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Esoteric Wizardry


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I don't really want to break rule number 2 or anything, but I figured we could have a single thread for brainstorming this idea.

Why is it we just not orchestrate a faster awakening? Couldn't we just send a convincing thoughtform into someones dream and have it tell them to check out a specific website and that the state of the world is at stake or some shit? Like "gooo to montalk.net, seeeeek the truuth" Or maybe just subliminally program everyone around us to reject their false programming? If I'm full of shit and don't know what I am talking about feel free to call me out on it. If this is actually bad for the development of humanity say so as well.

But I mean we have the power of gods, should we not just fight against the prophecies and go for best end? It's not like we are the first planet to be targeted by reptilians or something. Would that not be the greatest goal and achievement? Or even the greatest trolling?


Polite Sage

There is a reason why the esoteric arts of magick have been kept secret. One big feature of magick is that a large majority of people can do it. The ones who can't may have physical or spiritual (Just using the term openly here.) issues that may stop them.

Just look at the world at how it is currently. Niggers rioting in the streets, sandniggers blowing each other up, 'refugees' pouring into countries. Its a complete fucking mess. Do you really think it is a good idea to give magick to these groups of humans?

Another thing:

-Criminals, if they had magick they could steal more things easily.

-Got a grudge? Curse them and give them cancer.

-A shut in kneckbeard? Use the magick to get yourself a 'waifu'. (A succubus from astral.)

Over all, the effects of teaching magick to the masses would be VERY bad. The world is a mess at its current stage, and it would only throw it into a worse mess.

It is basically giving a monkey a rocket launcher or the controls to a nuclear bomb.



Yeah I know, that's why I didn't say magick. But just general awakening. If we can broaden their perception be it deprogramming their subconscious or giving them sources to check out by sending thoughtforms to give prophetic dreams to people who could benefit from knowing. Obviously I don't mean giving out occult knowledge. But there are people out there who if had enough reason to believe for example the info on montalks website could push foward development. I know for a fact if I had a dream telling me to go to a site I have never heard of I'd probably check it out.



Here's the deal. "Awakening" or "becoming conscious" means to realize you are God. A self actualized creator. Most people don't want that kind of responsibility. You think people actually want to deal with their problems and acknowledge that they're making themselves physically and mentally disfigured through their own hands? No. Most folk have not had their fill of the lower three centers to even think of entering any of the higher.

Man must help himself and learn from himself.



It's not like I'm talking about a complete awakening. Just think about the zombie state people are living in. If we actively inspire for people to reject their programs and to more clearly see the corruption. I mean there are still people who don't even know fluoride is dangerous. Everyone is being influenced subconsciously 24/7 we should employ a counter of some kind.



If you want an idea that will be successful, start with the deprogramming and use simple steps. For example, with people who are under the control or attack of agents of the Demiurge, inform them about Gnosticism. This would work better with people who are a little too dependent on wanting a savior to make all their life problems go away, instead of working through it themselves.

In my experience, I have had more success in convincing people this way than trying to start with an in-depth discussion on Hermeticism, Alchemy, the existence of Magick, etc… and my own specific take on it all. Most people don't have much interest or patience for any of this, only a few genuinely desire to learn about it.

Likewise, when it comes to the reptilian stuff… I never start by bringing up Icke, Collier, montalk, or anything a long those lines. The same problem occurs, people are hit with a wall of text, and lose interest fast… not to mention these people and websites (IMO) include at least a little disinformation which may result in the baby being thrown out with the bathwater for the person you're introducing this stuff too.

Showing them examples of UFOs sightings that will get them to think, talking about 'why' it is these aliens could be here, and so on… you have to walk people slowly to it and keep their interest.

Worth also pointing out that unless you know your stuff, and can easily fish out disinformation and sophistry; its best to give the other party some room for interpretation or coming to conclusions that may differ from your own. Failing to do so without adequate reasoning will risk you being seen as egotistical or crazy, a little self-awareness goes a long way.


Quality post.



Dur. Dur.

Why you sould give weapons to the people, they may used against the government, fuck you smileberg ,if everyone has power the chance will happen faster.

but but they are monkeys who don't know how to used.

Becose they never have power before, if you give power to then one or two will shot in himself in the foot ,but the rest will learn how to used properly,this is the gun control discussion all over , have you not learn anything from /pol/?



here you go anon , this is the battle plan, first you free yourself then the rest of the world,




Esoteric art of magick have been kept secret because there was a bunch of faggots called RELIGION that wanted to control the world. Why? Because money power and more money. Never heard about people getting burned alive just by picking up flowers to make some meds? Because this is how the world has been for 1000 years.

Actually everybody have the right to know about magick. This is the way the human has been created. To ascend and become a God.

If you TEACH people the right path of esoteric arts using the GOOD WAYS there is only GOOD that can happen.

So YES. It would be a very good Idea.



#1 I'm not smileburg. I'm just using the flag that says 'Cult of Smileberg'. The real smiley uses one of those smiley key funtion.

>Why you sould give weapons to the people, they may used against the government

And used for crime. I'm not against guns though, but everyone would need a gun. But if everyone had it gun, it would be easier to have someone kill you with one.

/pol/ is full of disinfo and lies. Don't think that they are actually good. The government and other forces monitor, watch, and insert some of their own people into places like that to mess it up.



>Esoteric art of magick have been kept secret because there was a bunch of faggots called RELIGION that wanted to control the world. Why? Because money power and more money. Never heard about people getting burned alive just by picking up flowers to make some meds? Because this is how the world has been for 1000 years.

That is true, religion is a tool to control the masses for the controller's agenda.

Some people may not want to know about magick, learning about how all their problems are their own creations can be more for some people to deal with.

This current level of evolution is STS type of level. It is difficult to do any action without causing a negative reaction to something else.

Why do you capitalize the g in god? The christian god is a false being who is one of the entities that are enslaving humanity.



I insist

This is gun control all over again,

But the crime!

There is a difference between guns and magic powers . Any monkey can get and use a gun , to use magic you have to meditate and work on rituals , is like having to get a licence or test for guns, not everyone will pass or awaken their power, only if their soul is advance enough will get powers, that create a natural barrier to get the power away from the most ignorant and violent.


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I don't want to break rule 2, so this need to be here. How do you activate your servitor? I am lost in the space where you create everything to do the magic, but I can't link. I'm clueless. Please halp.


The awakening will happen when its supposed to happen. Not when we feel like we can do it. Zeitgeist won't be happy with this.


OKAY, how about this?

We send Jesus thoughtforms to Christians in influential positions. Have the Jesus tell them that how Christianity is corrupt and the catholic church is evil. And how the Vatican changed his original word. Then have him tell them to seek out Gnosticism or something. We do the same with the other religions. Eh? eh? No?



Or we can even have the Jesus thoughform tell them about the reptilians in the government. Even more spicy.



>Here's the deal. "Awakening" or "becoming conscious" means to realize you are God.

Get out of here with your blasphemy, you don't know the meaning of "God".



Good. The faster this world burns the sooner a new one may be born. This one is beyond salvaging.


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You know it only appears that way to you because you choose to believe that.







Because magic isn't real and doesn't work it's not actually possible to broadcast thoughtforms into other peoples' dreams and tell them to "gooo to montalk.net, seeeeeek the truuth."

Since, that's not actually possible your best bet to make a large number of other people believe in your pack of lies and sparkly bullshit is to campaign for the legalization of LSD and other illegal drugs, push for a freer and more open web, empower people with the knowledge and ability to create their own websites and internet communities and push for state or community funding for those who adopt monastic lifestyles.


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I don't think it's a bad idea. There seems to be a lot of knee-jerk reactions about sharing magical knowledge with the masses, but I think we're jumping the gun. Sending somebody a thoughtform that tells them there is more to life outside their television set is not going to suddenly turn them into a black magician. Each person is responsible for their own actions, and every person has the chance to redeem their past failings. Most of us aren't born adepts and we all needed something to wake us up from our reactionary lives.

I have actually encountered thoughtforms that OP is describing. This was some time ago. They grabbed me by the arms while I was dreaming, bringing me to attention, and then passing on a brief but intriguing message. It was enough to get me out looking for answers on my own instead of waiting around for the material world to validate my existence.

We don't need to go overboard with this. If we can just promote right-living without sucking from the teet of consumerism, and to examine themselves and the nature of their own motives, then we may be able to make a small but important dent. It's hard to wake up when you don't understand that you are sleeping.



>This level of fedora tipping.



>Listen and believe



and there he shall perish with the Dogs Of Reason



look into its eyes and shout GET UP AND DO MY HOMEWORK lolol


I think we have to move at our own step, think of humanity as a person, you can't decide "Oh, this toddler is ready to be a teenager."

A lot of people are probably not ready to just jump into the van, you can't grab every fat greasy 40/50-yo working in a shitty factory night shift smoking cancer like a desperate, wife and 5 kids, you can't walk to him and say "Hey! Did you know your thoughts shape reality? Follow me, let's talk about tulpas!"

Thinking this way probably means that you yourself are having some problems reaching this awakening. What is indeed, awakening? More people are interested in the spiritual these days, do they count as awaken? Have you tried to "awaken" somebody? Your family? A group? What happened? You think you can deal with awakening on a global scale?

I believe "awakening" (god i hate this word) doesn't happen on a straight line, you don't spread it around like AIDS. It is probably better to make it blossom everywhere from the seeds that you plant. Do good, be good, stay calm.



I don't know about this. I was a clingy shut in anime watching chan browsing masturbation addict before I knew the truth about spirituality and the world. My friend helped me open up to it, but a good dose of fear is what really got me going into this. I couldn't sit and read anything without being immediately distracted and went and watched the x-files. Some people need that rude awakening especially if they have a lot of social issues and apathy. It was my love for my family that drove me to take life more seriously.

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