If you want an idea that will be successful, start with the deprogramming and use simple steps. For example, with people who are under the control or attack of agents of the Demiurge, inform them about Gnosticism. This would work better with people who are a little too dependent on wanting a savior to make all their life problems go away, instead of working through it themselves.
In my experience, I have had more success in convincing people this way than trying to start with an in-depth discussion on Hermeticism, Alchemy, the existence of Magick, etc… and my own specific take on it all. Most people don't have much interest or patience for any of this, only a few genuinely desire to learn about it.
Likewise, when it comes to the reptilian stuff… I never start by bringing up Icke, Collier, montalk, or anything a long those lines. The same problem occurs, people are hit with a wall of text, and lose interest fast… not to mention these people and websites (IMO) include at least a little disinformation which may result in the baby being thrown out with the bathwater for the person you're introducing this stuff too.
Showing them examples of UFOs sightings that will get them to think, talking about 'why' it is these aliens could be here, and so on… you have to walk people slowly to it and keep their interest.
Worth also pointing out that unless you know your stuff, and can easily fish out disinformation and sophistry; its best to give the other party some room for interpretation or coming to conclusions that may differ from your own. Failing to do so without adequate reasoning will risk you being seen as egotistical or crazy, a little self-awareness goes a long way.
Quality post.