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 No.576[Last 50 Posts]

Pledge an amount of time devoted to all things /fringe/ (meditation, visualization ect.) for a day (or more). Specify your practice. If you fail, you confess.

To kick this off, I pledge 3 hours of breath-focused meditation for a day.


Intensive dedicated reading time a day no less than 4 hours for the next 3 days.

Cold shower before noon and meditation for 20 minutes directly afterwards, in the middle of reading time, and before bed.

Grains and a lean protein may be consumed once per day, either in the form of oatmeal+chosenprotein or a prepared meal. Only fruits and raw vegetables may be consumed otherwise.

Prepared loose leaf tea may be drunk whenever deemed beneficial, at least 3 times a day.

Attempt at maintaining higher consciousness and awareness of the moment must be periodically enforced.

Will set post as homepage to remind.


Whats a good place to start? Meditation? How much of that should I start with?


You might want to start with 10 minutes and then, when you are comfortable with it, expand it with +5 minutes. So, 10 minutes, then 15 minutes, 20… 25… 30…


OP this is something I did with great effect.

>drank lemon tea and green tea combined (citric acid increases lucidity and decalcifies the pineal gland, green tea speeds up the mind and is used by monks to enhance meditation)

>begin rythmic breathing, as per the instructions of The Science of Breath by Yogi Ramacharaka (aka William Walker Atkinson)
>sat in a chair in the asana (position) which Franz Bardon recommends, hands on lap, keeping back straight
>sun coming in through a big glass window of the side of the skyscraper thing I'm in
>just focus on the breathing and raising energy and distributing it to all parts of my body
>really intense, whole body feels it, sweating, afterwards there are no cramps or stiffness in any part of my body
>also used a visualization technique from The Invisible Influences by Živorad Mihajlović-Slavinski (actually wait, I think it was his book Transcendence … one or the other) wherein I sort of do a sonar thing where light moves out from the centre of the head and expands out in every direction and bounces off of everything then returns; this being timed with the breath and in so doing drawing in the surrounding etheric energy in the whole room / general area to me


I just finished another fringe book today (The Arcane Formulas). FeelsGoodMan. I should probably have read The Arcane Teachings first but I'll go read that book next.


Start off with auto-suggestion and mantras and then meditations. Read Initiation Into Hermetics… although I'd read The Kybalion and The Arcane Teachings and The Arcane Formulas first.


I will try that. I haven't yet attempted controlling my body's energies.

Anyways, I did it! Cold showers help immensely.

New pledge: 4 hours of breath-focused meditation for a day.


That sure is a lot of breath meditation. Most I've done I think was an hour of it at once. I do a ton of other things besides. Today I'm going to continue work on some thoughtforms I've been constructing and trying to search around at random in the astral for entities to gain knowledge from.


I will visualize for 1 hour today.

I will meditate for 40 minutes today.

I shall also do energy-work for 20 minutes.

I shall also wake up tonight and try to induce a lucid dream.

2+ hours of practice, rest theory and refreshment such as hobbies and exercise shall be proper.


>not specifying the type of meditation



I didn't think it was necessary to state its type.

In any case, it is void meditation.


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I haven't done it all at once, though I try to.

My next pledge will be 4 hours of mantra meditation.


I pledge to meditate for 0 hours and actually get some sleep. I meditated too much yesterday, apparently it's now tomorrow


I failed to meditate because I fell asleep while working on my energies, and I might not have visualized exactly for 1 hour - more like +30 minutes.

I will complete these tasks today and also work on following;

>finish the Kybalion and re-read it so that I can make notes of it.

>work on Mental Alchemy

>try to heal myself from cold


Fuck, trying to do it all at once is hard. Anyways, tomorrow I pledge 3 total hours of mantra meditation, but I also will use the breath technique for 10 minutes every hour if I'm not in the middle of mantra meditation. I also pledge that my mantra meditation will include an hour & a minute of straight meditation. I will continue adding one minute every day for 30 days minimum.


dude, I only use mantra to push out invasive thoughtforms that are attacking, as a concentration tool

They are good for when you're under psychic attack.

…but 4 hours of repeating a mantra alone? For what? I always combine mantras into other things.


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I'm trying to build up my focus so I can better control my thoughts. Is there a superior way for that end objective?


Excellent idea OP a good addition to the renouncing lust thread.

By renouncing and taking the effort to overcome one of the two greatest vices of lust and laziness, personal and spiritual growth will surely increase tenfold.

Starting off I pledge an hour of mindfulness meditation today and a SSILD attempt at night.



I do a lot of half-hearted reading, I saved a shit ton of /fringe/ and /x/ magick guides I never really read much.

I definitely find it interesting, but yet it does me no good if I lack the concentration/mental stability and capacity for learning in general. Very malnourished and on the verge of homelessness so I can't really focus on it too much.

Maybe I'll be one of those creepy wandering bums that everyone things is "schizophrenic" when I really am a high level wizard or some shit. Hey, it helps me sleep at night anyways. A man's gotta dream…


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Maybe this will help some of you, I will read the articles too.



Yes, by getting quads, and asking the lord of GETS himself to grant you 4x concentration.



>tfw the ice is on fire

What is SSILD?


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A lucid dream technique that is relatively easy to do but has lead to enormous success among those who commit to it.

I've had good results with it when I practiced more than a single night/day, meaning the rare moments when I was not a lazy fuck.

Some more about it-




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Ha, didn't even notice.

I fucked up, though I still went over two hours total. I pledge 3 hours today, of any sort of meditation.

>tfw you live with people and they won't become silent

>tfw you don't live by yourself in a tiny house where you can meditate without distractions whenever you want
>tfw bullshit excuses


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>tfw you don't live by yourself in a tiny house where you can meditate without distractions whenever you want

>tfw even in brief moments or hours you are alone and can meditate without distractions you just stay browsing /v/ or playing vidya

Fuck my laziness.


Y'all should probably spend more time reading.


Why? I'm more interested in practical development of consciousness than theoretical stuff.

If I don't post my daily pledge here, it's because it hasn't changed.


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I know those feels.


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1 hour of reading every day. 1 hour of meditation every day. Doing both for the next 5 days.


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Dat image, no better summary of the past few years of my life.

Laziness and lust, my two greatest obstacles, the latter feeding into the former.

I just know I can't continue to waste away like this, these renouncing threads are good motivators though.

I pledge another hour of meditation today and a SSILD attempt at night again, which I forgot to do/was too lazy to do two nights in a row.


Only hardcore autists can force themselves' into tightly knit "1 hour of X"-schedules. Prove me wrong.


Right now I'm mostly striving to maintain a meditative, present, conscious state of mind as much as possible in daily life.


I've been doing kundalini yoga everyday for about one and a half hours during the past 4 months.

it's brought out a LOT of suppressed emotions, emotional energetic blocks in the energy body. To be honest, I'm having a hard time dealing with it. I have so much fucking RAGE and ANGER inside, I do not know what to do. I hate everything and everyone.

Honestly, I belive this is because I was psychologically and emotionally abused by my mother as a child and young boy, and I've finally realized that my father is also to blame because he is a pathetic weak beta male, too weak to protect me. And in most cases he sided with them.

My family is fucking toxic and evil. I don't talk to them anymore but everytime I have a conversation with my father over skype, it triggers me and I get into a hardcore RAGE for the next few days. Last time, I actually got physically ill. So I stopped drinking alcohol completely, for now at least.

How the fuck do I deal with the insane amount of energetic emotional blocks I have? I was in India and met one sadhu and he said "this man has a lot of anger inside". So he must have had some spiritual vision or something.


here's the two most powerful kundalini yogas


about that one, i mentally count 1, 2, 3, etc, to keep track of the number of stomach pumps i do, instead of the wahay guru mantra


That one is fucking powerful especially if you refrain from masturbation. you can feel the kundalini moving up your spine.


>void meditation
what's that?


You'll get over it once you quit trying to look for someone to blame and quit trying to rationalize having these problems. Let me explain a realization I had once in meditation, when I had simply asked the forces that be for guidance in cleansing myself of my problems.
I realized that life is sort of like a big economic exchange of impressions. From the moment you're born onward, you're part of this game, where you go around impressing things upon others and receiving impressions from them. These impressions culminate as the totality of who you are as an "individual" - uour ego; the story of "who I am" that you live by. But who you are is a composite of energies to which the "I" is a witness, floating around through time and space and partaking in the economy of impressions. And at any point you're absolutely free - despite being fiercely convinced to the contrary by your impressions - to accept or reject any one of these impressions: metaprogramming.
But the biggest lesson here - listen the fuck up - is that EVERYONE is a part of this economy, no one's immune unless they're deep into spiritual/magickal development. All the people in your life, even the strangers, are all walking composites of energies and impressions, and they don't know it because they're busy living in it. You don't need to bother pointing fingers at any of them. You literally have no need to, and it's even actively working against you. Forgive others, cut your chains, and choose your own adventure.
But first you must realize who you really are - the witness to the thoughts, feelings, and sensations, but not they themselves. If you wallow in your problems, your problems continue to live, and you lose your true self in the "poor little me" story that the world provided for you.
I'm not telling you it's "wrong" or "stupid" to do this. It's all your choice, really. Spend a moment contemplating and you'll see it. Now make up your own mind, literally.
>it triggers me
Man shut the fuck up.


Om Namo Shivaya Namaha

Shiva will free us from the false ego

Chanted that mantra probably 500 times yesterday and am feeling a lot better now.


1 hour minimum of astral. I need to get into the habit of doing this daily.


>not doing around 12 hours of astral like me

Everytime I come back to third density it's like holy fuck I've been gone a long time.


Transferring the awareness into a void where it experiences pure awareness of self undefiled by the senses.


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This post makes me feel a lot of feels.

>that feel when shitty parents too

>that feel when tons of abuse
>that feel when tons of baggage to overcome
>that feel when I am so disgusted with the identity (physical and mental and everything) I've been given I just want to remake myself anew completely

I am striving to basically regenerate my whole body or get a new body and rebuild my entire mind because everything from my childhood was pure shit and defiled me.


I think your advice for him is shit. Fuck acceptance, lets have ourselves some transcendence. We don't need to play the role we've been given.


>Tfw total neophyte when it comes to astral
Babysteps, anon, babysteps


You're joking, right?
I think your reading comprehension is shit, because we're not in any contradiction. How do you think you're going to transcend your problems if you continue identifying with them? Do you think continuing to see the world through conditioned friend-or-foe thought patterns is a mark that you've transcended conditioned thought patterns? Isn't that exactly "playing the role we've been given" which you detest? Or are you so naive that you believe that holding a grudge against everyone who's wronged you is an act of mental sovereignty? Forgiving others helps destroy the power which you've given to them when you accepted whatever they've impressed upon you. Explore the negative exchanges you've had with others in your past and draw the power back to you as you remember. This is a magickal practice called "recapitulation," to my knowledge.


I don't need to forgive shit, I'll have my flesh puppet do that for me.

>Explore the negative exchanges you've had with others in your past and draw the power back to you as you remember. This is a magickal practice called "recapitulation," to my knowledge.

Recapitulation is not limited to negative experiences and specifically is meant to be about recalling the experiences of past lives.


Maybe we just differ in our definitions of "forgiveness," but it seems to me that you consider forgiveness to be a spineless, petty act that empowers the ones who have wronged you. I consider it to be the opposite. I'm talking of pragmatism, not morality. I'm not just saying forgiveness is "good" in some cosmic sense and so just do it and you'll be a "good" person. I'm saying it's in YOUR OWN interest to acknowledge what has been done to you by others, and regain the power you've lost to them through anger, resentment, fear, sadness, etc. by simply understanding that you've been impressed upon - as I explained earlier - and it's your choice whether or not to remain with these impressions. That's it. So no, you don't "need" to forgive anyone as some deed to make Santa Claus happy, but you do need to if you're serious about transcending your rigidity. Don't you see how clinging to the indelible thought patterns that others have instilled into you is actively giving up your power to them? Don't you see how it forces a filter on the way you percieve the world?
You can remain stubbornly convinced that you don't need to forgive anyone, or that they don't "deserve" your forgiveness, but this is ultimately a rationalization born from those very negative impressions as their means of self-preservation. It's like a fish trying to understand water; if you allow yourself to keep living in these thoughts you'll never see the fact that you've been under their control the whole time. To be "triggered" by people or circumstances is exhibit A. I don't know how I can make this any clearer.
And sorry I was off about recapitulation.


>the witness to the thoughts, feelings, and sensations, but not they themselves.

Not him but wow, that is profoundly inspiring.

But what is one to do when say thoughts of laziness or lust popup as by habit and the path of least resistance seems to be not resisting them, just continuing to sit on your chair and be lazy, or give in and type one letter into your address bar to bring up a porn site that starts a 1-2 hour porn binge.

Did these thoughts become so habitual because for the longest time I was not able to seperate or even think of my thoughts as seperate from my self?

I struggled with OCD, specifically harm OCD (pure O) for the longest time because of my inability or simply ignorance of the idea of thought as being seperate from self. When I came upon the marvellously simple phrase "you are not your thoughts" it resonated in me, seemed to provide relief, the impact of the pure obsessional compulsive thoughts were lessened and they became rarer as I began to come to the realization that thats all they were, learning about intrusive thoughts and that its a semi-common phenomena that people experience to varying degrees (in my case, in very extreme degrees) was also quite relieving.

However something ocurred to me just now typing this out, perhaps I should treat sudden sexual or lazy thoughts/desires in the same way, I have failed to do so until now perhaps because I unknowingly identified so strongly with those thoughts when they appeared and gave in almost every time.

Maybe I should be treating them like all the OCD intrusive thoughts instead, not identifying with them and then giving in to them…

Your post has given me new insights, and much to think about.


>but it seems to me that you consider forgiveness to be a spineless, petty act that empowers the ones who have wronged you.

Yeah that's pretty much what I think of it and it's because in the past I've been severely manipulated and abused and had terrible experiences that made me regret ever forgiving people who just wanted to fuck with me more and more and had no intention of changing their behaviour.

>You can remain stubbornly convinced that you don't need to forgive anyone, or that they don't "deserve" your forgiveness, but this is ultimately a rationalization born from those very negative impressions as their means of self-preservation. It's like a fish trying to understand water; if you allow yourself to keep living in these thoughts you'll never see the fact that you've been under their control the whole time. To be "triggered" by people or circumstances is exhibit A. I don't know how I can make this any clearer.

It's part of the character you're talking to right now. I'm "MPD" in short. So there's no rigidity except in this subset. I'm not going to tear down a unique personality with its life experiences and everything just to make it more fluid, I'm still very fluid, but also fractured.


>But what is one to do when say thoughts of laziness or lust popup as by habit and the path of least resistance seems to be not resisting them, just continuing to sit on your chair and be lazy, or give in and type one letter into your address bar to bring up a porn site that starts a 1-2 hour porn binge.

Simple. Vow never to have any sex at all again except through magical means (succubus, telekinetic fapping, and definitely no looking at mundane porn).


Have you read The Arcane Formulas and PersonalPower by William WalkerAtkinson yet?


I've had my share of abuse and manipulation. I've spent years dwelling on these things, abhorring the ones responsible, and clinging to hatred. And this is not being in control. What I've been telling you is that letting external events shape your perceptions and disposition is an act of giving control to those events rather than your own will. Forgiveness, to me, is telling these events and the people responsible for them "I'm moving past you now. You no longer dictate my life." This is for you, not them. If you're compelled to keep hating people and identifying with the problems they've left you with, it essentially means they've "won." Are you still angry at the things people have done to you? Your anger is their power over you.

You keep justifying it by saying it's part of "you" the "character." That's true, but characters can be rewritten and re-imagined. You're the one who said "fuck acceptance" to me, but now you're saying "I'm a unique character, I don't want to change." Which is it? Is this really your emotional burdens speaking through you, trying to justify their own existence?


>, and definitely no looking at mundane porn).

Easier said than done as its a potent addiction that I am working to overcome.

>The Arcane Formulas and PersonalPower by William WalkerAtkinson yet?

No I can't say I have, but now that I am aware of them and since I seek to always expand my available knowledge I will do so, thanks.


>But what is one to do when say thoughts of laziness or lust popup as by habit and the path of least resistance seems to be not resisting them, just continuing to sit on your chair and be lazy, or give in and type one letter into your address bar to bring up a porn site that starts a 1-2 hour porn binge.

Don't ask me, that's all up to you. You don't need to seek a code of conduct from others. If you want to resist it, then resist it. If you want to indulge, then indulge. But ask yourself who's really in power as you do so. Are you compelled to resist because you want to satisfy someone else's virtue, dogma, make someone else proud, etc.? Are you compelled to indulge out of uncontrollable lust, boredom, because your culture tells you it's okay, etc.?
You can do anything you want, but it's probably in your best interest to do things out of your own will, not from your animal mind being shoved around. So in that case, it's probably best to learn how to resist lust for now, to establish self-control. If you're having 1-2 hour porn "binges," then yeah, you're really gonna want to learn to control yourself.


>"I'm moving past you now. You no longer dictate my life."

Can't do that. I literally live with them. They will just yell at me and continue abusing me.

>If you're compelled to keep hating people and identifying with the problems they've left you with, it essentially means they've "won." Are you still angry at the things people have done to you? Your anger is their power over you.

No this is bullshit. Your aversion to hating them is dualistic.

>You keep justifying it by saying it's part of "you" the "character."

No not me, the charter. Don't call the character "me".

>That's true, but characters can be rewritten and re-imagined.

I don't want to rewrite this one. I've got multiple and I've rewrite some of the others.

>You're the one who said "fuck acceptance" to me, but now you're saying "I'm a unique character, I don't want to change."

I never said that.

1. My character's not unique.
2. I did not indicate stasis, I indicated high fluidity, basically that I swap out an entire fucking character rather than changing a few small details.

>Is this really your emotional burdens speaking through you, trying to justify their own existence?

I fucking wish. I've been emotionally dead and shutdown for a long time in other of my other characters and I appreciate being able to actually feel. Only way I feel is by willing to feel, otherwise I don't feel anything.


>No I can't say I have, but now that I am aware of them and since I seek to always expand my available knowledge I will do so, thanks.

They're in the mega. Read The Kybalion and The Arcane Teachings first before the Arcane Formulas if you want to do things proper, otherwise you'll just have to go back to those, to fully understand the context of The Arcane Formulas.


>Can't do that. I literally live with them. They will just yell at me and continue abusing me.
I've been in similar circumstances. I can't say I have a solution for you in this regard, other than ditch them or work heavily on emotional alchemy. You have my sympathy though.
>No this is bullshit. Your aversion to hating them is dualistic.
So is your aversion to my aversion. Why would non-duality entail you to never take action against things that are unpleasant to you? Your mind is inherently dualistic anyway, so why not play with the circumstances given to you to find happiness? Because the way it sounds to me, you're considering non-duality some kind of a dogma, to the point of stagnation.
>No not me, the charter. Don't call the character "me".
Whatever. It's just convenient word choice, snowflake.
>2. I did not indicate stasis, I indicated high fluidity, basically that I swap out an entire fucking character rather than changing a few small details.
Well good for you, I don't condemn whatever choices you want to make. Every individual is a composite of different "individuals" anyway, I guess you just take it to an extreme.
>I fucking wish. I've been emotionally dead and shutdown for a long time in other of my other characters and I appreciate being able to actually feel. Only way I feel is by willing to feel, otherwise I don't feel anything.
Again, I can't offer a solution to you, but hopefully you don't allow this to become permanent.


> Are you compelled to indulge out of uncontrollable lust, boredom, because your culture tells you it's okay, etc.

For the past 5 or so years, till I became aware of porn addiction and its harmful effects and immediately recognized them in myself, yes.

> it's probably in your best interest to do things out of your own will, not from your animal mind being shoved around.

Indeed, my will is weakened as I said because of the porn addiction I have created for myself unwillingly and unknowingly, till fairly recently that is.

I have foolishly weakened my self control and willpower as a result of all this. But I am able to exercise my will and self-control to an extent, unfortunately force of habit seems to override that after a day or so.

It's a vicious cycle of my own making.

Thanks will do, there's a whole lotta stuff to read for me, from the mega and some other .pdf's I found while researching.


>Again, I can't offer a solution to you, but hopefully you don't allow this to become permanent.

I don't know how I ended up in an argument with you or what we've been talking about but I don't need any solutions at all from you I'm perfectly fine and very knowledgeable.

>all that other stuff you just said

wtf did I just get myself into.


>and some other .pdf's I found while researching.


Regards, very rused board volunteer.


You might also want to check beneath your bed for dead hookers.


>You might also want to check beneath your bed for dead hookers.

Why? Are you just fucking with me? This must be some kind of novel or movie inspired comment but I don't know what provokes you to make the comment.


Yeah calm down, I was joking. Is this some kind of "character swap"-induced amnesia or something? Because I don't feel like playing along.


Playing along to what?

You don't have to play along to anything.

Maybe later on I will remember what I was doing in this thread and be able to resume talking to you about stuff.

Don't worry.

I don't mean to cause you any trouble.


Oh god what if I'm talking to myself and wasting time.


I'm not troubled in the slightest.
By the way, if you've apparently forgotten all about posting in this thread, how are you still aware of which posts pertain to you?


>By the way, if you've apparently forgotten all about posting in this thread, how are you still aware of which posts pertain to you?

1. Amnesia doesn't have to be complete amnesia. It's weird how memory works but some stuff can cross over or be shared.
2. I believe I was talking to you because:
A) I just have the feeling that I was.
B) I have multiple threads open in tabs and from the "#3190" part I know at least which post I (probably) was last reading and most likely responding to.


Also I'm pretty sure I've been posting in this thread. What I don't know is what exactly I was talking to you about.


I'm just going to go for now anon as this is awkward. I'll probably return later, I always return.


That's probably for the best so we don't derail this thread with your goofy quirks.


Upon further inspection its just the Science of Breath .pdf that I got elsewhere not in the mega.

I'll post the link there.


A daily sadhana at the yoga studio for the full 7 days of the week


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Anyone else think that in the future the Renouncing Laziness and Renouncing Lust threads should be merged?

Both are few of the greatest vices to overcome, and both feed into the other in some ways and perhaps working to fix one vice will in turn fix the other, or working on both at the same time will be a worthy challenge and may actually be easier because of how similar they are in some ways.

Also it would just make discussion less split and redundant as there can be a good deal of overlap between both threads.

Just a suggestion.


Maybe but… they seem ok to me to be separate.


"I am hard-working" mantra.
Will add more as this one sets in.


can't be arsed :^)


They kind of are the same thing in that they feed into each other.

You can have lust turning into laziness - "fuck this, I'm gonna fap instead" or the other way around - "I'm not going to become more attractive or learn how to summon fuckable entities or do sexual transmutation; therefore, I'll be full of sexual energy with no outlet".


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In my case it tends to be laziness turns to lust -
>"not going to school today/not meditating/not gonna play vidya just gonna fap in bed/fap on PC"

And lust turning to laziness-
>"All I want to do is fap today, consumed by lust, I'm not going to go outside just gonna sit on computer fapping, not gonna go outside the next day just gonna fap."

Then of course,
>"fuck I just fapped now I'm tired and exhausted and feel depleted I'm not gonna go to class/outside just stay inside and fap some more"

And throughout this vicious cycle you feel your spiritual faculties decline markedly.

I have noticed I am overall indeed lazier on the days that I decided to just indulge in lust and fap/porn all day.

Likewise the act of laziness can very often lead to lustful acts, say I wake up after not enough sleep because I was browsing porn/fapping till 2AM and have class at 8AM, and see its 7:59, well I'll just stay home I guess, to "catch up on sleep" which will inevitably lead to me getting up to just continue browsing porn/fapping instead.

Definite overlap between the two. I have also made serious efforts in order to guide my body and mind away from these states, to seek to never repeat these senseless and distracting vices which serve only to make me stray away from spiritual practice, but I must remain ever vigilant against the temptations of lust and laziness regardless.


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> but I must remain ever vigilant against the temptations of lust and laziness regardless.

Also it's one thing to say so and another to actually commit to this principle when the first opportunity to be tempted and indulge in lust or unnecessary laziness that may lead to lust arises.

I've had many times before when I would commit to these lofty goals to myself or even on /fringe/ and fail utterly just a day or even on the same day, repeating the same self-destructive habits of lust and laziness as if it was just another day.

This issue stems from I think partly the whole desire for instantaneous results so prevalent and expected in our modern society, and the aversion to discipline and effort which is certainly required of in great degrees when dealing with such powerful vices, that may have held a grip on you for many years prior, when you were unaware of the true damage they can wreak on mind and body.

When such is the case as with me, an already weakened willpower will give way to the ingrained habitual tendencies and the cycle continues. A great deal of mental fortitude has to be restored and cultivated in order to better resist even the most minor of temptations, something which I know meditation and especially mindfulness meditation can be a great and indispensable aid towards doing so. But again is difficult to commit to when one is in the throes of their vices.

This may not apply to others however, but if it does, I hope this realization helps a little in overcoming and committing to overcoming lust and/or laziness, not just through verbal affirmations, but with serious and concentrated mental and physical effort.


>but with serious and concentrated mental and physical effort.

Fuck yet another clarification.

That is the effort to commit to chiefly mindfulness and other meditation practices which help to cultivate a state of mind in which desires of lust and laziness along with other negative emotions are noticed, but not acted upon. Thus when the emotion of lust arises you can notice it, but not immediately succumb to your base impulses and seek to fulfill it, it will go away, and your mind will return to a calmer state. This will get easier as the more you practice.

I found this site explains it very simply and well enough for a general introduction to mindfulness-


>If an emotion rises up within you, simply observe it. Observe it in the same way that you would observe an everyday sign that you were walking past in the street. You see the sign, you understand it, but you don’t feel any particular attachment to it.

>Take this same attitude with any emotions. It’s OK to observe them. It’s OK to feel them, but do not label them good or bad and don’t resist them. Just acknowledge that the emotion is present and return your awareness to your breathing. You need not think about that emotion any more, even if it persists.

So yeah, don't take that part about serious mental effort to mean resisting the emotion, that only serves to acknowledge it and give it undue awareness and attention.


Renouncing Vices
How about that?


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That sounds perfect actually, encompasses the widest range of things, keeps discussion in one thread so there is more input.



A bit of a blogpost but anyway
>wanted to waste my money on a high end pc
>realize I just waste money on useless things when I'm already on a tight budget, it would just mean more time wasted for nothing on video games
>I'm turning in those gadget drones that live just for the next piece of tech and consume whatever the media throws at them
>can't stand browsing most of the imageboards I liked and most of the internet, /fringe/ being the one exception
>even with all this study from med school I still haven't read a book I liked in ages
>no meditation routine
>apathetic towards everything, I eat very bad and do no exercises
>no other people I look forward to meet and interact with, can't empathize with them and I'm always quiet around them

I like to think I reached my low point, it's getting harder and harder to get up from my bed each morning when it never seems to get better, there was barely any time in my life when I looked forward to the rest of the day. the little bits of /fringe/ things that happened to me at least are the promise that something more extraordinary lies beyond all this shit.
Don't know if it will actually work, but starting from today I gotta pull myself up and begin improving.


Just let the infinite pull you up, and improve yourself along the way there. Ya dig?


I'm a writer. I've already written four books this year, and I plan on writing a few more documents by the end of it.

When I write, I set a limit to how much I should write that day. Sometimes it is only 750 words, whereas with others it is about 1500-2000 words.

My latest book, Liber Vagus, is about 22,000 words and took me only 13 days to write. The longest it has taken me to write a book is about two months.

Writing is about the only real skill that I have.

I plan on refining my astral projection techniques; I can currently only do it through sleep paralysis. That whole heart beating rapidly thing has turned out to be true; I had only read about it before and thought that it was pure folly, but it is nonetheless the case. I wonder how many people have died from it? It is not unusual for people to die in their sleep.


Oh man I haven't had that sensation in so fucking long.

Goes to show just how far I have drifted from /fringe/ things and spirtual development.

I experienced it a few times when I was doing serious WILD attempts, and it threw me off and made me stop tje first few times till I read somewhere online that these sensations were normal usually, and sometimes the rapid beating sensation isnt even reflected in the actual heartbeat itself.

Its all part of the strange hypnagogic and sensations felt close to sleep paralysis from what I understand.


>no meditation routine
>apathetic towards everything, I eat very bad and do no exercises

Ah hell I know these feels.

Sometimes its internal, due to vices like laziness and lust and its also external shitty situations that just both sap your strength and motivation.

Even though I know I should have a meditation routine as the bare minimum to improve myself I still don't, I don't actively persue it like I used to. And instead of forcing myself to, I mostly just talk and whine about it, saying I need to improve but taking no action the following day and the next day.

If that isn't laziness, I don't know what is.


I pledge to study mathematics for the rest of the night with 10 minute breaks every hour.


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>Sometimes, sharing your goals with others can make you less successful, because you get a little high just from saying it, not carrying it out.

Does this apply to you /fringe/?

I've heard similar things before, what's your take on it?



>22,000 words

>a book


Whenever I announce a WIP before it's complete or even begun, it inevitably is not completed or doesn't even get started. It's happened to me so many times that I just observe the "Keep Silent" fourth law of the magus now and just do my shit and then talk about what I did after it's completed.


Familiar with it. I see it as putting the motivation in an external device, i.e. the internet or other people. Doesn't work for me. Intrinsic motivation is the best drive


How many words are needed for it to be called a book, mr. specialist?


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>implying fedoras ever put forward any arguments that require countering
>implying repeated statements of "magick doesn't real, now prove to me magick is real because I'm a lazy fedora" constitutes an argument


What should I do to improve myself, I have improved my level of fitness and strength but nothing else.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Fix your memory next and then after that start practising psychomancy and advanced thoughtforming.

There's some William Walker Atkinson books dealing with memory in the mega, on the yogebooks link, and also in audiobook form on youtube.


Not the quoted.

This is yet another Atkinson book I need to read. I am working on making my eyes stronger so I can manifest my personal magnetism more.

I pledge to reduce the time spent on using the Internet starting now. My goal shall be 4 hours a day.


>I pledge to reduce the time spent on using the Internet starting now. My goal shall be 4 hours a day.

Why? That won't do fuck all for your eyes. There's a different magickal operation you can do for the eyes though…


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To develop my Will, Ego, Consciousness etc. I must perform these exerceises regularely
>to perform these exercises I need Will, Ego, Consciousness etc.


Ah, it is not for my eyes. I should have worded it better.

I waste too much time on computer while I could be practicing and exercising instead.


I pledge 1 Week of Book reading for atleast 20 Mins a day, 3 days of meditation at 6:00 P.M for 20 mins or so.


I pledge meditating for at least 15 min a day for the next 2 weeks.

And reading for at least 30 min a day. Also for the next 2 weeks.


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This shall be a note for myself.

You will faithfully follow your schedule lest you wish to travel in circles, my friend. All good takes time. Make that time worthy of praise.


Alright. I need to practice magic and experiment more.

I pledge that I, —- ——— ——– will practice and experiment with magic and will more ften throught my life, and, will practice for at least 30minutes eachday intensivly focoused on learning and refining my skill.

I will, also refine my practice by burning the books of false teachings (kike on a stick, gnosticism, eastern shit, curryniggershit) and concentrate on the daemonia's wisdom.

I will also enjoy life, and not be such a moral fag or edgelord about everything, even though being edgy is in my nature.

Praise the lord of war.


Scratch the edgelord shit. Morality is mental slavery.

I will never talk to, seek help from, or ask for aid from others again. All of you have no idea how to preform sorcery. And i hope you never learn.


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>I will never talk to, seek help from, or ask for aid from others again. All of you have no idea how to preform sorcery. And i hope you never learn.

Why did you feel the need to post this here then?


lol butthurt


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Do you embrace amoralism, or make your own morals?


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I pledge that I, lord of the west, shall devote upwards of one earth hour of meditation each and every day until the new year emerges.

may it be so.


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I will dedicate one hour to the learning of /fringe/ related materials every day.

I will dedicate one hour to meditating (Void) every day.

I will attempt astral projection every day, increasing time spent each time unless deemed (with good reason) unnecessary.

I will do the aforementioned until I am able to astral project for at least one hour.

If I am unable to carry out this duty, I will post back here that I failed and why I failed, and start over.


Addendum: Starting tomorrow, it's bedtime.

(I forgot to add it in the initial)


One hour of void meditation man? Do you even know how damned hardcore that is? Crazy shit gonna happen if you do that and your wizard powers are gonna be intense. Maybe you mean Q-MM… 'cause Void Meditation draws your whole consciousness into a void where no sound, no feeling of bodily awareness, no heat, etc. is felt and that state serves as a launching point for all sorts of other insanely kick-ass meditations.



I do an hour every morning and every night, at least.


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I will take a habit of waking up more early so I can start my day with meditation. When I get used to it, I will also do yoga in the mornings.


You are hardcore man.


It's better than what I would be doing otherwise



Quick question if I may…

Is that void space, the place when you lose awareness of your body, and you appear to 'be' in a gigantic space that you can sense is very very big. When you're meditating, and you're looking at the blackness behind your eyelids, and all of a sudden it drops away and you're in that space?


>that feel when I can't at all see a "blackness behind the eyelids" and can only actually see black in the astral because everything that is supposed to be black in third density is just a static to me


Finally got up before 4am to take advantage of Brahmamuhurta, doing various Asanas, thought control and Japa. Screw the comfortable jew! It is the source of great laziness and has no benefits compared to sleeping on the floor! I plan to do away with it next year, to sleep on the floor (has many benefits), then eventually replace it with asana and deep meditation instead of sleep, when I am advanced enough


Since void meditation seems to cancel all of your senses, is it possible to attach a BPM monitor to your chest, void-meditate, then with your knowledge of your BPM while you meditate, you then form a thoughtform that counts your heart beats while you void-meditate and it's when the thoughtform hits a certain number that you then know that roughly x hours have passed? Or can you just set an alarm clock and the sound can still get through?

Wow man. I've been wanting to replace a bed with a hammock for a long time because it would leave enough space for a piano but even then, I always thought good sleep was a must for all. The possibility of using meditation to replace sleep is something completely new to me. I look forward to my future projects.


I will be developing my Will, over time.

- Atleast one chapter a day on fringe related topics.

- practicing SSILD every night.

- meditation on a daily basis for atleast 10 minutes.

- I renounce porn, but fapping is still allowed, for now.

-try to not indentify with my thoughts and emotions.

Will make an event to remind me daily of this pledge.

Also one to report back here in a week, to renew my vows and eventually add/subtract to them if seen fit.


I think you're looking for the renouncing lust thread.


Did pretty well, but not perfect.

Renewing my vows with a daily reminder for a week.


Already nofap/porn before i came to this thread. Also, I choose visualization of work and study + blocking distracting/repetitive thoughtforms.

I got this.

Im going to put all that daydreaming i do to use.


>Maybe I'll be one of those creepy wandering bums that everyone things is "schizophrenic" when I really am a high level wizard or some shit.
Why not become a wandering street preacher and talk your idea(l)s?


Are you me? This is how I am right now, terribly malnourished and borderline homeless.




practice my basics 4 days next week during the morning or evening at the right time


>Wow man. I've been wanting to replace a bed with a hammock for a long time because it would leave enough space for a piano but even then, I always thought good sleep was a must for all.

Hammocks are terribad for backs. Sleep on the floor, or a really firm hard mattress.
I pledge to work on lower back exercises every day, in order to improve posture, energy and stamina while sitting in diamond pose and engaging with life generally.

I pledge to persist with hip and glute/stretches at least three times a week in order to rectify years of atrophy, tension and misalignment.

I pledge to write a list every day of all the things and people I have gratitude for.

I pledge to engage in sitting meditation in diamond pose for at least ten minutes, unless I develop the ability to sit in more efficient poses comfortably, in which case I will persist in those poses.

Great thread, I needed that.

Love all of you.


I also pledge to begin working on my problematic need to seek validation through others, compulsively.



blue and gold


How do you intend to work on this? I literally spend hours daydreaming about being able to show this or that to other people and waiting for their praise and feedback. I've been trying to autosuggest "I am the one who assigns value" for a while now but I don't think that's quite cutting it so when the fantasies stir up, be they praise-seeking or victim-complex-reinforcing, I just tell myself to "let go" of the thought and I feel it sink down. I don't think this is actually dealing with them though, it seems to just be suppressing them.


I vow to stop wasting my time fucking around on the internet and instead focus on increasing my personal power, will, strength, and will.


I think you need to break your goals down a bit further into something more specific in order for you to actually accomplish them. Make them too vague and abstract and you can't visualise them. Consequently, you won't be able to will them into reality.


I am not wholly sure myself.

I think observing the mental phenomena in a nonjudgemental way to better understand yourself and provide a bit of distance is useful.

Dissociate yourself with what you do or what happens to you be it virtuous or shameful, be aware that at a higher level, the self is a spook, what is occurring is mental chatter caused by chains of apprehending shifting phenomena into groups and applying clinging or aversion to them transposed on a substrata of awareness.





No masturbation and quitting the internet and focusing on friends and my life.



Good for you!


I pledge at least 8 hours tomorrow.

To be divided between all parts of step 3 of IIH.

Multi-sense imaginations, accumulation of the four elements, and accumulation of vital power. If I get tired of one I'll switch to another.


To vaguely paraphrase Gurdjieff, to gain personal magnetism, one must find something one cannot now do, and do it.



Great success! At this rate I could master step 3 in a week.

I had some nausea after 5 hours of accumulations, but I just gave my body a rest by imagining things for a time.


1 hr a day to all things fringe, especially reading and astral projection practice.



Also a pledge for nofap+noporn. The extra energy would be very useful to me.



Rebuild not the body itself first but rather the self within the body. That will enable you to affect changes to the body after it.

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