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I realize this may sound too weird to be taken seriously at first, but I am pretty confident this is anonymous's main psychological disorder, and that the vast majority of frequent longtime posters have it to some degree (many may just fit the personality type rather than be "disordered"). I've read a lot of material on the psychodynamic theories about the disorder, which the wiki article thankfully outlines well, given the relative lack of research or studies into it historically and especially nowadays (some say this is because it's the disorder of psychologists, ie the same idea that they can cure anyone but themselves because they don't realize they themselves are disordered in a different way than what they see in their patients). Read the section on secret schizoids if it doesn't sound familiar right away.

I also think the biggest problem men in general face from society is encouragement to do violence to our emotions so we no longer feel them or feel a sense of "self" (ie we feel dead inside, the disordered ones for as long as they can remember), and this cycle of detaching/resigning the ego via suppressing feelings/thoughts with self-loathing is referred to as the schizoid process in the article below, and it is the same pathology described in most of the works about the disorder, such as RD Laing's "The Divided Self" and the resignation neurosis in Karen Horney's "Neurosis and Human Growth". In other words I think it's something that affects nearly all men in today's world on some level, and I am curious what you guys think about it: http://www.psychologytribe.com/schizoid.pdf

also I saw 8chan has a schizoid board, but it's mostly dead as is the general psych board, so sorry in advance if this doesn't really fit here but it seemed like a lot of you guys might be receptive, or at least might find it interesting.


OP here, also I'm going to bed after writing that out and will check the thread sometime tomorrow, feel free to say or ask me anything about this or to tell me I'm full of shit if you feel that way, just please try to be specific why you do as I am interested in all opinions and criticisms about the idea. If it's wrong I want to find out and move on, but I don't think it is; I'm in the midst of developing/writing a long argument against the ideas of racist and misogynist anons, and this disorder is one of the main things I will discuss so I want to go ahead and make sure the idea isn't batshit. Again any input/feedback is appreciated!



Hmm, yes. I discovered what "schizoid" meant a few months ago and was instantly about 100% certain that the diagnosis fits me. 29yo khv here, incapable of relating to people and never had any social life to speak of; been posting on chans since '07.

I believe your hypothesis has merit, OP.



Does that mean i'm a 21st century Schizoid man?



You cannot generalize a group of people based on the majority of those who posts while the lurkers are uncredited. Not all people that post are schizoid and not all people who doesn't post is it.

I find that ducks often bite each other to bully, but not all ducks does it. Are all ducks bullies?

Polite sage.


I think that individuals who fit the Schizoid mold might find themselves drawn to various internet subcultures, as the internet allows for a degree of intimacy and creative/emotional expression which would otherwise be unavailable for such people.

Moreover, what other sort(s) of person would be content with remaining cloistered indoors, shitposting all day?




Schizoids are the bridge between normal people and schizophrenics

I would say most of fringe is schizoid, since they have this trait of magical thinking that they can still keep it separate from real life

and let's be honest, only someone far away from the standard deviation would browse this place


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Beat me to it


Sure, but generalizations are often useful. Anyway OP's objective in making the thread doesn't seem to be simply calling anons schizoids, but a discussion on schizoids.

There is also the chance that a lot of people here would fit that the description so why not discuss it? People who aren't schizoids and/or aren't interested may very well stay out of it if they choose to.



Beat me to it


Sure, but generalizations are often useful. Anyway OP's objective in making the thread doesn't seem to be simply calling anons schizoids, but a discussion on schizoids.

There is also the chance that a lot of people here would fit that the description so why not discuss it? People who aren't schizoids and/or aren't interested may very well stay out of it if they choose to.

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