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>Not realising the fundamental unity and physical monism of all things


Materialism is the work of a subject that forgets to take account of itself in its calculations



And you believe you have a little man in your head that views the world? Who is the little man in that little man's head then and how far does the recursion go?




There's a subject and an object.

They condition each other.

Therefore, my body is an object among objects.



What do you mean by a "subject"?

Why is that not the same thing as an "object?"



Subject for an object and object for a subject is the same thing

Perceptibility and existence are convertible terms.



You are not communicating clearly at all and I cannot understand you. I therefore must remain unconvinced of your arguments no matter how much I would like to entertain them.



"The world is my representation"

Do you understand this a priori truth? Of course you do.

It is a priori because it goes from the subject to the object.

Get it?



What does the "The world is my representation" even mean and why should we take it for granted? Are you arguing for some kind of sophism?



>he doesn't think the world is his representation

Who's represenation is it then, if it isn't yours?



Reality may be many things but I think I can only really assume that reality is a set of consistent rules and physical variables that are governed by those rules. Note that the rules of reality may be arbitrary or changeable but not inconsistent.


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Do you seriously think you can explain art with mere impacts and counter impacts?



The fuck is that supposed to mean?

Art is an objective biological phenomena that is a result of evolved human aesthetics. Broad hips are indication of fertility so humans find them sexy. Giant tidal waves are dangerous so humans find them scary.


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>waking up at 6am to eat a bland toast, dress up for the cold, to work at lumbermill or any manual labor job

physicality is terrible but its what it is

nothing beats smoking a great bowl of cannabis at the end of the day.


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I didn't know art consisted in drawing giant tidal waves and curvy women.

Thanks for the heads up




You have a degree of hubris in that you think you can overcome the intellect of other humans simply because you have accepted many of the best practices and opinions our society has to offer, you choose not to think for yourself



So you assume that your reality is the same as that experienced by others, or that you (being special) have some kind of access to reality that represents truth greater than others'?



>You have a degree of hubris in that you think you can overcome the intellect of other humans simply because you have accepted many of the best practices and opinions our society has to offer, you choose not to think for yourself

I don't know how this is relevant or why you should assume this to be true. You really shouldn't throw out baseless assumptions about other people. Besides, the "best practices and opinions our society our society has to offer" is a culturally relative viewpoint. Sure, on /sci/ my viewpoint may be more common but I think on /fringe/ it is very uncommon. Do you to have hubris simply because you have accepted many of the best practises and opinions /fringe/ has to offer, and choose not to think for yourself? Of course, this is a bit of a "you too, you too" thing here and I really think this whole line of debate is counterproductive.

>So you assume that your reality is the same as that experienced by others, or that you (being special) have some kind of access to reality that represents truth greater than others'?

That's an interesting philosophical question but I think we are getting a bit far a field here.

Reality may be arbitrary but not inconsistent. Ultimately, the same basic physical principles must underlie the viewpoint of me and another person even if these principles are ultimately so arbitrary as to be that person A experiences event A and person B experiences event B. However, the notion of time and the seeming infinitude of space and physical quantities seems to me to imply some form of recursion (or integrals or any other mathematical way of representing time) and some kind of inherent structure to this world that is common to the viewpoints of everybody. If reality really is arbitrary why do I experience a consistent time line of events from my perspective and why is space and matter around me arranged in an orderly manner?

I would think that the viewpoint of Sophism if any viewpoint would be the one that assumes a special truth greater than others.



Yeah, human art really is mostly about basic biological concerns such as sex and death. Those primitives are kind of sad and pathetic really.



I hatch no plot, I scheme no scheme; Fame and shame are one to me, A simple life prolongs my days. Those I meet upon my way Are Immortals, one and all, Who from their quiet seats expound The Scriptures of the Yellow Court.

420 blaze it faggot

Smoke weed erry day



Materialism is a very useful tool and a very successful mindset in science.

However, it is by its very nature counterproductive to magic. So I have the materialism mindset, and various magical mindsets, which I switch out for each other when they are useful.

Materialism says magic does not exist. A particular occult tradition I'm using says it does. This is not a contradiction because they are using this term "exists" in two different ways.

I like going back to materialism to analyse rituals I've created, and to banish if I've been invoking too much.


>Not understandinf the union between physical and metaphysical, etherial and Nominal.

Spirit and body are one. Sky and cosmos are one. Stars ans gods are one.

I think,

I am,

I kill,

So too, the moon thinks, is and does and wills and kills as much as anything else.


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Shitty quality of OP, but I agree.

Over the past couple of years I have grown to despise materialism. It is a poison to society, all anybody seems to care about these days is how many shekels they have and buying useless shit such as a new phone every year, over priced brand name clothes, over priced cars, etc.

You don't need the latest model of the iphone when your old one works just fine. I don't need to wear expensive clothes(which seem pretty identical to cheap clothes minus the logo) when you could get decent clothes for a fifth of the price, and you don't need a fast car that can go 200 km/h when the speed limit is 40km/hr.

People value this crap more than their family, and their friends. People would rather slave away overtime to buy some extra crap instead of spending the time hanging out with their friends and family.

Of course I'm not one of those delusional leftists who doesn't understand economics and believes one can simply print out wealth from nothing and pay people "basic income" for doing nothing. I just know where to draw the line. Money is necessary in advanced civilization but this recent post modernist mindset that obsesses over material wealth and completely rejects any form of spirituality is a scourge upon the earth.



You are conflating two different things: one branch of monist philosophy and the concern with personal temporary pleasures. If anything materialism advocates against such base concerns such as sex, food, power, love, friendship and religion as they are nothing more than illusions constructed by natural evolution to ensure we pass on our genes.


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Art can be only exists in societies where overproduction takes place, art always reflects the values and desires of ruling classes in one way or another.

There should be no bogyman kind of respect towards art that some people hold. It holds no inherit value in itself, as it is mere projection of viewer`s and society`s ideological lenses.

Art degrades the spirit form oneself, you can`t find peace or understanding within something that is born outof ideological reflection. It will only poison you.

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