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So you want to exercise your true will, this will help you to have more control over your perception and if you have it over your powers, also this will help you to awaken it if you are still struggling whit being aware ,

See the first figure ?

You can see it one of 2 ways, up and down the exercise is about holding it on one of the 2 modes ,for at least 15 min

The 2 figure is for the advanced practicing, hold both cubes facing diferent directions, is hard and will work part of your brain related to control.

Also you could get a glimpse of how the 5 dimension looks like , if you are able to hold the 2 cubes in oposite directions and cross your eyes until they are one ,you may be able to see it flipped both ways , and objects that could not exist on this reality.

This is a exercise develop by Oleg Bakhtiyarov, a /pol/ approved psicologist and i would appreciate if someone could help me to find more of his work in English, there is a little of his work in


I belive his work could be useful for our wizardry ways but I can't find more exercises to do , he have a pretty good stuff on deconcentration too but I fail to see how this could fit in our path , this threat is for clear info on how to develop power and control, and how to grow spiritually by exercises , I din't like rituals and stuff like that, I prefer stuff like meditation , who is for me like lifting weights for the soul , if you have exercises like this one ,please share to lift more wizard weights and become soul strong.

Thanks in advance fringe bros


Doesnt take too much effort to get the process started. Then it runs in the background and both cubes are in opposite directions no matter how I try and focus. Also, forming the two together in my mind, wheeeeeee. Yay for visualization! It keeps taking me to random worlds and landscapes, but theyre all so vivid and beautiful.



Is really hard to flip it both ways I haven't maded yet , but I will try until I make , I guees when I make I would be able to see the higher realms , seem logical ,if logic apply to this


This is a really good article. Interesting how our world and studies are without a doubt manifest in all aspects of higher creation.



I split them opposite ways first try, ayyy



Now hold it,

For at least 15 min.

Then cross the eyes until they are one

There you go you have a glimpse of the 5 dimension


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Is this a exercise or what it is?

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