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Esoteric Wizardry


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What's the meaning of life /fringe/?

(RULE 2 - question thread with no substantial information or dialog presented on the subject)



What a stupid question


Fuck bitches get money





Simple, the meaning of life is to find your own meaning inside yourself. Namaste niggers.


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memes and shitposting



Breaking rule 2, apparently.


Life is the meaning of meaning.

So what's the meaning of life itself? It hasn't one, but rather all meaningness. Whatever is meaningful is life, first being, then life, then meaning,

But life is more than meaning.



It is a hard truth to swallow.Are you sure you're ready to know it? Alright then, I warned you…

You're someone's generator of negative energy. Your purpose is to break rule no.2 and get sad when you're told you're a stupid fucking piece of shit.


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Dank memes.


OP here

This was indeed a trick question

Life has no meaning

The only good answer was there is no answer



>I was only pretending to be retarded!


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The answer is contained within your question: the meaning of life is to question.

By questioning I don't just mean asking people questions, but the act of searching, of querying. Requesting information from all suitable sources, be they other people, reality (as in science,) and most especially yourself.

The greatest question to ask is "What questions should I ask?" which has the quality of improving how you ask it the more you do so. It is at the core of epistemology.

The roadblocks to enlightenment are parasitic answers that seek to monopolize questions, to be summoned whenever they are asked, to reproduce themselves in a viral-like way. This is the answer, recite it or be punished. It is the greatest irony that our culture punishes error so extremely in an effort to eliminate it, ensuring that it only persists.

If you wish to seek true enlightenment, seek to question yourself to your very core, to never been satisfied with any answer, to question everything you hold most dear and to doubt everyone and everything. This doesn't mean abandoning knowledge, but using it to aid the process of questioning even more.


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life indeed has meaning. why would we keep returning to it after death if we had no purpose? here is the meaning of life: to remember that you have free will. who controls this lifeless corpse?



This guy gets it.



Here is your answer, that piece of music

You have been tricked into thinking life is just a passing aesthetic.

You love the accidental. A smile from a pretty girl in an interesting situation, a stolen glance, that is what you are hunting for, that is a motif for your aimless fantasy.

The purpose of life is to bring about the Kingdom of God on Earth where people mutually understand and respect each other. Where people have transcended greed and voilence, not by being forced by some totalitarian state but by their own volition and commitment to moral duty as their dharma


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The existence of nothing can't exist infinitely.

This means something must exist infinitely whether it is time and space within the current universe which re-emerges or even multiple universes. Nothing being present infitely is essentially impossible virtue of the fact of "something" (us, now) existing. With an infinite number of universes this also means that anything that can happen, will happen, multiple times.

You will never die from your own perspective as you will keep on living in a universe in which you happened to survive the death causing incident. You will live on in whatever universe you survive in from your perspective.

Suppose like in the Schrodinger cat thought experiment you have a box that has a 50/50 chance of killing the occupant based on the spin of an electron. You could enter that box and keep pressing a button to activate it thousands of times and from your own perspective you would never die as you would continue living in the universes that you perceive. From the perspective of another individual you would have a 50% chance of death with each press of the button.

Here is a more practical example; if a bomb goes off near you, in 99% of universes you will die outright, in 1% of universes you will live and that 1% is still infinite so you are effectively immortal. The problem is of that 1% of universes that you survive in an even smaller percentage has you survive totally unscathed, most forms of yourself will be trapped in increasingly unlikely universes where you survive in extreme pain where you should be dead but you are miraculously still alive. This is hell. You are immortal but many aspects of yourself are constantly going to their own "hell".

Of the infinite number of universes we exist in this one because the laws line up well enough to allow us to with for example, the correct strong and weak force of atoms. A God or super being could easily exist in an infinite number of the infinite universes but could not exist infinitely itself.

I hope that explains a bit of your existence and life OP, as for meaning… Humans do not have a meaning of life, they can't even correctly frame their own existence. They are not really alive and no decent higher order being would really consider them as such. Is your 10 year old self still alive or is it dead? You may be similar to it and share memories but in another universe a version of your 10 year old self exists still. Your 10 year old self is "dead". Every second you die, as you have new emotions, and encounter new paradigms you change as your old version dies. in a physical sense, every 7 years virtually every single atom that makes you up would be replaced. Humans only exist in ONE dimension of time, they only move in ONE direction. Their life is not a movie but the frames of a movie and they constantly die and change in every frame. Only beings that exist on three dimensions of time and three dimensions of space can really be given much respect in regards to actually being "alive".

Tachyon based beings occupying 3 dimensions of time but one dimension of space would likely perceive a universe where they are in the majority in a very similar way to us electron based beings but would be very difficult for us to interact with. They could be the same throughout our entire life when we observe them in a single position but they age as they travel through a spatial dimension. Whether 80 years is a walk in the park or an astronomical distance is another matter.


>>61226 cont.

This entire universe though could very easily be a simulation. As we start with quantum computing an age where we could make a virtual universe is approaching and as soon as you can make one you could make many copies or variations, thus there could easily be a God if we consider it to be whoever made whit universe and whether of not it chooses to interact with it. If we ever end up making a virtual universe it will be pretty damning that we exist in one as well. Procedurally generating a universe could be possible. Earth already insignificant in this universe could be in lost in the files of some neckbeard super beings personal computer one day accidentally deleted for more space or even poorly compressed causing huge data errors and biblical cataclysms. Think about all the pathing errors you see in animals and things day to day, think about why we have a max speed and a minimum temperature if not for computing reasons. If this universe is a simulation perhaps "God" has come down to play with us in our form such as Jesus. Perhaps God is very arbitrary on his likes and dislike and prefers some race, perhaps multiple people play the game of Earth.

Looking at the facts; Humans are effectively immortal and not truly alive being too dimensionally simple (little ethical concerns), This universe is more likely a simulation, if this universe is a simulation there could easily be an "artificial afterlife" where people are copied when they die, there could easily be "Gods" who interfere with our existence for their amusement (Think what you would do if you controlled an artificial universe).

Assuming this is a simulation what we must do is amuse the Gods who own it in the hopes that we do not get deleted. We must make movies, music, technology, war, anime… Anything that could impress our superbeing overlords and make our universe valuable to them and worthy of being copied. Individuals in our universe could easily rise to a higher level being copied to other universes or perhaps being given control over some like a God. Humans are not truly alive, we are a simple construct made to impress our God overlords who run this simulation and if we fail in doing this (best) we run the risk of being deleted and replaced with a copy better suited for this. We could well be already forgotten. Maybe I am God writing this to all of you here in this roundabout, crummy manner to help get this paradigm out. Personally I would like it if humans built more pyramids, we were going so well for a while.



That's a subjective purpose, the camomille plant on the ground couldn't give two fucks about the human situation.


We already know the purpose to life. What we are doing right now is the purpose of life. I'd say life is one great path. That is the path that leads to God. Even when we are fapping and we know that it harms us in the long run, this has it's role in the path as well. It's more of an journey. But the big question is, what do we do when we get there?


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Life and death of the individual are of no consequence at all.



but how


Find what you love and express it. You have the entire universe to pick and pull from to create your masterpiece. Like really, do people still ask this question?

The real question is "How do I find my own meaning?" And if you have to ask, youre doing it wrong


Manipulate the clay.


what the hell is going on on earth?

What are human beings?

what are we supposed to be doing?

why are there forces working against us doing this?



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A joyful death.


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The real question of philosophy is how does one live a meaningful life.


define meaningful life



A life filled with the sense of profundity/meaningfulness for the individual living it.




I liked that read. Is there perhaps you can do an explanation for the purpose of emotions in relation to what you wrote. Though a random request do these higher beings have a ethical reason to keep us "existing".



>The existence of nothing can't exist infinitely.

This assumes the existence of rules/laws..of existence.


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one night making love Dr Zuck

in his ear his wife's nipple stuck

shoved his fist up her bum

which made 'em both come

thus inventing the telephone fuck

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