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today i am to show you all a new form of tarrot you may not already know of, so listen up.

tarroting has been know to reveal some kind of future to the person being read, but with the right mindset it can be used as a sort of switch if you will to change what pathway you are on, since chance is a mundane conception traditional tarroting has major flaws in regards to this technique. another attribute about this technique is that no prior knowledge on tarroting is necessary, but is very helpful as having a bond with a deck/certain cards touches parts of the mind sectors and helps percolate images/messages.

onto the technique itself:

divide the deck as you see fit merging sections into sections disregarding certain piles and finally choose a portion that fits for the moment, or even multiple portions for different areas of thought, total intuition is being used here

then pull out any number of cards from anywhere and look at them all and connect them and see a pathway containing either/or past/present/future right/wrong

then as you see it it becomes true, but heres the thing, once you realize the future it changes and unless you will the newly found pathway into being another pathway in your unconscious will arise and sail you away.

you can use this to bring about a good or bad future, change spiritual relations in general, lower/middle/higher magick. the thing about this technique is it is totally freelance open minded ways to provoke mental change, it is even of use to higher magicians as we all know human imagination becomes stale and tarrot is designed to provoke all areas of mind if used correctly and not taken as a dictionary term.


The tarot cards themselves are nothing but mnemonics that you draw at "random" and interpret.

You might as well just take 22 blank cards and write one word on each of them and create a meaning for each and all of them, then use them and obtain the same results as with a regular tarot deck

Well, not THE SAME since this would be a lot of new interpretations and the old tarot card meanings have been part of the collective mind for quite a long time now that even if you CAN make your own deck, it would probably not be as effective as say the rider-waite-smith deck that everybody uses



precisely, and when used correctly they can switch timelines using natural laws within the mind depending on the reason why you read them.


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