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So.. I know this board is extremely slow and all that, but I can wait if someone would actually take the time to reply properly.

I've been working on a spell of sort, or, I'm not really this good at wizard terminology so I'm not sure it's called a spell when you only use your abilities and form an energey function at once.

Anyway I've been recongized by some group a while back. Never talked to anyone irl but I know they had me included within some defensive barrier they have. I could feel it when they did that thing. Someone's also been helping me telepathically with some basic magic blockers.


(part 2)

Anyway, I've been getting closer to creating the full version of a certain "spell" and now I'm just 1 version away from the last one.

I know it's been effective and I've shared it with other people.

Now when I did the last semi perfect version something fundamentally changed. My awareness changed. Nothing is different during daytime, but at night I have this feeling of old dramas and scheming between groups of people, whispers somewhere "out there", images of people with "historical" appearances.

When walking near a window at night, when it's not fully dark outside, I keep seeing something, like someone standing just around the corner of a building looking at me, or just outside the window.

It's not scary, just weird. I get the feeling they are protective rather then hostile.

What's up with that? Anyone know?


You summoned the meme of shadow people.

Possible causes:

You are creating it yourself because you are scared and recursively adds onto your own paranoia.

You actually managed to create a thought form.

You actually managed to summon something.


Develop yourself.

Conquer your fears.

Banish entities.

Ask for angelic help.

Stop using spells you don't understand.

Polite sage.



I already said they are not scary, rather protective.


- I have a succubus who's strong enough to keep stuff like that away.

- I already know how to handle shadow people, I made friends with one of them. The negative are not a problem for me, I can handle them too.

- I know what I'm doing, the spell I'm working on is effective and on purpose, it's just not in it's ultimate form yet.

Thanks for at least replying, but some of those listed things could be removed if you'd just read my full post.


Maybe I should have described this as a "personal development" thing, you're right about that. I'm here supposing people on this board who calls themselves wizards do this?

Or is it just cheap tricks for you, with no further understanding than what you initially had?



If you are so certain of your prowess, then you either have the mettle to solve this problem yourself or have no idea what you are doing.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you are capable. There is no point posting this on /fringe. It is incredibly unlikely that anyone here has anything to do with your night time visitors. Unfortunately, there isn't a handbook of astral wildlife out yet either, so we couldn't tell you with any certainty what you are dealing with.

What's more likely, is that you haven't managed to overcome your own sense of lower self yet. You have come here seeking some sort of validation with which to stoke that gaping maw in your belly. The fact that you 'have' a succubus only reinforces this. You're playing with magic tricks now, but things are going to get a lot more difficult down the line while you are so centred in your lowest principles.

To address your initial question, go and find out for yourself. Demonstrate your agency.



LEL The irony, I think I can help you OP




I guess miscommunication is a big thing here. I wasn't as much asking for a way to solve a problem. This was a request for information about similar states. I was under the impression this place was for sharing your experiences and discussing things relating to what you call "magic".

The things I'm experiencing are very interesting, but I do not understand what these things mean. I was hoping someone else had been here before and could give me some input, that's all.

It's not like those are actual beings, that's not how I feel about those images and sensations. It's more that they are representations of people, images from somewhere far away, events currently playing out and events from history.

If I was into some religion that worships one's ancestors, I would have interpreted them as my ancestors looking out for me.

But I don't, I have a christian foundation and have gone from there to develop the things that I consider allowed from this viewpoint.

I'm not here to brag or get confirmation of something that I'm missing, but I am here for a kind of confirmation - I wanted to know if this was something common. Something that others had seen and felt before.

So far from the replies I got it seems the answer is "no".

I'll be back in a while and start a discussion thread about the kind of things I'm working on. I get the feeling it will cause ridicule and criticism but whatever, I'm trying to contribute to the community.

Your post gives me the feeling this place is (if I can take that post a representation of how newbs are treated) reeking of elitism and a lack of will to explain things to perceived outsiders. In fact I have a very deep relation with one succubus and a number of lighter relations with others. I did not initiate the contact - they did. I know how to make deals and they are very helpful to me in my daily life, posing as humans in everyday settings if I need them. I have the means to pay for it and this is the reason they came. I also know how to deal with "real" girls so this is not something I need succubus for. They help me with normal everyday things, nothing fancy but things that do matter to me.

I know this may give you a weird mental image but that's how it is, you may think they are only about one thing, but that only shows how you look at women overall. Do you look at yourself only as a dick? I like the femininity and find them easy to work with, just like I prefer female co-workers irl.



Thanks. That video was actually right on as far as shadow people go. I already know them tho, and I know about shadow cats. There's plenty of them here.

Maybe I'm just not wired like other people because I never felt scared by them, I felt comforted whenever seeing them. I know what they are and how to make out the difference of hostile and friendly. One of them is female and has a large kitchen knife. She looks a bit like the hell nurses in Silent Hills (nice cleavage too). Another one that looks a like a bouncer guy with a hat is also staying around here. He's talking telepathically to me and is watching my house when I go from home.

The hostile one's don't dare to come anymore because I'll just be "nice" to them and this will destroy them. Send them large amounts of positive energy and they will be unable to endure it if they are negative. The 2 who stayed took the energy I sent them and used it to become more defined as beings. As repayment they are guarding me.

Back to the video, the part about mothman was interesting, I had not heard that info before.

But it does not describe the things I was posting about.



Okay, OP. I think we can both agree to step back a bit and try this again. We're obviously coming from different directions. I assumed that you were acting from your animal-nature, and you assumed I was a man. Gotta love succubi for bringing the world together.

I could be way off, but if you are just asking for pointers, I would go and read into the djinn and devas. I'm sure plenty of other people have and will cover the obvious (thought forms etc.) but you sound like you want some options to pursue.

They could also be discarnates. If they've come in originally on negative energy, then they may be from the lower astral. Keep in mind that their forms are illusory.

You said that some of them manifest? Complete physical manifestation? Possession of a pre-existing body? Phantasms?

When you see them outside of this context, in what manner are you detecting them?

You said that they came about as a spell you are working on was being developed. What's the spell? What is involved in its use?



Succubus take mainly the form of another person, but I know that it's them and they expose it with a sign. They are also always obedient when they show up, unlike humans. This is of course becaus they get payed to do this, while humans would not value what I could offer them. The shadow people and cats show up either as physical shadows in broad daylight or just shadows in a murky room. But they also give me a mental image of what they look like. Same with succubus when they are close but not manifested. It's like thinking about something, the same kind of image, except that it doesn't come from me. But let's leave that.

The spell I'm working on is an adaptation of an old kind of magic that was passed on to me. What was given to me was just an energy image or signature, but I reverse engineered it and made it useful. I don't think I'm allowed to directly talk about what it is in this thread, that will be left for the next one.

But, one direct result of the first version I developed, was that it fixed my lower back problem. Instantly. It also gave me endurance and balance. I can say so much as it is a physical enhancement magic and it's ancient. I have not been given that much information, but indications are it's older than 35 000 years. It's very primitive.

Why was I given this, when I don't know anything about magic. It's not so simple.

I've just slowly come to realize that I completed a very primitive and very powerful spell in my last life time. It was literally a primitive death magic. That means it required the death of the practitioner to be completed. After being reincarnated I carry with me a permanent magic. It's behind the death wall so no living being can effect this part of me.

This is mainly defensive. I didn't know it until recently that I was being attacked for a long time, the enemy could not kill me, because of the finished spell from my past life. But they could give me a bad headache and other problems. After I learned some basic things I've taken out a lot of them. I don't know who they are or why they do this, and I'm really a total newb now because everyone when reborn knows nothing again and is in a new social setting.

I was hesitating to call it a "spell" because I do not use external means. I've practiced meditation for a long time. I visualize what I want to do in the form of a complete energy function. It has the same effect as doing an external ritual.

The thesis I use it that the body has everything from the universe so collecting materials is not needed if I can strongly visualize and materialize the properties of this material.



I looked into the incarnates, djinns and devas. It was good information, things I never bothered to look at before. Maybe it's my prejudice that these subjects are not interesting.

"Incarnates" seems like a broad term, but I'm thinking if those really are beings that may describe them. IF they are. Maybe it's the image of thoughts and messages sent out by beings somewhere. I know I do get feedback from people I help or interact with in the form of similar images, but it was never this strong. It's really taking over my surface perception sometimes and I think it even made the walls of my house shake a few times, like a distant earth quake, or it's just how I felt.

The improvements I make in the magic that was given to me in the image form, I offer back to them. Most of the time they don't want it, they want me to project the energetic image at a tablet looking thing that they bring back home to study. I can't right know say who "they" are. I know the word has certain implications but I may describe them as a "coven" except that I don't think they are wicca, but something else.

When I asked for a hint they gave me the word "Maergzjirah", you can look it up yourself. I get the feeling they have some code of conduct that limits what they can tell me as well. I feel a bit like walking on eggshells here.



*Discarnates, sorry.



I have a similar feeling feeling through daytime and nighttime.

I get drowsy and tired to bed and after a few minutes it's like a switch flipped and i am fully awake, like in a combat situation I have learned to calm my mind but still.

I am just going to throw pebbles at the wall and see what sticks and what doesn't, but my assumptions are that these "beings", astral sludge or w/e can be perceived when there is no actual focus on them, we can focus on something while not (directly) looking at it.

The more we focus the more we try to " grasp " and our focus builds a negative in which the things we perceive from the corner of our eye cannot fit in because they are … fuck if i know.

Also seen mirrors turning black while directly looking at them from weird angles or shadows playing around in them.



Thanks. I recognize this. I wonder what's keeping us from looking at something directly.



>Wild assumptions

But here's what I think, the more something is in our focus and/or center of our view, the more capable is our brain to compare the object in focus with known objects and make relations and assumptions to already known objects. Being unable to make assumptions gives them more freedom in their shape and us more ability to perceive them " as what they are "

e.g. shapeless.

TL;DR automatic process of our brain are one of the reasons hindering us to perceive


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Have you had any interaction with this group before? Something isn't sitting right.

I always feel like it's important to work out on a basic level what you're dealing with. Discarnates (or even travelling incarnates) generally have very different motives to the formless. From what you've described, I would assume they are interacting with you from the astral, which would be expected.

Remember the questions you ask that they do not answer. These will help you more in the long run than anything they say.

It's up to you whether you trust that this past life knowledge they've given you is legit, or if they've spun you a glamour in order to manipulate you to their own purposes.



I know what they are, and they've shown themselves to me in public places without contacting me. I know it's them from their energetic signature. They use some kind of dimension shift to visit me in body but non-physically. I get the impression this is done from a specific site and it's a very basic magic, but something that takes a lot of time to learn. I can say a lot of things come from my own ability to sense and add details into a large picture. I always do rigirorous testing of my thesis before I consider it somewhat correct, and I'm always open to change what I consider fact, if I get new info.

I can't tell you who they are in connection with the other info I gave about them right now. I just know this. Exposing things directly is not OK, the effect of this can not be properly predicted.

I didn't get the past life knowledge from them. This I figured our myself. I've made a list of people I consider possible "mes" in the past, but some things didn't make sense. The feeling was however so strong I had to develop a theory about non-chronological time to make this work. After testing this I've concluded this is reality. The new agers talking of time lines are correct. Even some of the messages of the "earth quarantine" limiting people within a small space of reincarnation during "kali yuga" may be real.



Re-reading what you asked and my reply, I need to clearify:

I know what they are "physically" as beings, they are human origin, nothing else. What I meant I don't know is, what practice they identify themselves with. Maybe it's just remnants of a really old religion or pact of some sort. That's why I said "not wicca" but something else. Particularly I know they do energy manipulation and what you may describe as "magic" in the traditional sense, being able to "cast" something directly with just a thought or a hand gesture.

They have things that remove headaches, warm up your body if cold, fixes bad digestion, all these very basic things you may now seek a doctor for. But from what I understand they also have the opposite, causing those things to an enemy, but they are very particular about not doing this for no reason, because of negative backlash associated with it.

Just thinking about it and now writing this post seems to include me in their field. There is something like "give support - get support" automatically included in the defensive barrier they have set up, it seems to pick up my (very small) support here and sends me something back as a form of balancing. I feel connected with something larger, ancient and inclusive.

I also know they are mean and manipulative but this is not a problem for me. I have a feeling something in my ability amuses them, like you would look at a piece of art and get somewhat effected against your will, which is of course interesting if you consider yourself close to unshakable.



This feels like enough back-story. So the new awareness I experience somehow comes from this practice, that's what I think. I just lack the terminology, or it's something not experienced by so many people that it's been a subject to spread online.

My telepathic ability works great for transmitting full images and in detail, but laying out complicated arguments and half made hypothesis it's completely useless for, I can't ask "them" anything of the kind.




explain, she's probably a thougtform





This thoughtform/tulpa/egregore keeps getting brought up. If you had any experience at all from them you would understand. You simply can't do the things they do with your mind only. If there is a reason I can ask her to show up in person as a human in a public setting. Some of them have done this by their own choice several times. Of course they keep the illusion of being humans to the point where you wouldn't understand it if you saw her, that's how it has to be, breaking the illusion for secular people isn't allowed. People need to understand by their of enlightenment.


My uncle said our family is very similar to what you've described. Most people refer to it as lightwork, but I believe with people/families like this it is much more complicated.

From what I can get out of him, it's a more direct interface between other planes and the 3rd density. He keeps referring to people in our family and others I've met as "watchers" and described in a macrocosmic way exactly what OP describes. I think he might have some terminology wrong. He says it's based on sects of the Native American wolf clan. The wolf clans were treated as lesser class citizens but were also responsible for most fore-runnings in healing and magick techniques.

He talks about ethics in our work a lot. Maybe these beings trade energy in exchange for a more instant karma? Thus if they infringed on someone's health, they would much quicker reabsorb that destructive imprinted energy. If they healed, they would just as quickly reabsorb that creative imprinted energy. He is always stressing the hermetic axioms but with a focus on causality. He's said I should be careful who I act on negatively because I may end up losing fingers (apparently important to how we move energy) family, or my life.

If they can manifest more directly and balance karma quicker perhaps they can process and log energy quicker. This concept also would explain their ethical code without a debate on it being STSvsSTO


re: manipulative nature.

Our family is all extremely manipulative, not even in "negative" ways most of the time. I think its instinct, we understand karma is almost instantly paid back to us in full. Instead of using reality manipulation directly and on people we tend to use the environment to shape that person's choices. If we don't directly make the choice or act for a person then the karma loop is avoided somewhat. Maybe that's what is interpreted as "mean" about these beings. They have no problem manipulating as it's the safest way to achieve their vision both for the subject and the innitiate. This sort of manipulation is just viewed as "evil" because you're not appealing to a person's soul just the room that the soul is in.

I often get looks/feelings from my uncle and people I've met through him as if I were a piece of art they were chuckling at. I understand your sentiment exactly, they're rude and strange but I've also never felt more comforted.




Interesting. Thank you for sharing.

May I ask if what you do fall into the category of Shamanism?


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>He says it's based on sects of the Native American wolf clan

I wonder if this has anything to do with the image of a black haired beast with red eyes I saw right before waking up a few days ago. I dreamed a lot that night and some images came to me in a messed up order right before I was about to wake up.

Today when I took a walk this beast showed up just next to the road, it kinda looked like a wolf if I want to make that connection, combine these 2 pics and you get what it looked like.

It didn't do anything, just came running next to a slope and stopped a few meters away, I didn't get any feel from it at all. It did look a bit like a shadow beast if you ignore the eyes and teeth. Shadow people/cats are usually all black so I don't think this one fits in there. Maybe it's your clan's spirit animal or something.

I think this one was visible to physical eyes like shadow people are tho, it was very vivid, so I don't know what to make of this. I know the difference between when I see things with my souls eye or not, and shadow people are definitely physical in their appearance (meaning theoretically anyone can see them with no ability and cameras can catch them).



I would call it shamanism. I can't get a concrete answer out of my family but I chose the psychedelic/nature meditation route to get where I am. I know for sure parts of our energy work is akin to the "spirit bomb" anime gimmick. We draw from our environment and filter it to our need. I know there are a lot of us out there but we tend to be placed alone or with disjointed families typically.


He says they come to us when we're in need. I have frequent dreams of wolves chasing me but never hurting me. I see eyes on the treeline when I'm camping, I hear howls every single time I'm away from the bustle of town. Coyotes aren't afraid to come near my camps or hiking expeditions. (the coyotes near my area are all quite skittish) dogs greet me either with solid obedience or a hard challenge if they're alpha male type. But they always end up relaxing as soon as i make it clear to them that I'm not here to disrupt their dominance.

I think the wolf you saw may have been one sent to either watch you or assure you you're safe. I believe they do both…recon and back up

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