looking guy clambers up onto the top of the transport. I tried to aim at him as he did so, but my arms were sluggish and my reaction time slow. He did not have such an impedance, and once he found his footing, quickly drew his gun and shot me.

I fell, and slumped off the transport. As I died (and watched the transport speed away), I noticed I was in a thick jungle. And then everything went black for a moment.

When I came to (still in the dream) I was standing in a fountain, like one of those fountains out in public squares with the pool around the spout. The water was up to my knees.

Anyway, I quickly looked up from the water (and edge of the pool) to notice the fountain was located about halfway up a mountain in a clearing. I could see the whole valley below (and the mountain on the opposite side). The entire place was dense jungle.

My dream intuition told me I was a dead soldier. And I quickly 'felt' the presence of my dead comrades.

Anyway, I noticed in the upper right hand corner of my vision (as I stared into the valley) that there was a shiny propeller plane. One of those old designs, 1950s, 1960s, something like that.

Now here's where things get interesting. Right before my eyes, in what might be considered a timelapse, I saw the middle of the valley change. Trees were cut down, and small buildings went up. An outpost. Then civilization spread, and what was an outpost became a.. a fort or something. And civilization spread, growing into a sprawling suburbia, surrounding a city center, and then the center grew up as skyscrapers and office buildings replaced the small stores that were there before. It was like watching a city grow out of nothing. And the entire time, the plane I saw in the upper right portion of my vision crawled towards the left part of my vision, and changed from the shiny aluminum body to more modern planes.

Eventually, I was looking at what appeared to be a modern city, with a modern aircraft in the sky. I tried to move, to escape the fountain and visit civilization (I was feeling VERY depressed and VERY lonely at this time. Like the dream was imposing the feelings on me.). But I ended up tripping and falling into a further down part of the fountain (while my dead 'friends' laughed at my clumsiness). When I surfaced, and turned by gaze back to the city, it'd changed. Where there was once a modern city, the skyscrapers and office buildings had been replaced by strange and angular purple, yellow, and green alien buildings. They looked a little like spaceships rooted into the ground. The suburbia still existed, too, but it was different. In the sky, the plane was a flying saucer instead; but a beefy purple one.

I was shocked, aghast, and.. sad that I'd missed so much. I kind of wanted to die again, for good.

Then the girl appeared. I don't know how old she was when I first laid eyes on her, but my guess at the time was early teens. She was clad in purple clothing, and was riding a purple hover scooter. Her face was indistinct (perhaps asiatic, but that's a recent thought), but I recall her hair was black. Asian black. She was staring right at me. Watching me.

And I was to happy to see her. I tried to raise my hands, to do anything. To speak. But it was like acting through molasses. I thought I had time to talk to her. I thought I would have a friend in this unholy passage of time.

But then she started getting older. I saw the lines on her face, even though I couldn't make out any details. And once I realized death was coming for her, I tried to scream, to tell her "abandon me! Live your life! Please!" But it was like acting through molasses.

She gradually became more and more fragile looking, and her back hunched. And then she disappeared.

(I realized quickly enough when I woke up that she must have been visiting me every day/week/month in order for the time lapse of her visits to make sense.)

I was, of course, heartbroken. I missed her in ways I haven't ever missed anyone else since. I don't recall very well what happened after she disappeared, but I do know that the dream's tone shifted wildly:

The sky went red, civilization's buildings crumbled, the mountain across from my own split open to reveal a volcano, and dinosaurs roamed the dense jungle and air above it. And I was suddenly a guy playing a game where you're a post apocalyptic shooter man.

I woke up after that, still heartbroken about the girl. And I was in a bit of a funk about her for a week or so.


These nights when I goto bed I feel as if I am a puppet


Between the ages of 4 to 10 I had this same dream every night.

Falling down a hole, every single night. No variation or anything, just endless falling in a dark tunnel. Until the last dream I had ended with me falling into a pit of boiling red liquid.

Am I going to hell?



even in the bible hell is described as a place devoid of light with some fire here and there no light comes off

hell isn't just a big oven


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Hopi Two Horned Society. Look into it. One Horned Priests were the guardians of the deceased, and the two horned society members were the guardians of the ceremonies and of the living who placed themselves in harms way or trouble. Do you feel a compulsion to a protective nature in life?

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