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Creatures of twilight and delusion, we drift toward our unknown ends, and that is why I feel the best thing is not to be born. But who is as lucky as that? To whom does it happen? Not to one among millions and millions of people.


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Umm… Abortions?


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So, anti-natalism ala David Benatar?


>I feel the best thing is not to be born



Once you're born you can no longer not be born, so I'm afraid you should forget about this inane question



Funny thing is that we choose to incarnate.


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Oh yeah there is people who believe in this Karma lord conspiracy that they force you to incarnate. However I believe the reason we are experiencing more spiritless humans is because beings are actively choosing not to incarnate. Who knows? We will find out eventually.



You mean the whole thing with being shown your entire life before birth, then your angel/whatever makes you forget?



No some crazy shit about afterlife brainwash. Which anyone who visited the afterlife could testify against. As for how you forget everything I have heard many different things about that. I don't know, maybe they make you forget. It's also possible that forgetting is just the result of getting a new soul to inhabit.



Reincarnation begins with your spirit in minerals, plants, and animals. It comes to a zenith in humans and only ends once a certain level of spiritual purity is established.



>spiritless humans

The concept of a philosophy zombie is logically incoherent and so is the concept of an internal subjective experience. Our concept of conscience and thought is only an illusion and we have no more internal motive power than the winds or the waves. There is no ghost in the machine and if there was it would be no less of a machine for being insubstantial and made of fairy dust.


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Nice meme!


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Nicely articulated my friend


Ironically memeing ironically. Well memed


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brainless sissy retards invading /fringe/



>Funny thing is that we choose to incarnate.

False. This is feel-good nonsense that spiritual quacks sell to desperately unhappy people to give them a sense of purpose in their obviously empty existences. You can make a lot of money preaching shit like this, but that doesn't make it true.



Whether or not this is the case, we cannot reconcile the fact



I've read from too many different non profit sources that this is the case. If we need to that badly figure it out though, someone could just channel a being or go into the astral and find out.



and I mean that we do choose to incarnate.

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