The existence of nothing can't exist infinitely.
This means something must exist infinitely whether it is time and space within the current universe which re-emerges or even multiple universes. Nothing being present infitely is essentially impossible virtue of the fact of "something" (us, now) existing. With an infinite number of universes this also means that anything that can happen, will happen, multiple times.
You will never die from your own perspective as you will keep on living in a universe in which you happened to survive the death causing incident. You will live on in whatever universe you survive in from your perspective.
Suppose like in the Schrodinger cat thought experiment you have a box that has a 50/50 chance of killing the occupant based on the spin of an electron. You could enter that box and keep pressing a button to activate it thousands of times and from your own perspective you would never die as you would continue living in the universes that you perceive. From the perspective of another individual you would have a 50% chance of death with each press of the button.
Here is a more practical example; if a bomb goes off near you, in 99% of universes you will die outright, in 1% of universes you will live and that 1% is still infinite so you are effectively immortal. The problem is of that 1% of universes that you survive in an even smaller percentage has you survive totally unscathed, most forms of yourself will be trapped in increasingly unlikely universes where you survive in extreme pain where you should be dead but you are miraculously still alive. This is hell. You are immortal but many aspects of yourself are constantly going to their own "hell".
Of the infinite number of universes we exist in this one because the laws line up well enough to allow us to with for example, the correct strong and weak force of atoms. A God or super being could easily exist in an infinite number of the infinite universes but could not exist infinitely itself.
I hope that explains a bit of your existence and life OP, as for meaning… Humans do not have a meaning of life, they can't even correctly frame their own existence. They are not really alive and no decent higher order being would really consider them as such. Is your 10 year old self still alive or is it dead? You may be similar to it and share memories but in another universe a version of your 10 year old self exists still. Your 10 year old self is "dead". Every second you die, as you have new emotions, and encounter new paradigms you change as your old version dies. in a physical sense, every 7 years virtually every single atom that makes you up would be replaced. Humans only exist in ONE dimension of time, they only move in ONE direction. Their life is not a movie but the frames of a movie and they constantly die and change in every frame. Only beings that exist on three dimensions of time and three dimensions of space can really be given much respect in regards to actually being "alive".
Tachyon based beings occupying 3 dimensions of time but one dimension of space would likely perceive a universe where they are in the majority in a very similar way to us electron based beings but would be very difficult for us to interact with. They could be the same throughout our entire life when we observe them in a single position but they age as they travel through a spatial dimension. Whether 80 years is a walk in the park or an astronomical distance is another matter.